![]() Ch.10 AwakeningA Chapter by Ty (Ivan) Boyer![]() The battle against The Lich King continues and Everdeadly remembers who she really is![]()
The Lich King put up one hell of a fight. He was much more powerful than Ty and Danny had anticipated. Compared to The Lich King their movements were slow "Come on you two, is that all you got?" He punched Ty in the chest and sent him flying. Danny slashed The Lich Kings back and he turned around with an angry expression on his face "Why you-" He held his sword above his head and summoned his undead minions rose from the ground. Ty looked up to see this "Wait a minute. There's a ceiling below us how did-" He shook his head "You know what? Never mind. Nothing up to this point has made any sense."
While Danny and Ty were having conflict with The Lich King, The Priestess was having a battle with Everdeadly. The Priestess held out her hand "Just give me the orb little girl and I won't hurt you." Everdeadly pulled the orb out "You mean this thing? Sorry no can do. It gave your friend a lot of power over my children, and I didn't like that." The Priestess flicked her wrist and a saber of pure light appeared but there was no handle, her hand controlled the motion "I don't want to do this, but I will do what I must." Everdeadly drew her sword "You will try." She charged at The Priestess and they locked weapons. The Priestess shouted at Ty "I might not be able to spare her Ty!" "You kill her and I'll kill you!" Ty shouted back. The Priestess looked at Everdeadly "There might be a way to spare you and to free you from The Lich Kings control." Everdeadly laughed "I don't want to be free from his control I live to serve my master." Ty and Danny were struggling more than they had anticipated against The Lich King "He said you two would make excellent Death Knights. I guess he was wrong. You two are weak." Ty was struggling to make blows against The Lich King since he only had one hand "If I had both of my hands I would have a better grip and my attacks would be more powerful." Danny made an attempt to strike at The Lich Kings back but one of his undead minions took the blow for him. "These things would give up their second lives for you?" The Lich King turned to face Danny "Loyal to the end." He kicked Danny and he went flying halfway across the top of the citadel and was out cold. Ty got back up and charged at The Lich King "You b*****d!" He struck at The Lich King and merely scratched his armor "Just what the hell is that armor made of?" The Lich King cracked his neck "I grow tired of these games. It's time for you to die." Ty started to back away "D****t what do I do now?" The Priestess was still battling with Everdeady. They clashed weapons "Just give me the orb, I can help you!" Everdeadly threw The Priestess back with her weapon "Be silent! I will destroy you!" The Priestess sighed "I didn't want to to hurt you, but you may leave me no choice." Everdeadly smirked "Then what are you waiting for? Do it!" Everdeadly punched The Priestess in her face causing her to fall back a few steps. The Priestess responded by putting her saber away and spread her arms out wide "Come get me Everdeadly. I dare you." Everdeadly lowered her weapon "Is this a joke? I thought you were going to defeat me and reclaim your orb?" The Priestess responded yet again "Come get me." Everdeadly readied her weapon "It's your funeral then." She charged at The Priestess. Ty glanced over "Priestess what the hell are you doing?" "You want me to spare her don't you? Then trust me!" Everdeadly got close to The Priestess and was ready to strike "Die!" she shouted. The Priestess smirked "You lose." She disappeared for a split second and quickly reappeared behind Everdeadly and snatched the orb of light from her "You have got to be faster than that if you even hope to defeat me. I always thought The Lich Kings champions were better than this." Ty smiled "Alright! Way to go Priestess!" Ty should have been paying more attention to what was happening to him, he was now surrounded by The Lich Kings minions "Crap!" He quickly swung his sword and managed to cut a few of the minions down, but he was vastly outnumbered. "Stop my minions, I shall take care of him myself." He walked over to Ty and attacked and Ty blocked "You're too weak boy." He knocked Ty's sword out of his hand and picked him up by his throat "And now you die." He carried Ty to the edge of the citadel. The Priestess saw what was happening to Ty and started to panic "Alright I got to do this fast." She ran towards Everdeadly and put the orb against her chest "This will only hurt a little." Everdeadly was caught by surprise "What the-" She didn't have time to finish her sentence, she was already feeling the affects of the orb. The Priestess started to chant and the orb started to glow brightly and surrounded both Everdeadly and The Priestess in a shroud of light. Everdeadly felt a sharp pain in her chest and let out a scream, as she screamed, what look like blue dust started to stream out of her mouth. The Priestess smiled "It's working! She's going to live!" She said excitedly. The blue dust stopped coming out and Everdeadly fell over to the ground and The Priestess ran over to help her "Are you alright?" Everdeadly gripped her head "I have a headache, where the hell am I?" She looked over and saw The Lich King hanging Ty over the edge of the citadel "I don't know why, but I feel like I have to stop The Lich King from killing the boy now. I don't feel like following his orders anymore." The Priestess helped her up to her feet "Do what you feel you need to do." The fall down from the citadel looked like a long one and Ty definitely didn't want to find out. "How about you let me go Lich King and I won't be forced to kill you?" The Lich King laughed "You keep saying you're going to kill me, but from what I've seen you are doing no such thing. Any last words?" Ty looked behind The Lich King and saw Everdeadly charging towards them, but she didn't have the look in her eye like she was going to help The Lich King "Expect a stab in the back." The Lich King cocked his head "What?" Everdeadly slashed The Lich Kings back and he let out a scream of pain "AGH!" He dropped Ty and he was now hanging on for dear life "Oh s**t!" The Lich King stared at Everdeadly in disappointment "You have betrayed me, such a disappointment." "I have come to my senses Lich King, I am no longer under your control." The Priestess ran over to help Ty up since he couldn't help himself up since he still only had one hand. "Give me your hand." She said without thinking. Ty gave her a funny look "Really Priestess? Think about it for a minute." "Oh yeah." So she just grabbed his other harm and hauled him back on to the top of the citadel "Are you alright Ty?" "Yeah I'm fine, has Danny come to yet?" They looked over and he was just waking up "Well I guess that answers my question then." The Priestess grabbed Ty's arm and held the orb of light close to it "What are you doing?" "Restoring your hand. Now stay still. Danny, Everdeadly, please hold off The Lich King while I do this please." Everdeadly smirked "With pleasure." Danny sighed "Alright, just as long as he doesn't send me flying across the citadel again." The Lich King pointed his blade at them "I will crush you all like bugs."
© 2013 Ty (Ivan) Boyer |
Author![]() Ty (Ivan) BoyerAboutI am a gamer, I love anime, and I have been into writing lately due to boredom more..Writing