![]() Self DestructA Poem by Damon Chambers![]() Just thoughts of why I destroy everything good around me.![]()
Too many times in my life I have pushed away the people who have cared and loved me the most
Put up walls to keep them away and hiding my feelings behind a shell as hard as an old wooden post Words spill out of my mouth, hateful, angry, and just to spite I truly don't mean those words meant to hurt and cause pain, but it's easier than showing my fright Behind the angry calloused shell I have created is a caring loving man who is scared to be hurt Never any guarantee that I will be hurt but it only takes once to truly understand why I fear my heart being stomped in the dirt You see for most of my life I have worn my big 'ol heart on my sleeve, exposed for the whole world to see An exposed heart is easy to take advantage of and trust me when I say there are many that will attack and stomp with glee So now I sit looking so angry and mean, attacking anyone who tries to get inside this shell of mine If they only knew that deep down inside, I'm curled up in a ball crying all day saying I'm fine One day this wall will crumble and fall and I will take a chance to live my life My dream is to live with a smile and free from fear, anger and all of this strife. © 2016 Damon Chambers |
Added on November 28, 2016 Last Updated on November 28, 2016 Author