For me time is forever at a stand-still.
Ever wondering when one day ends and when another starts.
My spine tingles and shivers with a chill.
This story of my life with it's never-ending parts.
Running in place as the scenes of life fly by.
I re-evaluate my worthiness in others lives.
Am I forever insignificant or shall I grow into something more?
I tend to the ones who are troubled, the one's with pleas and cries.
Hoping that I will become something they depend upon, someone they keep close to their core.
Who am I to believe in love so everlasting?
When the only thing I notice about it is temporary lusting
In the end it's my choice to believe or just sit there and rust.
Maybe there will be someone I will one day trust
And for them to become a person who will disregard their own safety just to protect the one person that they love the most.
But then again who knows maybe one day time will move again.
It maybe when I start running away again, or when I decide to take a step forward and take a chance.
Hoping that when that day comes I won't make the wrong choice.
Wishing that whoever comes to save me won't regret it.
Praying that I won't drive away their generosity.
T'is my life withering in the darkness, reaching out towards the hand that leads to the ever so bright,
Kingdom of Light.