Puzzle with 5000 pieces? Oh GOD. I have trouble with the puzzles in Kinder Eggs.
On topic, I enjoyed this. Concise and to the point with a strong metaphor. The only criticism I have is that font. Comic Sans is so ugh, however it doesn't really detract from the poem being good. I just cringe at the sight of it.
Interesting; to see the image as a jigsaw puzzle (and I suppose it's just the sort of image you get in jigsaw puzzles; too much sky!)... Definitely there is a strong connection between the puzzle and the complexity of life -- and of course the structure of the pier itself is of the same character. And, unlike the kind of puzzles that come in a box, this poem is more accessible and has a wider age group...! And, more importantly, a significant meaning.
Everyone is a puzzle to me; however, I have to agree my puzzle has the most pieces and no matter what I do, there always seems to be some missing pieces that I just can't seem to find. Maybe, those pieces were missing from the box, when I came into this world as a puzzle. LOL! Seriously, though, a great piece of writing!!
Our lives are truly like puzzle's and I feel like this has a say in everyone's puzzle. Everyone has something missing something they really need and we journey through life trying to find them. Very well written I enjoyed it very much.
Hey, I'm 18 years old and I love writing.
"To know me is to love me"
"Every heart has a beat and mine just skips for you"
Wanna know more? Message me I love to make new friends.
&heart.. more..