

A Poem by Daniel Gardner

A little ranting is always the best medicine.


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To everyone that is a friend
Wow oh my god i just sent out 110
Can't wait to read their comments
Can't wait to read their thoughts
Huh that funny I only got 10 readers
Only have 1 review
Oh well that's okay
I know people have things to do
I will give it a day or two
Huh this is odd
This can't be right
Its been three days
I only have readers numbering only 22
The reviews are even low too
Ahhhhh! what is this 150 read request
I just read and reviewed 132
Wow this is stupid
This is a joke
Did you send me a return the favor request?
You haven't even reviewed any of mine
This must be a jest
How can you join a site to read and review
But all you seem to want is everyone to praise you
You should read my poems
Then you will see yourself
First read "One less" and take the hint
If that doesn't reach you read "Rage"
Or "Payback"
If you still don't get it
I will write a new poem only for you
To tell you to get off this site
I will name it "Never Come Back"
Or I swear I will find you!

© 2010 Daniel Gardner

Author's Note

Daniel Gardner
Sorry just a rant about the balance that is on this site. Started out pretty good but the Number of people Reading does not even come close to the reviews given or the read request i keep getting. I try and review everyones poems and stories they send me. Why is is so hard to get that in return? If I send 52 read request and 12 don't accept but 40 do. How come I can't get 40 reviews? I only get like 10 if im lucky now. Sorry again just ranting.

My Review

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Featured Review

This is hilarious. It's really true. I know exactly how you feel. I get five reviews at most now and I review so many poems. No one returns the favors on this site, it really lacks balance and you definitely expressed it in this rant. I love the flow of this because it's so quick and rushed, it feels very frantic, just like the image that you included, which REALLY made me crack up! I do want to point out that you forgot to capitalize an "i" in the third line. Good poem otherwise!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


The closer made me chuckle a bit and it is very true that ranting does help. You raised an issue which I and probably many others on here feel deeply about. Just float on...it'll get there and if it doesnt still float on, dont sink.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I totally get you. When i first joined, before i had many friends, i just randomly reviewed work, hoping to get the favor returned. That didn't work out well of course. I hope loads of people read this. I hate those people who take and never give.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I totally hear you there. I've noticed this is true even in real life. I've asked my friends to give me feedback on my new book, and they all read it, but then have nothing to say.
The poem itself is very well done, it flows very naturally and gives the same sort of emotion that the image does (I love that by the way, it's a hilarious picture.) I can't really think of anything else to say that hasn't already been mentioned.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Yeah, I agree with this poem. I hate when I review someone else's writing, but they don't return it. If someone reviews mine I will try to review them back. If I forget then I feel horrible, but I still will try to review back to them. I don't like being rude like that. The only time I can't is when I'm not home. I can't always be on the computer. Like when I went to my grandparents house. I really couldn't be on here to much. I was hanging out with my sisters and other friends that live where my grandparents live. I felt so bad. I had gotten a few reviews when I left. Well this was a good rant. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

So very true. I review a lot of work, but have so few return the favor. I would even understand if I received a polite email thanking me for the review but saying my type of writing was not of the reader's choice. Instead, nothing. Great rant.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is hilarious. It's really true. I know exactly how you feel. I get five reviews at most now and I review so many poems. No one returns the favors on this site, it really lacks balance and you definitely expressed it in this rant. I love the flow of this because it's so quick and rushed, it feels very frantic, just like the image that you included, which REALLY made me crack up! I do want to point out that you forgot to capitalize an "i" in the third line. Good poem otherwise!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lol i loved this.. I know exactly how you feel!:D

Posted 14 Years Ago

I noticed that too. I feel bad sometimes that I take so long to review. I like your ranting. Awesome.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Well hon, thats the way it goes, wonderful rant by the way! lol
Hugs xx

Posted 14 Years Ago

Good idea…
A poem…about review…..
You are really creative….
And your rantings….
I liked it….

Posted 14 Years Ago

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 16, 2010
Last Updated on June 16, 2010


Daniel Gardner
Daniel Gardner

Monroe, GA

I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..


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