So pretty, Dani. It is nice to get in that "zone" when someone else inspires us to write such awesome images. And you've captured that here, and the title is absolutely perfect. I know when I write, that's exactly how it goes sometimes. Effortlessly. Truly beautiful girl!
While the words seem deep and the writing perfect, sometimes that does come effortlessly.
The third verse seems a little less effortless than the rest, made me think a little about its meaning, but it doesn't hinder the poem's effect and grace. It's simple and beautiful. I love it.
I too write effortlessly..........for about 10 minutes then I'm distracted by my brain wondering off into goof troop land. Nice poem. It flowed effortlessly :)
Your poem has the expression of "Effortlessly" about it, your words seem to happen on paper as if they were destined to be there. A carefree feel to your writing, but very deep as well. I love the originality of your poem. Very beautiful!
Hi, Dani! This poem flows as "effortlessly" as its title. It resonates with me! Many times I've felt that effortless prose flow out of me and onto paper. You encapsulate the feeling...that experience....beautifully.'s the same for me! I just to get to a piece of paper, and let it flow. Sometimes my mom is like, "how did you come up with something like that in less than five minutes? That's amazing?" (she still thinks i need to submit a book to Oprah...she sees fantasy..hee hee)
A Noiseless Patient Spiderby Walt Whitman
A noiseless patient spider,
I mark'd where on a little promontory it stood isolated,
Mark'd how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
It launch'd fort.. more..