Story of a King

Story of a King

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

This is the tale of the first ever Vampire


The Story of a King

‘Before time ……when men were not as they seem today.”
A very….very long time ago_____ in a time before now,’ where beast roamed the earth.
There were two brothers, Cain….and the other, Abel. Cain was the eldest of the two, yet he was the least loved in his eyes at that time. He grew jealous of his brother, on one time; he saw his brother’s offerings were more valuable to their God, than that of his offerings. So on this day, Cain got angry and confronted his brother for making him look like a fool, in the presence of their God. And as confronting Abel, Cain got angry, his heart was overwhelmed with anger, then he killed Abel.

After Cain killed Abel, God banished him from his presence, and sent him to a place where giants dwelled. It was dark, and days grew longer for Cain, he felt pain in his feet as he walked, and his forehead gave his body a pain, that weakened his mind. He dwelt in the desert of sin for a long time; he then reached the land of Noel, on the east of Eden.
So after he met his wife there, she gave birth to his first son, whom they named Enoch. Yet when Enoch became a teen, Cain left and was never to be heard of again.

Cain went to Babylon and there he met a woman, but she wasn’t any of type of woman; she was a demon, the demon of lust, the wife of sin. Her name was Lilith; she became the demon of lust after Lucifer became Satan; he made her into a demon, where she was once a very beautiful angel, yet when she became the demon of lust…..he turned into his bride.
Afar from that, when she met Cain, she had a plan to manipulate him, for she knew God said, anyone who meets Cain, was allowed to kill him when finding him. Everyone knew Cain had a mark on his forehead, which God gave him, meaning that this mark made him a target, a vagabond.
After spending the night together, and with Cain having no knowledge of whom she was…..who knew what would happen to him; Lilith then bit him and gave him of her blood whilst he was fast asleep, yet she thought he would become a demon, but he became something else…something dangerous….he became the first vampire.
He wakes up and Lilith is gone. He then moves on, walking in the streets of Babylon, then he meets two young men and they later on introduce him to their mother, he becomes befriended with them, and grows very fond of them, especially their mother.
So this one night he grabbed hold of the eldest one whose name was Ahab and bit him, and infected him, along with his brother Orlad soon afterwards. He had no knowledge to what actually was happening to him, but when Orlad stabbed him, and his blood fell in the face of Ahab, he saw Ahab coming back to life, and he looked Orlad about to die, so he acted quickly, cut his own wrist, and gave Orlad of his blood, and Orlad rose as well.
They stood in front of him and looked at him, they questioned him, but as looking at him, their noses bled, blood came out dripping from their eyes and ears.
And they died. He buried them and told their mother the next day that her sons were killed by a wild beast. She was shocked, and emotional, so he comforted her and it wasn’t long and they had intercourse, and he then impregnated her, with her giving birth to a boy and a girl. He realised they were born Vampires, yet at the time he did not know that, but nevertheless…..she couldn’t see it, but he could. The years went by, and the children grew older, twelfth years had passed, and they were both the ages of twelfth years old. By this time their mother Kara gave birth again, this time she gave birth to girl, and he saw that she wasn’t the same as her older brother and sister.
She was not a vampire, nor was she human.
Years passed; Ian and Gwen were both the age of 25, and Murielle was 18. After infecting two young men, villagers from Babylon successfully, their names were Mason and Raul….Cain made himself a coven. Mason and Raul were best friends; Cain infected his wife as well, on an earlier stage. Mason and Raul were the same age as Murielle. The thing is…they were both madly in love with her, but she loved only one. That one was Raul, and she had no choice but to take Mason, yet she had no knowledge that he killed Raul. Mason impregnates her, and she gave birth to a girl, and they name her Danika. Yet after Danika’s birth, Murielle turned into a wolf and back into human form again, yet only one thing changed….her name changed from Murielle to Aurielle.
Cain saw this and captured her with the help of Mason, Ian and Gwen. And they captured her, but in the process, he lost both his children. Danika was a beautiful little baby, but her mom….she would never get to know, only hear stories about her.
They locked Aurielle away, but she escaped, created more like her, unable to take human form again and she became the mother of all wolves.
Cain was angry, and killed Mason, and he along with his two children, his wife and grand-daughter, moved east, to live a peaceful life, yet Cain’s intentions weren’t peace, it was him….looking for new recruits. They looked for new land, where they could start over, but meanwhile….he looked for young men and women, he could infect, that would be loyal to him.
He was successful; he found four young men, the first was Rago (he later took the name Russel)-he had a name in Greek, symbolising ‘Raven’…but only a few knew this name.
Secondly was Em, (he later took the name Mikael).
Thirdly was Baru, (he later took the name Alexander).
And last but not least was Olak, (he later took the name Liam).

Cain grew very prospective over Danika, and forgot all about his two children, her aunt and uncle, Ian and Gwen. But as time went by, she grew older and wanted a man and she chose Baru (Alexander). So she left with her grandfather Cain, and she met Baru in person, and they got married on the time of her 16th birthday.
They were married, and Baru impregnated her and she gave birth to two sons, one born a vampire, the other born a wolf. The wolf named William and the vampire named Markus.
But something tragic happened, the same what happened to her mother, and Baru had to act fast, so he locked her in a room, more like a cell, never to see the light of day again; because after giving birth to them, she also stayed like a wolf forever.
Baru was angry, and he wanted to kill his two sons, but Cain spoke sense into his heart and mind, and by that time, Gwen whom were married to Olak, had conceived a child and named her Priscilla. And when Priscilla reached 18, she married William. William who was about the same age as Priscilla, and he was not a werewolf yet, for it was said on his 24th birthday, he will change, and never will be able to turn into his human form again. William impregnates Priscilla before his curse became unending. Priscilla then gave birth to a boy, she named him Alistair. And she died on his seventh birthday. Leaving him an orphan, to dwell the earth alone, but at least he knew her love.
At the age of 18, Alistair, went on his own, parting ways from his great-grandfather. He then creates his own werewolf clan; a clan that can change into human form as well, and the unending curse were no more.
Yet although the Werewolf Alistair had his own family……..he still acted unfaithful, by deciding to sleep with Mikael’s wife. That same Mikael, whose name was ‘Em’ and for that Em went after him, killed him and his family…..left no life alive. Mikael killed them brutally, Alistair and his werewolf clan; but what Mikael did not know was….Niklaus weren’t the only descendant to William, no!! William had as many affairs as he could, so he did it deliberately, but he had good reason.

It might be possible that they all became pregnant, who knows…but one significant fixation stood out………’that by then there were already thousands of wolves roaming the earth.

Cain looked at KillWorld, smiled and said, ‘And here my friend I stand before you, as the man whose story I just told about. I am Cain.” And Lord KillWorld just looked at him, smiled and said, ‘My my…..what a coincidence….to see we both be wearing a similar mark on arr’ foreheads; and….I think I kind of knew that, but nevertheless….I say from this day forward, I remain your most trusted ally and your truest friend, what say you?.“ they had a laugh, and both looked to the heavens, Cain said,’ I wonder what it is…that awaits us in that battlefield of sky and clouds?”

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: Cain, vampires


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
