This was a good poem. I really loved it. I think you did a wonderful job on coming back to WritersCafe. Don't ever leave this site because you are really good at what you do. Thanks for sharing. :)
Ooh, clever! I didn't expect that at the end. I like this because it catches my attention. It also could have been seeing Bender at the top, but still a nice piece.
Love this poem :D I should make a poem about my motto,err..:/ Haha, I think I have ADHD. I'm also loving the picture, I busted out laughing when I saw it, and immediatley knew this poem was gonna be AMAZING. That made you feel good huh? No? Aw well, haha :p
Yes your words are true. We learn and grow in life experience with each day of life. I like the strong ending. A positive and powerful poem. Thank you.
I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..