![]() The Story of Your DeathA Story by Sydney![]() Harvest Moon DS Cute fanfiction. Nothing really dies, as long as it isn't forgotten.![]() A girl was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down to the sea below; the silent wind blowing through her hair. That girl, was me. And I was about to make the biggest decision of my life, so I can be with you. I stood there, thinking before I had to go. I thought about all of our times together. I thought about when we met, at the mansion; and when you stole from the Bar. I thought about when you thought I was going to give the Blue Feather to another man. I thought about when you came to steal me away. It's funny how a single month can pass by so quickly, almost unnoticed. The days flash and fade into one another, until all of a sudden I'm realizing the date and feeling empty again. The hours seem so insignificant, as I remember your last words to me. "Nothing really dies, as long as it isn't forgotten," I wonder how you could have been feeling, and how you could convince yourself to do that. I'm not mad at you, only at your choice; and I'll never know if you regretted it. It wouldn't matter if you did, everything happens for a reason. Past tense never meant so much to me. Once used to describe activities on the weekend, now a life that has been lived. A life that is no more than a collection of fading memories and thoughts. A life that is no more than albums of pictures, and phone numbers I can't seem to forget. I won't pretend I understand, I could never understand how something like this would pass by and remain unknown to the world. I could never understand how the wind could keep blowing so hard, how the sun could keep shining so bright everyday, and how the sea would still rock back and forth when so much has changed. I suppose that's just it, isn't it? Very little has changed. One life out of six billion is less than one percent. That one life becomes obsolete; a bed never slept in, a figment of imagination. But it's not a figment of imagination. Your life was as powerful as the wind and sun and sea. It changed more lives than one, gave hope to many, and strength to anyone who came across it. But you'll never know that, will you? I took your cold hands in mine. So cold, as if you were carved from ice. You face was pale, and your beauty was like a distant fire reflected through an icicle. "You can't die," Your eyes met mine, and you smiled softly at me. "You can't change fate," "You can't die," I repeated, fingers tight on yours, although they only seemed to be getting colder. "Do you want to know something?" I stayed silent. "You gave me a gift, Clarie," "I don't understand," I said, crying. "You showed me what it was like to love. What the universe would be like if..." I started sobbing without making the lightest sound. Tears stung as I let them fall. "This is my gift to you now, Clarie. You can't help but take it. You're free. I can't hurt you anymore. I wont love you anymore," "You can't die," I whispered in a broken voice. "There has to be something I can do. You can't just"" You were smiling. "Heh," You laughed softly. "Do you want to know something else?" "I don't care," My lips formed the worlds, but they never seemed to leave my mouth. "Do you know why I never left?" You whispered. "Why?" "Because I was waiting..." You breathed, closing your eyes shut. "Waiting for what?" I whispered frantically. "Skye? Skye!" You slowly, almost lazily, opened your eyes to hold my gaze. "I was waiting for you to say goodbye," Hearing those words, it finally hit me. Nothing could change fate. You were going to leave me, forever. A sob racked through me, and my shoulders shook. "No," I sobbed. "No! You can't die! You can't leave me!" "I'll become a star," You said, trying to soothe me. Trying to make it better. But nothing will make it better, you were going to leave me, and I was never going to see you again. "The first you see at night," "All right," I whispered. I suddenly knew there was nothing I could do to save you. Nothing but accept your choice. There was something in your eyes that told me that this is what you wanted, and I wasn't going to hold you back. I trusted you. "I'll make a wish for you then, Skye," "You don't blame me?" "I don't blame you for anything," I promised. "Whatever I did, I loved you," You stirred, then added, "Maybe you'll wish upon me sometime, and that will help me shine brighter," "I will; I'll wish for you to shine brighter than all the others, so I'll be able to see you at night," You looked at me then, and I could see that you weren't afraid. "Nothing really dies, as long as it isn't forgotten," You whispered. A mist gathered in your eyes, and fogged the spring green flame I grew to love. "Go to the stars," I whispered. "Go quick, now!" Your chest was still, and I didn't think you heard me; but I know you listened, because when I looked up to the stars, there was one shining there, in the middle of all the others. It was shining the brightest, and I knew that is wasn't there before. Tears gathering in my eyes, I fumbled for the emerald hanging on the golden chain around my neck. The one you gave me when you promised I would be the Princess of the Stars, right next to you. You, the Prince of the Stars. You know what you taught me, Skye? You taught me to stop being afraid. To smile, once in a while, to not be afraid of what others would say, and to enjoy life as it was. But do you know what your greatest gift was to me? You smiled... For me. ... I jumped. Closed my eyes as I fell, and as soon as I hit the water, I saw you waiting for me. I smiled and ran towards you, happy that we were finally together again. This time, forever as Prince and Princess of the Stars. © 2011 SydneyAuthor's Note
Added on September 29, 2011 Last Updated on September 29, 2011 Author![]() SydneyNYAboutI am AWESOME :D And I have been told that many times ^w^ I am a scene girl who loves screamo, emo, and rock music; if you don’t like me, PISS OFF! i.f. y.o.u. t.a.l.k. a.b.o.u.t. m.e. h.e.r... more..Writing