![]() Clash of GiantsA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry![]() The war occurs![]()
Clash of Giants
After they left Carlisle Gage, Wentworth Gage….they went back to their ship; Benjamin Gold, Benedict Morgan, Tomas Yenk and their king Lord Don Nathaniel KillWorld. And they made sure they got far away from those vampires, for they were too little of a number, to face off against those hundred vampires, and along with two kings. They sailed on and on and their days turned into weeks, weeks turned into three months; Lord KillWorld did just not want to go anywhere, even tough they passed a few Islands; he grew very specific, on where he wanted to go, for he was always attracted by bulky trees. Three months later: Finally they then reached an island. They stopped there; Lord KillWorld was fascinated to how it looked, he said, he wanted to grow old there, ‘Ironic, wouldn’t you agree?” …..; the men jumped into the sea and celebrated, for them it was as freedom, this place was beautiful, it was peaceful…..paradise actually. The men celebrated, tossing each other in the water, laughing and making jokes of one another, and they did not care if there lived people or not, but whilst they celebrated….Lord KillWorld, explored the island. And to what he came across….did not fascinate him, he was shocked. What he saw________ saw not him; he wanted to leave, immediately, but something inside him, forced him to stay. He stared at them, slowly, hiding behind the trees. The land were big, the people few______ And the houses were what I could count on me hand I say. Then one of the villagers saw him; an old man, grey hair, wrinkled face, and a shortage of one eye. He stood in front of Lord KillWorld with his grandchild or daughter….was not sure; but it was a girl. Then the old man said,’ you and your men…..Ye dare come on arr land? But perished thou dust would spill on this loam, where nothing be left.” Lord KillWorld was confused, then the girl said in words he could not understand……saying in her own language: GIRL: ‘Be ye on this land, be ye cursed forever if ye spill blood, then they will rise.” KILLWORLD: ‘Who are they? ....” GIRL: ‘We call them the forgotten ones, they will rise, when blood is spilled and a drop meets land.” KILLWORLD: ‘You’re confusing me, what exactly do you mean? …” GIRL: ‘One side cursed, one side not…..when claw met fang, when sun met moon, when good….met evil…there been lived man that ate man…” KILLWORLD: ‘What men do ye be speaking of with me? Be it men, that be cold? Or men that has sorrow?” OLD MAN: ‘Enough with the questions….Come!! …Come meet these ‘Cannibals” they that eat, what men shall not……no Come!!” Lord KillWorld had no fear, but it was something he probably never faced before….something, he would have a hard time getting used to_______; something he did not know yet. Lord KillWorld called on his men through the mind of Benedict and Benjamin. Yet they received his calling, they informed him, that the vampires spotted their ship, but it were not Leaphar or Wentworth, it was only one vampire, but they couldn’t make out, who he were; nevertheless he was with Pirates. Yet Lord KillWorld, had to be strong, and for his men, along with the village people. The old man took Lord KillWorld to their prisoners; some of the cannibals whom they caught. Lord KillWorld were somewhat amazed to what he saw, yet also, as he stared at them he could see within their eyes, that they were different to what they once were……they were dangerous and crazed men, monstrous and sadistic. He looked at them, and he saw what they once were________ what they became of allowing their ability to get the best of them; he saw they were Crowkans. Lord KillWorld then bit his own arm, and he gave of his own blood to the cannibals; the old man was angry, really furious and upset to what Lord KillWorld had done, and they threw him with the cannibals, but the cannibals lifted not a finger on him. They transformed… _______And when their transformations were complete.” He looked at them, he saw their hair grow back, he saw an old friend, actually a man that hated him, and he saw Ivan. Ivan the father of Screamer______ Yet Ivan was sired by the blood of Lord KillWorld, and he looked at them, then saw they were twenty men, then as he looked around him….the old man along with the village people looked at him, and they feared him. Yet they bowed down and called him king.” Then the old man opened the gate off the cell out of fear, and Lord KillWorld walked out with his men, and Benedict Morgan, Benjamin Gold and Tomas Yenk, came to their surprise, and saw they had new recruiters. Ivan told them, a man with a black cloak came to them, when they killed half the village people. He said the man had on a black cloak, with his face hidden inside the cloak, he sat on a horse, a black one to be precise, and it had fierce red eyes. He said they asked him, his name and he said, ‘I am Malach Hamavet, I am the Myth that is black, I smell death where I go, I take life, I give none, I am the reaper of souls, the angel of death, all with life should fear me, I am Malach Hamavet, the Black Myth of Centuries.” Then they refused to fear him, and they were cursed. Benjamin reminded Lord KillWorld of the vampire that came with the pirates, and they rushed to the front side of the Island. Lord KillWorld and his 26 men, stood in front of the Island, as its protectors. Yet as the vampire came, the little girl ran pass them, and went to the vampire, and Lord KillWorld overheard her calling him father, and they were surprised; Ivan then said, it was that man, that man alone that had the ability to trap us, and lock is in the cells. Benedict Morgan and Benjamin Gold, were surprised to hear of this, and Benedict walked up to the little girls father, and as his guards stopped Benedict to come close to him, he ordered them to let Morgan pass, and Morgan confronted him but were unsuccessful, for he laid on the ground. Benjamin was shocked when he saw this, and he went running to the man, and the man made him also lie on the ground, in pain, and the funny thing was……the man did not even lift a finger’ nor did his men. The man then said,’ I am not human nor am I beast, if you wish to face, then you will surely die!!!” Then the old man told them not to continue, trying to fight the man, for he is very strong, and he will kill all of them. And they then asked him what his name were and he looked at them, not a trust in his eyes, then he said, ‘I was born with another name, but you may call me, ‘Crimson O’Clery (pronounced O’cleirigh)”so I warn you______ I do not wish to fight you, for the end results to your fate will be unpleasant, you will die slowly, and you will not live to tell the tale..” Lord KillWorld walked up to him, and he did his telepathic powers on Lord KillWorld, but he was unsuccessful, and Crimson, holding his daughter in his arms, was forced to hand his daughter to one of his men, and the most interesting thing happened….. Lord KillWorld held out his hand, and Crimson looked shocked and shook KillWorld’s hand, and Crimson freed Gold and Morgan, then they took a walk. The two men…..rulers over armies, fathers to many out there; Lord KillWorld and Crimson. © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
Author![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing