Mother Nature

Mother Nature

A Story by Danny X

My original story behind two very unoriginal charaters that we all have come to love. An original myth, if you will.


I watched her as she elegantly was swept across the dance floor with her so-called true love. After rescuing her from that horrible tower, my brother had brought her home to marry her. He was even holding this masquerade in her honor. I forced myself to look away from the future King and Queen of everything in my life. I was supposed to be having fun with my new sister-in-law, not trying to warn her what her new husband could be like in private. After all, what did I know about the pressures of being a prince? I was a princess to be married off to some distant family member in a kingdom far from here. I walked to the door, but my father stopped me.

"Isabella, where are you off to? Your future husband is in this very room!" My father said happily. I forced a smile.

"I'm sure you have chosen well my suitor and that he will please me greatly, but I am not feeling very well and I wish to go on to bed, father."

"That would be such a shame, Isa. Please, just dance once with any man you chose and then you may go to bed." I sighed. I was not going to escape this. I curtsied and smiled.

"As you wish, father. Am I correct in assuming that you do not wish for me to choose my brother for this last dance?"

"You know very well what I am expecting of you Isa. You don't even have to remove you mask to dance."

"Of course father." At that moment a handsome young man tapped me on the shoulder. I turned expecting to be sent away, as the man had business with my father, but the look in the man's eyes said otherwise. He was wearing a beautifully detailed mask that highlighted the darker undertones of his hair. He had a young form and smile with short, curly brown hair.

"May I have the honor of this dance?" He asked. He had a light musical voice. The eyes that had caught my attention before he spoke were pale blue, like ice and twinkled as he smiled.

"Of course you may, sir." I saw my father looking rather confused in the corner of my vision. He held out his hand and I accepted. It was cold, but I could feel some strange warmth in it. He led me onto the dance floor as the next song began. We took our places and began to dance. I could feel time fade as we talked, laughed and danced. I had forgotten my obligation to only one dance and danced with the young man as long as I could. The clock struck midnight as I realized what was going on. My smile faded.

"What's wrong? Has something I said offended you?" The young man was worried.

"No, no, of course not. I have enjoyed dancing with you so much, but I was to be gone hours ago."

"I see, I have kept you from your home. Well, the least I can do is show my face. He smiled and removed his mask. "You'd best be off if you are to escape punishment, I assume." He had a gorgeous face with delicate but masculine, features and his icy eyes so visible on his pale skin.

"I'm afraid I must."

"May I request just one thing?"


"Please grant me the pleasure of your name. Your eyes are so full of wonder I cannot even imagine what the rest of your face looks like." He didn't know who I was. I wanted it to stay that way. If he found out that I was, he'd be crushed because I knew this was not the man my father had been referring to when he mentioned my betrothed.

"I'm so sorry sir, but I cannot. My father would not be please with it. He's bound to be upset already as it is."

"Are you saying that you cannot lie?"

"Of course I can lie!"

"Then remove your mask and hide it from you father."

"Sir, I really must be going."

"If you will not show me your face, than at least allow me your name."

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" My father was on the balcony overlooking the crowd. It was the unmasking. I had to leave now, while too beautiful man was distracted with my father. My father went into a speech that would end with "Now, unmask!" I, on the other hand, made my way quickly to the ballroom doors. My maid in waiting was on the other side.

"I was wondering when you were going to come out."

"Becca, not now. I need to change before a certain young man comes looking for me."

"Surely you're not referring to your betrothed?"

"What? I have not even knowingly met my betrothed, but I can assure you that the man I danced with will be more persistent than he. I must change before knowledge of my true standings breaks his heart."

"Of course, princess. Come along. Your bedclothes are set out on your bed." Becca led me to my room, even though I knew the way well. As I changed she talked. "Your father has made it known to all of the servants that all of us wait on him are not to tell you who he is until he is presented tomorrow at noon. You will dine with him and then he shall take you to present to his parents in his kingdom. Unfortunately, your father knows too well that I will not keep secrets from you, so he has kept me clear of anywhere I may pick up your future husband's name."

"Of course he has." I mumbled lying down on my bed, dressed in my night gown.

"Sleep well, princess."

"You as well Becca." She put out the candles set up around the room as I rolled over and fell asleep, dreading noon tomorrow. Becca came back about an hour after sunrise and woke me from my dream in which I was dancing, unmasked, with the beautiful gentleman from last night. She helped me dress for the coming prince and suitor. The entire day I spent, hoping against logic, that the stranger from the night before would be my suitor. At noon, a different servant came to fetch me for the engagement part, as it was planned to be. He led me to the main dining room and announced me as the doors opened. My father was on the far side of the long table that sat in the middle large room. My mother was waiting for me beside the door and took my elbow to guide me over to the conversation. I was apparently to be the last to arrive but, something had withheld the prince.

"Welcome, Isabella," My brother and his bride to be were chatting as I approached but stopped when my father spoke.

"Hello, father."

"Isabella, my dear sister, are you excited to meet you suitor? Of course, it is nothing like a tower rescue, but I'm sure you'll be stunned by him," My brother knew something that I might've needed to know before the prince got there, but I didn't get a chance to pry. The doors opened and they announced my suitor.

"Please rise in respect as Andrew, Prince of the East, enters," The servant called out. I suppressed a frown. Andrew was not a name of a prince with true honor. The title only made matters worse because it meant he would be as pompous as my brother, if not more so. I looked at my suitor and saw my fears were well founded. His eyes were pitch black and dull, as though any and all fun had been removed in place of training and tutoring. His skin was tanned, presumably from 'conquering' the East, or at least growing up there. His black hair matched his eyes and his well-earned muscles were quite visible through his thin shirt. It may have been attractive to most women, but I wanted a suitor with a handsome attitude to go along with a well built, handsome body. Prince Andrew approached and I curtsied.

"It is a pleasure to make you acquaintance, Prince Andrew," I said keeping my head bowed in respect.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you," He said. His voice was smooth, but lacked any musical ability or humor.  "I have heard a great deal of your beauty from the servants here, but it seems they were all mistaken as your beauty exceeds all of their descriptions."

"Thank you," I said. I forced myself to blush.

"I must apologize for leaving the ball last night before I danced with you, but I have never really favored a ball or things of that sort. I much prefer a good story.”

"You have no reason to be ashamed or sorry. I left rather earlier on in the ball myself. I was not feeling very well last night." I would try to please this music hating pest for my father's sake.

"I do hope you feel well enough for travel today."

"I have fully recovered."

"Good." We continued with small talk like this for the majority of the meal. Towards the end of the meal my father explained what Becca had told me last night and gave me her for the trip. He also explained that she had been packing for me this morning and that by the end of our luncheon everything would be ready and I was to leave. I smiled and obeyed. At the end of our luncheon, I said my farewells and met Becca and Andrew by a carriage, already packed with my things. The cold winter air brushed my face in almost an endearing way. I curtsied to Andrew and allowed him to help me up.

"I will be sitting with the driver to ensure we make it to my home safely," Andrew said, smiling. No doubt because he found me to be physically attractive.

"Of course my prince. Do be careful."

"Yes my love." I smiled and forced a blush. He closed the carriage door with me and Becca inside.

"I hope he falls off and ends up dead," Becca said. I laughed, but hushed her.

"You do not wish such things on my soon to be sister in law so do not wish them on my soon to be husband," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering? The wind is so strong that he can't hear us, no matter what we say."

"I suppose you are right." We felt the carriage jerk into motion as the first snowflakes of the year began to fall outside our windows.

"Now, tell me about the favored man you met last night." Becca smiled.

"I will do no such thing. I have been betrothed and I shall remain so unless your wish miraculously comes true."

"What if it did? Would you tell your father of the man you fell for last night?"

"Why should I? The man was not even aware that I am a princess. If he were to find out I doubt he should still act the way he did last night."

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Have you ever met a prince or suitor that would laugh and joke about with a princess in a flirtatious way? Especially one of my unfortunately high status? It just would not happen Becca." The carriage swayed in the silence of the wind.

"Well, indulge me anyway. What did he look like?"

"Beautiful. He had short, wonderfully curly brown hair that contrasted his pale skin. He seemed strong and well humored and he enjoyed dancing with me. He had delicate, but masculine features that complimented his handsome, icy blue eyes. He danced as if on wind and his touch was like that of the winter wind. I could tell that his hair was a wig made for the occasion, like he wanted to hide who he was, even without the mask. By the end of the night I could see a few white hairs slipping out from under it, but I could tell they weren't white from age. He seemed to be about my age." Becca had gone stiff. "What is it, Becca?"

"Oh, my dear, I pity you. You will likely never see your love again and if you do, it will be on his terms or by accident, because you didn't reveal yourself to him."

"What are you saying, Becca? Do you know this man?"

"Aye, but I have never met him personally. He is no human man, princess. He comes from farther north, among the lands full of ice. There were tales I was told as a child in my northern village about this boy. He comes down with the wind and brings the winters with him every year. He is much older than he appears, but is only your age in truth. He comes down every year, in search of a love that lives up to his high standards of a suitor. The legends say that when he finds that love, he will pursue her until she is his, even if she is already spoken for. He is a magnificent warrior that no human warrior can hope to beat, but he prefers to gain what he wants in a game of tricks. Only if the girl can beat him in just one of those games will he take her as his love. He calls himself Jack Frost."

"Oh, Becca, surely you are only joking. I can't have fallen for one of the Mythics that the natives like you speak of when they speak of seasons, holidays, and everyday occurrences that can easily be explained away by the logic and reason my father so deeply implanted in me."

"I don't see how you saw him if you don't believe in him."

"I never said that. I believe more in you Mythics than in my father's judgment. If what you say is right, than I have passed up the very opportunity that many of your people would die for. Not only that, but my only chance at true happiness lies in the pure luck of meeting him again."

"Princess, he will try his best to locate you. I only wish you had let him see you." Becca's face was full of woe.

"I do to." The carriage came to an abrupt stop as I spoke. "Becca, glance out the window and see if you can tell what's going on. I'll try talking to Andrew." I made a face as I said his name, but she nodded anyway. I opened the small window that would allow me to talk with the driver. "Andrew, my prince, what has happened? Do we need to get out?"

"Stay in the carriage my darling Isabella! We are under attack by what the driver is calling the Mythic of Winter! I do not wish for you to get hurt!" Andrew called back. He was out of breath and far away from the window. I turned to Becca, with excitement in my eyes.

"Becca, is Jack Frost call the Mythic of Winter?" I asked.

"Yes and you had best go against Prince Andrew and get out of the carriage before Andrew gets killed. Mr. Frost figured out who you were." I truly smiled for the first time since last night. I quickly got out of the carriage and followed the fading prints that looked like they came from a fight. I could hear Andrew and Jack fighting nearby and I tried to follow the noise, but the driver grabbed my arm as I drew near.

"Let me be!" I cried. "I need to get to Jack Frost! I danced with him last night." The driver shook his head.

"You may not be the one he came for and he will kill you if you aren't." The driver was scared to death.

"Go guard my friend, Becca. She's still in the carriage. I need to know if Jack Frost really is who I danced with. I do not care if it will cost me my life." The driver nodded and ran for the carriage. I felt the wind pick up behind me and I had no choice but to go on. In front of me was a swirling tornado of snow. I could barely see Andrew falling to the ground inside and Jack Frost standing with his back to me. Andrew could see me clearly though, and he proved by yelling.

"Isabella, run!" Andrew yelled as loud as he could. Jack Frost spun around and I became face to face with the man I had fallen for the night before. He stared at me, laughter still in his eyes but shielded by the forced task at hand.

"Hello, sir. I'm Isabella, Princess of the land here and I was the one you danced with last night. I feel horrible for not allowing you to see my full face or know my name, but I didn't want to hurt you because I knew my father had already arraigned for me to marry the man now ready to beg you for mercy. Please let him go safely back to my father's palace and allow me to take your judgment instead, seeing as it is really I that I hope you were looking for." I was trying to be brave, but I knew that what I was doing would be seen as foolish to everyone that didn't believe in Jack Frost or know the little I knew of the legends surrounding him. I saw the displeasure at the task fade from his eyes and a smile creep across his lips.

"Who told you of my search?" He asked. His voice was just as musical but still showed that he would've liked a different scene.

"My friend and maid, Becca. She is in the carriage over yonder. She has all ways been able to help me with whatever may be going on, but I believe that this is the most important thing she has helped me with."

"It is, Isabella was it? Would you like to join me in a few games of the mind?" I smiled.

"It would be my genuine pleasure."

"Good, your friend Andrew can go, but he must return Becca to the palace of your father before he can go home. He must bring them the news of your death though. Once you are with me willingly, you cannot go back. Do you still wish to join in my games?" He was smiling, but sounded perfectly serious. I considered the possibilities. Even if I couldn't beat him in a game, I would not go back so I had to assume that losing all of the games would mean death or captivity. Strangely, I was actually quite fond of captivity with Jack or even death at his hand. Either way, I would die with him and with the knowledge that I had tried to win over the man that I could not forget with even a hundred years on earth.

"I am glad just to have a chance to play your games." I smiled.

"All right then. Tell Andrew that you are forced to stay here with the Mythic of Winter as a sacrifice and that he can go. Do not fear, I will not sacrifice you for anything for you are even more beautiful without the mask your wore before. You must tell him because, while he knows I'm here, he cannot hear my words nor see my face."

"I will tell him," I said, somehow calm. I walked over to Andrew and helped him up.

"You must run! Run and get away from here!" Andrew said once he was on his feet. His hand was on his sword.

"I can't leave." I said, trying to force myself to look upset at him having to leave. He was falling for it, but Jack could see right through it and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "The Mythic of Winter is forcing me to be his sacrifice! Go! Tell my father of my death here on this barren ground! Warn my brother and his new bride to stay away from the woods in winter because they will both perish for the damage my father has done to the forest by building here! Go and tell all that you heard!" I heard Jack actually laugh at my scene. Then he joined in. The snow began to fall harder and the wind picked up to a howl. "Goodbye, my prince!" I yelled, walking back slowly to where Jack was. Andrew was scared. He called my name several times, wondering about in the blinding snow. Soon he gave up and made his way over to the carriage. I felt bad that my family would think I was dead, but at least now they'd stop trying to destroy to beautiful forest that surrounded their kingdom. Jack touched me on the shoulder.

"I know that lying to you family is a hard thing to do, but you are very good at lying to people you don't like. I honestly thought you were going to either cry or burst out laughing. His response was hilarious only because you obviously don't like him and never did," Jack said.

"Very true."

"May I ask a slightly strange question?"

"Of course. I'm not leaving anytime soon." He laughed.

"Why did you warn them of the forest? I have no quarrel about that as of yet."

"But I do. My father and brother having been trying to clear the woods here for years. If I had not been there, they would've. I was there though and I tried to stop them, but they just continued it slowly behind my back. I knew that if I died and they had no deterrent, they would've cut the entire forest down."

"Clever trick. You will be a most worthy opponent, Isabella. Before we start, would you like me to call you anything else, besides Isabella?"

"Isa, if you wouldn't mind."

"Thank you, but you don't have to be so proper Isa. I'd rather you relax a little."

"I've never really been allowed to lapse in my proper manners, but I will hopefully learn in time."

"Hopefully. Now, onto the games!" He said, taking hold of my hand and jumping into the air. His strong arms grasp my waist like he had while we were dancing and held me closed as we danced in the air. We landed on a quiet mountain top where the wind and weather were below us.

"This is beautiful," I breathed.

"Hopefully that won't distract you from our strategy portion of the evening."

"Of course not." He pulled a chessboard for the air and sat it on a table of ice. The pieces, also made of ice, sprang up as the board hit the table.

"Dark or light?"

"I always prefer to let my opponent chose first." I said, sitting on a chair that appeared.

"Oh? Then I chose light and therefore you are dark."

 I smiled. No other man would've let me do that. He sat down opposite me. "Light moves first," I said. He smiled and began the game. I have no idea how long I lasted, but it came down to him with a queen and a king and me with a knight, a pawn, a bishop and my king. I forced his king into a corner with my queen, losing my last pawn. I then took my knight and moved so all but one move by his king would put him in check. He moved his queen to attack, but I moved my bishop just out of reach and placed him in check. He couldn't attack any of my pieces or move out of check so I won. He stood up and bowed.

"I believe you have check mate."

"I do indeed."

"You have bested me, but not without a fight on my part. You are very skilled and ever so clever. Will you do me the honor of marrying me in the morning?" He paused. I thought he was done speaking so I tried to reply, but he cut me off. "I must warn you that by marrying will change you from your human form as the curse did me so many years ago."

"What curse?" I asked, forgetting to answer his question. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I see your friend only told you what she thought you needed to know. She forgot, or didn't get a chance to explain the curse from which I was born." His smile was a sad one.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I was just curious. Please forgive me, I spoke before I thought."

"It's all right, Isa. Stay seated and I will tell you the story. I will warn you, it has no happy ending as of yet."

"That's all right. I hope I can help you with your happy ending."

He smiled lovingly. Then he started his story. His voice moved with it, like an expert story teller. "I was the so-called prince of my town and I was just I year older than you are now. I was ready to be wed, so I went on a search for a bride, probably like your older brother did. I had been traveling for almost a week, when I stumbled upon a frozen town. This was strange to me because the season was wrong. It was almost time for the fall harvest. The first frost should've been weeks away. Being a curious person like you, I decided to examine the town for people who could tell me what had happened. I met with a man that claimed to be the King of the town. He invited me to feast and join the town for a celebration that night. I agreed and he took me to his house where his wife was preparing the feast. The sun was setting and the feast was still an hour or so off, so I decided to have some fun. I was, and am, a trickster at heart and I thought that it would be wonderful fun if something small that was needed for the feast went missing. I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing I saw: a spoon for the stew to be served before the feast meats. I crept back towards the door of the house, opened it, and carefully hid the spoon in the snow by the door. I thought I had been able to pull it off, but when I turned around, the Queen was right behind me, glaring at me. She shoved past me and removed the spoon from the snow. I watched in amazement as the spoon transformed into a wand which she then pointed at me. She cursed me by saying that I will only be able to find a bride in the winter that I would bring from then on and that the bride had to love me enough to give up their life without knowing the consequence that would come with marrying me. Not only that, but they had to be clever enough to beat me at a mind game of my choosing in less than three tries. Even then, the woman would have to choose to marry me and, should she say yes, she too would become a Mythic like me, to help nature in some way. I have been trying to find the woman would could beat me and live with that forever for over a hundred years and I still have not completely found her. You could end my search by agreeing to marry me, but that is your choice and I can only hope you say yes. Isa, will you marry me?" I looked in his icy eyes and saw how desperate he was. He really loved me. I could tell. The question now wasn't of love, it was of my mortality. Was I really read to give up being human to marry Jack Frost? Did I love him enough? I took a deep breath and thought.

"Yes," I said. He seemed stunned, but very happy. He jumped into the air in joy. When he landed, he pulled me close to him and hugged me.

"I love you so much, Isa." I smiled broadly.

"I love you to," I replied.

"Come, we must be wed soon." I nodded and he led me in a dance among the clouds. He pulled me close and flew to a native village that had the smell of spring time and the warmer temperature that came with late spring or early summer. When we landed, a woman can out of a house, holding a soup spoon.

"Have you finally returned, Jack?" The woman asked. Jack was tense as she walked closer. "Who is your friend, trickster?" Jack cleared his throat.

"This is Isa. She is my bride to be," Jack said.

"Did you do this willingly, Isa?" The woman asked.

"Yes, I did," I said confidently.

 The woman smiled. "Would you like me to wed you?" She asked. Jack relaxed some.

"That would be wonderful, ma'am," Jack said, with a smile.

"Come this way." She led us to a flower covered arch in her yard. "Do you take this woman to be your wife?"

"I do," Jack said.

"Do you take this man to be your husband?"

"I do," I said.

"You may now kiss the bride." Jack turned to me and pulled me close.

"I love you," He said. "No matter what happens." Then he kissed me. I felt a chill run down my spine as I kissed him back and closed my eyes. The cold became a warmth I had never felt before as it spread through my entire body. I felt my feet leave the ground, but Jack's never moved. I was pulled away from him. I opened my eyes and saw just how far off the ground I was. I tried to call out to Jack, but my mouth wouldn't work. I tried to move, but the only motion was up. I felt something changing. A sudden pain covered my entire body, replacing the warmth that Jack had given me. I think I screamed but I can't remember. Then I passed out. When I woke up Jack was staring at me and the woman was standing over him. I knew that I was different somehow.

"I told you that it was almost exactly what happened to you all those years ago when I cursed you, Jack. She's fine."

"But I was watching you. You didn't do anything."

"The curse works of its own accord. I didn't have to do anything this time," The woman, or witch said. Jack still looked worried.

"Jack?" I managed. My voice sounded different.

"Isa? Are you okay?" Jack helped me sit up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think." I pushed my hair away from my face. Wait, my hair had been pulled back before and I knew for certain that it hadn't been green. "What happened?"

"Well, uh, even though I have forgiven Jack and apologized numerous times for my rage at a small mix up, the curse is irreversible. That means when you married Jack, you were transformed into a Mythic yourself. Judging by the hair and the eyes, I'd venture to guess something to do with a forest. If you would like, I could take a moment and divine who you have turned into for you," The witch said.

"What do you mean 'who' I turned into?"

"Every Mythic is determined before they are truly created. For example, the spirits knew that the boy who entered my home would turn in to Jack Frost. He was not Jack Frost before. In fact, he wasn't even named Jack." I saw Jack tense. He didn't like being talked about. "You decided your fate when you said that you would marry Jack. That doesn't mean that you can't call yourself Isa anymore or that Jack can't. Quite simply, it changes what the mortals call you. To them Princess Isabella is dead and gone. My offer is to let you know what the humans will call you when you help them."

"Um, all right."

She smiled. "Would you like to sit in a chair instead of on the ground while I try to divine it? It could take up to a human hour. I may even be able to discover how you are meant to help them." I laughed a little and Jack smiled. He helped me up and guided me to a chair because I was unsteady on my feet.

"So who were you before?" I asked as the witch went to work.

"A jerk who wouldn't have given you a second look and probably would've ignored most of the women on dance floor unless I was joking around with them," Jack said.

"I meant what was your name?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't."

"Then why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious."

"That's how we got here."

"And isn't it wonderful?"


"Then why do you want to hide it?"

"I'm ashamed. My family went crazy when I didn't return. They did what your father would've done without word of what had happened. They made history with their violent acts, all because my mother couldn't find me." I felt my eyes widen with realization. He was the lost prince. His parent’s favorite that had disappeared right before his time to be wed. His parents and his two brothers conquered the country side in search of him. When he wasn't found, his mother had gone mad with grief and ordered anyone who might have seen on his journey years before to be captured, tortured, and killed in order to find him. His family either died of grief or because of the mother's orders. The lost prince's name was Eric. He became known as Eric the Lost. His mother, my namesake, became Isabella the Mother.

"Jack, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"You had every right to." He paused. "Why were you named after her?"

"My father wanted me to be as determined a mother as she was. My brother used to make fun of me and call me things like Mother Nature because of my determination with the forest." Jack smiled. "You know, the name they gave you is worse than that and they shouldn't have done that."

"Isa, that was a different person who was really lost in the scheme of life. He was a jerk and he never honestly cared about his parents. I would've never thought how much I miss them now as possible for me." Jack leaned in for another kiss. I leaned towards him but our lips never touched.

"I've done it!" The witch cried out at that exact moment.

"That’s wonderful." I said pulling away from Jack. "What have you divined?" Jack sighed, but looked to the witch all the same.

"The mortals will call you Mother Nature and you will follow Jack and bring them spring and growth," She replied. Jack smiled.

"I couldn't think of a better thing for you to do," He said.

"I can," I said and looked right into his eyes. He leaned in and I kissed him. I was Mother Nature. I was Jack Frost's bride. I was finally happy with what I had.

Eric and Isabella lived happily ever after.

© 2014 Danny X

Author's Note

Danny X
I mostly do dialogue peices and I would like to know how to improve on that particular part.

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Added on April 2, 2014
Last Updated on April 2, 2014
Tags: Fantasy, Romance, Myth


Danny X
Danny X

I became insane, with horrible periods of sanity-Edgar Allen Poe more..

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