What is this i feel deep in my chest? This is something that won't let me rest! I toss and turn, Turn and toss! I need to figure this out. This need. This want. This hungering desire. This passion of unfilled lust! What is it. What could it be. Oh wait there it is. The last sip of my thirtieth beer.
The author's note made me laugh, cuz I thought dang I didn't think he drank. :p Yeah, I know imma dork, but I review your poems so you need me :D Haha by the way, awesome poem!
This can be take two different ways. One as a light hearted poem joking around or as a more serious topic about alcoholism. Either way this poem tells a story and it is a great story from both perspectives. Nice write.
This was funny, glad to hear you dont drink, neither do I. I really liked the part. What is this i feel deep in my chest?
This is something that wont let me rest.
I toss and turn,
turn and toss.
Good job, been there before well without the beers..lol Good right:D Hope the family is doing good, PEACE:D
I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..