Oh my friend where have you been You where there from the beginning But like all the others you left me in the end My dear sweet friend Where has your laughter gone? The random thoughts? The funny dances? My unforgettable childhood friend Where have the tears gone? The late night phone calls? The nights of sharing homework answers? Oh how I longed for your embrace, Your high fives, Our secret handshakes. All of it was taken. Stripped away like everything else. Now here we are. In the world Jehovah has promised us. Together again my awesome friend. This time there is no end.
this one was confusing. i noticed ties between friendships and i know there was deaths. The poem really said it all at the end 'this time there is no end'. not a bad detail to add at the end. very well written.
When all else is stripped away, the promise of something we can hold onto in the light is always a mysterious happy promise :)
Wonderfully written love!
Whatever religion we are, there is much more to life than this plain!
I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..