![]() That's Danny Jones, the new kid.A Chapter by Danni
I got dressed for school in a hurry - already running late. Great, two weeks into the school year and I’m going to be late again. How I hate Mondays…
Living on my own and being independent did have flaws after all. Why was a seventeen year old girl living on her own? Good question! There’s quite a story behind it. My rich parents moved around a lot so by the age of fifteen I’ve attended four different schools in four different places. When we first moved down here two years ago I wasn’t planning on making a lot of friends or settling in at school as I was sure we’d have to move again soon. But I fell in love with this town as soon as I started high school ,which turned out quite good itself, I made more friends than I ever had. So, when my parents decided to move again - a month before I was to start my last and most important year of high school - I insisted on staying. Now I’ve got this huge mansion to myself and a credit card that’s got no limits. But my dad - might not seem likely but he is sort of over protective - hired a housemaid for me. Not that I mind or anything. Rosie’s a great, middle-aged and her cooking skills would put Jamie Oliver to shame. I also have a chauffer, Henry, as I’m not so keen on driving to school every morning. I ran downstairs and straight into the kitchen, nearly knocking Rosie over. “Is Henry ready?” I asked while grabbing a piece of toast of the plate she was holding. “Good morning to you too” she smiled politely. “Hi. And bye!”, I pecked her on the cheek and made my way towards the front door. “What about breakfast?” she called after me. “No time!” I called back as I shut the door behind me. I got out of the car and waved at Henry. Then I made my way towards my group of friends that loyally waited for me at the front gate. I sighed, another boring day. The weather seemed to be reflecting my mood, it was cloudy but wasn't raining yet. Yet. „Hello, Sarah”, Nicola smiled politely. The rest just nodded at me, I smiled in return. „You look like you've been up all night”, Alice stated. She was a tiny blond with wide green eyes, bouncy curls and always smiling. She seemed to be carrying around an aura of happiness with her wherever she went. „I feel like it too” I mumbled. „If it's to do with a guy then I don't want to hear it” Jason " Alice's best male friend and Nicola’s twin brother " cringed. „Actually it's not,” I grinned „ but I stayed up till two in the morning finishing off my essay.” „You wouldn't have to do that if you had it done when we did” Nicola pointed out. Grrr. Miss Know-It-All did annoy me when it came to my delayed homework. Not everyone was as smart as her. „I was busy”, I defended. „I manage to get my school work done and make it in time for the party,” she carried on. „Not everyone's as perfect as you are” I grinned. „Hmmm... you're right” she allowed. The first two classes passed by in a blur. I didn't remember much of any of them. That was good. Double geography wasn't that interesting. But it was chemistry next. The class I share with Kimberley and her brand new boyfriend that just happened to cross the popular/average line by dating her. But since Adam was Harry's best friend he somehow got away with it with just a few rumours and whispers. Damn he was brave, people gave them both a really bad time when they announced that they’re dating. Harry was one of the most popular guys in school. I could have sworn he had this thing for Nicola. He probably still has. I smiled to myself, that would make two of them then. But Harry would not risk his reputation like Tom. The fact that he still talks to Tom puts him in a bad light. I was just about to enter the lab when someone shoved me to the side slightly. I steadied myself and shot her a dark glare. It was Katie, the head cheerleader. Those people really did think they owned the place, but they wont be shoving Sarah Roberts about. When I finally gotten over my irritation I went to sit in my normal seat in between Adam and Kim ( I think they sat like this to annoy me but can't be really sure). „You look tired” Adam noted. „Can you tell me something I don't know already?” I replied not bothering to look at him while I got my books out in front of me. „I can actually” Kim whispered as Mr Franklin started his lecture. „What?” I asked turning my attention to my friend. When you looked at Kim you couldn't help but to understand why Adam risked his 'popularity' for her. She had dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin. She was half Mexican. Her full round lips and high cheekbones even made the cool girls jealous. „There's a new kid staring today!” she exclaimed. „Oh,” I thought about it for a second, „is it a guy?” „Yup!” she grinned. Apparently I‘ve asked the right question. „Are you forgetting that boy on the other side of me Ms Haywood?” I teased. „No” but even with her dark skin I could see colour flooding her cheeks. I giggled, now why was this guy so exciting? I didn't get a chance to talk to her about it again during class as Mr Franklin called on me for an answer to a question I haven't even heard. As the bell rang " announcing the lunch hour " I walked out of my Spanish class, leaving Stella behind. Stella always stayed behind after Spanish as she had a thing for our teacher. He wasn’t that bad and he was young. Too young to be a teacher at high school if you ask me. It happened just outside the cafeteria. Some silly plastic pushed past me and the folder I was holding fell to the floor, all of it's contest falling out. Anger flashed in my eyes as I tried not to hit the girl that was rushing away from me. I exhaled sharply and bend down to pick up all of my stuff. It was about two seconds later that I noticed someone else was trying to help me. I looked up in the same time that he did. My own eyes met a pair of strikingly beautiful pair of deep, baby blue eyes. I froze. The eyes bore into mine. Then much too quickly they released me. The lad stood straight, holding out my pieces of paper. I took them with a small smile, „ Um... thanks”. „You're welcome” he turned to leave then and his eyes glistered as the sun touched his face. So it was sunny after all. I stood there, staring after him as he walked away. Nice eyes, I thought and shook my head as if that would help me clear it. I walked into the cafeteria after him but instead of looking around for the mysterious lad that I was sure I haven't seen around here before " I would defiantly have remembered if I did " I found my friends. They all looked up as I approached, still sorting my messy folder out. „'Sup?” Jason asked while taking in my, again, irritated expression. „Some w***e made me drop my folder” I mumbled. „You should have hit her” Stella smirked, already sat in her place. So she made it here before me. „I considered it”. Then, as I moved my head to look at her I saw him again. He sat at the table with... Harry? Yeah, Harry and his cronies . Kimberley noticed me staring and as she followed my gaze she smirked, „That's Danny Jones, the new kid”. „His first day and he's hanging around with Harry already?” Jason asked, surprised. I have to say, I was too. „Seems like it” Kim shrugged. „A*****e's find a*****e's” Nicola frowned. „You don't know him though” I tried not to sound defensive. „Maybe not, but just look at him!” she half smiled as her eyes flicked to somewhere else, „Seems like he's not only getting it on with the lads”. We all started at her as she grinned, nodding towards another table across the cafeteria. She was right, Lauren, the leader of the plastics, the town's w***e was staring at the new guy curiously while her little followers giggled and gossiped excitedly. „He's quick” Jason laughed. „Yeah, quick to catch something of Lauren” Nicola agreed. It was very easy to notice that they were twins. And it wasn't looks I'm talking about. They both look very different. Nicola's a tall redhead while Jason's a small blond. Well after so many hairstyles it's hard to tell what colour’s his, naturally, but Nicola reassured us it's blond. The only thing they've got in common when it comes to looks is their eyes. Greyish blue, set exactly the same above their cheekbones. But when it came to their personalities they were so much alike! Accept from the fact that Nicola was smart, what could not be said about her brother. „He's sure to date one of the cool one’s by the end of the week” Alice's voice distracted me. „Yeah” Nicola nodded. Then Kim chirped, „ Anyone interested in going to mall with me and Adam after school?” And a new conversation began. When I walked out of the school grounds, finally free to go home, I waved to my friends and nearly ran to Henry who was waiting by the car. „How was your day, Miss Sarah?” he asked while taking my bag from me. „It was good” I smiled. „Glad to hear it” he opened my door and walked around to get into the drivers seat. As I was getting in I got a glimpse of the new kid " I’ve got to stop calling him that, Danny " walking out with Lauren and her mates. She was chatting away and didn't seem to notice that his eyes flickered to… me? © 2010 Danni |
2 Reviews Added on April 1, 2010 Last Updated on April 1, 2010 AuthorDanniSkegness, Lincolnshire, United KingdomAboutWell I'm Danni :] I'm 17 from the wonderfully boring town of Skegness. I'ma college kid doin A levels. It's all very simple really. I love music and reading. They both inspire my writing. Unfortunatl.. more..Writing