![]() The Sadistic ChoiceA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry![]() In Life we are times left with a decision to make, at times we have no choce but to either make enemies or build allegiance with those enemies![]() The Sadistic Choice Chapter VI England was a different land, in a different year, a different king. While the men went about in England, sleeping with women, drinking rum; Gold and Morgan went along with Lord KillWorld, they went to go meet a man KillWorld once knew, but who’s to say that he wasn’t already dead. When Lord KillWorld looked for him, he didn’t find him so they just walked around; they were in Lucknam Park. They came across a beautiful edifice; they used the place mostly as a self catering holiday cottage, rather as a resort to differentiate the inappropriateness’ between the rich and the poor. They called it the,’ Colerne Wiltshire.” Now, Lord KillWorld was not the type of person to wander around and look at women, but…he just couldn’t help himself, for what man could resist such a beauty that stood on the balcony of the Colerne Wiltshire; but there were no way on earth he would win her heart, for she was already promised to another. She was prettier and lovelier than both Olivia and Christian, her eyes….lips, and hair…she had a smile that made any man crumble at her feet, even Lord KillWorld. He were outside the Colerne Wiltshire, stood there alongside a tree, just……imagining them together, he noticed no other person but her, you could make an assumption he fell in love, but……how dare a man of his status love anyone?’ outside he stood, watching her and her family enjoying herself; she saw him look at her but he always made sure he was not visible. She was born to a rich and powerful family, those fancy, upper class people that only cared of their own needs and wants and Lord KillWorld hated it. After all…..he was a pirate…..he was certainly not of those favoured by the rich and powerful. But he was anxious to speak to her so, he walked up to the guards, looked them in their eyes and took over their minds, then they fell asleep; he went inside and there he saw her…..speaking to another female; it was her sister, her elder sister. It did not bother Lord KillWorld whatsoever; he was completely focused on her. He called her as she were speaking to her sister, and at first she feared for she hath not known him or of his whereabouts, whether he were a friend or a foe; she was s scared, afraid he might hurt her, then her sister stopped her saying,’ Cassandra!! You’re not going to him, he is but a stranger, and you know father disallows all outer contact with these pests.” She was stubborn and ignored her sister, she waled up to him….asked him who he were, but he had no words, only stared into her beautiful eyes, and as wanting to say something to her the guards came in full force, and this time not two…but a whole bunch of them; they surrounded him, and her father and Lord Parker came out and saw him, and Lord Parker yelled in anger and fury, ‘Guards!! Arrest that man!! He’s a thief!! Arrest him!!” they followed his orders and arrested him, placing the cuffs on his arms, and pushed him forth and forth with their rifles; he did not even fight back or tried to run. Then she stopped them. Standing in front of the guards, and pleaded with Lord Parker to spare him and be merciful to him for the sake of her and Lord Parker, hath easily given in to her emotional plea. They let him be, they took the cuffs off, he stared but a man that apprehended not the trials he would have to face getting what he wanted; but in his mind no man would stop him from having her as his own. He would not repudiate to win her love. He stood by the tree and stared at her, he would go inside every now and then, just him holding her were comforting enough for him. And the more he came to her, the more and more her feelings she had started to form for Lord Parker hath slowly faded into thin air. Her feelings had turned to a new route and it was Lord KillWorld she loved now, therefore not only loving him, but rather more entirely in love with him she fell. They started to have a relationship, an unbreakable bond that no man could be able to shatter. Not even Lord Parker….or could he? The question answer was unknown to this question. They met each other in private each and everyday, without her parent’s knowledge or consent, nor that of her sister knowing. All the time they met, they had no intercourse, but rather spoke about life and all its beauty, with waits on the other side of the sea, what they could become and would become. He respected her and loved her; he loved her enough to not sleep with her. When Lord Parker found out about the arrangements Cassandra and Lord KillWorld had to run away….he ordered his men,(As Lord KillWorld used to see them as were….Men in red coats)' to go after Lord KillWorld and arrest him and his mates; the Ravellion. Out of respect for their king they vowed to not fight back, but not all of them would always listen to Lord KillWorld. They chased Lord KillWorld all around England, even shooting at him. They went after the Ravellion as well; but the thoughts that went to his head were not simply ordinary. But Lord KillWorld could not dare have taught to sacrifice the identity of his men, for the sake of a female….so he left. How beautiful she were, natural born red hair. He left her a letter and on that letter stood: My Dearest: Cassandra I Lord Don Nathaniel, the man you so truly love, and I for you. There are not words I can put on this piece of paper that would express how I feel about you. Therefore with much sadness and with all my love and best wishes to you as you go see the wonders of the world. I shall love you till my breath has entered into the atmosphere; so to you my love……Farewell. Sincerely yours…. Don Nathaniel KillWorld He wanted to take her with him, but she was under protection of Lord Parker’s soldiers, seventy of them guarding the ship she was in, that was heading to some distant land far away from Lord KillWorld, for Lord Parker feared the worst, knowing she could easily leave him, for he saw Lord KillWorld, saying his last words to her, he just stood there behind the wall, looking at them. Lord Parker saw him telling Cassandra that he loved her and she said the same, he was shocked when he saw that she said the same words to Lord KillWorld, he saw him kiss her, an emotional kiss then he overheard Lord KillWorld say to Cassandra to never confiscate of his letter…that he will return, that they will be together, forever and ever. Lord Parker was furious; when Lord KillWorld left, he went to her, in a rage and demanded she give him the letter, she denied any knowledge of having a letter, but he persuaded her in calm but threatening way, and she had no choice but to give him the letter and he burnt the letter in front of her. She cried and Lord KillWorld heard her cry, but for the sake of his men, he had no choice. He had to go; he left……never to return again. And it was at that moment Lord Parker decided to take her to a place far from the likes of men such as Lord KillWorld. As Lord Parker along with his men and Cassandra went on a route on the sea, Lord KillWorld had no knowledge of……; the Ravellion, along with their king sailed on the Indian Ocean and wandered the sea. Not having a direction or destination at all, they went….where the wind would lead them. Night hath came, the wind blew rowdily, the men were fast asleep, but the way the storm had occurred, they got up in a form of fear in their black hearts. Big sea cliffs and howls of the waves grasped their thoughts, in a very negative way. It was dark and cold…..their ship was not going to make it, they knew they had to find the nearest land, to settle there until the storms would pass- they found a land; unknown to them, but still it left them no choice, maybe’ just maybe they would find some brandy on this unknown border. Lucky they were immortal. They had made it then through the night on this Island, it was morning, and hence for this reason seeing that they were outlanders’, they decided they would take a tour around the parameters. They spoke ad made jokes and laughed as they were walking; for some reason, they would always make fun of Adam Oley- he was one of the members, but also the youngest, nevertheless….. and on this Island they saw people, some men would call…’Savages” they were what people know today as Cubans. They were actually very kind people; they gave the men food and fresh water to drink. But they spoke in a tongue the men had no knowledge about, but there was one that learnt foreign languages very fast. …While Lord KillWorld and his men enjoyed acquaintance with the people from the Island of Cuba. Lord KillWorld and Benjamin Gold had a very interesting conversation’ that was not known by us, so for the mystery of that conversation, the best Crowkan to natter with is, Benjamin Gold. When they were done having a conversation, Lord KillWorld sat by himself, wanting not to be disturbed, and as sitting there, his mind wandered off, and he fell asleep. Hours and hours had passed and he had woke up, and found himself on that same Island but, not the same people. They too….were savages but one would rather say earlier century savages. These savages weren’t Cubans, they were something else, and they spoke differently…..’ they were known as ‘Pagulans”….. ; One would say and think, was another dream? Or did Lord KillWorld rather experience this event in reality? Nevertheless……they! The people of Pagula were vicious Island people; they ran to Lord KillWorld and his men holding spears to their heads. Lord KillWorld just smiled. They yelled to him and his men in their language….’Get Down!!”….’Get Down!!” screaming insanely and vigorously’ also shouting in their faces, they spat in the faces of Lord KillWorld and his men, mostly in his own face. They saw that he was the most difficult one to work with and they probably knew he was their leader, so they took him to their Chief. They were walking; Lord KillWorld’s hands tied behind his back, a small tree branch placed in his mouth with a rope attached to it, to keep it sealed to his face at the back of his head; his hair hung in his face and his shirt was ripped apart. They threw him on the floor, in the Chief’s hut. The chief yelled at his men to untie him, and so they did; he wasn’t like them, he was peaceful, at one with Mother Nature, he was like an oracle, and he was in a certain way…a Nomad, even tough he was born in the Island of Pagula, he looked larger than them, and he acted more civilized than them, as if he was from a more advanced and distinctive time. His name was Bema; he was elder and chief of the Pagulan people. He showed him signs to communicate with him but he wasn’t the leader of the people, there was another one, another man; he had not a name, but he was a king, their king. He too looked differently from the people of Pagula. The Pagulan people looked differently from the people of civilized borderlines. Half of their faces were painted black…..the other half was clean. He noticed that the men, had dreadlocks; only two pieces of hair were found on their heads- one in front by their foreheads, and another at the back, the other parts of their heads were shaved. They lived in trees and swinged with ropes to get down, they were good hunters and the men were strong. The women of the tribe were nude on top, but covered at the bottom, but their hair was long and they looked beautiful. They could heal each other, on the Island there were flying monkeys and unidentified animals, like lions with horns like elephants and bulls with wings. There was one they feared, and it was far beyond the image of the winged bulls or lions with horns. It was the one thing they were determined to kill; it was in the sea and it was big, very big. it had been given many names over the years, but mainly known as and evil looking sea monster, so was the way described it to Lord KillWorld. It was night now, in the real world Lord KillWorld was fast asleep and in the imaginative world he was wide awake. He stood in front of the Pagulan people, showing them his secret form, but they were not even shocked, frankly speaking…..they were actually amazed. Bema told him that he had a vision of them, the Ravellion; a vision of the angel, the red winged angel. The Island of the Pagulan people, had also another name, a name sailors used, they called the Island…’The Forbidden Prison.” ……….. Gold and the men have heard about the name before, but were unsure if it really existed. But they stayed with the Pagulan people and realised they were actually very peaceful, and they only acted that way in defence of the safety of their women and children, for they do not often get visitors from the outer world. Then this one day, whilst Lord KillWorld was still fast asleep in the real world, he could not wake up until the dream was at its end. Nevertheless, the men of the Ravellion were playing with the little children of the people of Pagula. They then saw what they least expected…….they saw a ship. This wasn’t ay ordinary ship, it was an abandoned ship. No sailors, no slaves, no equipment…..nothing. it looked like a ghost ship, settling on the shores of the Island of Pagula. Bema, the chief of the Pagulan people, along with his eldest son, ‘Rabbaki” came to Lord KillWorld in a state of fear, asking him if he would assist them to search the ship, but Lord KillWorld insisted that they stayed and said he would take his own men to rummage around the abandoned ship. Bema looked unsatisfied, but agreed anyway; Lord KillWorld and his men got onboard the ship and looked everywhere to see if there was life on it, but they were unsuccessful, all they could find was a stench of death, coming from onboard the deck. With Lord KillWorld and his men still on the ship, the sea monster, rose from its lair and attacked the ship, pushing it back into the sea, but it repeatedly attacked the ship, and they could hear echoes of the sound of the monster, throughout history the people knew it by one name, ‘The Loch Ness monster” it originally stated that it originated from Scotland, but, the sea did not only exist in Scotland- and there were not only one Loch Ness monster, as some may believe, truth to say, the men of the RAVELLION BELIEVED OTHERWISE. The Loch Ness monster attacked the ship and the Ravellion who found themselves onboard the ship. It was amazingly large in size, with a long neck. The men jumped off the ship, Benjamin Gold and Benedict Morgan struggling to get the other men out, that were trapped inside the ship. They were unsuccessful to get those men out who found themselves in that hazardous position. Benjamin Gold and Benedict Morgan got out but the other two men were probably dead or about to die; Benjamin and Morgan swam back to the small boat and they rowed as fast as they could to get back to land. Suddenly…..then they came, they who were without a leg or a foot as those of humans, they who were bound to the sea. Mermaids, Yes! Mermaids…...” A horde of them- and they came with a massive presence. With Lord KillWorld still in the water, and his men who were threatening position, onboard the small boat, who knows what would happen at this stage? The mermaids went closer and closer to the small boat that was heading back to the Island. They looked into the yellow eyes of the men, luring them into the sea, which would probably lead to….them being drowned by the mermaids and killed below; eaten deep below, in the darkness of the sea. But Lord KillWorld made sure his men were safe, he attacked the mermaids alone and they bit and scratched his body with their long teeth and nails. They overcrowded him, but he got out and he just became so angry, he was untouchable by fear, it was like he was possessed. He killed them, biting their necks, ripping their flesh from their bodies, and sucking their blood, drinking it, swallowing it and becoming more demented. He became evil, more evil, wanting to eat anything, wanting to kill anything that he had in his grasp. They were many but he was fast and weren’t not in a state to play fair at all; he killed many of them-Alas their blood made him stronger, more crazed, yet it left his body disorientated, and dehydrated and he became what he first was, before he became a Crowkan. But the fight between the mermaids weren’t easy to victor. By then the men were all in a trance and Lord KillWorld were by himself. To fight the demonic mermaids alone, on his own, which could lead to his death; yet…Lord KillWorld feared not death. He killed most of them and the way he killed them, made the other mermaids flee. His men pulled him to the boat and they found an injured Lord KillWorld, an injured king- who seemed to be dying, so they acted quickly. They immediately gave him of their blood, it helped to ease the pain, but it did not dismiss of the pain. Yet he slowly healed; his body, but inside, inside of him…..; they were sort of distraught, for it looked if he were passably changing, but it showed not a sign on his body. So what exactly was happening at this moment? The men arrived back with the boat still whole; nevertheless….arrived on the Island and they carried Lord KillWorld immediately to the hut of the high chief Bema. They placed him on a table and left the hut, Bema long with his son, Rabbaki and only two members of the Ravellion were there; Gold and Morgan. Lord KillWorld was unconscious and had slept so for a whole week, not waking, not waking at all….his body inhaled and exhaled, but his soul was asleep. Suddenly came an old man, he had on rusted clothes, he had a staff, and his body was full of marking, yet he had no eyes. He was blind, but he was their King and leader, yet Bema stood in as leader of the Pagulan people. The wrinkled and snobby old man, was a quiet one, he was more of a castaway in his own land, for he did not ever come out of his hut; it was decreed to be an honour and a symbol of respect to the people of the Island of Pagula if a man stood in his presence, for he was not any ordinary man; they said he could interact and communicate with the dead. The old came to Lord KillWorld, spat in his own hand and rubbed it on the forehead of Lord KillWorld, then he made a mixture of different leafs and herbs and he stirred the pot and gave it to Rabbaki to fill Lord KillWorld’s mouth, and he drank it, but hath not woken from his sleep. Then the old man called on the spirits for guidance to save the soul of Lord KillWorld, but the spirits refused to help him, heal Lord KillWorld. The spirits only gave him advice on what he should do, and he walked closer to Lord KillWorld and whispered in his ear, saying, ‘‘THE BLACK MYTH TOLD ME OF YOU….YOU WHOM ARE THE SACRED CHILD, THE SAME SACRED CHILD WHO CREATES CHAOS AND BRINGS WITH HIM…DEATH. YOU DO NOT BELONG IN THIS WORLD, IT IS NOT YET YOUR DESTINY TO FIND REST….NOW GO, LEAVE! DO NOT EVER COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE BECOME THE ALPHA VESSEL...” © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
Added on September 7, 2015 Last Updated on September 7, 2015 Tags: Crowkans, choices, life, difficulties Author![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing