![]() 3- Promise from EthiopiaA Chapter by DanielleA94![]() Nareena holds 4 of the 7 artifacts she needs. The trail has been cold for many years, but now there is news from Africa, exciting news.![]() London Present Day Despite the glass tumbler in her hand being empty, she made no attempt to refill it, instead she left it to hang tentatively between her fingers. Several years had passed since her last discovery, she now only had 3 artefacts left to acquire but they were proving to be the most tiresome and difficult to uncover. The Veil of Veronica, which had so many surviving replica's that she feared the real one truly had been destroyed, The Ark of the Covenant; which hung vicariously amidst a nest of centuries of myth and The Holy Grail, another artefact buried beneath myths and legends. Though she would never tell another soul, she had at times found herself contemplating if it was worth it anymore. In truth she was tired of searching and her resources were becoming ever thinner; having already sold several of her homes, some of which she had owned for over 300 years, just to keep her operation going. She had also been forced to reduce her staff of almost 30 men and women down to only one team, her compromise was that she had kept the most loyal and skilled people she had at her disposal. As night continued to descend outside, Nareena pushed off from the wall she had been leaning on and went to retrieve another drink from the decanter that waited on the glass table behind her, only to be interrupted by a knock on the library door and the sudden appearance of Levi. He entered the room and smiled at her when she held up a glass to him in silent offering. While she poured their drinks he took a seat in front of the cold fireplace and reclined at his leisure, no one else alive would think of doing such a thing but they had become completely at ease around each in all their time together. "Here love" she said softly to him as she handed him his drink and sat in the chair next to his.She matched his posture and sat back letting the black leather cushion her back. Nareena took a moment to admire him, in all the years they had worked together she had only now noticed how much he had changed, his thick brown hair now had small streaks of silver flashing through it, it had even stretched down into his beard. His eyes were framed with fine crows feet the kind a person would get from years of generous smiles and laughter, despite all of this he was just the same to her as he had always been. The dynamics of their relationship had changed in the last 17 years,they had gone from employer and employee to pillow talk lovers for a time and her most trusted companion and she had admitted to feeling some form of affection for his younger more devilish self. However she knew how fleeting mortal life could be, and when their time came and they had run their course she called off the affair and pushed him to find a woman that he could grow old with. He had found such a person much to Nareena's relief, he also agreed to stay with her and continue his job. "You're staring at me again" his voice startled her. "I'm allowed to stare, we have history, you and I." she replied with a light smile. "Indeed we do." he mused before taking a sip of his whiskey and rubbing his beard, a deep line appeared on his forehead which usually meant he had something to say and he knew she wouldn't like it. "I know that face. What is it?" she asked him with a little concern. He nodded his head but remained quiet a few moments longer before speaking "There's news from Zimbabwe" he paused to watch for her reaction "The team didn't find anything substantial with the tribe, the artefact was a replica, a very old replica. Apparently the original burst into flames years ago. The mission was a waste." He didn't make eye contact with her while she considered the information. "It was a long shot anyway" she conceded "I fit had been real, it would've been locked away in a museum by now or stolen. But I had to exhaust all possibilities, I thought that perhaps their distance from regular society was the reason they did not present it sooner. Or maybe they were telling the truth and the Lemba people did once own it." Clearly surprised by her calm response Levi reached for her hand, holding it in silent support. She was more than aware that like her he was growing tired of following dead ends, that he wanted to finish this. The physical affection grew too uncomfortable for her so she withdrew her hand. "Pull the team from Zimbabwe, but tell them to stay in Africa. I may have need for them in Ethiopia." she informed him, shedding the tingling feeling of their familiarity in favour of a more distant approach. "You mean that Professor? Has he given you any evidence worth chasing?" he pulled out his phone undoubtedly sending word to his Lieutenant, Thomas and the rest of his team about their much deserved leave. "Something like that, he's divulged as much as he is willing. He has however, offered to tell me more if I am inclined to meet with him in person." she explained before draining her second drink and standing up. "And are you?" "Am I what?" "Inclined to meet with him?" he asked already knowing the answer. "Yes. I am. He's my last lead." she told him without hesitation. "Shall I arrange the flights?" His eagerness was amusing as always "Already done. We leave tomorrow afternoon." He was taken back by her efficiency and judging by his face he was thinking about home and his wife Caroline, she was a pretty thing, with kind enough eyes and a sweet heart, she was almost Nareena's complete opposite. Levi had never fully told her about his job or relationship with his 'Boss' which was for the the best; as far as his young bride was concerned Levi was head of security for a successful antiquities dealer, a far stretch of the truth but Caroline never questioned it. "Go home Levi. Spend some time with your wife. I will see you at the airport at 6 tomorrow." she told him quietly as she gazed into the empty fireplace.The smile he pulled across his face echoed her unease, it was full of sadness and relief, sadness for what they had become to each other and relief that she had told him to go. He put his half empty drink down onto the glass coffee table that divided them and bid her a soft Goodnight. A soft click of the closing door signalled Levi's departure, with him gone, she closed the curtains blocking out the ever present pulse of the city outside and turned to her desk at the opposite end of the room where her laptop lay open waiting obediently for her. It came back to life when she tapped one of it's keys, illuminating her face and a small part of the room in a bright glow, she sank herself into the oversized desk chair she loved and set out to reply to the Professor she had been corresponding with for the past couple of weeks. Professor Drake, As we have discussed, myself and my travelling companion will be arriving with you sometime the day after tomorrow, on the 24th. We shall be travelling by car from our hotel and hope to be with you in the late afternoon. I look forward to going to the compound to see for myself what you have meticulously described to me during our correspondence. I hope you are as eager to meet as I am. Once again thank you for this opportunity. Natalie Browning. Not a fan of camera's, Nareena was fond of today's unlimited reach when it came to communication. She tapped the Send button and closed the laptop with a soft methodical click. The room around her had grown even darker as the chill of night stroked at her back, she felt especially vulnerable at night when she was alone even now after all these years. The longing for her bed reared into her consciousness demanding to be known, not wanting to disobey her body she gave in to her fatigue and left her library for the comfort of her bed. * Ethiopia's late afternoon heat was no less ferocious than it was at midday. The grounds of the Church were so serenely quiet, that had they not been travelling for so long perhaps she would have stopped to appreciate it more. Pulling her sunglasses down over her eyes, Nareena stepped out of the car, a decaying white 4x4 that looked unable to move a few feet let alone transport people and headed over to the waiting man she presumed to be Professor Simon Drake. He was a wiry man, all height and arms,even in the heat he managed to wear suit trousers and a white shirt looking vastly more professional than both Nareena and Levi combined "Hello. You must be Ms Browning." he offered his hand and a kind smile. His accent was hard to place, but Nareena was almost sure he was an American.. "Yes, hello Professor." she replied taking his hand and shaking it "This is my associate Levi " Levi also offered a polite hello and handshake. "Chicago, am I right?" "Once upon a time! Come, follow me, let's find some shade." The professor looked to be in his early 50's with a mess of salt and pepper hair on his head. He led them toward a small white painted building that was too new to have been part of the original church compound. A single door led them inside; a gush of crisp cool air swarmed their faces offering immediate relief from the blistering heat as they entered what was apparently a small museum dedicated to the History of the Ark. They walked in further, coming upon a small desk that separated the main room from a private room that looked no bigger than a garden shed. "Sit sit" he offered them the chairs on one side of the desk " Can I get you anything to drink?" he asked them politely, busying himself clearing the avalanche of papers that littered his desk. "Water" they replied in unison, his smile suggested he understood. He retrieved two plastic cups and filled them from a water cooler that was hidden somewhere in the back room. The cups were covered in condensation from the ice cold water as he handed them their drinks and they accepted them with great enthusiasm. The museum did not appear to be anything spectacular, it was a small room with detailed wall displays about the Ark, it's creation and it's journey to Axum. "Is all this yours?" she asked him. "Well it belongs to the Monks from the Church, I simply help to organise and curate it." his smile was genuine and he even seemed pleased with his work. "A labour of love or a quest for knowledge?" she prompted jokingly. "Probably a little bit of both, I certainly came for the knowledge but I think I stay for love of the place" he mused. The cool water glided effortlessly down her parched throat, a welcome relief that helped her to speak "Professor, thank you again for agreeing to meet with us, I understand that you are one of a few people that have gotten close to the Tablet Building that isn't a monk from Our Lady Mary?" "Well I've been inside the fence of the compound, as part of my thesis I wanted to get a closer look at the building. Unfortunately I have not been allowed inside the building itself. Only one chosen Guardian can look upon the Ark." he explained, the disappointment of being so close and yet so far was evident in his voice. "I see." Nareena's brow furrowed slightly despite her composure. "Has anyone ever been inside that is not the Guardian? Perhaps during a ceremony or maybe someone has gotten in when they didn't have permission?" "You mean like a break in? No. The monks believe that the Ark rests easy here because it lies undisturbed by the world and is protected by only the most Holy of men. Allowing anyone else inside would sully the Holy ground. And as far as I know, there has never been an attempt to break into the tablet building." "But without any other witnesses what makes you so sure that what is in that building is in fact the real thing? There are several places that the Ark could be, why here? For all you know the Tablet Building is empty." "I guess my faith has something to do with it, that and I strongly believe in my own research." She nodded her agreement. He then motioned to the door they had come through "Why don't I take you over to the fence so you can have a look?" "That would be great." Levi replied on Nareena's behalf. The heat still hadn't subsided while they had been indoors, but thankfully it was only a short walk to the fence that surrounded her desired treasure. They stood there and marvelled at the stone walls that encased the most powerful object known to man. For a building that was supposedly home to The Ark of the Covenant, the cream stone walls were as plain and inconspicuous as the Museum. There was no way of seeing through the stained glass windows that adorned every side of the building despite her lack of trying. All the while the Professor continued to tell her all about the Ark's arrival in the City and a brief history of the city itself. The building was small and her thoughts turned to the monk inside, he was not permitted to leave the grounds until the day he died, it made her pity the lonely man inside. Straining her neck higher she surmised that the only door was hidden beneath a pair of heavy purple curtains that had been bleached from years of sun exposure, ensuring nobody would catch a glimpse inside. A high dome protruded from the centre of the roof, it's paint had seen better years, judging by the flaking pieces of paint. To her untrained eye it appeared structurally sound, with the only way in being the door. It was not perhaps as solid to Levi, he was the only one moving, he had taken the opportunity to walk the the perimeter fence, he was being vigilant, assessing the situation and his options. "I'm sorry to say there is no way to see inside, not matter where you stand!" Professor Drake confessed, fooled by Levi's real intentions. Levi simply smiled and returned to them. Giving nothing away as he approached. When she could no longer stand the heat and Levi had indicated he had all he needed, Nareena turned to Drake "Thank you for your time and insight Professor, I really do appreciate it, but I'm afraid we must be getting on with our trip." "Oh of course, I apologise. I do hope that this helped you with your research." He followed them back to the car that had been idling beneath the shade of a tree. Nareena almost felt guilty for lying to him, he seemed like a friendly person who was dedicated to his religion and his work. She had given him the impression that she was writing a paper on Religious Relics and wanted to get a closer look at the Ark building, a little white lie that made her appear harmless.Offering them a small wave and wishes of safe travels he bid them goodbye as they got into the car. The car wasn't as cool as the museum but it was cooler than outside. Sweat beaded on Levi's head, it already stained his shirt at the bottom of his and under his arms, Nareena pulled a fan from her bag and attempted to cool herself down before her own sweat stained her clothes, how Professor Drake managed to live in this heat was beyond her. They drove back towards their hotel in the city centre. Above the noise of the engine of their hired taxi Levi spoke "What's your plan?" "I want inside that building. Call the team and get them here as soon as you can. I don't want to prolong my stay here." She was tired of waiting, it shouldn't be too hard to get into the building that small, there would be no need for excessive planning this time. * One week later 4 miles from Our Lady Mary of Zion, 0200 hours Levi had managed to assemble his team of five men and concoct a plan within a week, Thomas hadn't been in the best of moods at being pulled from social leave, and his wife, so soon but he had still turned up, he always did; he was loyal and had been with Nareena longer than anyone else. He stood his tall frame at the back of a black van that he had procured from an old friend on his incoming journey and continued his foul mood while Levi explained the mission. It was a simple plan, fool proof in fact. Levi determined that their only route in and out was the door they had noticed beneath the curtains the day of their visit. He wanted them to go in, deal with the Guardian then remove the Ark from it's tabernacle and place it in the van. From there they were to drive to a port in Djibouti and shipped to London in a shipping container surrounded by by old cinematic props. "I want it made clear that the Guardian is not to be harmed. Nareena doesn't want or need a murder investigation to follow this. Once we've broken down the door and we enter the building he is to be subdued by taser and moved out of the way. From there we will remove the Ark and secure it inside the vehicle. Thomas, Christopher and Martin will escort the Ark and secure it on board the ship. You'll rendezvous with us back in London. Carl, Devon and I will return home with Nareena to set up the new tabernacle and any safety precautions." He looked up from the map he had been leaning over and looked to each of his men in turn; all were clad in black, faces mostly camouflaged and guns in hands. With every nod of understanding he received he became confident that they all knew their job. "Do they have any security on the compound that we should be aware of?" Thomas questioned. His thick Scottish accent never waned, it only changed when he was angry, in which case it thickened. "Surveillance doesn't suggest there are armed security, they tend to keep outsiders at a distance and don't man any guns themselves." "Should be easy then. The wife'll pleased" the atmosphere eased as the team laughed. "Everyone on me." Levi ordered climbing into the drivers seat of his black SUV. The rest of team moved with fluidity, finding their seats in their designated vehicle; they had worked together so long that they were familiar with each other enough that they rarely had the need to talk to communicate when on mission, they acted with muscle memory. * Nareena sat behind the steering wheel of her black sedan. Once the team retrieved their objective they would travel to meet her in the location her now waited at so she could view the Ark and evaluate it's authenticity before she left for home and it reached the shipping yard to be shipped home. In the days after her visit to the Church she and Levi had arranged every last detail down to back up plans. If the mission was a success it would take them approximately 4 hours to reach her, if it was a failure then Levi would contact her via phone and she would make her way to another hotel they had booked as a backup base. Checking her watch for the tenth time she grew impatient, they were 33 minutes late and there was no word. It made her uneasy but her faith in Levi kept her there. At the 41 minute mark a black transport van and black SUV pulled up into the lay-by where she had parked. Only Levi got out to meet her, he was covered in sweat but he looked calm enough, which was in harsh comparison to how Nareena felt. Her pace quickened towards him about to speak when he answered her unspoken question "Sorry, we took a wrong turn out of Aksum and got a little lost, the signal wasn't so good. Relax." Relief showered over her and she let out a small sigh as he took her by the arm and led her to the back of the van. The door opened from the inside when Levi knocked on the side of the vehicle. Christopher revealed himself then climbed out of her way to allow her in. He smiled "Did we give you a scare?" his rolling West Country accent was hard to be mad at "Just a little" she laughed, following her joke with a little tinge of ice "Don't do it again." "Wouldn't dream of it Miss." he was aware she wasn't trying to be mean, simply distant. Just like the others he was used to her and comfortable enough to joke around, she always liked his mischievous streak. As she climbed into the van she was confronted by a large box covered with a piece of white linen cloth. Nareena sat down on the bench that ran along the side of the van eyes alight with glorious wonder. Levi removed the cloth slowly allowing her time to process it. It was nothing like what she had imagined, the Acacia wood had not rotted away with time it looked like it had been made only yesterday, a separate wooden crate with no lid contained the Ark itself, most likely it was the only way the Ark could be transported without the bearers being struck dead like so many had been before. It had four poles that extended out from the box two facing forward and two facing back. The Ark itself was about a metre wide and 2 metres long. The top was decorated with a delicate layer of radiant gold that glowed even in the dim van. Two small angels stood on top of the Ark facing away from each other, their wings extended behind them almost touching. The wings of the Angles were not identical, they were more like two sibling pairs. On closer inspection she realised that they were meant to symbolise Michael and his brother Gabriel; the one that faced out towards the night looked like him, it's hair framed his face and his jaw was set just like it always was when they were together. Looking at it pained her after not seeing a true likeness of him for so long, she looked away not wanting to prolong the pain. A pure, pale light permeated all around them it was breathtaking. A tear, something she wasn't aware she could still produce, trailed down her cheek at the wonder of what was before her. After a moment of collective silence she spoke, quoting the Bible. "You saw how I carried you on the wings of the eagles and brought you to Myself. Now obey me completely. Keep my covenant." She stepped down from the van and watched as both men cautiously covered it back up. "Finally." she whispered to herself. Without another word to anyone she made her way to her car and drove away. © 2018 DanielleA94 |
StatsAuthor![]() DanielleA94Durham, North East, United KingdomAboutDanielle; a tattooed and pierced 20 something from the North of England. I've been a member for some years now (despite my lack of uploads) I started writing poetry when I first joined because I th.. more..Writing