A Poem by Daniel Gardner

This is about love that always seems unattainable due to nature, the demons in your head, and the war against yourself.

The Wind

The wind The wind it blows.
Not gently.
But with an angry force.
Shelter is what is sought after.
But not for me.

I sit in the torrential rain.
With no place to go.
I once had a home but she stole my soul.
Left me empty and all alone.

The wind The wind it blows hard.
Every cold gust is a dagger to my heart.
I lived this life for 36 yrs.
Ever second was filled with fear.

The wind The wind blows relentlessly.
But something is different.
I see a Home in the distance.
A beautiful Shadow Maiden beckoning me.
But I can't hear her voice.

The wind The wind it blows violently.
Threating to tear flesh from bone.
I try to move towards the maiden but I collapse.
I can't make it on my own.
The wind The wind it howls in victory.

© 2021 Daniel Gardner

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Added on March 7, 2021
Last Updated on March 7, 2021


Daniel Gardner
Daniel Gardner

Monroe, GA

I'm an inspiring writer that has a million and ten thoughts running through his head all day. I joined this site because my wife inspired me to. I was not prepared for the thoughts to jump out so much.. more..
