Schrödinger's Diary

Schrödinger's Diary

A Poem by Lucas Grasha

Schrödinger’s Diary


December 16, 1935:

Cat walked by the lab bench.

He then disappeared into another quantum realm.

Did not come back for five hours, but when he did,

he brought back trout that sang very well.


December 17, 1935:

Cat died on lab bench.

No good reason to it--

he simply died.

Buried him in my old shoe box in the back yard.

Ate dinner after singing a dirge.


December 18, 1935:

Went to Copenhagen today

and found my cat both alive and dead.

Not a pretty sight.

Threw a nearby turkey at him then ran home.


December 19, 1935:

Got home and went to sleep.

Found out shortly after falling asleep that the cat resurrected himself.

The b*****d tried to kill me in my sleep.

Fended him off by using my wife as a sword.

Turned out she broke her neck from the duel…

will go out tomorrow and buy a new wife.


December 20, 1935:

Dueled with zombie cat on Moors of Throthgar today. I won.


December 21, 1935:

Attempted to purchase Ireland for a penny today.

They were offended by my offer

and ran me out of the country.

© 2012 Lucas Grasha

My Review

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Very intresting. You have a very creative mind. ^.^It kept my attention the whole time.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A telling and divine piece, well done, good read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Again amazing plot, ultra creative. stand out!

Posted 12 Years Ago

A wild story. A lesson in your words. Don't mess with the cats. A very good ending to a excellent and fun read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2012
Last Updated on April 8, 2012
Tags: science, satire, quantum mechanics, diary, unfortunate, zombie, cats, Copenhagen, turkey, Ireland, poetry


Lucas Grasha
Lucas Grasha

Pittsburgh, PA

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