Thank you all for your kind words and undeserved kindness. My son made it through the surgery very well. The surgery was meant to be 5-8hrs but they finished in 3hrs. They removed it all but the tumor was malignant meaning it will grow back. It has been sent off for test to see if it is a 3 which does not spread and grows slowly or if it is a 4 which can spread and grows quickly. They did not have to remove any of his brain. The brain is just pushed over in the after MRI. It was the size of a grape fruit. We have a long road ahead but for now we can breath. He is awake and responding. They took out his breathing tube and some of the I.V's and needles. He gets moved from I.C.U to the cancer center tomorrow. Please keep up the encouraging words and reviews. They are extremely helpful and soothing to us. Also we are looking to see about releasing a book of poems and my story. All which are on here. We need a lot of help has this is a really bad strain to us financially. If we can get tons of reviews and and comments we can take that to a radio station or something to try and get a sponsor us. Please help us reach our goal. We will do this thru hard work not charity.
My Review
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It's great that the surgery went so well. It's tragic that illnesses like this can happen. It's beautiful all the love that people can show. Your poem shows how much you care. Very well penned. Best wishes.
I'm so glad your son made it through the surgery!!! This brought tears to my eyes. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!! May God bless you!
I'm sorry I didn't review this sooner. That would be excruitatingly(don't know if I spelled that right or if it's a word) heartbreaking if it happened to someone I loved dearly. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers, and I'll tell my friends to keep you and your family in their prayers as well. Great write; I hope you can reach your goal.
I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..