Broken Chord

Broken Chord

A Poem by dangerbooze

That little selfish voice in the back of my mind piped up when I thought of him...

I want you for myself today
Am I being selfish?
I want to hold you close
So I know
and have proof
that you haven't left me

I want to forget the world today
and see only you
and me
together like this
on our favorite couch

I want you for myself today

But I can't
You're not mine completely
I hate sharing you with others
Yes, I'm selfish
But I can't stand it

I want to tell you everything
rage at you for leaving me behind
But I can't
I can't
I just can't

I know it's important to you
to do what you love
but you love me more
don't you?

I'm watching you
as you drive away from my house
This isn't my home
Please take me back
to our home

I cried today
when your car vanished from my sight
I stared at my phone
reaching for it
desperately wanting to hear
your voice just once more

I'm so sorry
I'm greedy
I want your attention on me
I want you to be here
with only me

Did you know
that when I saw you tonight
I wanted to tell you
needed to let you know
that whenever you take me home
and whisper
like a sweet caress against my heart
that you love me

I almost wish
none of this was real
Because having you with me
at this very second
Heals and harms me
more than you'll ever know

I want you for myself today
So I can maybe
finally say
thank you

For loving me.

© 2010 dangerbooze

Author's Note

I've noticed how much my writing has turned to either something inspiring or something depressing. I'm not sure which this is -sigh-

Also, normally I'm not a needy person. But I do have my moments.

My Review

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I find this very shocking how close to my own feelings this poem is. I, much like yourself, am not usually a needy person...but when it comes to love and feeling as though I am not alone in sharing the love of another I tend to be. I love this poem, the emotion is real and very evident with in each word.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Through out the entire piece, it has a cloud over it, it's sad and the reader can feel that, but in the end you make that silver lining on the cloud really shine. I smiled a bit, but a genuine bit nonetheless at the end, because even if the love isn't perfect its still that, love, and that makes it imperfect, but it also makes it the closest thing to perfect there is. There's something about love that's so amazing, something about it that's so enchanting, every one wants the perfect love, it's the closest thing to magic and that's why we want it. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Nicely written, and definitely strong feelings.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Sounds like an overly possessive love.
Suffocating and one sided. Not to say
that the love one feels is not real, just
a bit overbearing and not a great
formula for success in a relationship.
Distressing, yet well written..

Posted 14 Years Ago

Strong yearning desires with this write. Well versed poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on October 3, 2010
Last Updated on October 3, 2010




I'm a lazy writer. I write what I feel when I feel like it. But to be more specific, I have a constant case of writer's block about pretty much every thought that I can think of or even consider. .. more..

He He

A Poem by dangerbooze