Ch.5 World Of Darkness

Ch.5 World Of Darkness

A Chapter by Ty (Ivan) Boyer

The warriors are revived and the group enters the world of darkness for their final showdown with the cloud of darkness

  The five people holding the wyrms back went through the mirror only to see that their friends, the warriors were dead. The woman gasped in horror "NOOOOOO!" One of the men shouted "Come on guys get back up!" One of the older men also shouted "Don't go before I do." Ty regained consciousness and looked to see his friends dead. He shook his head "No it can't be." He got up and limped towards them "You can't be dead." The woman walked towards Ty and smacked him. Ty was shocked "What the hell was that for?" Her eyes started to water "If it wasn't for you they would still be alive. It's your fault they're dead!" "You don't know that woman. I don't know who you are, but you are really starting to piss me off." The woman shouted "Well that goes double for you then mister!" 
  They were at each others throats and then they heard a voice. It was Doga "Rise warriors." Then they heard another voice that sounded like an elderly woman "Our souls shall become yours." There was a flash of light and the warriors were revived. They all opened their eyes and sat up. Sara smiled "They're alive!" She ran towards Ingus and Ty sighed "Yeah no apology needed lady." The warriors got up to see their friends running towards them because they were happy the warriors survived. They heard Doga's voice once again "You have stopped Xande but the darkness still threatens to bring the void to this world. We have done all that we could. You must go to the world of darkness to stop The Cloud Of Darkness." Luneth smirked "To the world of darkness then." Refia nodded "We can do it." 
  All of the warriors except for Luneth walked through the dark portal to the world of darkness. He turned around to face Ty "You coming Ty?" Before he could respond the woman spoke up "No he's not. If it wasn't for him you might not have died in the first place." Luneth sighed "He isn't the reason we died Sara. We died because The Cloud Of Darkness was too powerful for us to handle. You shouldn't just jump to conclusions like that." Sara looked over at Ty feeling guilty "Is that true?" Ty nodded "Maybe if you would have let me open my mouth so I could speak, you would have known that." "I'm so sorry, please forgive me." Ty walked towards the portal, stopped in front of it and looked back at Sara "I never forgave people easily, but I forgive you Sara." He looked at Luneth "What are you waiting for? Let's go." Luneth nodded and they both walked through the portal. Sara looked up at the portal and thoughts about the warriors and Ty entered her mind. She then smiled "Good luck you five. And thank you Ty for being able to forgive me."
  The world of darkness was very strange nothing like the world they came from. The group now stood on a platform with four bridges leading to other platforms. Each platform had a circle with strange markings and if they looked over the edge they saw nothing but complete darkness. Ty looked over the edge and then immediately backed away "I don't want to know what's down there." "Well Ty for all you know their could be nothing at all." Luneth replied. Ingus looked around at all the platforms "Shall we split up Luneth?" Luneth nodded "Yes we shall." Ty stepped towards the middle circle "I'll go this way." Luneth gripped Ty's shoulder "No don't go that way. It's in the center platform, so chances are it will lead to the center of the world of darkness." Ty cocked an eyebrow "What's so bad about that?" Luneth leaned in closer towards Ty "That's where The Cloud Of Darkness will be." Ty stepped away from the circle "Yeah I don't want to go there." "No you don't. Here's how this will work. Refia you take the top right platform. Ingus you take top left. Arc you take bottom right. Ty you and I will take bottom left." They all proceeded to their paths, walked into the circles and disappeared. Only Ty and Luneth remained "You ready Ty?" "Let's do this."
  Ty and Luneth's path was covered with dark clouds making it hard to tell where the path was. "Just when I thought things couldn't get any harder." Ty grunted. "Well Ty it could be worse." "How could this possibly be worse?" "You could have fought all the creatures I had to fight throughout my journey." "Point taken." They continued walking cautiously so neither of them fell of the path. Ty was getting suspicious "How is it we have gone this far down the path we chose and haven't encountered any monsters?" Luneth started to look around "Now that you mention it, it is a little weird that we haven't seen anything so far." 
   Ty and Luneth stopped in their tracks and saw a dark abyss before them. "Luneth get your sword ready." Ty drew his blade and Luneth drew his. From the abyss came the figure that did not speak. "Wait Luneth. This isn't who I thought it would be." "Who did you expect?" "Well i expected The Lord Of Darkness, I figured he would love a place like this." The figure spoke and the voice sounded much like a woman "Ty The Cloud Of Darkness has corrupted your heart. The darkness in your heart now threatens to extinguish the light." The figure reached into a pocket and pulled out a glowing yellow orb. "This is the orb of light. It will not stop the darkness from growing, but it will slow down what will happen." She tossed the orb at Ty and he caught it. "What do you mean it won't stop what will happen?" The figure turned around and walked towards her abyss "I can only tell you that much. Death must still believe that I am on his side." She walked through her abyss and disappeared.
  Ty put the orb in the pocket of his jacket. "Who was that Ty?" Ty shook his head "I don't know. I recognize her voice though. But I can't put my finger on who's it is. Anyway we have a job to do let's do it." They walked onto another platform with another circle with strange markings. "Well this must be the way forward." Ty said as he walked onto it and disappeared and Luneth soon followed. Through the circle was another platform but much bigger than the others. In the center of the platform was a big dark crystal. "Is this a dead end Luneth?" "No I don't think so." Ty looked around "There isn't a way forward this has got to be a dead end." "Just because there isn't a way forward that you can see doesn't mean it's a dead end." 
  There was a flash of light and a man came out of the crystal. Ty and Luneth readied their weapons. The man spoke "I am a warrior of the dark. i have come to join you. A long time ago the light threatened to bring the void to the world.. Light and darkness are attracted to each other but keep at a safe distance. If they were to ever meet they would cancel each other out, thus creating the void. We can't allow that to happen. I will help you defeat The Cloud Of Darkness." Ty and Luneth lowered their weapons "What do you think Luneth?" Luneth nodded "I think his story checks out. Alright then come with us. Let's go Ty. The others are probably waiting for us." "Alright then let's go."
  They went back to where they started to find the others waiting for them. Each of them seemed to have another person with them. Ty looked at the other people with them. They all looked exactly like the warrior of the dark he and Luneth found. "You guys found other warriors of the dark then eh?" Luneth nodded "It would certainly appear so." Refia folded her arms "They all have said something about being warriors of the dark, stopping the light from bringing the void many years ago. Stuff like that." Ingus walked towards the center circle "While we are sitting here talking we could be stopping The Cloud Of Darkness. Let's go."
  Ingus walked into the circle the warrior he found followed him in. Refia, Arc, and the warriors they found soon followed. Luneth looked at Ty "You ready?" Ty was starting to have doubts if The Cloud Of Darkness killed the warriors was there any guarantee he would survive? "I don't know if I can face the cloud a second time. You guys died and I walked away with my heart supposedly corrupted." Luneth put his arm on Ty's shoulder "There's no leaving until the cloud is defeated Ty." Ty stared at the center circle "I'm not going to let fear stop me now. I came all this way with you guys and I'm not about to chicken out now." He ran into the circle and disappeared. Luneth chuckled "Good for you Ty. With you I have no doubt we will defeat the cloud."
  The group went through the circle to find The Cloud Of Darkness waiting for them. They heard the same voice out of the abyss "We will extinguish the light and bring forth the void." Luneth drew his sword "We won't let you. This time we will stop you." The warriors of the dark ran towards they abyss "We have come to help them." They ran through the abyss and there were several flashes of light. "Enough!" The voice shouted angrily. "You may have destroyed the dark crystals, but I will still defeat you!" Out of the abyss came a dark cloud. In the cloud was a giant green women with wavy green hair. Behind her were snakes the color of gold creeping over her shoulders.
  The rest of the group readied their weapons and Ty got wide eyed as he stared in horror at The Cloud Of Darkness "God help us" he whispered. He drew his sword and looked at his reflection in the blade "Will I be able to help them defeat this thing?" He looked back to The Cloud Of Darkness to see that the warriors had already started to fight it. Luneth swung his sword violently at the cloud and one of the snakes knocked him back. Arc ran over to him to see if he was alright. Ingus tried to get the clouds attention away from Arc and Luneth. The cloud breathed out a dark aura and Ingus started to cough uncontrollably. Ty started to run towards the fight "To hell with it they need me." He jumped up and prepared his sword for a strike "Hey b***h, eat this!" He swung his sword and cut one of the snakes "Not what I was aiming for but that works." 
  The cloud let out a horrifying scream. Luneth looked up "Nice job Ty, you managed to deal some damage." The cloud glared at Ty "You b*****d! I will destroy you! Particle Beam!" The clouds hand started to glow and Ty stared to run "That can't be good." The cloud shouted "DIE!" A beam of light shot of the clouds hands and Ty dove out the way. He dodged it by the skin of his teeth. The only damage the attack had done was to his shoes, they were slightly burnt. "Never doing that again." Luneth cast a spell "Thundara!" Thunder started to come down on the cloud and it started to gripe in pain. Ty got back on his feet and ran towards the cloud again "With this blade I stab at thee" He jumped in the air and stabbed the cloud in the chest with his sword. The cloud looked down at him "I think I felt a little pinch." Ty glared up "Well it sure seemed to hurt when I cut off one of your snakes." Luneth shouted "Ty get down from there you're going to get hurt again." Ty withdrew his sword from the clouds chest and jumped down just before the cloud made a move to smack him off.
  Ingus was panting hard "I think we bit off more than we could chew." The cloud laughed maniacally "You can't defeat me! I will extinguish the light and bring forth the void!" Ty's sword started to glow "What the hell?" His pocket also started to glow. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the orb of light he received earlier "The orb is also glowing." The cloud started to cringe "AH! The light! It's blinding!" Ty smirked "Everyone, I think I know how to kill this thing." He brought the orb closer to his sword "If my sword absorbs more light, maybe it will become powerful enough to defeat the cloud." His sword continued to glow even brighter and the cloud cringed even more "Stop it! It burns!" Ty looked up at the cloud "This should be enough" and put the orb back in his pocket. He looked the cloud right in the eyes menacingly "I'll see you in hell." He charged at the cloud and jumped up ready to strike. The cloud screamed "I will not be defeated by the likes of you! I will destroy you with my own hands." Ty let out a ferocious scream and so did the cloud. He struck at the cloud and the cloud responded by blocking with it's hands. 

  Luneth and the others just watched in amazement "I don't believe it" Luneth said in awe. Ty cut through the clouds hands like they were paper. He landed on his feet and jumped back up again and slashed right in the middle of the clouds chest. The cloud gripped its chest and let out a scream that would make a deaf man even more deaf "I will not die. I will come back even more powerful than I am now. When I do, I will destroy all of you!" The cloud fell to the ground. Refia walked over to Ty's side "You did it. You defeated The Cloud Of Darkness." Ty shook his head "No WE defeated The Cloud Of Darkness." Luneth was amazed "I gotta hand it to you Ty, even though we have only known you for a day and a half, you are pretty awesome." 
  Two doors appeared one white one black. The white read "Life" the black one read "Death" Arc was confused "Where did these doors come from?" Ty immediately knew what was going on "Death said he was playing a game with my soul. I think he's giving me a choice. He's letting me choose if I want to continue playing his game, or if I want to end it all now and get it over with." Refia looked at Ty all worried "What will you choose Ty?" Ty pondered for a minute or two and then confidently said "I will bite. I will continue the game. I might meet some more interesting people." Luneth gave Ty a pat on the back "Good choice my friend." Ty walked over to the door "It's been a blast guys. I will never forget you." Refia ran over to Ty "Wait before you go." Refia hugged him and he was caught off guard "Refia what are you doing?" She looked up at Ty and smiled "I'm gonna miss you Ty. I only knew you for a day but I'm really gonna miss you." Ty hugged Refia back "I'll miss you too Refia. I'll miss all of you."
  Ty opened the door and saw nothing but a bright light "So long guys." Luneth spoke up "Hey Ty if you're ever in a jam and need help, don't be afraid to come ask." Ty nodded "You guys will be the first I ask. I will send a messenger, a dear friend when that time comes. I will never forget you guys." He walked through the door and the light shined even brighter and he covered his eyes. When he no longer felt blinded he uncovered his eyes and was in a place that looked like he was back home, he was surrounded by humans "Am I home?" Suddenly people started running frantically and tripping over each other "What the hell is going on?" He heard several voices that sounded robotic and said the same thing in exact unison "EXTERMINATE!" Ty looked in horror "Oh s**t." 

© 2013 Ty (Ivan) Boyer

Author's Note

Ty (Ivan) Boyer
For those of you that have played the game let me say this right now I am well aware that the path the circle leads to that Luneth and Ty go through is wrong I haven't played the ending in a while and I can't because my SNES is broken and my DS cartridge no longer works

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Added on November 4, 2013
Last Updated on November 19, 2013
Tags: Fantasy


Ty (Ivan) Boyer
Ty (Ivan) Boyer

I am a gamer, I love anime, and I have been into writing lately due to boredom more..
