![]() On The Nature of Politics.A Story by Danny MetcalfeThe fundamental nature of politics is guided by egocentric-consciousness, that being that which identifies as that which they are not i.e. the body, their thoughts, the material world etc.… more than anything else it is the great divider, that is, it appeals to the parts of human nature that perceives under the condition of illusions, the condition of disconnection. The condition of disconnection is the great evil in the world. The foundations of politics are built upon the bricks of divide and conquer, that is by dividing the people they are much easier to control. It is the imposition of strict psychological manipulation, which insists on conformity and fear being its most powerful tactic. All warfare is based upon deception and the greatest deception within human nature is that of egocentric perception. It is very easy to deceive a mind that has already deceived itself. How can one expect people to see through the lies they are told by the media and beyond when they can't even see through the lies they tell themselves? It is an important question and one that all individuals should ask themselves. It is of course a question of awareness for a mind confined to ego is in prison and this state of being is the very reason politics thrives as a system. Hannah Ardent said in her book The Human Condition, ''Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is not only apolitical but antipolitical, perhaps the most powerful of all antipolitical forces''. If love is anti-political then therefore so is wisdom for wisdom is that which is beyond ego-centric knowledge. Wisdom does not fit into the political arena for wisdom cannot be controlled and thus wisdom is frowned upon within said arena. If we can first understand love and wisdom is higher than opinion then we can understand that love and wisdom is higher than politics. It is from this we can come to comprehend that love/wisdom is averse to the tendencies of sectarianism. Religious and political sectarianism is by design not universal and thus cannot be in accordance with wisdom. If a political sect is not universal it is therefore narrow and therefore finite. Thereby limited in time and purpose. It is for these reasons politics is in opposition to true liberty. True liberty being free: Physically, mentally and spiritually. We can of course be deceived into thinking we are free for the mere reason our physically body is not behind bars. But what of mental and spiritual liberty? For we can misguide ourselves into thinking we are free when we are missing two sides of the trinity. Of the three it is mental slavery that politics is most interested in. For that is where the inconsistency of morals is most easily influenced and thus guided by an invisible force---we can call this force propaganda. Effective propaganda works through the power of sub-conscious thinking. The sub-conscious mind understands concepts through signs and symbols---This is where our inner fears, beliefs and opinions reside or in other words where our assumptions of the world gather and form. It is in political terms the portal of manipulation. It is the nature of the conscious mind never really to notice such manipulation unless the individual lives their life in the state of wisdom. The opposing state is that of ignorance or unawareness. Those who are unaware of the mechanisms that guide their lives are very agreeable to suggestion. Their opinions are suggested and formed via the power of propaganda. In other words their minds are molded like robots, their thoughts not their own, their lives lived in auto-pilot. They are obedient citizens, who when asked to jump off a cliff, jump. In Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil Hannah Ardent writes, “For politics is not like the nursery; in politics obedience and support are the same.” Those who are obedient therefore support the chains around the necks of their spirit and thus are unable to cut the chords that bind them to their own slow hanging. The tighter the chord the more dependent the individual is upon the state who horde the obedient into an illusion of safety. This is of course nothing more than a false sense of security, this safety being conceived only through the spiritual blindness of the individual. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes in ‘’ The Heart of Emerson's Journals’’, p.49 ‘’ A sect or party is an elegant incognito devised to save a man from the vexation of thinking.’’ Thinking to the state/government being something dangerous to the status-quo and therefore dangerous to the political hierarchy. We are talking here about the kind of thinking that is beyond thinking. It is that which is transcendental in nature and thus is that that sees in all directions simultaneously or in other words what we call wisdom. The individual who has risen to the heights of wisdom are those who can observe without entering into the dogmatic and ideological. The minute an individual enters into ideology, they have entered into the ego-centric mode of perception. This is the place within human nature where politics works best for it is the place where perception is divided into ‘’us and them’’ reasoning and also into the conformity of perception. This conformity of perception is what some may call ‘mental slavery’. These individuals whose life is dictated by the safety of conformity must in order to get on in the world and exist be told how to live for if there was no outside authority to tell them how to live they would have no protection from destruction. It may seem upon the surface that the ‘destruction’ is a materialistic problem but in reality it is a spiritual issue. The issue is of the ego, that being the ego by its very nature is destructive and cannot sustain itself without outside reassurance. And so the external symbol of reassurance to these individuals is politics/government. Leo Tolstoy writes “Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us.” The most obvious use of violence that government has used upon the people is physical violence. The less obvious form of violence being that of psychological/spiritual violence. This is the kind of violence that goes unseen to those of an unobservant nature. Its most transparent sign being the uniformity of ideas, that being anything outside the conformed narrative is immediately ridiculed. The conformed narrative being that which is in obedience to the political system at it deepest root, that being a system that is conducted via the ego-centric guises of human nature. What politics focuses it attentions on are the trepidations of the ego. It is through these trepidations that determines which camp an individual will choose politically. It is a choice through force of manipulation of ego-centric pandering. The manipulation does not really pander to left or right unless one ideology can be used in promoting a particular agenda at that moment in time, it is a manipulation that keeps the mind within the system. Or in other words keeps the mind within the duality complex, that is being confined to the forces of habit instead of the efforts of the will. It must be said that politics is a duality complex. That is it abides to the thinking of separateness. This is the fundamental nature of ego and thus politics. Suggesting unity is something not possible within a socio-egocentric society. Politics/government being the great symbol of instruction within the socio-egocentric society. It is the very nature of politics that the essential aspect of our being be ignored, that being that which unites. Rabindranath Tagore once said ‘’only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.’’ The nature of politics is itself conflict and therefore politics being absent of love/wisdom. We could also call it the practice of unconsciousness. It is the principal experience of those detached from conscious reality to disguise their true internal nature with ideas and thoughts that stem from external learning. François de La Rochefoucauld said it best when he said ‘’ We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.’’ Politics reduces humans to their most basic and repugnant expression: Fear. Fear being an ego-centric ritual. Politics is a profession of using the fears of the masses and by what I will call ‘rituals of language’ suggesting the opinions and ideas of the majority. These rituals of language are designated to those inclined towards obtaining their opinions from external stimuli. Those of an internal nature observe these rituals but do not enter into them. Hence those of a wise nature familiarise themselves with other affairs. These affairs being transcendent in nature; it is the experience of being in the world, but not of it. To the politician, truth is rarely the purpose. The true motive being that of election and power. To the ego, truth is rarely its purpose. Its true motive being that of survival and power. There is no real difference between the politician/politics and the ego. Politics is the ego asserting itself; wisdom is truth making itself known to those who seek it.
© 2021 Danny Metcalfe |
Added on August 5, 2021 Last Updated on August 5, 2021 Author![]() Danny MetcalfeUnited KingdomAboutI am a writer, poet and playwright. All works are first drafts. My favorite writers are: Arthur Rimbaud, William S Burroughs, Clarice Lispector, Robert Walser, Julio Cortazar, Mikhail Bulgakov,.. more..Writing