![]() I meet the DevilA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry![]() Don Nathaniel meets the Devil in person![]()
Creak Loy was angry, looking at the head of the vampire his brother ripped off and said to it, “Look what you did to my eye! (Shouting)Look! I am ugly now! (Shouting)Do you think that’s right? (Shouting in -
question)-(Pulling his hair through anger) ‘Look at me vampire!(shouting) From this moment on……..I wont rest until I kill your b*****d of a leader that enslaved and punished me and my little brother,”(when they shot him in the eye, with the arrow filled with snake blood, it caused his whole eye to turn black, the entire eye and has remained that way to this day/ when he lost his eye, he received a gift, which was, whenever he would look at a person, he could see their past and their future ),but even with his eye turned black, he could still see through it; he was a good soldier who would sacrifice his life even to this day, he saw it as an honour to give his life up for our father, Lord KillWorld, as did his brother ’Slave” as did Ussaine and all of the men. He was Don Nathaniel KillWorld, leader of the Crowkans and the first, the wistfulness of his life hath disappeared and he was completely on track with his life; he was a hardened, emotionless Crowkan now and far worst than he was before. (KillWorld): ‘Crowkans arise!!” when he said these words all the Crowkans that was with him, the Werewolves, the Vampires that became their allies and the army of three-thousand Crowkans that were on the other side, left with two of their generals, Creak Loy, Ussaine but Slave refused to leave with them and insisted and as walking to Alec and father, his brother, Ussaine and the army were gone; it was night, Dracula walked up to him and as walking laughed, clapping his hands(as in a way to celebrate Lord KillWorlds victory) he challenged father to a duel, insisting they fight, rather than swords, they have to fight with harpooners, so father agreed. The eclipse never showed, the moon was out, then suddenly! Father slowly turned into the red winged angel/beast, he - turned into the “Unicorn Angel” and Dracula was gone, yet again…..was he? Or was he just in hiding again, like the coward that he was, (………’ did he flee again like a dog with its tail between its legs?”) (KillWorld realised that he needn’t not the eclipse to change into the Unicorn Angel, and it was strange, was it because of the blood of the angel that died for KillWorld? Or was it just the many years he lived that made him become the Unicorn Angel?) He stood there looking at the Werewolves, at Alec and Slave, suddenly…….out of nowhere came a Vampire that hid himself, coming out of hiding, picking up the sword of justice and as he ran, he cut off the horn of our father, he cut off the Alicorn that was in front of the head of our father,(the Alicorn is the horn of the Unicorn)-our father fell to his knees, he looked at the Alicorn lying on the floor, turning his head in anger and saw that it was a boy……..that same boy….who told Dracula to throw him into the passage of pain, that boy Dracula introduced to him, the son of BloodZoke, the boy named ’Jovani”-our father was angry at what the boy did and smacked the boy to the wall, yet decided not to kill him(the boy perhaps made him think of Collison)father grabbed the boy by the neck, looking him straight into the eyes and said, ”Pathetic” then threw him into the hole, that hole named, “The Passage of Pain”-that same hole they kept him in for three-hundred years; he looked at the mansion, the one owned by the vampires, ”Isguel” and his sister ”Katherine.” who were also part of the order of the vampire leaders; he had the Alicorn in his hand, in his left hand, then he felt something strange on his forehead, it - was always underneath an Alicorn, they named it,”(mystic ruby)”; he removed the,”(mystic ruby )”from his head, (Mystic rubies were said to be at the base of Unicorn’s head when its Alicorn were removed, which resulted them to die if it were to be removed but in the case of KillWorld, he was not a Unicorn.),then found another object on his forehead, which would be on his forehead forever, for the rest of his life. He stood there with this scar, in the shape of an x. Father sat in the chair that belonged to Alexander, the chair of the king of the vampire; he then left taking Alec and Slave with him and they left for a destination unknown to themselves,” she said. Then Nathaniel said,” he always said, when he’s thinking back to the time of him, and my two eldest brothers……………how he could’ve changed the fact that they’ve considered as their enemy,” many years has passed since then and he was now in control of the place, where he was first held captive at; it was exactly one hour, before they met, Oliver and Oliver; the two small time crooks, Oliver the useless blacksmith and part time thief , Olivia who had no job, whereas the only thing she was good at, was to steal, but she was also a prostitute. Oliver and his sister were busy robbing the church, taking all the offerings, leaving not a cent or penny behind and as they ran, they bumped into my father, uncle Slave and Uncle Alec. Some of the money fell out of the bag, she only took what she could and stared at uncle Slave, saying, “Slave……it cant be,” then ran, both - shocked and confused as she didn’t see him in five years. Night came, uncle Slave took my father and Uncle Alec to their (Oliver and his sister Olivia) house, when they arrived, they saw how angry she was, she and Oliver was arguing about the shortage of the money. Uncle Slave, Uncle Alec and my father of course was entering their house, Uncle Slave looked at her, she looked at him, suddenly the fighting between her and her brother had stopped, she started yelling and shouting at Uncle Slave saying, “Where were you Matthuel? You left me, to take care of our son alone!! I had to become a prostitute!! ,”What do you mean by our son? The boy came out of his room, with the same name as Uncle Slave, ‘Matthuel’ he looked just like Uncle Slave. As uncle Slave was beginning to know his son, father and Olivia began to know each other better, they fell deeply in love with each other; Uncle Slave did not mind, as they were never together in the first place; the year was 1650 and all had changed, he had finally found love, after staying there for a few months; her name was Olivia, she was a human and as it was said, Crowkans were very fond of woman/human female. he fell in love with her and she fell in love with him; she did not know what he was at all, they learn to love each other and as they saw more of each other, they later made love; Olivia, soon gave birth to a baby boy and at that moment, he was about to be born, my father couldn’t stop thinking about his first born sons, Luke and Elyon our eldest brothers and of their mother, Christian. Olivia struggled to give birth and as she was pushing, he persuaded her to push harder and harder, Alas! She pushed again and the child came, as the child came out, she was busy dying. Doubtfully, Uncle Slave picked the baby, as its - mother was already dead, at that moment our father would not accept the child as his own and as Uncle Slave held the child, it looked at him with great big, innocent eyes, (it probably considered him to be its father)-as the child was born in the size of the body of a five year old, it meant that the child would not be young for very long, and as these words are said, it was true. My father wanted to kill the boy, the boy grew and grew while sitting in the corner, staring at father with his unread eyes, you could not make out if he feared or if he was in a state of anger at that moment; as it grew into the size of a teenager, so fast, five months after its mothers death, but Uncle Slave insisted father to spare the life of the child, persuading father to keep the child alive; as the boy began to speak-where he couldn’t at first, even in the form of a five year old child; it wasn’t born a human like his mother or beast nor was it even a Crowkan like our father, he was something……………something else, father could not describe………..he wanted to get rid of it, the child, but something about the child was something unexplainable-extraordinary and magnificent, it was something that made mans heart tremble; the child had no colour eyes, it was white, everything: his Rectina, Pupil and Iris, his mouth was black, he had normal ears and had silver teeth. there was one problem, a big problem, he was born as big as a five year old; whilst giving birth to the child, its mother [Olivia] died, our father looked at his love……at her dying eyes, as her lips turned blue, he closed her eyes, his face showed no anger; our father couldn’t deny-the child that killed his love at its birth, was of his blood, it was his child, he was the childs’ father. He almost looked like a Veeper, he sure as hell - looked different, he was pale, he had hair and was also built like a normal human being. ; while father was sitting next to Olivia, mourning over his dead lover they were going to get married; then he kept saying about five or six times, “This child is not mine, it is not of my blood, this is a dark child, ‘Slave-you can have it-seeing that its calling you its father, I feel no love for it.” When the child came out of its mothers belly, our father was angry but kept his anger for himself,[five months had passed], what the child did, it did not ask for-the child was innocent at that moment, but KillWorld did not see it that way;; the boy called him father; every time the boy looked at our father and going nearer to touch his face, father wanted to strangle his neck, then every time it became Uncle Slaves’ responsibility to drag him away from father, the boy called to Uncle Slave all the time, “Father!! Father!! He wants to kill me again, help me,” when father would grab him by the neck. One day it came, it happened, that which shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Our father got up in anger, kicked him all in the ribs then threw him out of the house, Uncle Slave and Uncle Alec couldn’t stop our father-he was too strong; the boy wanted only to touch his face, he denied the love of the boy, slapping the boy left and right and throwing him against walls. the boy fought back, although he did not want to fight our father, but it happened, our father wanted to kill the boy so badly that he would kill anyone standing in his way, he was in another world, a world where he was destined to kill the boy; he did not know what the boy was, they fought, the boy started attacking his father repeatedly as he had no choice in the matter, our father realised that he was as strong as hell, then - father turned into the Unicorn Angel, he had a new horn in front of his head; and when he did the boy stopped, the boy showed no fear, but when he saw what father was, he distanced himself from father, he eventually got caught and father took him inside the house, and locked him inside the room, morning came and when father went to open the door, the boy was gone, father looked around, the boy ran pass him and when the sun caught him, he froze, he wanted to escape but the sun stopped him. Our father could’ve killed the boy at that moment but didn’t…….perhaps he was shocked as Uncle Slave and Uncle Alec. Maybe he felt a part of him that wasn’t present, gone, however-he wanted to kill the boy for killing Olivia but still he couldn’t, not yet, what was the reason he froze? And why did he become frozen at that moment? Father looked at the boy, frozen body, frozen because of the sun, how odd; he was in a trap [the boy]-father made an oath at that moment, never to sleep with any woman [human] again. The boy was a different kind, something else, but what was he? Why was he born this way? he looked at the boy he wont accept, the frozen son, his frozen son, then the sun went down and the moon came out then suddenly…………an eclipse showed, again, and how ironic is it not? Although nothing happened to our father and that terrified, he thought he lost his ability [Do you remember he changed without the eclipse and changed with the presence of the moon/because of that act, he cannot change when the eclipse appear anymore but now he can do it whenever the moon shows, well that is if he wants to turn into the Unicorn Angel]-if the eclipse didn’t affect him then who did affect? He came out of the trap of the sun and got caught in the presence of the - eclipse………it was the boy who got affected, he turned into a wolf, a big dog, almost like a werewolf, but not a werewolf (today we call his kind either the: Pacubalo Wolves, Golden Wild dog or Were-Phan) and he turned into an adult one in his form, why he became that way? It could probably be that his mother wasn’t a Crowkan but a human. The boy ran, then suddenly a man, a man our father hated stood there on the mountain, smiling; the boy was running towards the man, having not the intension to go to the man but to get far away from our father as possible; who was this man and what was his purpose of being there? The man was in front of him, he slapped the boy, he fell to the ground, kicked him through his face, again to the ground, the boy looked at him with anger in his eyes, saying no words, he got up again to attack the masked man, but was not successful; father came running towards the unfamiliar man, but as he got closer the man took the boy, taking him by the leg, carrying him over his shoulder, as he had knocked the boy out cold. when father got closer, the man said, “Don’t even try to come closer for I’ll snap his neck right here or maybe………….slit the b******s throat’ now this is a horrible son of yours KillWorld, you could do better, but seeing that I have the little b*****d………I think I’ll take him with me to his brothers new mansion [pointing to Alec] it was given to him as a token of appreciation, courtesy of Alexander himself and me of course, but enough about that, ”I have your son, and there’s nothing you…….(KillWorld disturbed him) “Who are you?[Shouting](KillWorld grew frustrated)””Oh’ KillWorld, now don’t be hasty, you definitely need some manners boy, didn’t your mum ever teach you not to interrupt someone when they’re - speaking? But don’t worry’ I’ll teach both your sons some manners which they will never forget and at the end of the day, both of them will thank me; …………………. “What do you mean my other son?”’I thought you knew’ “Look I’m not a bad guy….it’s people like you that makes me this way, you know what……….. I’ll take him to Romeros’ new mansion, we call it ‘The Himmagryph Rock” an odd name wouldn’t you agree!” “Give me the boy, whoever you might be [Shouting with anger and frustration]” still ignoring our father “Oh’ KillWorld you were always a boring mate! Look……………..Now this stupid son of yours will join that other pathetic son of yours, that son, that other pathetic one ‘Oh’ what’s his name again?’Oh’ yes! That horrible looking that looks just like this one I think! ‘Yes! that one with the name his mother gave him, that pathetic name……….you definitely know him…….he’s your son, Oh I forget, you’ve never met the b*****d before then trust me when I say that he’s one ugly piece of rubbish of a son! ‘What’s that stupid name again?’Ah!! Yes, ‘Collison” what a stupid name; you know what makes this situation that funny, is……….not only will they be enslaved together, they will not ever know that they’re brothers [laughing thoroughly].”The mysterious masked man took the mask off his face and they were shocked to see that it was Dracula. Our father grew angry inside and ran up to the mountain but when father went to grab the boy from Draculas arms, it was too late and they were gone, perhaps forever, who knows. “He was bloody fast and had a white tail but a golden body; he also had a horn, same like our father. He was the only one of his kind and could infect no one, but eat, not even with a bite or - scratch could he infect someone, nothing’ our father knew somewhere in his heart, that they [the boy and himself] were connected even if he had a heart or no heart at all, but one fact remains………..they shared the same blood even if they were not the same kind.”’Do you know……….when I look at humans………I see……fathers loving their sons but when I look at Crowkans, the only thing he could speak about, was, Elijah and his son Daniel-the only living descendants of him, that were human.” but who knows, ‘Blood is thicker than water, as ye humans say-even to this day, he was declared the boy forsaken by his own.” ‘Nathaniel excuse my interruptions……………but I was so fascinated by the story, that I did not want to disturb you-as I thought, it would offend you! But I just have to know, out of curiosity, ‘who was the boy?” Nathaniel did not want to answer so Calliviti said, “Edward……….he is our fourth eldest brother ’Enatio” Yes! I was shocked, how could it be? Why him? Was it that same rude man that shouted at me? Could it have been that same rude man that hates me? “Who are you? What is your business here?” “Enough with the questions KillWorld, you sound like a judge, Oh! Do not worry, I won’t hurt you, I’m not a Vampire, disgusting creatures wouldn’t you agree? I am the demon Leviathan; you might’ve read about me or perhaps not.” I meet the Devil… Chapter II Flammas eius lucifer matutinus inveniat: ille, inquam, lucifer, qui nescit occasum, Christus Filius tuus qui, regressus ab inferis, humano generi serenus illuxit, et vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. May this flame be found still burning by the Morning Star: the one Morning Star who never sets, Christ your Son, who, coming back from death's domain, has shed his peaceful light on humanity, and lives and reigns for ever and ever. The man stood in front of him, it was a demon, and he was one of the head angels of the Devil/Diavlo. Father walked farther from and the minute when father turned around, the man walked away, father stopped then said,” Where are you going messenger?’ Don’t you have a message for me? He looked straight into the demons eyes as the demon was walking his way again, looking straight into the demons eyes: his hair was combed backwards, he had two silver earrings’ in his ears, a clean shaved face[no facial hair] no pale face, no sharp teeth or any kinds of unordinary supernatural or superhuman features. Then the demon says,” Hey……………..boy…………..you, really, really, don’t know me……………..because if you did, you’ll know not to f**k with me (rubbing his chin) do know’………….(moving his hands through his hair- smiling ) you are not going anywhere…………..do you think you’re going somewhere? I think not; he pushed our father, then quickly disappeared from our fathers eyes, suddenly…………he was behind our father, whispering in his ear, saying, “I guess the Vampires know how to make friends, with right people………..don’t you agree? Take it from me…………learn from them boy.” He was gone; father got up to see where he was but he was gone. He probably thought of the boy and thought that he’ll never see him again yet so Uncle Slave also felt affected by the situation as he was considered - to the boy, his father. At that moment, something again, within our father changed. Crowkans gave birth to real Crowkans but still these Crowkans couldn’t change into the ultimate form of our father, ‘the Unicorn Angel.” They couldn’t even change with the help of the eclipse. Don Nathaniel KillWorld was the only one who could ever change into the Unicorn Angel, even to this day. But who knows the future is unpredictable, indefinite and not owned by any man on this earth, they say we humans are the future and we control the future, but the thing is-the future controls us. For those who might not understand yet…………….I think Lord KillWorld is the most perfect example. Our father, Uncle Slave and Uncle Alec left, but as they walked, he ordered them to leave him, so that he walks alone and searches for his son alone. They obeyed him and said that they’d meet with Uncle Loy (Creak Loy) and Uncle Ussaine. They were gone. Father arrived in a place nearby and coming at this place he decided rather to go into the woods, where he probably preferred to be at one with nature or just with himself as he normally does, even to this day. He was sitting in the darkness, in the woods, in front of the fire he made; eating the rest of the wolf he caught. As father was filling his appetite, he fell asleep and as sleeping, he did what any other ordinary person does………he dreamt. in this dream, he saw Dracula, but in this dream, there were no humans or any other kind………..or animals around; as standing there in front of our father, having an infatuated smile on his face. He held a sword in his hand (as many know, Dracula was a collector, he kept all old artefacts’ as silvouneers.) the - sword was in his left hand and a strange item in his right. The sword was named by humans as the ‘Excalibur” and the strange item in his right hand……….was ‘Poseidon’s Triton.” Father kept his distance from Dracula, (as the sword, the ‘Excalibur” was said to have the advantage when used by mortal or an immortal, it could kill any immortal if it enters the immortals body.) father then looked to the ground and saw that it was not sand or grass or even stone or hood nor any other sort of foundation that was ever heard of before but nonetheless ………he had no choice, there was no other place he could stand because the entire place was that way; there was a man sitting in a chair, with his left leg crossed over his right-as a woman would sit. there was a personification of cries from beneath his feet, hands grabbed hold of his feet, our father kept looking to the foundation he was supported by then saw what had been distracting him while he was standing there. He saw that it was over a million people/ souls/ humans or more beneath his feet. He just couldn’t ignore their cries anymore, they were nerve- wrecking, and exigent hence it became a very awkward situation and also such a feeling unto him. (I could imagine myself being in his shoes, standing on that unpleasant foundation. The thoughts that might’ve gone through his head at that moment however…………if I were to be the infamous Lord KillWorld, lets just say………he my alter ego, because I would never be able to kill someone-for that I’m too soft or perhaps its just my thoughts running in a wrong direction.) they cried as they were burning, only their arms and faces were free from the burning flames……..screams of sin, a wish only that it would’ve been screams of undaunted sin, but its - not. Screams were heard, he could no longer ignore their screams that was channelled to the man sitting in the chair; they were screaming,” Diavlo!! Diavlo!! Please, we beg you! Tell God we are sorry! We will make it up! We will love him more!!!! He is our saviour! Our lord and king! Diavlo!! Diavlo! We can’t take the pain anymore! Please stop this pain, it’s too much.” they were screaming repeatedly (Diavlo means Devil) the man still sat in the chair as they screamed of the pain,” Diavlo please forgive us; still he sat, focusing on them, he had a snake on his lap, lying around his back with its head lying on his shoulder, it’s tail had no ending, as it came from the flames, the humans/ souls found themselves to be in. it was as if the snake was speaking to him, without words, but it did because he smiled and even gave a small laugh, yet he spoke back to the snake. Our father looked confused and distraught and a little shocked, he felt lost as the humans were grabbing hold of his legs, not pulling him in at all or having that intension, they made not let him lose any balance, as he was standing on top of their heads then Dracula came his way, in a way to kill him and eventually they ended up having a sword fighting duel. As they fought, the man in the chair seemed amused, they stabbed each other, cutting off legs and arms but it grew back. Dracula turned into this huge bat which was called a vampire-bat and father turned into a crow, and then they fought. Father couldn’t dare deny this challenge even if he wanted denying this. Dracula changed back from his bat look and changed back into the way he normally/usually looks, taking the Excalibur and waited to stab our father as he held him by the head while he was still a crow; keeping it in front our fathers chest when he had changed - back to his usual/ normal look, then Dracula said, “I am the owner of your life…….but then again no……..it is just too soon………you’ve improved…………so lets do this another time.” Dracula took the Excalibur and stabbed father in the right leg, with father suffering a severe flow of pain. He pulled the Excalibur out of fathers leg, leaving a wound and when doing so…………..it had bestowed unto him a quick and painful burn. As quickly as he did so, he had the opportunity to end our fathers life, the man got out of the chair, walking on their heads, and every step he took made a number appeared on the centre of their heads, the number was 666, and as they received it, they screamed even louder, you could hear their screams, say from miles away, the fire was everlasting. He walked towards Dracula and to our father, yet only waved his hand to the sky as Dracula was about to end our father then Dracula stopped. The moon came out and father changed. Father then said,” who are you demon? What is your name demon? “You dare question me? I suggest you shut your mouth! You speak not when I do!” ‘For your information…….. I do and say what I want, to whomever I please” The man looked at father and said, “You wanted to know who I might be……..I am the bringer of the light-some call me the prince of darkness, deceiver of the night or light, sometimes both, you name it…….but anyway I could go on and on, but I think that’ll bore you, trust me, I am Lucifer Morningstar, The Devil, Diavlo as you’ve heard, and also Satan,’ Yes! They banished me from the heavens and a few of my brothers and sisters, one sister of course, who today and forever will be……by my side through the darkest days of life,’ you could say she was also like she were my wife, you could say God saw her not fit enough to be Adams wife, but just look what the other b***h did, and because of her stupidity, Satan cannot walk around anymore as he used to, but God had to take his beautiful legs away, making him slither his body everywhere he went, but I got to be honest……….this is only one of his seven heads and the crown on his head were the source of his strength, I had to take it off, that beautiful crowns……..well, that’s until the Apocalypse will occur .But that was afterwards, before I met him, where he was a dragon; what I mean is……..when that happened I was an angel, the most respected angel in the Seraphim and all the other heavens, hence when they banished me, my own brother ’Michael” and yes! Gabriel is my baby brother; my own brother, my older brother, do you know why my father yes it is because I loved my father, I loved my father so much, more than all the other angels’ more than anything- even more than my older brother Michael and then my father created man; the little hairless Neanderthals’ those……….homo-sapiens……… and incompetent beings and then my father asked us to bow down before them(HUMANS), to love them more than him, so when I asked my father not to make us do such a thing, I said with sadness in mine eyes that I cant, that they were evil and that they were to me, from my perspective prohibited. © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
Added on September 7, 2015 Last Updated on September 7, 2015 Tags: devil, underworld, pain, dream Author![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing