Watch it.
Watch it bleed.
Danceing to the floor.
Let it run,
Let it faid.
Watch the light die,
Watch the life faid.
Faid from her beautiful face.
Faid from her wonderful soul.
A crimson river,
Runing down her arm.
Way too deep,
Way too much.
Can't stop it.
Just leave her there.
Leave her there to drown.
Drown in her own blood,
In her own thoughts.
She wanted this,
But nows she's scared.
She tries to stop it,
Tries to wrap it,
But it just soaks up.
Makeing a bigger mess.
She lies there,
In her own blood,
Why did I do this?
What draged me to pull the blade?
And then she relised,
It was all because of him.
He toyed with her,
Preteneded to love her back,
But he really hated her.
Hated her with all his heart,
His cold blooded heart.
But,as her life slowly faided,
As everyone surronded her,
She whispered,with her last breath,
"I love you"