![]() WerewolfA Story by Wynn Clara![]() Not Finished.....About werewolves and a father's secret that comes back to huant him and it doesn't look good for anyone.![]() I know, you must think this story is just another lovey dovey story about werewolves and them trying to find mates, but my story is different. I wasn’t bread to become a werewolves’ mate. I wasn’t even sure they were real. I loved- love - the paranormal. Always helped me live in the real world. This story is a little lovey dovey- but that’s what every girl wants in a good book, right? " a little actiony and 100% true. This is my story.
“Aubree Lyn Miller.” Boomed through the loud speaker. I walked up the steps and got my diploma. Took a picture shaking Mr. RedWook’s hand and walked off. After everyone got their diplomas I was ambushed. Abby, Miro, Talon coming right, Dana and Sophia coming left. I was backing slowly away when a brick wall hit me. “You aren’t trying to run away, are you? ‘Cause that ain’t my girl.” Arms circled around me, pulling me closer to his chest. “Ethan,” I struggled against his grip. “Let me go.” “Not until you say “hi” to everyone.” His arms got tighter. Abby, Miro, Talon, Dana and Sophia all showed up at that time. “Hi guys.” I said in my best “I’m not being forced to do this” voice. I looked up at Ethan, he let me go. I took a deep breath. Before I could blink, after me deep breath, people were hugging me. 3 very excited girls hugged me. When no one else tried to hug me I sighed with relief. “Thank God.” I said below a whisper. “What you thanking God for, Aubree?” Dana asked. “Ummmm......” I was dumbfounded. He heard me? “’Cause you boys didn’t hug her. You know how she is with hugging.” Abby answered. “Well,…….” The boys had mischief in their eyes. Never good. Really not good. “No, No, No, No!” Waving my hands in front of me. Not hugs. All ready had 3. No more. The boys lunged. I sidestepped quickly and ran for it. Anywhere but back to the awaiting boys. “Aubree, you can’t out run us! You should know better! We’re werewolves!” I should know better they were on the football team. But I wasn’t on the track team for nothing. I ran harder. Wait, did he say they were werewolves. I turned around to make sure I had heard right. I didn’t hear the deafening horn or the screeching tires in time. “Aubree! Aubree, can you hear me?” Ethan. It was Ethan. I groaned. “Aubree! Aubree, you’re going to be alright.” I felt his hand in mine. Tight grip. “Just stay with me, okay? Aubree, I love you. Please, stay with me.” It’s dark and damp. Branches cracking all around me. The smell of blood invades my nose. My blood. Panicing, I look around. Anything to help me. A branch. I pick it up, ready to defiend myself. One jumps out at me. Snarling and growling as it attacks. I hit it hard in the side. It falls mid-jump to the ground, whimpering. Another attacks from behind. It gets my ankle and won’t let go. Another attacks my arm. I drop my only weapon. It hits the ground with a thud. Another attacks me from the front going straight for my chest. I scream trying to get away, but the wolves won’t let go. The wolf hits me and I fall to the ground. It claws digging into my fleash. I scream, again from the never dieing pain. More wolves attack, biting me everywhere. The pain is killing me. “Please, kill me, already. I can’t take the pain.” I tell the wolf on top of me. “Now where is the fun in that.” A voice says. I turn my head to where the voice came from. A man stands there. He’s wearing dark denim jeans, black shirt, black trench coat, boots, and an old style hat. “Please, help me. Please.” I beg the man. He steps into the moonlight. Jet black hair falls from under his hat, his eyes…… Yes, his eyes I know…… A blood red with yellow and grey streaks. They terrify me. I try to turn my head away, but I can’t. “Why? Why should I help you when you did this,” he said, jestering towards himself. “to me? Tell me why and I’ll think about it.” I look at him with bewilderment in my eyes. I don’t know this man. Never seen him in my life. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know you. Please help me. If you won’t help me than just kill me, please.” He stands there thinking while the wolves keep biting. One hit the bone. I scream with agony. Again and again I scream. I want to die. Begging for it. Still the man stands there enjoying my pain. ENJOYING MY PAIN! “Please.”I beg. I was losing a lot of blood. Dots of black invade my vision. I’m not going to last much longer. “Finish her.” Was all the man says. The wolf on top of me of me smiles and goes for my throat. I scream with everything I have left. I grow clod, my vision goes black, and my heart stops. I jolted up in the bed. Wires pulled at my skin. A scream dieing in my throat. I was covered with sweat, breathing hard, and my heart was working overtime. A nurse ran in and told me to calm down. I layed back down and took deep breaths. “Where’s my family?” Were the first words I spoke. “They’re in the waiting room.” She answered quickly. “May I see them? Please.” I asked. She saw that I was terrified and agreed to let them in. She left to go get them not soon after agreeing. A few minutes- that felt like hours " later my family came rushing in. I saw their puffy eyes and my mom had tears of joy when she saw me. She ran over and hugged me tightly. I winced. She let go. “Oh! I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re alive. They said…… said you…..” She broke down crying. My dad came to comfort her. After getting her in a seat, he came over and hugged me. He pulled back angry. “Don’t you ever do that to us again.” He yelled wagging his finger at me. I looked down. “Sorry, Daddy. He hugged me again. Brody was still at the door. Puffy-eyed and angry. I out my arms out and he ran to me. Hugging me very VERY tightly. It hurt but I didn’t care. He started crying again. “Don’t do that ever again, Liar Lyn.” He told me still sobbing. “Of course I won’t, Willy Wonka.”He smiled at me and let go. “Room for one more?” A voice said. I looked towards the door and their stood Ethan with puffy eyes, a half smile, and flowers. I smile and nodded my head. He came to the end of the bed. I looked at my family and asked, “Can we have a moment alone?” My dad nodded and started pushing Mom and Brody out the door. “Thanks, Daddy.” He only nodded shutting the door behind him. Then Ethan and I were alone. Ethan ran over to me and hugged me with unnatural strength. I drew a sharp breath from the pain of my injuries- I didn’t know what I broke. Ethan let go. “Sorry.” He looked down. “Here,” Giving me the flowers. “ they’re from everyone.” He looked down again. I put the flowers on the side of the bed. Then, I took both sides of his face in my hands and forced his head up. He sighed and leaned into my hands. “It’s not your flaut, Ethan. I should have been paying more attention to where I was going.” He put his hands around mine and pulled them in between us. He shook his head. “No, I should have heard it. And you wouldn’t have been running if I wasn’t chasing you. It’s all my flaut. I’m so, so VERY sorry. Forgive me.” I shook my head this time. “There’s nothing to forgive you for.” I put my hands on his face again. I pulled him to me. Man, I’d missed those lips. I groaned when he deepen the kiss. I leaned back pulling him with me. I winced and broke the kiss. My side was splitting with pain. I groaned, again, with time with agony. Ethan stepped back. “Sorry.” Guilty written all over his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…… Sorry.” “Ethan stop. I didn’t know I was hurt that bad. What actually did I break?” I asked. “3 cracked ribs, a spranged ankle, and a mild concussion.” He answered quickly. “Well that explains the agonizing pain coming from my side.” He winced when I said “agonizing.”We were silent for a few minutes, then he asked The Question, victums hate most. “Aubree, what do you remember about your accindent?” Great I lived it once, now I have to live it again. “Well, I remember running away from you, Dana, and Talon. Then one of you said something. I turned my head to make sure I didn’t hear it wrong.” I closed my eyes, remembering everything. “Then, I heard the car. Out cold. Next thing I know you’re screaming at me and you say 3 little words that make me want to live. Then nightmare. Then here.” I took a deep breath. “Do you remember the words that made you turn around?” “I’m pretty sure I was hearing things, you know? But they were,…” Closing my eyes and taking a deep. “We’re werewolves. That’s what made me turn around. Okay, come on, laugh at me. Make fun of me. Come on, don’t be shy.” Ethan didn’t laugh or even smile. “Ethan, I did hear things, right?” He shook his head. “No, you heard right. I was going to tell you but…..” “You were going to tell me that you’re a werewolf. Ethan, why? Why did you let me look stupid when werewolves were real this whole time. Why?” “I thought you would change your mind about being with me.” He looked ashamed. “Ethan, I love you. Nothing will change that. Trust me I’ve heard weirder things than that.” I pulled him to me and kissed him. I pulled back. “I love you more than life itself.” I whispered across his lips and kissed him again. This time when we pulled back it was because we needed air. Ethan was the one for me. “So when do I get out of this place?” I asked him. “I don’t know. A few days maybe, why?” He eyed me suspiciously. “ ’Cause you’re going to tell me about werewolves and you’re going to tell me why everyone else knew and I didn’t.” He looked confused. “I know Miro, Abby, and Sophia know. And I know that Camden is a werewolf.” His eyes wide with surprise. “What?!” “Don’t give me that. Cam always hanging out with you at night and the girls all have werewolf boyfriends that love them very much. And think about it. The girls always have a excuse for you guys when you can’t make it. So easy to put together. Just don’t tell them just yet. I want to have a little fun with it first.” I gave him an impish smile. “I guess you’re right. Never noticed.” He gave me a kiss. “Nice to have you back. I love you.” He kissed me again. The next day Miro, Camden, Abby, Talon, Dana, Sophia, and Ethan came to visit. Puffy-eyed, sad, but joyful. I looked at Ethan. “What’s with all the puffy-eyed people coming to me?” I smiled. He shrugged and kissed me. “We’re all puffy-eyed ‘cause we thought we were going to lose you.” Abby sounded annoyed. “You of all people should know that I’m a fighter, not a quiter.” I put my arms out and she came running. “Plus, I couldn’t die without saying ”bye’ to you guys,… So here I am.” Abby slapped me in my arm. Angry I would even say that. “Hey! Where’s the police when you need them. Abuse.” That got me a playful slap and a smile. “So,’ I turned towards the boys. “ the girls being puffy-eyed I can explain and Ethan ,too, but you guys. Was I really that close to death?” “Aubree,” Ethan said. “you died 3 times before they were able to stable you. They said you’d be lucky to move a finger.” He eyes glossed over. “ Well, I’m here now ain’t I. And I can move all my fingers.” I wiggled them. “Talon, Dana,” I turned toward them. Fresh tears ran down their faces. “Come here.” Holding my arms out. They hugged me tight. “Guys,” I said breathlessly. “Can’t breath.” They let go. Then I got a hug from Sophia, Miro, and Camden. I looked at Abby and nodded towards the door. She closed it. I looked at Ethan than at them with my impish smile. “So,… guys when were you going to tell me?” All eyes wide with surprise. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. Really, they started to hurt bad. “What…. What you talking about, Aubree?” Dana asked. He was going to be my first victum. “I may have a concussion but I remember everything.” Then all eyes were on Ethan. “Hey!” I snapped. “Don’t look away. I know exactly what you boys are.” Camden looked angrily at Ethan. “Camden, Ethan didn’t tell me about you. I figured it out. So, you want to be mad at anyone, its me.” Camden looked shocked. “How?” “The accindent. And the fact that you boys always hanging out at night and it kinda just fit.” I shrugged as I told him. “So,” Glaring at Abby. “why didn’t you tell me?” She felt guilty. So did everyone else in the room. God, it was killing me. “Okay, okay. Stop feeling guilty! God, you’re killing me here. So guilty, so sad, so confused. Just stop. God, why, now.” They felt confused. “And it’s stronger.” I whispered. I leaned back in the bed. Too many feelings. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to try and block them out. Didn’t work so well. “Aubree, what are you talking about?” Crap. I let the cat out of the bag. I opened my eyes to see faces waiting for an answer. “Well, ummm….. you see. I can’t explain it. Okay. You guys got your secerts, I got mine.” I pulled the covers over my head. Ethan yanked the covers to the end of the bed. I scrambled to pulled down my dress. I know the bites aren’t there, but it just feels like they are. “Aubree, Tell Me Now!” He yelled. “Ethan,” Abby said. “No, No. You guys deserve the truth. You guys are going to hate me afterward, but that’s life. ‘Kay, so,…..well how do I put this?” How do I put this. I can feel what you’re feeling. Ya, that should go over well. “I can…..ummm, feel what you’re feeling. Ya, that’s what I do. There you know. Thanks for stopping by. See you guys later.” I pointed towards the door. It popped open. “Okay, I didn’t do it. Who opened the door?” I looked around all staring at each other. “Aubree, we didn’t do anything.” Ethan said. “Wasn’t me. Couldn’t have been.” I thought for a second. “Well,…. Maybe it was me. Damn another freakish power. Move things with my mind. Great. Amazing.” “Aburee, are you saying this isn’t the first time you have gotten powers like this?” Abby asked. Great more questions. “No. Remember when I hit my head really hard on the gravel at recess?” She nodded. “That’s when I first got my ability to feel others emitions. Now since I have a concussion, my feelings are heighten and I have telechesis.” “And when were you going to tell me this?” Ethan demaned. “Never.” I whispered. “Never! Never! You were Never going to tell me! And you got mad at me for not telling you I’m a werewolf.” Ethan yelled. “Ethan you being a werewolf is so much simpler than my problem. You are perfect. I have to go day in and day out feeling others emitions. When Robbie died, I felt everyone’s sadness. I even felt the guilt coming off of the person who hit him. You go about your day feeling only your feelings. Me! I feel everyone’s. Never mine. Never! So no, I wasn’t going to tell you ‘cause you came first. I came second. Always have and always will.” I started crying. Strong arms wrapped around me. I leaned into his chest. “I’m sorry. I should have never yelled at you. You just mean so much to me and we don’t keep secerts from each other anymore.” He kissed my head. He was truly sorry. I felt it. “I sorry for yelling. I should have told you.” I kissed him. “I love you.” “I love you, more.” He kissed me harder. Someone coughed bring us back to Earth. “Sorry, to rain on your parade, but Aubree you need to learn how to control your abilities. Do you have any more, that we should know about?” Abby asked. “Not that I know of. But if I get a new one I’ll tell you guys.” I gave Ethan a quick squeeze. “ ‘Kay now Talon, Dana, Ethan which one of you said it?” I felt guilt from all of them but mostly Camden. He was oozing with it. “Camden,” Talon and Dana moved so I could look at Camden. “your guilt is overwhelming, but I don’t remember you chasing me, so….. Are you the one who hit me?” He nodded and started crying. Miro comforted him. “Cam, it’s okay. It’s mostly my flaut. I couldn’t just get hugs from the boys. Plus, I got telechesis because of you.” There was a tissue box on the table next to them. I tried my best to move it, but it dropped it half way. It scared me and I jumped. “Sorry. Trying.” I gave them a weak smile. My head hurt. “Aubree, are you okay?” Ethan was concerned. “Fine, fine. Just a little tried that’s all.” I gave them my best smile. “What time did you go to bed last night?” Abby asked, moving to the side of the bed. “I didn’t.” I answered weakly. The room was spinning and I saw him. My heart stopped. He was standing in the doorway. Smiling at me he said, “Nice friends. My wolves are getting hungry. Biting you just wasn’t enough.” His eyes shined with amusement. “I think I’ll keep that one for myself.” He pointed at Ethan. “No! You’ll leave them all alone. I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt them.” I begged. I couldn’t lose them. Not anyone. “I’ll keep you up on that offer. See you soon.” His smile grew wider showing his pointed teeth. Then he was gone. Nurses everywhere, trying to clam me down. They gave me something and that was it. Out cold. Dark and damp. Biting me. They were biting harder this time. The wolf ontop of me looks at me cool grey eyes. Hungry he is. Starving. “Nice to see you, again.” I turn to find Him. His eyes even a darker shade of red. “You look so very comfortable. So, I was thinking about your offer and I think I know what I want.” “What? What do you want? I’ll do whatever you want. You just have to leave them alone.” I say through the pain. “I want you to kill him.” He shows me a picture of my dad. “No! I can’t, that’s my dad. Why do you want me to kill him? What did he ever do to you?” I yell at him. “Oh! Toby had a little girl. How delightful.” He smiles with his pointed teeth. “His name’s Steve not Toby. And he had 2 girls and a boy.” I point out to him. “Oh! Steve now, okay. And he only had you and your brother. Your sister is another man’s daughter. And his family- your family- crused me. Your family is the reason why I’m like this. You’re my ticket out of this. So you will kill Toby-Steve- or I kill your friends and I’ll make you watch.” “No! I won’t do it. I can’t kill my dad. No!” I scream as the wolves bite harder. “Well, tough cookie, but I know your weakness.” He shows me a picture of Will. (Brody) “No! You wouldn’t dare.” I fight the wolves. “Oh! But I would. Do it or I kill your brother. Very slowly and I’ll make you watch.” He would really kill Will. I couldn’t let that happen. He’s my little brother. “Fine. I’ll do it, but I get to choose how I kill him and when.” I groan as the wolf on top of me starts to dig his claws into my chest. “Glad we could come to an understanding.” He walks away then stops. “Tell Toby-Steve, whatever- Kenny said Hi.” I scream until my vision goes black, my heart stops, and I grow cold. This time when I wake up my arms and legs were tied down. I struggled against my chains, but failed. “Hey!” I yelled. “Could someone get me out of here. I would like to go back to my old room.” No one answered. “Anyone!” I was alone. Completely alone. I looked around, the walls were wood, the bed wasn’t a hositpal bed, no monitors or anything, there were no windows, and there was one door right in front of the bed. I started panicing. Was I taken from the hositpal? Where am I? Am I going to die here? Why does this place look so familiar? It did look familiar. But right now I need to get out of here. How do I get out? How? How? How?...... Telechesis. I focused all my energy on trying to unlock my right hand. The lock only moved a little. I try again and get a little farther. My head started to hurt. One last time was all I needed. The lock popped and the chain fell away, as did all the others. I swung my legs over the side and bolted towards the door. Only to find it locked. I had to get out of there. One more lock pop and I got out. I swung the door open, I wobbled on my legs. Once I got my balance I ran down the short hall. The hall had a right turn than it opened into a hard room. I heard voices. I stepped forwarded to hear a little better. Arms snaked around me holding me tight. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The arms let me go. I ran forward without giving it a second thought. I ran through the large room and straight for the door. “Aubree!” Someone screamed at me. I didn’t turn around, I just kept running. Howls were heard all around me. I could bearly breath, but I had to get out. Jaws bit my ankle. I kicked the wolf in the head and it let go. I ran harder until I got to a small clearing. Dark and damp. This was the clearing. I turned around to find the wolf. The wolf with cool grey eyes. I screamed and got down on my knees. I started crying. “Please, don’t kill me. Please.” I begged the wolf. My vision blurred and I felt strong arms wrap around me. I snuggled closer to him still crying. He started stroking my hair. I heard others come. “Ethan, is she alright?” Miro asked. “She’ll be okay once she’s back at the cabin.” He looped an arm under my legs. “Come on. Lets get you back.” He kissed the top of my head. I snuggled closer to his chest. As a reaction his arms tightened. When we got back to the cabin, my tears were gone and I wanted answers. Ethan set me down on a couch. He started to walk away, I grabbed his wrist. “Please don’t leave.” He nodded and settled into the couch next to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he slung his arm around my shoulders. We stayed like that until the others came in. I stood up. When Abby saw me ran to me and grabbed me into a bear hug. “Aubree, I thought I lost you.” She pulled back. “Don’t you ever do that again. Do you hear me.” “Yes, Mommy. Sorry I scared you. I won’t do it again unless I have probable reason.” I said with a smile. “So, why’d you take me from the hositpal?” My smile faded. “Wow, you cut straight to the chase.” A voice said from behind me. I turned to find my dad. “Daddy?” I whispered. He stepped forward with open arms. I backed up shaking my head. “No. No!” I kept backing away. “Babe,” I shook my head. “No. No Dad would keep secerts from his daughter.” His face darkened. “He got to you. He got to you!” He yelled. “He got to you!” He kicked the coffee table knocking it over. It landed with a crash. I screamed and backed into Ethan. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. “He got to you!” My dad screamed. “Daddy, please. Let me explain.” I yelled. He kept hitting stuff. The couch broke in half, the coffee table shattered, and he went to rip the couch with a piece of glass. I got out of Ethan's strong hold. I ran over to my dad. “Daddy,” I said touching his shoulder. “Please, stop.” He swung back at me. He cut me across my chest. Not deep enough to hurt, but deep enough to bleed. Ethan ran over grabbing me, trying to pull me away. I elbowed him and ran back to my dad. I got down on my knees, grabbed his hand with the glass and pointed at myself. That got his attendtion. “Daddy, please stop. Let me explain.” I started crying. “Please, Daddy.” He dropped the piece of glass, got down on his knees and started to cry. “He got to you. He got to you, but how? How?” He looked at me with puffy eyes. “How?” “Daddy, why don't we go talk outside.” I helped him up. We were walking towards the door when I looked at everyone and they wouldn't move from the door. “Guys, can we go outside?” They looked specitical. “I promise I won't run away.” Still specticial. “Would it be okay if someone came outside with us?” They nodded. I turned around. “Ethan, would you come outside with us?” “Yes, just...” He looked down at my chest. I looked down. “Not now. Later. Come on.” I started walking again. Everyone moved so we could get out. We sat on the steps. My dad was the first to speak. “How did he get to you?” He looked at me with sad eyes. “My dreams.” I looked away from him. I didn't want to talk about them. I hated those dreams. Hated. “They started after I got hit by the car.” “What happened in them?” Dad asked me. “Daddy, please I beg of you don't make me tell you.” I looked him straight in the eyes, begging. Dad's arms wrapped around me. “I know you're scared but the only way to find out what he wants you to do is in them. You must tell me.” He said. “You want to know what he wants, I'll tell you. He wants me to kill you.” I told him. “He said he I didn't kill you that he would kill Will.” My dad's face showed shock. “Daddy, I can't let Will die and I can't kill you. What am I going to do?” I was sobbing. I put my face in my hands. I felt strong arms wrap around me. He pulled me to his chest. Strong. Firm. Ethan. I snuggled closer. “It's okay. I promise.” He stroked my hair. I was clamming down but I kept my eyes closed. I saw them. As if they were right in front of me. I jumped up and opened my eyes. Scanning the area for them. “What's wrong? Nothing can hurt you. You have werewolf protection.” I nodded and started to think. What if the wolves were really werewolves? I mean that would explain why the grey eyed one smiles like The Joker. Well, there's only one way to find out. “Ethan,” “Yes,” “I was just wondering. Since you change physically,” He nodded. “Well, do your eyes change color?” He looked at me with shock. “Babe, why are you asking, now? The dreams and what he wants?” My dad chimmed in. I forgot he was there. “It's about my dreams,” I turned to him when I said it. Them I turned back to Ethan. “Well, answer the question.” “Yes,” Ethan sighed. “Our eyes change color. Why?” “'Cause I believe werewolves were in my dreams.” I looked up at the stars. “Ethan what color are your eyes?” He looked and felt confused. “When you change I mean.” Ethan looked away as he said it. “Cool Grey.” My head was spinning. Cool Grey. Cool Grey. That's the exact same color as the wolf that kills me. Ethan. He was the one that killed me, everytime. “Cool Grey.” My voice was shakey as I repeated his words. He started towards me. “Let me help you up.” I scoohed back, shaking my head. He came closer. “Abby!!” I screamed. “ABBY!!” Abby came running out. She took one look at me and ran over to me. “Aubree,” her hands on my face. “Aubree, are you alright?” Fear was in her voice. She looked into my eyes. “Aubree, Aubree. You're okay.” She said taking my head to her chest. “You're okay.” “Werewolf. Grey eyes. Me dead.” I was babbling. “Dead. Werewolf. Grey eyes.” Abby pulled me away. “Aubree, clam. Deep breaths.” I took a deep shaky breath. “Good another.” I took another breath. “Another.” I took 5 more deep breaths. Abby nodded. I took one more deep breath. “A-a were-were-werewolf w-with gray eyes k-k-kills m-me.” Abby eyes widen with shock. “Are you sure?” She asked. I nodded, shutting my eyes. She turned to Ethan whose face was stricken with fear. He ran off into the woods. I wanted to call to him, but nothing came out. I turned to Abby, but she wouldn't look at me. I heard a howl. It was strong, but sad, beautiful, but horrifed. Everyone came running out. Dana, Camden, and Talon ran off into the woods. Sophia and Miro looked my way,but I wouldn't met their gaze. They stomped back inside. “Come on. Let's go back inside.” She helped me to my feet. “Can I stay out here on the steps?” I asked her. She nodded. “Dad is it alright,....” I turned my head. He wasn't there. I turned around. “Dad!” No answer. My shoulders sank. I walked over to the steps, sat down, and hung my head in shame. “I have a great gift. Pushing away the people I love the most.” Abby came over and out her arm around me. I shook my head. “Soon you'll run away from me too. Maybe I should have died that day. Everyone would be so much happier.” I shook my head again. Abby jumped up. “Don't say that. YOU are the one who brought us all together. YOU settled fights with anyone. YOU were the one that told me never let life get you down. You face it head on. What happened to that? What happened to my sister? What happened to my best friend?” I didn't answer. I kept my head down. “What Happened?!?!” Abby screamed. I looked up at her. “She died. She's never coming back.” Abby's eyes widened. “I'm better off dead then alive.” Abby huffed and stormed up the steps, into the house. I hung my head, again. I started crying. I don't know how long I cried, but I stopped when I felt something cold touching me. I looked at what was touching me. It was a wolf, but bigger than the average wolf. I know I was supposed to be scared, but I wasn't. I felt safe. I scratched behind his ear. He closed his eyes enjoying it. When I stopped he looked at me with those icy blue eyes. I knew those eyes. “Dana,” I said. His ears went up. “I knew it was you.” I hugged him tight. I pulled back to ask him a question. “Can you do me a favor?” He nodded. I smiled, “Can you tell Ethan that I need to talk with him and that I will be in the clearing?” His eyes told me he was relucent. “Please,” I begged. He nodded again. “Thank you.” I kissed him on the top of his head and sent him off. I got off the steps and started into the woods. I didn't know where the clearing was but I had a feeling I was going the right way. I walked what felt like hours, but it was only minutes when I found myself in the clearing. I walked to the center and laid down with all my limbs spread out, just like in my dreams. I felt something cold touch my leg. I bolted up to find the gray-eyed wolf sitting on his hunches looking right at me. My breathing hitched, my heart went into over drive, and I was about to scream. Then, I saw the sorrow in the gray eyes and I remembered that it was Ethan. While closing my eyes to clam down, I took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again Ethan was moving backwards out of the clearing. “Stop!!!” I screamed at him, “Please, E don't go!” I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I angrily swapped them away. “E, I'm....... I'm trying,....really I am. It's.....It's just that in all my dreams,” I heard him huff. “I call them dreams cuz the gray wolf, even though he killed me,” I heard a whimper from him. “I knew that he was only doing it for his master and that he would never really hurt me. I felt connected to him.” He looked me straight in the eyes. “He was,....is you.” I said I quietly but I knew he heard. I hear branches crack behind me. I look to see who or what it is but I see nothing. I turn back to see that Ethan had left. I look at the ground for a few moments until I hear more branches. I look around again but see nothing. “Who's there?” My voice comes out squeaky. “I can hear you.” The next thing I new I felt weight on top of me. I try to see who was on top of me, but I couldn't see. I felt claws dig into me. I screamed, then I felt teeth sink into my shoulder, my calf, then finally the back of my neck. I was loosing conscienceness and blood. I was almost gone when I felt the weight being lifted off of me. I don't know where my strength came from but I ran. I just ran. When I finally blacked out all I saw were the smiling face of all the people that was leaving behind to have a better life. Then I saw Ethan's face crying over my died body cruseing at everything and angry he had let this happen. That's when I knew I had to survive no matter what the cost would be. I had to live for Ethan. “She needs to go!” someone yelled. “She has been hurting people since day one. She may seem all sweet but she's as bad as your choice in woman.” I heard a crash and yelling. “Stop!! Stop, this right now!” I knew that voice, it was Abby's. I still hadn't opened my eyes yet, I hurt way to bad. I slowly, ever so slowly, tried to open my eyes. “Stop!!” I heard again. I couldn't open my eyes but my voice was still good, I think. “Stop!” I yelled but it was raspy and hard to hear. Then, another crash, but closer this time. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” It was all I could say, over and over again. Something warm met my hand and then I felt a sting, something was touching me. I tried to pull away but whatever had my hand had a strong grip. I moaned from the pain. I couldn't speak I just layed there hoping it would be over soon. I heard a horrindis howl than a curse. “GET YOUR F*****G HANDS OFF HER!!” It was growled out by someone I couldn't make out but it sounded familiar. The pressure was gone but I felt something wet and sticky on my hand. I slowly opened eyes to look at my hand, I saw blood running down to the floor. I let out a whimper of pain when I tried to move my other hand to cover my other hand. “Don't do that!” The voice said. I looked up to where the voice had come from to see Abby. I tried to my hand to bring it closer to my chest. Before I could move it an inch, Abby grabs my elbow. “I said, Don't DO THAT!” I sat up looking at her. Was she crazy, I thought. My friend had never done that before. “What is wrong with you, Abby?” I said. “Ohh!! Now, you want to say something nice or at least more like our Aubree.” She was nasty to me. “Don't look at me like that!” She snapped at me. “Who are you? Tell me!” I tried to get up but fell. Abby tried to help but I pushed her away. “Don't touch me!” I screamed. “Now, what is wrong with YOU!? I'm trying to help you.” She screamed back. “I don't need YOUR help!” I turned to her. “What happened to me?” She backs up. “You mean...... you don't remember.” I looked at her. Did I remember? “I.......I remember........” I shake my head I can't put the words out right. “I....remember....pain and growling.....and Ethan walking away....I remember hearing something......I.....” I shake my head again trying to remember what happened. © 2012 Wynn ClaraAuthor's Note
Added on April 23, 2012 Last Updated on April 23, 2012 Author![]() Wynn ClaraNowhere's, Nowhere, COAboutFrom my poems I might sound broken, bu that's only on the inside. On the outside people say I'm as tough as nails, until I fall down stairs. :-D I am not weak, but I'm not strong either. I'm just ME.. more..Writing