The Sumerian Brothers

The Sumerian Brothers

A Story by Jordan Rogers

About 2 Sumerian brothers who have a destiny to save or destroy human kind.


The Sumerian Brothers

By: Damien Whitehorn

As Shamash approached the marble palace, It's chalky whiteness stood out in vivid contrast to the surrounding and equally vivid verdant green forest. The waterfalls were splashing busily into crystal clear ponds that were sparkling in the golden rays of the sun. Near the edge of the forest, Shamash saw a family of Unicorns: the Stallion, mare and the fawn were grazing peacefully on viridescent grass by one of the many powerful yet tranquil streams rushing from the cascading waterfalls. He also saw a huge variety of mythical creatures that the humans though were out of fairy tales.

Shamash identified many creatures such as the Phoenix with it's vibrant red feathered wings that spanned 10 feet across and it's eyes the color of sparkling sapphires. The Alicanto with wings that glowed a stunning white color during the night. He also looked upon a Stag with golden antlers drinking by a clear pond and he looked to the west and saw a Fenrir whose fur was pitch black and eyes a dazzling ruby red.

But what was even more stunning was Shamash himself was extraordinary. He was an imposing six foot nine of burnished bronze skin and golden flowing hair, he was what one would expect a Divine being. His eyes were the color of pewter. While overall a rather threatening figure, he nonetheless exuded a peaceful and warming aura. His brother Sin had been endowed with mahogany colored hair and grey eyes, the color of a stormy sky. Although quiet and unassuming, his mind was a vast repository of knowledge far surpassing any man, God or Demon. Sin himself had read and understood every grimoire known to be created. Though the brother occasionally argued, they were generally of one accord on most things especially since they were both well aware of the ancient prophecy. It had foretold of the possibility of great good or pure evil for the future of mankind.... All depending on the fate of these immortal brother. Their father Anu was the king of the heavens. A towering figure over seven feet tall with hair the color of a raven and eyes as green as emeralds. He ruled with unquestioned authority. He as feared as he was beloved, and both Shamash and Sin were his loyal sons who he loved dearly. Even when he ejected them from the Heavenly realm and banished them to live upon Earth, they knew that in their fathers infinite wisdom, he had a bigger plan in mind that would someday come to fruition.

“ My brother, be prepared for life here will be far different than in our eternal abode,” Sin said as they explored the strange new land. In what would be known in earthly terms as the year 4500 B.C. , human beings were living in small communities at this point in time. Shamash turned up his nose and said “ This is more like a zoo than the dwelling place of intelligent beings,” he said intoned with an air of disgust. “ We must brace ourselves for a nearly impossible task.”

Seven millenniums have passed since Sin and Shamash were casted out of their eternal abode by their father. The year was 2500 A.D., they had seven thousand years to get accustomed to the human way of life and blending in with the humans unknown to their knowledge. The brothers had help shape the course of human history and the human wars to pass their time in exile. They both knew that their father had plans for them in the human realm. The brothers watched as the human race began to grow as a species and intervened when things got to close to self annihilation.

Sin, who is the eldest brother of Shamash, sat down on the river bank by the Nile river in Egypt and watches the humans build the pyramids of Giza and wondered if they knew that somewhere in their existence that they were going to be destroyed or be saved by Sin and Shamash. “ Why must we waste our time helping these worthless maggots brother?” said Shamash as he kicked a rock across the water. Sin sighed and looked over at his younger brother and told him “ They are the only beings that are capable of self-annihilation and have the potential to ruin this beautiful planet.”

The air around the brothers started to shimmer and the brothers watched as the Seven Princes of Hell appeared in front of them. “ Who are you and why are you here?” said Sin as he sat on the river bank and looked over the water as the moon shined overhead. “ We are the Seven Princes of Hell and we want to talk to you about something you brothers can help us with,” said the Tallest of the seven.

I am Lucifer, the blonde haired fellow is Mammon, the jet black haired guy is Amon, the mahogany haired man is Asmodeus, and the triplet brothers at the end are Belphegor, Leviathan, and Beelzebub,” explained Lucifer.

Sin had read about these seven princes of hell in one of his books and wondered what these lesser beings could want with 2 powerful primordial beings such as themselves. “ What do you guys want from us” acclaimed Shamash, who was laying down beside his brother. Lucifer had explained how he was hoping the Sin and Shamash would save the human race, so that they could keep their powers. He and his brothers left after Sin and Shamash told them to give them a while to think it over. Lucifer let them his summoning card and left with his brothers. Sin and Shamash were left alone under the cold egyptian night sky. Sin looked over at his brother and wondered if the humans would stay on the right path or head down the self-annihilation path. The brothers got up and disappeared over the horizon as the sun began to come up.

In the year 2250 A.D, the humans began waging Religious wars that end up continuing for 200 years before ending. These wars became the most bloody and destructive war in human history and the brothers were in the midst of these wars and had tried to stop them to no avail. So the year now is 2500 A.D., the religious wars had ended 50 years ago and the brothers help rebuilding human civilization and we find them sitting in an office building 600 stories up in a mega metropolis named Asheville which has a population of 50 million. “ Look at the world brother” exclaimed Shamash full of laughter.

The Brothers had stopped almost every major wars like WWI, WWII, the Iraq War and even the terrorist attack on 9/11. The human race began to be a peaceful and hardworking species. “I know brother, but remember all those people we couldn't save in the Religious wars 250 years ago and remember all the things we have sacrificed to make this happen.” said Sin sadly remembering all those innocent people that had died in those terrible wars. The brothers started remembering how the religious wars started. They were started because Christianity started becoming to powerful and every other religion wanted them gone, so for 200 years they fought and a total of 200 billion lives were extinguished. Each war had costed 20 billion people their lives and whole countries and families were torn apart. Even though it's been only 50 years since the last war ended, the brothers had shown themselves to human kind and now became the prime rulers of authority for the world. But the brothers had started to sense that another Religious war was about to arise and this would decide the fate for humanity and the brothers had to choose whether to fight for good or evil....they were almost out of time.

© 2014 Jordan Rogers

Author's Note

Jordan Rogers
This work is still in progress and I would like any idea's for what i could add or any help on grammar issue's and any edits you can give.

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Added on March 27, 2014
Last Updated on March 27, 2014
Tags: Sumerian, Mythological, Religious


Jordan Rogers
Jordan Rogers

Asheville, NC