![]() LeapharA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry![]() This chapter is actually exclusive with the story but perhaps it would be of great help to better understand the world of the Crowkans![]() A man laid there by the cliffs, he had a bearded face. A young man by the name of Carlisle Leaphar Gage found him there, and picked him up, he even paid for the man, as he was coming from England in search of a vacancy in medicine, he was heading to France, but when they made a stop in Wallachia. He saw the man lying there hopelessly; he saw this man, and could not just leave him be- so out of the goodness of his heart, he paid for everything the man would require. Everyone knew him by his middle name, Leaphar, and speaking about names, the man that he found, could not remember his previous life or his name. so Leaphar sat there looking at him, and said a lot of names, in hoe that he might remember one of it, but he was unsuccessful and he just decided to give him a name for the time being, he called him Wentworth, Wentworth Gage. Leaphar gave Wentworth his last name, with meaning that they were now brothers and Wentworth was well looked after, courtesy of his ‘brother” Leaphar. They arrived in France, Wentworth had a shaved face and looked as a gentleman should, yet he was also English, so people would take them as brothers, for they both had blonde hair, and they both looked the same ages. But just Wentworth, had a life, a much older life before he became known as Wentworth Gage, for he was known by another name, a name once belonged by a man, from a much older century, and different life, a Crowkan, known only by the name Adam Oley, but they did not know that, now did they now? The month was May, me and my brother, travelled from Wallachia together. I was seventeen and ever since then I wanted to become doctor, and in medical surgery I’d be….until the incident took place, which left me as a damaged soul. This is my story, our story. Wentworth and I were walking the streets of France, a young lady walked pass us, I said,’ Bonjour madam!” She looked at me and just smiled, then said, ’Bonjour monsieur. She stood still, looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes of hers and said,’ Combien es toi monsieur?” I laughed, and said in English, ‘Well…..I’m not that advanced.” She just looked at me and smiled, then said, ‘would you gentleman like to join me for supper?”Wentworth insisted we leave but I grew fond of the young lady and said yes, we followed her to this dark place and when we arrived there, we met her family. They invited us in their house, though they looked like ordinary people, they had a lot of antique furniture. There were eight men, that being, including her father and she, her mother and sister were the only females in the house. The eight men were her father Luca Yenk, her two brothers Diego and Carson, her three uncles from her father’s side Brice, Liam and Tomas Yenk, then her two uncles from her mother’s side (mother’s brothers) Joshua and Hugo . Her name was Alexandra, her sister’s name was, Anastasia and her mother Georgia Yenk. They were kind people, they were a family wit a sense of humour, they allowed us to stay the night but night went to week, for they grew fond of us and Luca came up with this silly idea that I should marry Alexandra, and marry we did, her uncle Joshua held the ceremony, Wentworth then married her sister, for he had a liking in her and she in him, so he married Anastasia. All went well, Alexandra was pregnant with twin babies, she had one month left, and I’d be a father, and Anastasia was already a mother, she gave birth a week ago, my word…..nine months had passed already, I have a wife, I’m going to become a father, and I’m soon on the verge of becoming a doctor. I was not yet a doctor, but I was almost, and there wasn’t time, for my beautiful Alexandra went into labour and I had to be the doctor, but her mother was a midwife back in her younger days, so she and I assisted each other, she was also very fond of me, and she loved us as if Wentworth and I were her own. That day I became the happiest man on earth, sadly her father was not there to witness her giving birth to his beautiful grandchildren. He, his three brothers and two brother in laws, were out and they came just in time for the naming of the children, he was happy to see us, but he looked as if he saw a ghost, then he picked up the babies and saw one were a boy, and one a girl. He named the boy Saphael Luca Gage and my mother in law named the girl Siaphora Georgia Gage. ……How wonderful two blessings from God, my two children Saphael and Siaphora Gage_________ After naming his grandchildren, Luca called me and my brother aside, and told me that he was a vampire elder and so was his wife, and two sons, but not his two daughters’, he said he first wanted them both to marry and marry they did, he said if he died. He’d die a happy man, or in this case, a vampire and he’d die with a smile for he lived to see his grandchildren, let alone, name them; he said he wanted to give me and Wentworth something we should carry always by our side but, as he had it in his hand, French officials rushed in and arrested everyone even the women, even Wentworth and I. They accused us of being vampires and sentenced us to death, by sunrise. They put us in a chariot and it was there when they threw a dark big blanket of a sort over the chariot, and they left us in the centre of the city; I could tell, I walked there a lot. Meanwhile as Wentworth listened to Luca and the others speak, they told us their secrets and as speaking, I could hear Wentworth being grabbed then I was grabbed and I felt a bite, a lot of bites and something was forced down my throat, it was as water, but it tasted differently, I could feel someone’s arm being pressed against my mouth and as I drank, I got the hint that I was drinking someone’s blood, and I couldn’t get enough, the taste changed in my mouth, it was as if I enjoyed blood, and I drank and drank, then I passed out. I woke again, but found that the arm was still by my mouth and I could hear Luca’s voice and hear him say, ‘My dear son, my Leaphar, father to my grandchildren, we give you life, appreciate it, you are not death, but one incident that may cause your death, will leave you a vampire forever, and now you carry the blood of eight vampires inside of you, both you and your brother.” Then our mother in law Georgia said (emotionally),’Leaphar and Wentworth, I love both of you as if you were my own, take care of my children Alexandra and Anastasia, also to my beautiful grandchildren Siaphora, Saphael and Milan Gage, I love you forever. ” Then we heard the French officials, and one of them yelled, ‘peupler! Arriver temoin cet trepas sur cet mechant vampires!!”Then we heard the pulling of the black sheet or blanket of a sort, and I saw feet of people, then I saw faces, and the last thing I saw were my in-laws along with their brothers and my two brothers in laws being burned to death by the sun. and I saw the two pendants my father in law Luca wanted to give me and my brother, and I took it and put it in my pocket, I gave Wentworth his own pendant. Then the black sheet came off, and I witnessed a terrible act; we saw our loved ones, leave earth forever. We were four adults remaining, along three small babies. My God! ....had these people no hearts? Must the world be full of cruelty? Must we endure pain everyday in our lives? Why do good men, with good hearts tend…be…. on the opposite side of good at the end of the day? …; yet they laughed at us, they opened the steel gate of the chariot and they said we were free to leave’; its as if losing important people in my life, never happened right now. “A million questions, yet no answer.” But they laugh, with their wretched emotions, becoming the figure to their wicked acts. We walked away, and as emotional as we were, we kept our thought to ourselves. I along with my brother Wentworth, decided to take our wives and children and go to a place nearby, out of France, perhaps Poland, or some other place, yet it was Wentworth that suggested we go to Poland, why Poland? I had not the slightest clue, but we went there, travelling to a farther region, where we would not be considered, or accused of vampirism. We got to Poland, finally and our third day there, I decided to have a look at this remarkable place. And there I met him, he was not of any region, looked not of any background, he was pale, I actually thought he were a vampire. But I was wrong, but I accepted him; as I accepted my brother Wentworth as my own. I befriended myself with him; his name was KillWorld, Don Nathaniel KillWorld. Yes….that was his name, but would he be an ally or an enemy. Could he be trusted? Was I to have known him? For he was not alone; he was surrounded by 40 men, men that looked as if they would die for him at any cause; he was treated as a king. He invited us into his domicile, and accepted us as if we were family. He admired my two children, and the child of Wentworth. Yet the other thing….the way he looked at Wentworth, so in a manner, to as if he hath known him, or then again _________perhaps I was wrong of my thoughts towards those of KillWorld. KillWorld left 38 men in Poland, taking only three men along with him and he asked us to join him on his trip to Wallachia, and seeing we felt safe in his presence…..we went with him, and it was worthwhile. We were now in Wallachia, then the one man, the Jamaican ; the father of the other two, said in the ear of KillWorld a brief message, he received from someone, somewhere…KillWorld yet looked so serene, to what the man told him, and he acted as if it were nothing, but I could tell something were bothering him. Then by surprise…they came. (I could tell that KillWorld were very pleased to catch up with them, and something told me in my guts, that they were old friends.)And KillWorld smiled. And with them, they had their own companion, his name was Tomas Yenk. Or so I heard….for the husky looking man, with the pipe said so himself. Yet this Tomas Yenk fella looked out of hand, and he walked up to us, in anger, he accused us of being a vampires and he tried to kill Wentworth but they kept stopping him, and they had to kill him on the spot; he was out of control; yet they killed him, again and again… twisting his neck, breaking it, killing Tomas Yenk, but he kept rising, and I stood there shocked to what I had just witnessed….and I looked at him, this Yenk fella ______and I got so angry, so I fought against him for he wont stop going after my brother; KillWorld just stood there and watched us fight, he did not lift a finger…but…just when I was heading to break his neck,’ KillWorld yelled with one mighty roar, and ordered us to stop, and I did, but then I felt this quickening wind in my face…it was like nothing I’ve ever felt before, to my surprise, I saw KillWorld holding Yenk by the neck, lifting him up with one hand, then he it him; I laid there, blood came dripping out of Yenk’s neck and he passed out, being unconscious for an hour or two, I don’t know, I had not a clue, where I were at that moment for that quickening wind, made me somnolent. And KillWorld had him by his neck and bit him and bit him _____with his blood dripping all in my face; he ripped it apart with his teeth that changed its colour to silver. Yet his blood was not red. Then as KillWorld had Yenk in his hand, by his neck; he threw him against a wall, and the men that introduced him to KillWorld, looked upset about this, and they argued, and they confronted KillWorld, and KillWorld just said,’ Who be your king? Would I now disappoint my loyal men? Go and pick him from the ground, he is stronger now”….and they said nothing. The men were happy, they praised him. All were quiet, then my brother and I stood there in fear, and Tomas Yenk rosé, and they looked happy at what they saw, they saw him rise from death in daylight; escaping the masses of the Underworld and being one of them officially. And as I looked at them, I saw not enemies, yet I saw allies, then in a blink of an eye……we were surrounded by a hundred Vampires; I could hear my children cry, along with the child of my brother. And one stepped forth…. All he said was….’we come for them.”(Referring to me and my brother) KillWorld just laughed, saying, ‘And what would you want with them? If I may ask…?” ‘That be none of your concern….we have no ordeal with you…..I urge you to not start, what you wont able to end. “The man said. KillWorld looked furious at what the man said, yet he smiled and said nothing. The man called us forth, and we walked up them; and for some reason I kept looking at KillWorld, and I did not know why’; KillWorld just smiled, then he winked at me with his left eye, and he was gone _______so were his men …….And their newest member…Tomas Yenk. We stood there in front of the unknown man…..standing beside my brother, then in an instant’ he snapped both our necks at the same time. ‘After a while, when we went through all that pain….we rosé.” He then explained to us what he was and what we now were, and that there was no turning back. ‘Therefore we were kings now ______we were royalty.” I looked at my brother, he had looked different now…..with white hair and his eyes from sea blue, to bloody red. He looked pale, very pale; our wives were frightened of us and by the likes of it, I looked the same as him. And around us, we saw an empire on the verge of greatness. ‘And they bowed when we rosé.” © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
StatsAuthor![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing