Red Soil

Red Soil

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

Don Nathaniel and his generals goes on a journey in the land of the red soil

………Red Soil………

Lord KillWorld woke up, but he did not wake up on the Island of the Pagulan people nor did he in Cuba.Instead he woke up onboard their ship; he was shocked to find that they were about to encounter another shipwreck, but only this time, their ship would not survive, he asked in a somewhat distraught manner, where they were, and how long he were asleep for, and how long they had been sailing for..Then Gold, with his rum in his one hand and the pistol in the other…saying ’Arr Captain…yes a wonder indeed mate….you’re awake, now stop being a landlubber and help a fella out….Here!! Do ya want rum??!”…… Lord KillWorld sighed, smiling…then said in an agreeable tone…’by the likes of things, why not?!! You couldn’t have offered me rum at a better time,” Gold Lord KillWorld laughed, and Benedict yelled...(Not angry),’Quit ya laughing mates and give me some of them rum, I could use some, seeing… that old Snow white over there laid on her a*s, while I had to do all the work (referring to Lord KillWorld) .” Benjamin Gold threw the bottle of rum to Morgan, saying in a joke, ‘And what do ya think I have been doing?’ You bloody swine” Morgan grabbed the bottle, drank the rum and said, ‘I really can’t say….Drinking??!” they just laughed and laughed, they embraced Lord KillWorld. All the men just stared at them, looking somewhat confused; the Ravellion, along with their king who had now woken from his deep sleep, then started sailing on the Indian Ocean and wandered the sea. Not having a direction or destination at all, they went….where the wind would lead them. But the wind led them into an actual shipwreck, a real shipwreck. But there were men with a lot of experience when it came to sea, and there were ways in which a man hath learnt the art of manipulating the sea; Benjamin Gold a former buccaneer turned Captain, also Benedict Morgan, a former navigator turned Captain as well.
Night hath came, the wind blew rowdily, the men were fast asleep; Gold, Morgan and Lord KillWorld were the only three men wide awake; although KillWorld had the least experiences, he adapted the fastest and in an instant he could do what they knew, what they were good at doing; but the way the storm had occurred, made the men who were sleeping get up in fear within their black hearts. Big sea cliffs and howls of the waves grasped their thoughts, in a very negative way. It was dark and cold…..their ship was not going to make it, they knew they had to find the nearest land, to settle there until the storms would pass- but they were unsuccessful and crashed and the sea swept the men to land.
They had a shipwreck, all the men survived; well…..two were laid to rest, they died, swallowed in whole by the raging sea. They stood there with their clothes soaking, of the sea waters dripping down their faces, their long locks of hair hanging wet in their faces. They entered this land, not knowing what waited for them, yet it seemed there was no human life on this Island. Or was there?’
They looked at this land-unfamiliar to them, in a somewhat hysterical manner, but yet they were aroused by its beautiful presence. This land of savages was unknown to them, this land of red soil, this land of unknown roots and unknown destination.
Lord KillWorld and the Ravellion entered this land, not knowing what awaited them, not knowing what dangers had rested in this red soiled land; just waiting for the time to feast once more. It seemed that there was no life on this land, as they walked through this land they spoke to each other, having a laugh, making fun of their shipwreck. As walking they came upon a beast, a beast they were not familiar with yet, a beast that lusted for blood, it lusted for meat, any meat-as long as it was meat. It was a lion, and it was hungry, very hungry. It looked at them wit cold eyes, it had only one look, no facial expression, describing whether it was smiling, or if it were angry; none. It gave a mighty roar, but it had not brought a sense of fear into the hearts of the men, it was as if it could see they were fearless, and it probably hated the idea of them staring at it with an imagination to a comparison of itself as a little dog. It came running to them, in full speed ahead and as Gold were about to pull out his knife, one of the younger Crowkans beat him to it and had the lion by its throat, he held the lion in the air with one hand and looked at Lord KillWorld to grant him the go-ahead. But Lord KillWorld ordered him to cease his attack and he let go of the lion but at that moment it ran towards; Benjamin Gold attempted to pull out his knife, but Lord KillWorld halted him as well, and to their surprise, instead of attacking Lord KillWorld it wanted to play. Gold and the men looked somewhat confused-they had questions for Lord KillWorld, a lot of questions. Then the young Crowkan asked Lord KillWorld why the lion did not attack him, then Lord KillWorld said smiling as he just touched the shoulder of Captain Benedict Morgan, walking with the lion as if it were a pet, ‘My dear fellows……ye must understand, when you lived as long as I have, you begin to form gifts and talents of your own…..’You start to see humans and human life for what it truly is…you see it for what it is on earth for- you start to see in the soul of a vessel, any vessel.”
Lord KillWorld sent the lion off to its cave or den-whatever they may call it; and as walking, there came men, men whom were hiding behind bushes, in fear of them. They were not like civilized human beings that Lord KillWorld had ever came across and yet they were not even savages, but hunters. They were wise and had many knowledge of nature, they knew their way around the red soiled land.

They were known as the people of the Kalahari, the Khoi-khoi people, diversity between the Khoi and the San people of the Kalahari bush.

Lord KillWorld and his men stared at them with widened eyes. They had no words for these people; these hunters had bows and arrows, with a self made bag they kept it in; they walked around Lord KillWorld and his me, speaking in their native language. Their hunting leader kept poking his spear to the chest of Lord KillWorld; it frustrated Gold and some of the men, but it hadn’t bothered Lord KillWorld. (Perhaps you could make an assumption that he was teaching the men, a lesson when interacting with Outlanders.)

He walked up to one of the men, that same young Crowkan who grabbed the lion by its throat, almost accomplishing in killing it, thanks to Lord KillWorld’s gracious heart.
That young Crowkan was Adam Oley; he was not a member of the Ravellion, yet he was a member of the crew (He was one of the pirates).

Now the Khoisan hunter reached his hands out to the face of Adam Oley, and felt his face thoroughly with his hands, he closed his eyes and still and his hands on Adam’s face, then Adam passed out; the men helped him back to his feet, yet he could not remember who he were anymore- he looked shocked and also feared the men I his surroundings, the Khoisan hunter then walked to Benjamin Gold and were about to lay his hands on his head, but he pulled his knife from his pocket and cut both off with one strike, and the hunters ran for they would also suffer the same fate their mentor had endured.
Lord KillWorld then said nothing, just picking up the hands from the ground and started sucking the last drops of blood out of it, he then offered one of the hands to the men, but they were to unsure whether they would also end up like Adam. The handless Khoisan hunter begged for mercy and Lord KillWorld looked at him with crazed eyes, eating one of his hands in front of him; yet as the Khoisan spoke, Benjamin looked at him, reading his lips and studied what he was saying, but it was hard, very hard. Yet Gold listened carefully, listening to every word that the hunter spoke, then slowly he began to understand what the hunter was trying to say, Gold soon afterwards translated what the hunter was trying to say and Gold then suddenly grabbed the hunter by his head and made it possible for the man to speak; Lord KillWorld then told all the men to leave him and the hunter alone and he took the two hands of the hunter-one of which he had already feasted on, and pressed it against the hunters arms and closed his eyes and he laid his hands upon the hunter’s head and one hand holding both arms of the hunter and when he opened his eyes, the hunter’s arms were healed.

The man looked shocked and said in his own language, ‘Who are you?”….’where did you come from?”_________
Lord KillWorld then called Gold to translate to him what the man were trying to say to him; Gold asked the man t repeat what he had asked now and the man asked again,’ Who are you?”….’where did you come from?” and Gold told Lord KillWorld this, and he answered on behalf, for its obvious he knew where Lord KillWorld came from, he then said to the hunter, ‘We came not to harm you..’ we came to trade, Who is your leader?”
‘Our leader is not to be disturbed but I can take you to our Shamans.” The hunter said.

Gold replied firmly and understandingly, ‘Well….we as traders have to see him- I just have to, it is very important- take me to your Shaman. ”

The hunter looked at Gold, and looked at Lord KillWorld. Gold then says nothing and pointed to the young Crowkan, Adam Oley….who the Khoisan earlier had touched on the face and erased of his memory. The Khoisan hunter agreed and as he led them to their tribal camp. The lions, Elephants, Zebras and all the other animals walked on this red soiled land.

Lord KillWorld and his men were shocked but also were also overwhelmed by the beautiful landscape they were experiencing. They were amazed as they walked on this strange but beautiful land- to how many beautiful creatures roamed the earth, also of those they hadn’t encountered before; such as the lion. They arrived at the men’s tribal camp and saw families of these Khoi-khoi people; a lot of them, not even properly covered in clothes: some of the men found it hard to learn the language in such a quick time; they envied Gold in a certain way. (Whereas to say that it were unfair___ that he learnt it so quickly and they struggled.) Yet for some reason he was good with adapting to new languages, any languages for that matter-but there were one problem, he understood them, but some….he just could not speak.
Lord KillWorld had already learnt the language, even before Gold could get the knowledge and understanding to translate it to him; he even took the time to understand what they were saying, but yet….being the man that he were- he stayed silent about the matter. And also played along to the fact to pretend that Adam Oley was their leader-but Adam had no clue what was happening around him. The Shaman was ready to see the leader of Lord KillWorld and the other Ravellion members, and pirates, but would only agree to see four men, and they were: Gold, Morgan, KillWorld and Oley. Lord KillWorld and the other three men went inside the hut; the other men were too fascinated with the animals and the ways and routines of the Khoisan people. Lord KillWorld…..rather, Oley and his men sat in the presence of the Khoisan chief and Shaman and they traded, the Shaman sat in the hut with three of his own men, and they discussed trading goods and weaponry for water (CAMISA).

The Shaman then ordered a few of his men to give water to the members of the Ravellion. The Shaman, then asked out of curiosity to Adam,’ why’……. have you come to this land?”
Adam answered looking to Lord KillWorld’s way- answering carefully,’ we hadn’t planned to come to your land, but unfortunately we had a shipwreck and landed here….”

The Shaman then said nothing else but then looked to the translator (one of the younger hunters, who had contact with the Dutch before…)
He then spoke directly with the translator once again and said in his own language to the translator to translate to Adam Oley and his men,’ I am the chief of this tribe, I am the lion whisperer and also a Shaman, of this tribe-there are many tribes, you are considered allies and welcomed guests until proven otherwise.”

Then Benjamin said to the chief, ‘We thank you, and I give you our word, not to disappoint you.”
The chief just smiled, when the translator translated to him what Gold hath said. Then he acted strangely and differently and said something once again in his language, and as usual it be translated again, and the young hunter; also translator……said, the chief said that this man ‘(pointing to Adam Oley) he is not the leader, for he believes there is one amongst you that is your leader.” Before they could say anything, the chief said something else, once more and the young hunter said, ‘the chief believes that this man (referring to Lord KillWorld’s first Ravellion inductee)-this man, “the silent one” is the leader of you men.”

The men of the Ravellion just laughed until tears rolled out of their eyes. They were lying on the floor- the way they had laughed and Benedict Morgan just continued smoking his pipe.
The chief then added to his somewhat of a statement,’ (looking straight to Adam) - you cannot be their leader…you are too young, and you are too weak to be a leader. ”

The chief then got up, and dismissed the gathering of their meeting, and they went to sleep.
The men made fun of Adam all morning, he was angry and wanted to kill the chief; he then grabbed hold of a knife were walking to the hut of the chief, but as he went for the chief, Lord KillWorld grabbed him by the throat and said in anger (Whispering),’Stop it Now!(Shouting silently)…Stop this foolishness, otherwise you shall suffer the consequences of your actions.”

Adam Oley said with anger, ‘You are not in any way my father, you don’t get to tell me what to do_________”

‘Well…..if that’s the case, I suggest it be best you apart from us then, and from now on my boy….my dear Adam…you are now on your own, I leave you be…..but if you want to change your mind, then kneel.”

Adam kneeled in front of Lord KillWorld and KillWorld was please, when he finally called Adam to his feet, then confiscated the knife from Adam, and Adam walked off- walking to his hut, that were provided for him.

Morning came…

The chief took a few of his men and invited Lord KillWorld and his men to assist them in hunting for food, but as they went hunting; Adam Oley, got an uncalled for, intention, and he ran so fast and caught a leopard and ripped its skin apart with his bare teeth and sucked the life out of it. Adam said, ‘You want to know who we are? You wish to know what we do here. Well-we are here to kill all of you!! .......Each and every one!”The chief was shocked when he saw this and he called on his lion, and ordered it to go after Adam Oley, and Adam ran, ran as fast as he could, but the chief did not stop there….he called on more lions and ordered them to go after the other members of the Ravellion, but only one, and that one member got the chance to pull out a knife and threw it in the stomach of the Shaman, leaving him to bleed fast and die slowly, that man was Benjamin Gold; but the lions kept chasing the men, all the men of the Ravellion.

KillWorld, Benjamin Gold, Benedict Morgan, along with Adam Oley. Stood still and fought against the many lions that came their way; Lord KillWorld was angry at the chief, and wanted to go back and kill the chief himself and also Adam, but Benjamin Gold had a laugh and said he’d already fulfilled one of that duties and he wouldn’t mind killing Adam. KillWorld just smiled and Adam gave them a death stare.
The lions came and it stood still, one of them, then the others followed it, and stood still as well….and it stood in front of the other lions. Lord KillWorld then walked up to the lion as it roared at him, then it came running towards him with a rage, he then acted quickly and jumped over the back of the lion, with his body rolling sideways in the air, and he then grabbed the lion by its tail and threw it against a tree, but the lion got up in rage once more and acted persistent in killing them, then it roared again and all the lions chased them; as the men of the Ravellion ran, they split up, but before splitting up’ they heard KillWorld yelling, ‘Men!!...we meet in Poland, if we lose track of each other”…; with KillWorld and Adam running west and Benedict Morgan and Benjamin Gold running east on the red soiled land.
Adam and Lord KillWorld ran towards the ocean and there they saw a ship, a Dutch ship, with the name of ‘De Drie Heuvelen”- they got near the ship and got on board, and they saw no sign of Benjamin Gold or Benedict Morgan.

Meanwhile on the Island ,Benjamin Gold and Benedict Morgan were busy to fight against the lions, Benedict Morgan grabbing hold of one of the lions, grabbed it by its huge throat and snapped it, as his hands went inside of the lion’s skin. Benjamin Gold went for the Chief, and finished his job and he killed the chief, sharing parts of the chief’s body with Benedict Morgan. The young hunter who were their translator, shouted out of anger, ‘what did you do?!!(Shouting)”…’He was the last chief, he has no bloodline!!He is the last lion whisperer and one of the few Shaman left! How dare you?!!”

Benedict Morgan smiled only then he and Benjamin Gold laughed at the young hunter. They then left and taught they’d be lucky if they would get a ship they can travel to, but they were too late for the ‘De Drie Heuvelen” and they got on a French ship, but that French was unknown by them and they hadn’t remembered the name of the ship to this day. Yet the French name wasn’t heading for France. Benjamin and Benedict did not care, as long as they could leave the red soiled land. They got on the French ship, and they did not harm the people on board, neither did Adam and his king who were on the ‘De Drie Heuvelen.” The Dutch ship.

‘Speaking of the ship ‘De Drie Heuvelen”-it was actually heading for Holland. Lord KillWorld wasn’t planning to go to Holland. Weeks had passed; nearly weeks and Lord KillWorld threw Adam Oley overboard, and the sea might’ve….perhaps killed him, or swept him to a distant and unknown shore.
A month later, Lord KillWorld jumped off the ship…..perhaps to a world unknown? Who knows_______

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: Khoisan, africa, generals, Crowkans


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
