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Amusement Parks

A Story by justdandy

Spoken- Word Literature.


A few days ago, my four-year-old sister asked me a question, "Do fairies wear high heels?"

"Of course, they wear heels," I answered.

"But why do they need heels if they have wings and they can fly?"

After thinking for a second or two, I said, "Because they are female."

As women, we always feel short. No matter how tall we are, there are things that grab our hand and pull us down. That is why we wear heals. But when wearing them, we turn out to be taller than some men and our mind is like, Oh Shoot! I'm taller than that guy. So we take the heels off, but somewhere deep inside the line, I am shorter than him. Shorter than him. I am short, repeats itself over and over again.

Women are divided into categories. Like Strong and Bold: Strold. Like Quiet and Cute: Quiute. Like Loud and Wild: Nuts. Like Romantic and Popular: Hoe.

I read a magazine the other day. It said that if a woman dyes her hair, it is because she is afraid to show her true self. But I think not. No! I disagree with that statement. We dye our hair because we want to show ourselves. We want you to see our colors. Women love colors. Colored hair, different colored lipstick, different eye color, different skin color. I mean those colors show the truth. If a woman wears natural earthy colors, then that means she's a forest. Quiet when you meet her. Loud when you are with her. If a woman wears pink, purple, red, then that means she is a princess. I love princesses. They are always perfect. Always strong. Always there for you. If a woman wears blue, green, teal, then that means she is the ocean. She will be a storm on a cold day. She will be a sweetie pie on a warm one.

Why is it that deep inside my soul, I still feel beneath men? Even after the laws were made stating women are equal to men. Even after I read Genesis 1:27�"So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God created them; male and female He created them�"over and over again. Why do I feel beneath men? Because the word, female, came from the word male. The word, woman, came from the word man. Because first God created a man, then he created a woman.

This year a freshman decided to become a doctor. Not because she is interested in medicine, not because of the pay, not because she can save people. But because there are more male doctors than female doctors. Because she wants to prove that she will survive nine years of schooling after high school, that she will get through the long-term residency. That finally at age 35, she will be working among men. That she will be the only female doctor in her clinic.

Last year a graduate from high school decided to become a scientist. Not because her father is, and not because she is good in science. But because she wants to prove that a female scientist can make the world a little better. That Mendeleev, Graham Bell, Albert Einstein discovered nothing compared to what she will discover.

A woman wanted to star in a movie. And she did. She wanted to become an actress. And she did. Do you know how? By  the “casting couch.” By giving away her virginity to a film producer.

Many of you will judge me and say that I am feminist. That I don't care about men. That I think they are trash. That I will never have a boyfriend. But no, I love men. That sincere smile, that perfect jawline, those promising eyes...

My pastor would say that I am Pentecostal, that I am a girl. That I am supposed to be quite, tender, and sit still. That I am not supposed to be outspoken. That I am supposed to be a lady. But no, I am a Christian and in some ways, I am a feminist. I just care about women. I care about who they are, who they become. I want to know what we are.  And I think I know.

Women are Roller Coasters. Roller Coasters that only go up. Roller Coasters that after all of the hardships, they still go up. That even after her husband left her with three children for that secretary with that perfect butt, flat stomach, blossomed breasts, she still goes up. That after she lost her fourth child due to miscarriage, she still hopes that one day she will become a mother. Her boss fired her because she was always late to work. BUT! But, he doesn't know that her mother has final stage cancer, that her father works all day and night to support his family, that she has to feed and drive all of the seven siblings to school every morning, that she is the oldest. She went looking for another job after.

Women are not rainbows. They don't hide forever and then finally show up when the rain stops and the sun shines. We are raindrops. The raindrop that keeps on pouring after she tells her mother that she is pregnant. She is only sixteen. The raindrop that keeps on dropping, dropping, dropping after her father tells her to go get an abortion. The raindrop that runs away from home because her family is ashamed, they blame her, she is the black sheep, she is a disgrace. Because they don't understand that she has a human being inside her. But she still stands strong. She is climbing up those golden stairs that lead to a beautiful future. Because she let her baby live. Because she became a mother after nine months. She is only seventeen. Because she raised that kid all by herself, because the father still doesn't know that he has a kid somewhere out there.

Because we, women, were taught to grow up. We were born to fight. Because that girl asked her mother, "Mommy, why do the popular kids hate me?"

Because that daughter asked her father, "Daddy, can you teach me how to fight? Because I don't want to get hurt like all the other girls get hurt."

Because that sister asked her brother, "Chris, can you go punch a guy for me?"

Because she asked her sister, "Why is my body changing? Why do the male teachers at my school look at me that way?"

Because we were taught to fight. We were taught to stand up for ourselves. To Stand Up and Fight!  At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how tall we are, how strong we are, how educated we are, because we are still women, females. Because we are still something in this world.

© 2016 justdandy

Author's Note

This is a spoken word piece. It is supposed to be preformed. I will be happy to hear your reviews, your critics,

My Review

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Dear Contestant,
This story was absolutely amazing, even though that it was short, it was very heart touching. I had a friend named sara and it reminded me of her. If you would like to read her story it's called the Blonde Girl on my page.
Also you have extreme talent and I say Bravo and please continue the great work!

C. Lee Battaglia

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you lots, I needed to hear that. I have been struggling to write something. So I haven't writt.. read more
I enjoyed reading this a lot and also, I think I know a little bit more about women now :) The flow was great and it was all together well worded. Thanks for the read.

Posted 8 Years Ago

As someone who writes Spoken Word poetry myself, I found this absolutely amazing. This is truly a piece that packs not only a lot of power but a lot of meaning into it as well. In all honesty I wish I could write more freely like this. All the spoken word poetry that I have read, watched on Youtube, and written myself, it all has a cadence, it all has a certain style, but with yours it;s free. I really like that.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

This review means a lot. Thank you.
Joe W

8 Years Ago

You're welcome :)
Excellent piece! As i was reading there was so much i wanted to add in and like you i'm no feminist but there is just soo much to say. It was beautifully done, the change from one thing to another was great creating a good flow. Few typos which were no doubt accidental done in the heat of getting this wonderful piece of honesty down.full marks :)

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you, and I would love it, if you would show me those typos.

8 Years Ago

Hi second line, "heels" you accidently put an "a".... Missing " o" in the line girl asking for dad t.. read more

8 Years Ago

oh okay, thanks
A bit of typo's here and there but that doesn't matter. The way you wrote this piece completely overshadowed them. I agree with what you wrote, there are so many things to say about the way women and men are viewed in this world. To be equal as a man they say, that, I believe we women have already proven, but there will always be people out there who will disagree, people who will look down on us and that sadly canno't be helped. The world is slowly changing and so is society. I hope someday, a time will come when women are truly viewed equal as men. This is truly thought provoking! Great work!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thanks. Can you please show me the typos? :)
I enjoyed this story a lot. Keep writing!

Posted 8 Years Ago

I will forgo the critique as you say this is not meant to be read by the public. In nature, it is the male of the species that gets the bright coloring and the female the drab coloring. I believe in equality of the sexes and what better way for a female to show this than to defy nature by dyeing her hair? It is sad that in this day and age that there still needs to be a feminist movement, this is an inspiring work of literature for the youth and future of womankind. Bravo! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you.
"Women are divided into categories. Like Strong and Bold- Strold. Like Quiet and Cute- Quiute. Like Loud and Wild- Nuts. Like Romantic and Popular- Hoe." this is a very powerful line. It moves from somewhat whimsical and fun to hard hitting truths seamlessly, in seconds.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

May I quote you one day, with credit provided? Not as part of a story on here, but maybe a Facebook.. read more

8 Years Ago

Yeah, no prob. It would be my pleasure.

8 Years Ago

At various times in my life I have been strold, nuts and hoe! Never quiute.
I like the energy and the drive of the words. Women need to be strong and to be able to defend their selves. I would like to hear in verbal poetry.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you, I hope to go to Open Mic. Somewhere in April and preform it there. And I will probably ta.. read more
Coyote Poetry

8 Years Ago

Always good to record or tape. Listen and improve. You are welcome.
2nd or third paragraph, "dye out hair" I'm betting you mean dye our hair. But who gives a f**k if its spoken performance... this is just a script you cant read on stage.

OR will you be using prompts?

Do it creatively.... if you do.

I would watch you do this.

Make a youtube video. DO NOT add backround music or emo ambient sound effects at all.... voice only. Hire an angry hobo if your voice sucks.

"preformed".... a*****e. Your author's note is for a******s.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Wow... I am in love with this review. Okay and I will try it out. And I totally agree with you. I do.. read more

8 Years Ago

You don't have to pander to stupid people... it's good if they don't understand you. You are diluti.. read more

8 Years Ago

Logical... Reasonable.

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10 Reviews
Added on March 19, 2016
Last Updated on June 4, 2016
Tags: feminist, women, feminism, roller coasters, up, moms, us, alone, high heels, colors, Crazy, Sex, Love, left behind, Hoe, Pentecostal, Christian




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