![]() Heaven and HellA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry![]() At the end of the day, only the reaper chooses between heaven and hell![]() Motto: ’Blood is thicker than water.” Introduction: As you may all be familiar with my first edition of the infamous Lord KillWorld. In this book/ second edition you will experience sadness’ a sadness coming from Don Nathaniel-the Criminal of the Underworld. KillWorld the Dark Legion… Chapter I: Heaven and Hell Are we living on earth only to die, or are we already dead only to live once again in an atmosphere apprehended only by fable minds? I ask myself this question as lying here on this floor, this old yet shiny floor’ I’m holding my neck to stop this blood; I don’t want to die, not now! Who is this man? He bit me! But! Why? …………Everything feels so slow, it’s as if the world does not exist to me now. I never knew I could bleed this much. His words unto me ….. Is’…..’Let it bleed,” what absurd words at my dying time, my eyes closes, slowly, everything around me begins to darken; mother says I should not bother with these people, but to me this story is so ‘intriguing” it makes me have to know more. I have listened to one of - the Crowkans and he, that also are a one of the members/generals of the Crowkan order, ’The Ravellion”………Benjamin Gold. It was said, in the letter, that I shall meet a man named Matthuel in this beautiful place Ireland, Pheonix Park. When I arrive, he will take me to a man named Nathaniel and his sister Calliviti, the so to speak, ‘children of the late and notorious, king of the Crowkans, Lord KillWorld.” This place is beautiful, lovely trees, here and there are kind people, as we know’ not all people are kind. This is the greenest grass, it is so green’ almost; ‘almost as if it is chocolate, and you could…….just, not……..get enough of it.” Here in front of this old rugged door, this big door, humongous door,’ you could say, giants live here,” I’m so afraid, I don’t know if I should go back(go back home, to his mother) or wait for death, suddenly the door opens, he’s standing in front of me, this mean looking man, with eyes so wide, this man with fair hair-blond if I might add and he’s giving me one of that death stares, looking right into my eyes with this yellowish eyes, pale face, long blond hair yet this warmth…………..this warm presence coming from him is making me feel rather……uncomfortable, as I would feel sometimes, when not having the words to say to a lady when she interests me; but this stare he gives me, shows he has not a liking in me, or perhaps he’s like that with all guests…….I do find it profoundly, ‘a rude manner to have as a butler. He just won’t stop staring at me, this stare he’s giving me, makes me want to faint right here, now, at this moment, in front of him, and he makes me afraid. I wonder, if he makes me afraid with a stare, then what about their king? He walks away, not even inviting me inside, I really do find this man’s butlership preposterously appalling, but I’m not here to seek out problems, ‘Come in!!” he says to me. Should I go in now or should I wait another fifteen minutes before I decide to go in? Is this a good idea finishing this book? ‘My God, I’m shaking, why are my ‘fingers so stiff? I don’t hope it’s the arthritis again, please God! Not now! While I’m here worried my arthritis, this man is looking at me still angry, he is frustrated, he is angry, I rather go inside now; this place is gigantic inside. Will I make all these steps? Look at this floor,’ it is so shiny, as though no-one is living here at all, ‘What are you looking at sir?” this man asks me….. Not that same rude butler;’ might I ask whom you might be? I’m so afraid asking this man such a question, not knowing if it is Lord KillWorld or not,’ is it? May I introduce myself Sir, I am Edward Van Hoven, the………….. ‘And just as I was about to tell him, what I do for a living, he just walks away. This man has no manners, I think I’m going to confront him, I’m walking behind him, I’m almost near him, and as I am going towards him to confront him, almost about to grab hold of his jacket, he turns around, with him turning around it makes me withdraw my almost attempted act that perhaps could’ve gave him a reason to kill me, for I saw him, his face, he was also a Crowkan; he says, “I am Matthuel………my wife and brother in law’s waiting for you upstairs”, I look at these stairs………..it looks like a hundred steps, should I walk it? I think not, but the curiosity inside me is like a yearning, a yearning to know more, it is like an addiction of what you are never actually satisfied with at the end, meaning if it is up, you seem to want more and if you cant find anything, it makes you unsatisfied; it makes me want to know more…….I’m half way, just a few more steps more, every step feels like a hiding mother used to give me when I was young. Aaah!!! Finally I’m here, but now I’m confused……. Here’s two doors, which door should I open? (Confused) I decide to open the second door first and as opening it I - hear a man say,” (‘to kill a Vampire…… is easy, one day when you are members of the Ravellion……. Perhaps you’ll get the chance to kill one……seize the moment…. You are children of generals.”)-I find a large group of children, all of them are pale of skin, so light, both boys and girls, they look like small ghosts, looking at them makes me shiver, and as I listened to the words the man says to the children, all of them looks at me, the man looks as if he is teaching them something, maybe it is a classroom? Who knows, and now with all of them staring at me, he also looks at me as well,’ with angry eyes, It makes him stop lecturing and he says, “excuse me children.”- He pushes my face out of the door, I can hear the children laugh, as I try to explain to him, exactly why I’m here, he closes the door in my face, while I’m lying on the ground, he certainly not a man with decency. I pick up my hat, which fell off my head when he pushed me; preparing myself to open the second door that I should perhaps have opened first, how foolish of me. I stand in front of these two doors again, six or seven steps away from it, asking myself the question, with doubt,’ which door should I open?”(Confused, yet afraid) I better go inside, I take three steps and when I go inside, I open the door and find two people, sitting, a man and a lady, are they the ones I have to meet? I introduce myself to them and greets the lady, politely, as a gentleman would’ I kiss the hand that she holds out to me, then he gets up in a rage, he was speaking in a different language and this man blatantly slaps me in the face, I do say with all my knowledge of life, that this is an immoral way to treat another person. She gives me a towel to cleanse my face, he slapped my fear away, turning it into anger, I look at him and he says,” I had to slap you, you’re like a b***h…….. I can’t stand the sight of men behaving like b*****s; my sister is a woman but even she does not act like a b***h, I smelt the fear - on you a mile away, wash your bitchy face……….and sit down.” In front of them, they have a table, an empty glass, God don’t tell me I have to pour……… water for them as well!” ‘Sit down human! ...... ‘What are you standing for? (A deep and dark voice) this man who slapped me-step by step I move closer to the chair, my hands are shaking as I am reaching for the chair, as I go to sit he says, “Before I am going to tell you the story, take that empty glass,(pointing at the glass on the table)-introduce yourself! ‘ Well! My name is Edward Van Hoven, I am………….. Hey! Not with your name idiot ….. Here’s a knife…….. Don’t try something foolish; do exactly as I tell you…….’ Take this knife and cut yourself, fill this empty glass with your blood,” he says. I hesitate at first, but for the sake of the story I do exactly as he tells me, I cut myself and as my blood is dripping from my arm, I see the young lady licking her lips, as if I were a lunch to her, well! Was I? Am I going to be? What should I do? …………. As I’m asking myself these questions, the glass is filled, just right. ‘Your room is on the bottom floor, make yourself at home.” I look at the glass of blood, my blood’ who’s going to drink it? I ask myself; ten days went by already, I’m sitting in this room; I think to myself, ‘ I’m not going to wait one more day, nine days are enough, not ten. I look at these steps again, these hundred - steps, must I walk it again? Couldn’t they have made my room upstairs, the second room, next to theirs; I refuse to take these steps! But I have to, this curiosity inside of me is still a yearning for me to go………….’My God! I hate these steps-so I decide to go, running upstairs soon afterwards, I’m out of breathe, I’m tired, I have to get my strength back, ’My God! I hate these steps…………… I open the door, no time for knocking now, as I open it a man shouts, but the voice is not the one of, Nathaniel or Matthuel, it could perhaps be the voice of the rude butler; (shouting) ‘Go Out now!! And knock, you don’t just walk in! You knock! You imbecile, have you no manners?” I knock again, now I’m afraid, they are going to kill me now, I go inside…. My eyes are wide open, the fear inside me makes me want to runaway, I sit in the chair, this other man, and I’m not familiar with him. Who is he? ’ He says,” they are my younger brother and sister, Nathaniel and Calliviti, you will show them respect, the respect they truly deserve…… if you don’t ……….. I’ll kill you!’ and if you’re wondering who I might be………. Don’t!!” He left and banged the door behind him, what a rude man he is, what have I ever done unto him? ‘ I am Calliviti Elisabeth KillWorld, this is my brother Nathaniel Xivus KillWorld, the one you just met is our older brother Enatio Yedic KillWorld, he is not like us-he is what we call a Were-Phan/Pacubalo Wolf and - also the king, Nathaniel and I are, Vampans and we are here to tell you the rest of the tale that you so hopefully crave for; as the one who was supposed to be here, to have told you the story could not come………….. We volunteered, and as you may have seen…….. Many of us have no patience at all. Nevertheless, I do hope you find it convenient in your room and hope the food have been succulent yet I’m glad to see ‘Burmings” (the surname of the butler) - haven’t drove you away, so lets get to it, shall we? She looks a little confused, exactly where to start, although not showing it in her face; I see the glass, that one,’ with my blood is still filled………. With’ my blood……. The placed a plate on top of it, (perhaps for the insects, such as flies, spiders, mosquitoes you know! perhaps, I don’t know, that’s just my suggestion; she continues saying, “the light came,” she started, “all the others in ‘La Famirga” stared at it, covering their eyes as it came closer; the sword of justice was still within father’s body, in the place where father’s head once were,(it was still night when this occurred) suddenly! There was a figure of a man in front of my father; ‘Ussaine”, created a massacre on the other side, where the humans once were (Ussaine infected some of them, and so it went on that all of them were Crowkans).The light that came to be a figure of a man, was actually an angel (it was not the angel-Yedic Celius or ’Tomorrow”) as father used to know him by; all of the others looked at the man; the vampires were inside; the angel took the sword of justice out of father’s body, staring at it, at first, then testing the sword, when he was done doing whatever it is, he was - doing………. He threw the sword at the wall,’ it was stuck’ all the Crowkans looked shocked, when doing that….. he took a dagger out beneath the grey coloured, armour he wore, it wasn’t like any ordinary armour a person had ever laid their eyes on: it had battle marks, which showed he had experience when it came to hand to hand combat, it had the marking on it’’’ that father had on his back, ’The mark of the Crowkan”; he took the dagger, cut his hand open, his blood was like water, as he was cutting his hand, he held it over father’s body, spilling the blood of his own over father’s headless body, he then took father’s head from the stick Dracula placed it in, and placed it back on father’s headless body, you could see the scar around his neck, (you could see the scar and the way his head separated from his body even to this day) , still father was unconscious…… unconscious of life; all the vampires came out, rushing to attack the angel, it looked like everything became so slow, the wind blowing every direction, rain, falling……………..as they were headed his way to attack him, he looked down, they were coming, they were hitting left and right, they kept missing, they were too slow for him, as they were hitting him, he kept looking down at our father……. He probably got tired, because he grabbed hold of their faces then stared into eyes………. They became human as he stared into their demonic, red eyes, Dracula called them back, those who were still Vampire, the ones that became human, the angel laid before my father, but before he did so, the angel let all [17] seventeen of them be infected, by two of the Crowkans who also were blood brothers and who one day shall become generals in the Ravellion, Creak Loy and Matthuel’s father (the one they knew as ‘Slave”), - my future husband’s father; when they infected all seventeen, the angel said, “ Give to my brother, these pathetic idiots who has the notion to attack me.” They tied the seventeen up with ropes and as they did so, the angel disappeared, Dracula ordered his men to attack, and as they were coming for Creak Loy and Slave, the Werewolves got loose, some of them attacked and some of them went to go free the other captives, all were freed now…… they attacked the other Vampires who enslaved them; as they were trying to free father from the chains, Dracula was headed their way with a sword, as they had no weapons with them, the only weapon they were to have was stuck in the wall, Dracula got through them and as he was headed for father……… Slave stopped him, grabbing hold of his sword, and as they were fighting, Creak Loy pulled it out of the wall, got hold of ‘The Sword of Justice” and as he was headed to attack Dracula, Dracula moves away(backward)…… making Creak Loy stab his own brother, although it was not done purposely, Dracula slapped Creak Loy, as he were in shock in the deed that went wrong, Dracula took advantage of the situation, as he was about to attack father, the angel appeared in front of him, landing inside the sword of justice, it killed him. Dracula laughed, walking away, Creak Loy got angry and tried to attack Dracula, Slave was lying on the ground, bruised, Dracula’s men defended him, Creak Loy said,” You will soon experience the wrath of Crowkan,” the Crowkans and Vampires were fighting in ‘La Famirga” father was lying on the ground, his body was full of mud, father was in a deep sleep, a deep coma of some sort, a sleep, a deep one. - Ussaine and the other Crowkans, father’s army (he didn’t even know about or perhaps he did), you see father had a plan…….. He knew they’d do something like, cut his head off, that’s why he had a motive, for his reincarnation; father was still chained by the one hand to one of the poles; they couldn’t get over the wall to attack Dracula and his army, as they too were chained and could not support father; all the same it was a battlefield on the other side of La Famirga; the angel was lying next to father and the tied up seventeen, former, vampires whom now were Crowkans and Slave was also lying near them, bruised badly both of them nearly dead(the angel and Slave), and says to father, “You are Lord KillWorld, the king of the Crowkans and future summoner, although you’re in the lost land now but you will soon return to the land of sinners, I will heal you with my life……..I may die, but it is important that you live, but I know not if it will make you good or bad and I completely wish it for you to become good; through this! Your empty holes (where his eyes once were) will be replaced with mine eyes,” he blew his last breathe into father’s mouth, giving his powers to father, powers unimaginable to mankind, then died, his body vanished as a cloud in the sky that has a unique shape, one like an animal, then when you look again it is no more, he was like that, no more, he gave his life to father’ what was his purpose in doing so? He healed father’s body…….. Father was still locked to the chain, with his body healing slowly, his eyes opened slowly, it opens more, and as it opened, he looked at the young boy, Crowkan, ’Slave” and says pulling him closer to him while locked to the one pole, as being pulled closer, father bites him on his shoulder, saying afterwards,” you are to - valuable to me, to die now; father placed his hand on the wound of ‘Slave”- healing his body ; Creak Loy was still fighting Dracula, while his brother, ‘Slave” was lying on the ground, recovering(as the healing of KillWorld took time to cleanse his body of the pain); the men were defeated and recaptured, Dracula saw that father was up and alive, he yelled, he was furious when looking at father, he asked father’s conscious body all sorts of question concerning his rebirth, he couldn’t believe it, he had eyes again’, he was shocked then added,” Someone must really love you up above, I wish that same someone could’ve loved me the same way-when my wife my lovely wife died.” he grabbed hold of father’s hair and as doing so……. (as he was lying there the whole time, his body started to change, physically) father’s hair began falling out, some of it were in between the fingers of Dracula the minute he grabbed father by the hair, what happened at that moment was…….. Father slowly turned back into what he first was…….. a Veeper, he had turned into a Veeper again, all the vampires craved for his blood, they went in for father, Dracula had to defend him in some kind of a way, the vampires could not control themselves against the scent of father’s blood, consulting between each other to whom will get to kill father first, they fought against their own leader, as they came, he didn’t kill them, he threw them against the wall, as he knew his army would decrease- the other vampire generals came to help him, while they were defending father against the other vampires…. Father woke up, to him everything was quiet, he stood behind them, looking so distraught, his body was shaking, still feeling sleepy- he was somehow nodding his head due to the pain that was flowing through his body, - then this vampire, this monster turned around while his men were protecting father, against their own, Dracula stood before father and said……’How you made it back to life is unquestionable and very extraordinary-yet I wonder if I should eat you now or later when Alexander returns, or I could always give you to them(pointing to his bloodthirsty army)”-Dracula grabbed hold of father, while his men were ordered to remain order on the other side, they restored things back to order, father was chained again but not to any poles and as standing there Dracula called a boy and as the boy was coming their way Dracula said, “Look at BloodZoke’s son, his name is Jovani, he’s the same age as your pathetic son ’Collison”-maybe! Perhaps, a war could break out between them, but not while I live! ‘My…… God! I wonder?” By this time Dracula knew about all the humans that were made Crowkan, but he didn’t care. As father was standing there looking at the boy, Jovani, the boy looked at what the vampires called ‘The Passage of Pain“ it was a hole, a big one, you could take it for twelve feet deep, it was dark inside, they originally created it for the Werewolves to rehabilitate them- as when they would take them out and kill the Werewolf and days after the death of the wolf, it would be reborn, well that’s what they believed. The boy had a dangerous mind, just like his father, he asked Dracula if it could be possible if they couldn’t throw father down in ‘The Passage of Pain „Dracula saw it possible and agreed to the boy’s wishes. Dracula ordered his men to throw father into the hole they called ‘The Passage of Pain „they then locked the door as he was falling; - this ‘Passage of Pain „was like a trap, people use to trap lions and tigers; Dracula ordered his men to tie a rope to a mirror and slide it slowly in the hole(as people would do with a coffin these days)- it was dark, father couldn’t see so they threw a stick lit with fire and while doing so the mirror was coming down slowly, you could see it was meant for him to look at himself, and when he saw this, himself, he grew intensively with hatred. He didn’t like his eyes, it was not yellow, no blackness surrounding his eyes and he had no more hair on his head, even no eyebrows, some says to this day, you could hear father scream and also hear the mirror break as he grew frustrated, he was weaker and felt weaker as if he had lost his powers, which had happened, he was no longer Crowkan but a Veeper again.”- and that’s it for now as I have to get my nightly rest,” she says getting out of the rocking chair. I think to myself such longing to know more; I look at the glass and I’m glad to see that its still filled, I wonder who’ll have the courtesy to drink my blood?.........Asking myself this question”. Nathaniel then gets up grabbing me by my neck and throwing me out as if I am a dog; these people- certainly have no respect for me or my work. Still, feeling his hand’s grip at the back of my neck……….. It was as if I 'm being dragged; held by my neck down to my room, step by step.’ Oh well! I guess tomorrow shall be a new experience for me or just another day in this hell house.” I look at these steps again, these hundred steps, must I walk it again? Couldn’t they have made my room upstairs? I ask myself the same question I did before when I saw these steps, the second room, next to theirs; I refuse to take these steps! But I have to, this curiosity inside of me will have to be satisfied tomorrow, I really think………….’My God! I hate these steps! I have to go to my room, I can’t sleep here they’ll probably eat me if I sleep her; Aaah!! Finally my bed, o! I love this bed, but before I sleep! I have to eat, I have to get my strength back, ’My God! I hate those steps…………… Its morning and I can hear Burming’s creepy footsteps…. He’s one creepy old man, ‘Good morning Mr.Burmings!” my God! The man doesn’t even greet me back! What kind of behaviour is that for a butler to have? But anyway, I won’t sob about him; I stand in front of the stairs, I look at these stairs………..it looks like two hundred steps now, should I walk it? I think not, but the curiosity inside me is like a yearning once more, a yearning to know more so I think I rather get used to this……….. Walking’, as I’m a person that isn’t very fond of walking, though it doesn’t make me a lazy man, I assure you.” Three-hundred years went by………the vampires took father out: he was so ugly, his eyes` they made him look more horrible than he already were, he was not as he were before, he was crazy, he looked possessed, he was not Don Nathaniel anymore…………he was Insane. As they pulled him out, as he was fighting to stay inside the hole, they whipped him with their lashes, they hit him with their fists as he walked, punching him till his eyes were swollen-making him not see, a thing around him, making his face look even more horrible as they smacked him with their cold hands, then burnt his face but all his bruises healed as he walked, looking at his men; he was still young as he were when he was a - Crowkan; he studied them, the Vampires, he adapted to their ways while he was done in ‘The Passage of Pain“………….how they killed and why they killed; he had the mark of the Crowkan on his back even tough he was one, no more………..and the mark had not even one scar on it-yet all around it’ the back of my father was demolished, his new found powers only worked on scars, cuts he got recently. All the Crowkans, Werewolves, Vampires that were captured and even the seventeen former vampires who now were Crowkans, placed in a separate cell, looked at him. The Crowkans lost no respect for him, even tough he might’ve been a Veeper; as he was being chained again, back to the two poles where his head was ripped off; to suffer another day of punishment-then it happened, what shouldn’t have happened in the first place, where two Crowkans decided that they had enough, as they got themselves out of the locks again(when they were humans, they were thieves, lock pickers), ‘Creak Loy” and his younger brother ’Slave”- as Creak Loy ran to free our father/ KillWorld, Slave went to the direction of the seventeen Crowkans that had to be offered to father, to make him what he truly deserves to be again………….. {“a Crowkan………}- Slave attacked the vampires guarding the cell, his brother nearly reached our father, Dracula came out, suddenly it started raining again, it gave an advantage for the Crowkan brothers, as they were better and more faster in the rain; he fought against Dracula, this young boy(you could say he looked like a young man at the age of 25)- Dracula beat the hell out of him, but he was headstrong, pushing himself to the limit to get through, but couldn’t; Slave on the other hand was successful - defeating the three vampires guarding the cell, and before he freed them, he freed the Werewolves and the others, nut this time they planned their escape, as the Werewolves were freed, they immediately went for the wall that blocked Ussaine and the others to fight with them, while they were breaking the wall’ Slave helped his brother, get through Dracula, as he was strong; the Werewolves finally broke the wall- as all three-thousand Crowkans on the other side came out, Creak Loy and Slave turned their heads and saw this, taking their eyes off Dracula, he was gone like the wind- when they turned their heads towards him again, father was smiling..........it was as if he knew that everything was back to normal again. Creak Loy and his brother Slave brought the seventeen before him, he sucked all of their blood out of their bodies, still, he wasn’t back to normal, something was wrong, but what could’ve been wrong? Creak Loy stepped before father, holding his hand out to father, knowing the consequences in doing so, (he could’ve died)-father bit him, sucking out some of his blood, he didn’t die, Slave stepped forward and held his hand out as well, and father continued with drinking of their blood, Alec Xavier also came out of the torture room and gave his blood but still, it was unsuccessful, father was furious, he was screaming of anger saying,” No!! Why do this to me? Why? (Shouting in question)’ I want to be me again!! Is that such a sin? (shouting) then out of the Crowkan army, their general and maker, came out saying,” Master, there’s no need to worry………..you will be yourself again……’you see this army!!(Pointing to his three-thousand men) they are my army!! You are my maker!! So that means they are your army!! You are our king………..” and as he said - these words, he held out his hand and added, “My life is your life, my king.” As father bit him, he collapsed, all the men looked at Ussaine, as if to say to him, that he killed him; as father got up his hair grew, his eyes became as it were before, soon every part of his body, he was a Crowkan again then father said to Creak Loy his brother Slave, Ussaine and to the Crowkan that was captured with him, Alec Xavier, ”you will forever be known as generals in this place and all around the world, by other Crowkans, you will be in my order, I think I shall call it, ‘The Ravellion” and being in this order, you will be highly respected amongst you kind.” they were the reason why he was able to become a Crowkan again and he was thankful, because of them he was stronger than before, and also realised it and as they stood there, one of the soldiers of Dracula got hold of a bow and an arrow then tried to shoot our father, but missed, accidentally shooting Creak Loy in his left eye and he collapsed, as lying there father got angry, got hold of the vampire and bit him, throwing him to Slave, saying to him, “Here Slave….avenge your brother’s eye! Suck out the devil’s blood, rip his head off then put his head on that stick (pointing to the stick, his head was placed on),” and so he did; the other vampires were shocked, they were afraid and fled (as they should’ve left a long time ago, but you know Vampires, always so ‘naïve” because at that moment Dracula, Romero and the other head vampires were long gone, or was he? Godric left with Alexander at the time he had to bite Lord KillWorld). © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
StatsAuthor![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing