we all travel upon a trajectory. marked
by an invisible thread of circumstance binding us one to another we
become entwined in the human experience...tethering us to life itself.
And the courses we steer are ever changing by the smallest most
insignificant things effecting us in the most monumental of ways. We
are forever altered by every life that bumps up against ours. And
everyone we touch even briefly settles into a part of our experience...
becoming a part of us. And so it is with this truth that I set forth to
recognize a great gift...perhaps she was sent by the Literary Gods an
allegorical messiah sent to save me from the burning hell of
complacency. I knew nothing about her, really... I mean I knew the
stupid stuff about her. The kind of stuff you can know about someone
that says absolutely nothing about who they are. I knew she was mentally
ill with a sea of ghosts swarming about her every time I saw her but
had no idea how it all came to be. I would watch her everyday from my
balcony as she set out on her mysterious walkabouts, her sandals
clicking smartly against the pavement, her purse tucked under an arm or
swinging lazily off her shoulder sometimes it was a green bag other
times an orange one but it was always there. Like a constant extension
of herself. I liked to imagine the bag was full of whatever it was she
wrestled with... scattered trinkets from the ghosts that so visibly
haunted her for more often than not she could be seen and heard
screaming obscenities to the entire world as she walked by but always
flashing her eyes my way with a broad smile and the sweetest voice in
answer to my daily greetings...its safe to say I liked her from the
start for she truly was the personification of her name "a billion
shades of blue and wide open her soul pockmarked with clouds some
carefree billowy and white while others were stormy and dark. I
thought she was beautiful in every way for she owned every step she took
and she occupied all of her spaces without apology and with a boldness
unrivaled... as if she were trying to break through some invisible
membrane separating her from the world around her...as if she were
punching her way into life itself. And it was within those peculiar laws
of momentum that sent her life careening into mine. I don't know why it
is that some people affect us more than others how one might know
another for only a few moments and yet find within that equation a bond
outweighing lifelong friendships. I like to think that every life
crossed has some reason for doing so and that somehow we manage to make
more sense of ourselves within that wake. And surely there must be some
sort of exchange that takes place... bold steps for my timid ones and
the timeless knowing that I have the right to occupy all of my spaces
and perhaps even a small slice of obscenities screamed out into the
world for my daily injustice Perhaps it is those small pieces she brings
to me with every chance encounter every "corner crosswalked connection"
she presents me with pieces of Skye sometimes sweet and blue and
sometimes a bleeding sky scarred violently by the setting sun but
always ageless and beautiful and not easily forgotten. Her moments are
leftover imprints upon my page...she is my poem