![]() A Natural ObsessionA Story by Dana Stevens![]() This story is about a guy named Brock. Who just came to a new school. He befriends this guy named Robert who is really nice. They meet a girl named Cassidy who is sweet but is obsessed with Robert.![]()
A Natural Obsession
By: Dana Stevens At the beginning of Freshman year, I thought that the only friends that I could have and the friends that I can ever only relate to we’re the girls that I met in the first weeks of Freshman year. Many of the girls at the threshold of freshman year were comfortable with talking to me, and it was hard for me to make a friendship with many of the guys. Rumors started to go around the school about me and many didn't even know my name. But they still liked to talk a lot of trash. And I started to feel very sad and I thought that there was something wrong with me. Many started to consider me gay because of my vocals, and because of how many girls I hung out with. There was one girl who repeatedly kept asking me the same question, and I kept telling her no. Throughout that September month. It was the second week of school, and so I sat down near the door of my brand new high school waiting for one of my girlfriends Dahlia to arrive. She texted me and said that she would be here soon. But the trains were delayed so she couldn't make it here before she started at second period. But before second period started, I sat next to a guy shorter than me but above average of a regular guy’s height. He sat next to me at the cafeteria lunch table, and then when he took out his papers, he looked at me boldly as I was writing something. We both had the same assignment and we noticed that we both had the same English class at 5th period. The boy started to speak to me, “Hey don't you go to my English class?’. I looked at him, right into his eyes. And then I said “Yes’. He seemed pretty charismatic. I shook his hand, and we gave each other an almost gentlemen handshake. He began to introduce himself to me, he said “The name is Robert Champs’. He kept on shaking my hand. “Nice. My name is Brock Marion’ I introduced myself. “Cool, it is an honor meeting you” he told me. When Robert said that to me, it made me feel more relevant around the school. “Yeah. When is your lunch period?’ I asked. “I have it sixth period’. “Oh. Yeah me too’. “Cool’. “Do you like high school so far?’. “Yes I love it. I love it way more than middle school. I think the education system in the school is much, much better’. “I agree with you’. “That's because it's true’. “You're already starting to be a cool guy’. “Oh thank you’. “When do you start class’. “Second period’. “Oh, then you have to go soon buddy’. “Yeah in two minutes or so’. He got up from the table, reached for his book bag and then put it on his back. Then he grabbed his book bag, gave me a pat on the back and then fled with the crowd that was leaving the cafeteria to go to second period class. I yelled “See you later’. To him. But I don't think that he heard me. When the girls that I use to hang out with neglected me, or wanted me to start a fight in their mix with drama and the problems they had with other gossip girls. I started to move out of their way with all their troubles. And I wanted to be with friends, who weren't in the drama. So, I went to Robert’s table with all of his friends. And they were way better then the girls that I use to hang out with a lot. Robert was kind, as he introduced me to each one of them. Over the first few months of school me and Robert maintained a good friendship, but about December and during those weeks. He started to change by acting like a jerk to me, and he started to turn into a womanizer. He started to flirt alot with the girls since he was top notch in the school. Robert was good-looking, and many girls liked to speak to him because of his charm. He started to neglect me because of the amount of girls he talked too and the ones that he liked. It made me jealous because during this time I felt that girls weren't talking to me flirtatiously as they did earlier in the year. It made me feel insecure, and I couldn't help but feel overshadowed for some reason. But Robert’s attitude towards me started to change towards me a little during the beginning of January. Thanks to a girl named Cassidy. Cassidy was a marvelously gorgeous girl, with a high pitched voice that was sweeter than the song of a mockingbird, that you couldn't resist but to love. You took an instant liking to her because you could feel her compassion and kindness in her aura when you put yourself next to her. At first, when I met her I found her bothersome and I found her annoying. We had algebra together. And she use to tutor me a lot and she use to be annoying with her intelligence of mathematics. Supposedly, she met Robert at the beginning of January when everyone came back from Christmas Break. She instantly took a grand liking to the guy. It all started when one day, me and Robert were talking on the staircase heading down to Lunch which was sixth period, after we both got out of English class. Robert’s mood started to be happier, and I felt that he became less annoyed with me. I could feel that he wanted me away from him because I felt that I was annoying and a bother to him. Until Cassidy came running down the stairs behind us. I could feel that she was behind us because I heard a quick tapping rushing down the stairs like a little, very tiny earthquake on the horizon behind me. She tapped Robert on the back, and then softly went “Hi, Robert’. She waved to him a little, and then he said “Hey. How's it going?’. She replied gleefully. “Everything is going terrific’. I was on the side of the both of them as they began to talk a lot to each other. I looked at her up and down with a snobby face gesture like she was a mutant from another planet. She turned to me and finally began to notice me, she smiled. But I wasn't willing to smile back at her, I looked away quickly from her. I wanted to avoid eye contact with her. So she wouldn't see my rude facial expression towards her presence. She waved a tiny bit to me, trying to be friendly going “Hi, Brock’. She smiled happily to me. And I had a phony smile saying “Ugh. Hiya. What's up’. We all ran downstairs, to the cafeteria. And by the time we got there she ran to her other friends. I watched her walk away to her friends. And then I caught onto something that seemed weird and mysterious. The next day, at lunch time Cassidy hopped on Robert like he was an adorable rabbit. They were both enthusiastic to see each other. They hugged like they knew each other for eternity. When she was talking to him, I got pretty annoyed by her voice because it was so high, and she squealed like a little mouse running through tracks of a dirty train station. To me she was a disgusting insect that wouldn't buzz off. Every conversation that I was in with Robert, or any of my other friends, she would try to interrupt or try to relate to what we were talking about. I found it rude, and pleasantly annoying. I wanted her to go away. And I begged to God that, that little insect would fly off back to her own table because soon she got comfortable with all of us, and so she sat at our table. She brought her bag and her belongings, and she brought it here to our table. Oh my god now she wouldn't go away! Never would she! Soon enough. It was no doubt. Also it became pretty obvious that she wasn't willing to be friends with me at first. Also the fact that she was really interested in dating Robert. She asked him questions about his daily activities, and personal life. And what he liked to do. And what he desired more than anything in the world. She went on and on and on. She couldn't stop herself from loving Robert. Robert was her epiphany. Her manifestation. She couldn't release herself from his presence. It was hard to do that. Robert was her dream and no other guy could be everlasting to her than he was. She looked up to him like he was a god. That made me feel overshadowed, and drops of a meaningless and. a worthless feeling came my way. It wasn't jealousy, it was my anger raging and the need for attention. I never met a woman who was so naturally obsessed with someone, who she felt was beautiful, witty, and had a sense of humor. Never met one, so in love with another. The whole thought of it is like love stories like that of Jane Austen’s stories and like the works of Shakespeare. But in this typical Fairy tale, for Cassidy the fairy tale would not end happily ever after when she gets the guy she loved so much. About a few weeks later. I warmed up to Cass. I could bear her, she wasn't unbearable to me anymore because I could tell in her presence that she was a friendly girl. Who just wanted to be loved by people in school. I mean who doesn't really want that? To be loved and popular with so many of your peers. She warmed up to me too. We exchanged numbers, and we started to text about many things like our middle school crushes, middle boyfriends and girlfriends, old Nickelodeon and Disney Channel TV Shows. It was all fun and warming to form a great friendship. It wasn't until long after in the weeks that followed, and by now it was the end of February. She didn't attend school because she had caught a fever. The fever had hit her hard. She had been out of school for weeks and I began to worry for her. I called her from my cell phone, the phone began to ring and I grew more horrified about her each time. Someone picked up the phone. “Hello?’ I quietly spoke on the phone, trying to get a response. It was Cassidy, as she said “Hello?’ back on the phone to me, and then yelled very enthusiastically. “Hello! Hi! How are you? What's up Brock!’. The enthusiasm she gave me was quite nice and I started to feel happy and warm inside. “Great! How are you? Is everything doing okay?’. “Yeah why?’. “Dude you have been gone for weeks?’. “Oh yeah’. “Why were you out for so long?’. “I had a fever, and then I caught a frog in my throat’. “Oh, okay. I just wanted to make sure if you were alright’. “Well I am. No need to worry and I appreciate your compassionate and thoughtful act, Brock’. “Thank you’. “No don't thank me. Thank you’. “Anytime. I'm always there for a friend’. “That's very sweet’. “I didn't realize how sweet and good of a person you were?’. “Really?’. “No I didn’t’. She was speechless for a few minutes on the phone, and then I said “Are you okay?’. “Yes. Yes I'm alright’. “Okay. Anything on your mind?’. “Yeah. But I don't think that I should tell you’. “Why not?’. “Ugh’. She became speechless again. And I wanted her to respond. “Hey what's up?’. “Oh, ugh’. “Come on you can tell me anything. We are friends and so far we have been sharing everything with and about each other’. “Yeah we have. And I liked it. I haven't spoken to someone like this, for awhile’. “Really?’. “Yeah I haven't’. “Well. Please tell me what is on your mind’. “It's just that…’. “Is it about me?’. “Yes it is’. “Tell me what do you have to say about me. I'm fine with the truth, just give to be straightforward’. “Oh, alright’. “Spit it out to me, what's up’. “Well when I first met you. I thought that you were rude and a fraud’. “Oh really?’. “Yeah. It's because you use to treat me very disrespectful and rude. And you use to look at me with this rude and snobby facial expression as if you didn't want me around’. “Mmmm’. I actually wanted to tell her that she use to any me. And that I didn't want her around me, and that she use to be such a bother. But I decided to be nice, and not say that because I knew that it wasn't polite. Indeed, it was truthful that I did feel annoyed by her whenever she would come around in the past when I first met her. But now things have changed, so I just said to her. “Oh okay’. “Sorry for my attitude towards you’ I then told her. “Oh it's fine. It's just fine. Now things have changed and we are good friends, now...right?’. “Yes we are’. “Cool. And Brock…’. “What's up?’. “I have a question’. “What is it?’. “Does Robert ask about me or anything while I'm away’. “No. Not really’. “He doesn’t’. Poor girl said that very sadly and it was like her whole world came apart, and the destiny of love left from her existence on the earth. Poor Cass. I knew that she wanted Robert to speak about her, and to have affection for her as much as she did for him. I asked her “Why… Why did you ask?’. “Well it's because ugh’ the girl started to shuddered and it became pretty obvious that she loved him to death. “What?’. “Should I tell you…..no...I'm not going to say anything’. “What is it?’. “No I'm not going to tell you’. “Come on tell me!’. I was excited to know about how she really felt about Robert. I rolled my eyes and then I spit out what she was trying to admit to me. “What?.... do you have a crush on Robert. Right?’. “Wait how did you know?”. “It was pretty obvious. I mean of course he's blind to see your dying affection for him. But to others who are your friends. We can tell that you have a major crush on him’. “Oh, how come?’. “It's because you like touching him and bothering him for fun’. “Oh’. “Also, you keep on complimenting him telling how handsome he is’. “I do?’. “Yes, you do?’. “Oh’. “Also you like to ask him a lot about what he wants in a girlfriend, and about himself?’. “Really?’. “Yes you do’. “Oh my god. I'm crazy’. “No your not. You're doing it for love’. “But isn't it weird?’. “No, no. I do the same with my crushes it's just fine’. “Really?’. “Yeah trust me. When you are in love with someone, you can't help yourself but fall under their spell’. “True’. “Yeah it's just love’. “Mm. But I really do like Robert. I think that he is sweet and gorgeous, and he captivates me very much’. “Oh okay’. “Hey I have a favor to ask you?’. “What is it?’. Could you ask Robert if he had feelings for me?’. “Why?’. “It's because I think that he would be more comfortable talking to you about how he felt about me, if he does have feelings for me’. “What?’. “Could you do that for me, please’. I just plainly said to her “No! What am I your messenger. No I'm not doing that for you’. “But why not?’. “Dude he's your crush not mine. You should go to him yourself and tell him how you feel. I'm not going to ask him about you and what he thinks of you’. “Why not?’. “I just explained it to you. I'm not your messenger. Have the courage and tell him how you feel about him. And regardless he's not going to be rude about it towards you. “Hmmm”. She hummed on the phone, and I was getting annoyed by her and I was ready to hang up the phone. “Well okay’. “Yeah..” I said as I sighed being stressed out. I wanted to stop speaking to her on the phone, and so I said to her on the phone “hey I have to go because I am doing homework. So I will check up with you later. When do you think that you will be able to come back to school?’. “Soon enough, when ever my throat gets better and this fever goes away’. “Okay’. “I will be in school soon’. “Alright I will see you then. If you need anything or want to talk about personal stuff please talk to me’. “Oh thank you’. “Anytime’. “Check you later then’. “Bye’. I hung up the phone, and put my phone on my bed. And then I thought about Cassidy’s sweet voice again. For some reason I wanted to hear it again, so that her compassion and happiness could ring through my head many times. But her innocent voice vanished into thin air, and I completely forgot about it, it was like a faded memory. Cassidy came back to school. She had recovered from her sickness. And I was actually very zealous to see her. When we saw each other in the hallways we ran to each other, and we have each other a grand hug of happiness. I felt nicer when I hugged her I wasn't rude towards her, and I didn't treat her like she was trash, but I noticed that she still took a lot of interest in Robert. The love for him she said was irresistible to resist. She wrote poems about his grace, she wrote his beauty, and artistically drew his face in his sketchbook, and she became naturally obsessed with the boy. It was getting out of hand. And it was ridiculous. I found it creepy, and it started to sink into creepiness. As she got to know Robert better she started to think differently of him. It all began, in April. The day was warm. And so far me and her were having a good day. When we came to lunch everyone was excited to see us when we were at the lunch except for Robert, Robert was angry. And Robert looked at us, as if we were irritating him, and he wanted everyone away from him. Robert was being rude and he seemed annoyed by all his daily, nice friends like me and Cassidy. I tried speaking to him about us hanging out after school, and I wanted to go see the new movie “The Woman in Gold’. Robert was ignoring, and he kept on nodding his head. Cassidy then tried to speak to him, and Robert did not want to speak to her. Robert kept saying “Stop being annoying. Go away. Stop being such an annoyance’. Robert got up from our lunch table, and then he went to another table to speak to his friends, who he felt were more worth speaking too, I suppose. I couldn't understand why Robert would act that way. I sighed, and didn't mind paying attention to his rudeness. Cassidy looked like she was about to cry. I said to her “Hey. That guy isn't worth it. It really isn't worth it. Just go on with your daily basis. I don't know what is up with his attitude’. Cassidy felt better. But I felt bad for her, and I was really pissed at Robert for acting absurd to her and to me too. When it was time for us to leave, Robert was angrier than before. Cassidy was behind him and she tried to say goodbye because she needed to get to class. As everyone walked out of the Cafeteria, Cassidy tapped him to say goodbye, she tapped him again. Again, he ignored her. Cassidy looked at me as I tried to get my book bag. I then gave her a hug. She looked at Robert up and down, like he was the worst thing that could ever appear on the planet. She turns to me and says “Just tell him I said goodbye’. She scurried away through the crowd to get to class. I looked at her fly away. Then I turned to Robert and asked “is everything okay?’. He nodded. “Are you sure?’. “Yes!’. “Dude you don't seem well?’. “I'm okay!!!! Sheesh just get away from me!’. I was livid. I punched him in the chest and then I yelled. “Your a jerk! And you have been acting like one too, and I am beginning to not like this side of you’. I walked away with the crowd that was leaving the cafeteria. I left Robert with his chest aching from my hard punch that I gave him. He yelled my name ‘Brock!’. He put his hands out and expected an answer like he knew that he didn't do anything. I said to him looking at him angrily “I’ll tell you later’. I hurriedly walked away and I was glad I was out of his way. From that moment on I hated him. While I was in Math which was my final class. I tapped on Cassidy and then I asked “Are you okay’. She replied “Yes, I am’. “Good’ I said in relief. “Yeah I'm just fine...why?’. “It's because of Robert’s attitude. Didn't it make you angry?’. “Well..yeah...but..I'm actually fine...most people like to act like that with me’. “What?’. “Yeah they do’. “That's disgraceful. You shouldn't be treated that way’. “Yeah...but I'm use to it. Maybe things will be better tomorrow’. I held a grudge, and I felt bad for Cassidy. She was so kind, sweet, lovely but certain people liked to be disgraceful to her often. I was furious at Robert. I thought about never speaking to him again that moment. And I couldn't pay attention in Math because my anger controlled me. I was furious to listen to my teacher. Until. The bell rung for next period class, I looked at my phone so that I could check the time. But instead, out of the blue was Robert who texted me. On the text messages it said; “Hey man. Look I'm really sorry for the way I was acting’. “I was being stupid. I'm really sorry man for my attitude’. “Come walk with me around 59th street. The west side, near Columbus circle. I will buy you a hot dog or something’. I texted him back. “Okay, I accept your apology. Thank you’. “It's fine with me’. I put away my phone, after my math teacher told me to put it away. I did what he said, and then I was eager to get out of school because I wanted to know what was wrong with Robert. I arrived at 59th street Columbus Circle. And I searched for Robert. When I found him, and he didn't notice me I said “Hello sir’. “Yes?’ He asked. “Oh!’ He noticed me. “Come on now let's walk. We walked into Central Park. He started to speak softly and compassionately to me. “I am so, so sorry for the way that I was acting. My mood was all over the place, you know. And I was being a jerk’. “It's fine’ I told him. “I'm sorry man. Do you forgive me?’. “Yes I do. I shouldn't hold grudges. That's what you told me’. “And you told me never to be a jerk” Robert laughed. “Yeah I did’. “Tomorrow I will apologize to Cass’. “Okay, good. You should’. When we came to West 72nd street. We hopped on the B train and we headed downtown to go home to Brooklyn. When we sat down. Robert looked at me and said “Hey’. “What's up?” I turned and asked him. “I'm glad to call you my best friend’. “Oh thank you’. “Your welcome’. “And I'm glad to do the same’. “Thanks man’. “Yeah Anytime’. The next day, Robert apologized to Cassidy the next afternoon at Lunch. Cassidy accepted his apology. A month later, Freshman year was coming to a close. We talked a lot about Southmore year and what it would be like. We talked and talked about nothing else that was relevant. And Cassidy looked at Robert as he spoke happily with one of his friends. She looked at him so romantically. It was like Blue Valentine. It made me smile. She turned to me and then she said “Hey’. “What's up?’. “So, what else has been going on with you?’. “Not much...you?’. “It's Robert’. “What about him?’. She sighs. “Has he been acting like a jerk again?’. “No. No. Not that’. “Then what is it about him?’. “He's interested in someone else’. “Oh, I'm sorry’. “Yeah, I asked him out yesterday and he said no and he wasn't interested in me. He said he saw me as a friend’. “Oh, okay...I see’. “He has a crush on someone else?’. “Does he?’. “Yeah he does’. “Are you okay about it?’. “Yeah I am actually because he's a cool guy and all but there are many more guys, who will love me out there for who I am and what I do’. “I know what you mean’. “So, I'm trying to get over it but for now. I want to wait to be in a relationship because see that's not a primary focus of my life right now. Right now, I want to make as much friends as I can to make myself happier’. “Alright’. We talked and boasted about how she use to be obsessed with Robert, she drew pictures of him for peak sake. And when we thought about it clearly. It was creepy and hilarious. We both laughed at the thought of it and we had a reminiscence about the whole situation of Juliet wants Romeo to like her, but he wasn't digging her to date her. Romeo didn't find Juliet suitable for him. Juliet didn't mind though. After a while, as months passed and the summer came by, and we returned to school in September which was now Southmore year. Second year of high school. Memories of Freshman year meant nothing to any of us, the past was gone. And Later on Cassidy would tell me about how she would remind herself of how she use to love Robert. Now the both of them barely communicate. And she found Robert to be a womanizer. Also, Cassidy is into another guy that is much better looking than Robert. Cassidy laughed whenever I brought up the times she would desire love from Robert, and I would giggle too when remembering about it. She said to me “That right there, Brock is a total Natural Obsession’. I replied “Yeah, that's what love does to young hearts nowadays’. © 2016 Dana StevensReviews
1 Review Added on June 8, 2016 Last Updated on June 9, 2016 Author![]() Dana StevensBronx, NYAboutHello, My name is Dana Stevens. I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. I live with a single Mother. I have an older sister, who is a beauty. A younger brother who is an artist. To this day,.. more..Writing