This is harsh, I realize, though it is a day to day reality for many. It will not just go away by turning away -- we need to open our eyes and our hearts and pray for peace and healing.
My Review
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I think if its harsh , its in a good way. You're right, this is a terrible reality and it shouldn't have to be this way. But unfortunatly for many, this is the way it is. There are so many injustices.. so many tragedies. But society has gotten used to them, they occur so often. And that's just not right. That's why I really appreciate writers who tell it how it is. Good job.
I think if its harsh , its in a good way. You're right, this is a terrible reality and it shouldn't have to be this way. But unfortunatly for many, this is the way it is. There are so many injustices.. so many tragedies. But society has gotten used to them, they occur so often. And that's just not right. That's why I really appreciate writers who tell it how it is. Good job.
Posted 16 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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This is not harsh my friend but very real and sends a truthful message to all of us in society who are blessed beyond measure even in our own minor struggles compared to others in the world. Just imagine how many of us who complain because our coffee or fast food isn't quite what we ordered when there are children starving and emaciated or how we throw away food because it fell on the floor when you have a child eating crumbs on dirt. A dollar spent on soda or junk food is not insignificant but as a whole can begin to replenish the basic necessities like water, immunizations, food, etc. to those who lack. You did incredibly well with taking action and bringing reality before us. There is so much work to be done, writing this piece is just the beginning.
No this is not harsh, but an eye-opener for all of us.
The picture just made the correct feel in the reader's mind and your words flowed beautifully with it, conveying the idea and plot very well.
I'm right now listening to a song "Give unto me" by Evanescence and its lyrics are quite similar, so when I was reading this, it really made a great impact in my mind.
Thanks a lot for enlightening me Dani.
Beautiful and sad poem. We take so many things in our life for granted. I like to donate money to Unicef and Joyce Meyer Ministries beacause they are going over and feeding those poor babies. It may not be much but it is a start. I thought I would mention it on your poem because if they read it, maybe they will want to help. There is also Feed The Childern Foundation too. Every little bit helps!
Harsh? No. Nothing but truth here. Very boldly written. I find it incredible that you wrapped up something as deep as this into a poem. It says so much in so little words. Fantastic write.
Wow, what a truly incredible poem! You are such a brillant and artistic poet!
What would have taken me pages to write you seemed to sum up all the ills of this world in a couple of paragraphs!
It is time that writers around this world stand up, unite and speak up with a very loud voice on all these crimes against humanity! Many feel its a little, too late.
I say no! It's never too late to make this earth a better place!
It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can. Sydney Smith
Together, we must try to shine a light of hope on this darken world!
Together in unity, we can make a difference! We will make a difference!
Great Job D... Keep writing from your deep within your soul from the good of all souls!
No one will like my answer but we're starving in America, too, doll...and being beaten, some for the color of their skin, some for who they sleep next to, some just because. Where there is ignorance, there will always be discord.
Great write. And way to go, Dani, for public awareness of any 'crime' is a good thing.
Have a blessed holiday, dear one.
A Noiseless Patient Spiderby Walt Whitman
A noiseless patient spider,
I mark'd where on a little promontory it stood isolated,
Mark'd how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
It launch'd fort.. more..