Unravelled Truth

Unravelled Truth

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

Only the truth can set us free, lies will forever be the cause of our damnation


Chapter 6

Unravelled Truth:

We all know that Dracula was from Transylvania and that KillWorld actually has no coming from any distant continent. All knows how Dracula was created you’ve probably seen it in the Bram Stroker based Movie, ‘Dracula” where his wife dies and he goes nuts then blames God, anyway to talk about KillWorld….as you’ve read the book by now you would probably have noticed that there is a lot written about angels and demons but don’t worry because it’ll all make sense in due time.
KillWorld was a Veeper and ate anything that carried blood in it except for Vampires, and he drank their rare blood of the Unicorn and became what he is today.

Still in Paris, it was night, KillWorld and Alec heard strange noises, sounds of cries a screeching sound like Crows………almost half of the population of Vampires were there and they ran pass KillWorld and Alec, they had fear in their eyes like never seen before, ever! All hell broke loose and they came in thousands and walked without fear knowing that they were feared at that moment.

When they came, the fighting started from all over again, not with the Crowkans against the Vampires but the Vampires against them…………… ‘What were they? The Vampires feared them for as they walked they ate the Vampires, the Vampires became the hunted- they became the food(it was like survival of the fittest) they passed KillWorld and one of them stopped staring at KillWorld, looking straight into his eyes and said,” Lagohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!................ (It meant to them ‘warrior”)” he was their leader, he looked horrible, all of them ‘the leader said to KillWorld, “We are both leaders, so where is your army? “What are you? Where did you come from? “We are an ancient and hidden kind and exists long before the Vampires, when they were born, we wanted kill all of them, so over the years they found a way to get rid of us, “How? “They hid us beneath the ground! We remained there for centuries until we got a taste of a powerful one like them,”……… “Dracula……….” “Was that the Vampire’s name?” “Yes!”…… “Too, bad...Thanks to him we became strong enough to free ourselves from that God-forsaken place”……… “Ahhhh...He was tasty!”

“You never answered my question, what are you?”……… “”Oh! Yes! We are called ‘Respirunts” you could say they were mutants.

The vampires begged for KillWorlds help but he refused to help them because he liked the Respirunts and they found a liking in him.
The Respirunts were horrible looking creatures with the whole inside of their eyes black, they had no ears or noses, and they had sharp teeth with no hair on their heads at all- they had long and sharp pointed nails, with hairy hands, their skin were a pale/grey skin colour with the colour (purple by males and green by females) of the veins coming out of their necks, at their backs’ they had….an eye (a natural eye/ one of a person’ making them sometimes successful in battle) this eye was also surrounded by: still purple veins by the males and green veins by the females and they were Cannibals once until they tasted Vampire blood, they came to change into what they did not wish to become, Respirunts.

They were once human until they started eating each other and became cannibals. For some reason the Respirunts feared KillWorld and no-one knew why; he refused to help the Vampires and wanted them to suffer; the Respirunts had something in common with Crowkans, they all hated snakes.

The leader of the Respirunts respected KillWorld the minute he saw him, his name was Joseph James, and before becoming a cannibal he worked as a carpenter.

The vampires fled and went into the woods, as fast as they were’ the Respirunts were faster-then out of no where Lord KillWorld ran surpassed them (the Respirunts) he then stopped them and the Vampires saw this.
The Vampires got away, but while they were running as fast as they could’ the Respirunts wanted an explanation from KillWorld, especially Joseph James, their leader, but KillWorld said nothing and walked this time pass them.

On that same day, the Vampires came back with one of their leaders’ Godric” he was not a minor threat yet KillWorld had never faced him before- he looked forward for a fight. Godric said, “I have no business with you, so do not! Interfere. ‘Oh!’ trust me, I wont,” he said.

The Respirunts stared at Godric while he was taking his shirt off, he was full of, what may have been, tattoos; he looked as if he were possessed by a demon, with his wet hair due to the rain, ‘Yes! It was raining” but he was getting hot he said’. The Respirunts went in for him, being so fast he made them look like fools, as they tried to attack him, by scratching him’ he used their own strength against them. He was so fast, his followers were amazed by his ability to fight (his warrior instincts) the Respirunts were shocked at how fast he was; and as KillWorld and Alec stood there……’Alec spoke about Godric as if he were a God, proclaiming that he is this wonderful and amazing warrior. As he was dodging their attacks, he killed most of them not with his hands but with his fangs’…………’as he was biting them their blood came dripping out of his mouth, but it was not ‘the colour red” as thus of a human’s blood, ‘No!...’Oh no!’ it was blue” he bit about sixteen[16] of them, when he wanted to bite more of them and as going in for his next victim, he stopped, perhaps some of the blood of the Respirunts entered his body from inside, he fell to his knees, the blue blood came dripping out of his mouth………..eyes were extremely opened on his face to the side-effect of the Respirunts blood. The blue blood (Respirunts blood) sat between his teeth as he was showing it (his neck became stiff) trying to fight against the pain that was coming from within. all of his followers stared at him, although strong-headed still they startled, for they were afraid to see one of their highly respected masters fall, yet they persuaded him to fight against them, for the protection of their kind, and as he was walking towards them, their leader(the leader of the Respirunts),Joseph James………..walked up to him, placing his hand gently, but not too soft, in front of his chest, Godric stared at the Respirunts hand that is in front of his chest with his nails almost reaching his eyes then Joseph James said, “Lagohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!................ ‘You are indeed,” if you have bitten more of our kind, ‘Vampire” you would certainly become one of us…………’ a Respirunt,” for you see” our blood is not of the ordinary…………………” ‘Now I suggest you leave now! ‘Godric,” don’t think you are sparing my life, “monster.”

And as Godric was walking away; over at one of the Vampire mansions, the house of the late or perhaps not, brother of Alexander Corvinus ‘Philippe Matthew Corvinus,” better known by some by his second name, Matthew”- the house was ruled by his son and daughter, Jacob and Paten; while still in Paris, where the vampires tried to revive one of their most sadistic minded leaders, ever, Dracula (also known by some as Drakul / Drake).

Godric was on his way to this above mentioned mansion, where the Vampires found only his body, but it had no blood inside of it, his cold hearted and pale coloured body.
They had the body in front of them, doing an ancient ritual performed only by witches of the highest order, the paid the witches’ who was also their allies.
The witches did the ancient ritual which were also used by the old magicians, sorcerers; they had [13] thirteen human sacrifices to bring him back from the dead.

(The [13] thirteen human sacrifices were all female and needed to be still pure, virgins (having never had contact with any man before [sexual intercourse] ; it was necessary for them to still be virgins, but I find it unnecessary for them go and rip the clothes off the girls, bodies, leaving them naked. While they were busy with the ritual, the darkness and chaos occurred, their blood was spilt (the [13] thirteen virgins) and as their blood reached his body, entering it, his hands began, slowly’ moving…………..’Then he woke up.”)
Dracula returned, informing the others, ‘He’s alive!! “They shouted (rejoicing).
Dracula returned but would he help them, though he was glad to be back, they needed him as soon as possible, immediately, Godric needed his help because he could not defeat the Respirunts by himself but this time there was something different about him, his eyes…….they were so red……………..more than before, his face was paler than before. It seemed like his own kind feared him now, then he ran out of the mansion. Still walking away from the army of Respirunts-Godric turned his face and as looking into the black eyes of Joseph James, he said, “ Monster, this is a fight that will be won by us because we are the supreme kind.”
As walking onwards, Dracula arrived and as arriving, he came as though a speed of light attacking the Respirunts biting them as he came, all in their necks, ripping a piece of their flesh out of their necks without swallowing in of their blood, it was like he knew them; after killing about sixty of them, they were lying there, all dead-Joseph James looked shocked, the Respirunts feared him, Godric looked at him with a crazed look, surprised was he indeed. The Respirunts did not fear his children or him but after killing sixty of them, it was hard to ignore the signs of fear within them, they feared him, it was the first time they showed a feeling of fear in their reactions or expressions.
Dracula’s children remained faithful to him; (Do you remember at the beginning of the story, when it was mentioned that KillWorld lost his sword of justice?)’Well! Joseph hath handed it then to him, KillWorld looked shocked to see the sword that his friend ‘Tomorrow” gave him, but he offered it unto KillWorld and under one condition, in return of a lifetime alliance, in exchange for his help through the success of helping kill, Dracula and Godric, and their army but he refused and showed no sign of a second- guessing or any other feeling. KillWorld said they had no trouble with the Vampires yet, so he would not jeopardise the safety of his people and causing a war that would make things worst for his people, but still……..James gave it to him even-though he refused to help them-yet expecting nothing in return’ only his help.
As Dracula went in to kill more Respirunts, before going to attack, ‘Godric made himself puke, because the blood of the Respirunts was still within his body and it had weakened him, as he puked’ Dracula fought against them, meanwhile Godric brought the blue blood out, he stared at KillWorld……a deep look inside of KillWorlds eyes and they spoke no words, contacting with their minds, Godric said from his mind to Kill- World’s mind……..”Why do you refuse to help them? They could certainly defeat us, ‘Now why wont you? KillWorld replied, ‘It is not my war, it is yours with them!’ I can see deep inside your soul that you don’t want to kill the innocent anymore………that is why I refuse to help them for I don’t want to let me and you become enemies,” KillWorld said through his mind, there was no words from Godric afterwards. All the blood was out of Godrics body, he was back to normal, he stared at KillWorld, again no words, Dracula shouted at him, “Lord Godric!! Where are you going?!!” as he walked away, he left, Dracula yelled,” You will pay for this with your life!!!!!” Dracula was alone, he continued trying to kill more of the 100, 000 (hundred-thousand) Respirunts, the sun came out by then and they fled, the underground for safety against the sun. Dracula was angry………….. KillWorld and Alec also Joseph James was the only ones that could withstand the might of the sun and some of the Vampires (twenty to twenty-five of them could stand amongst them) ,Joseph James couldn’t take the might of the sun then KillWorld gave of his blood from his arm, although it was silver he had no choice, he sucked only a small portion of KillWorlds blood for he feared that he might die if he drank too much; and as they came for Joseph James, KillWorld drew his sword, they stopped, (Dracula and the other twenty to twenty-five other Vampires /Godric was gone.) he gave his sword to Alec for safe-keeping, they were insulting KillWorld, but he ignored them, they then fought, he fought alone against them, Alec attacked some of the Vampires with the sword, Joseph James went in to go help, there were no other Respirunts around and the other Vampires were in the woods, they were probably at the mansion by that time. The fight went on and on, Dracula said insulting words in his mother language, he also said KillWorld would die one day and leave but only his head would be placed on a stick as his forefather did to his victims. Alec then stroked the sword of Justice into the ground and as he did that, Joseph James left, Alec immediately knew that it was because of the sun, he left going back into his chambers, it closed when he went inside. They were still fighting and as fighting KillWorld suddenly out of nowhere collapsed and when he did, Dracula took advantage, he and his men defeated Alec, but did they kill him? It’s all in the words- the fight was over, Dracula walked up to him with his twenty-five soldiers standing behind as the sun went down. KillWorld was in a dream; Alec yelled his name as he was beaten up, a suffering that might’ve led into slavery for Alec, perhaps, from one of the highest ranking Vampires to a Crowkan soon to be slave; in this dream, he was in a dessert, carrying his Sword of Justice in this unknown destination, unchosen by him, whilst walking alone he saw near him, standing, in front of him, an angel. He asked the angel all sorts of questions, and the angel answered, “I fell from the heavens. He said his name was Yesterday and as talking to KillWorld, he attacked him, but missed, KillWorld got on one knee and pushed his sword backward next to his side (right side) getting up slowly, pulling it out again and quickly stabbing him seven times, six in his stomach and one in the heart yet as bending down due to the stabs to his stomach KillWorld sliced his head off. He took the angels’ head by his hair, before doing anything else’ he took out the eyes with his fingers, stamping on it and as he threw the head of the angel, ‘as far as he could’……..he walked on without any hesitance.

In this dream, KillWorld knew that he was sent to kill him, which is why he killed him.

He said, “I am Don Nathaniel KillWorld,’ leader of the Crowkans’ I am a Crowkan, and I am also of this………
A father for many that is like me …………I am a leader to many.”

(I guess if he had any parents, they would’ve probably have been perhaps, or certainly have been proud of him.)
He said afterwards, “I am the forgotten Sinner; this is my life, a forgotten Sin.”

After he killed ‘Yesterday,” he said three times his fate, and he said,

“I done the deed,

…… fearless be………..

Faithful be the one, I see.”

KillWorld then woke up from the dream then found himself a little drowsy in the head, confused and nauseous.
He found himself on a chariot to a destination unknown, and within this chariot, there……..they sat, a fifty or more and there were more chariots behind the one he found himself in, all of them were captured, from different continents and regions, clans and tribes………. KillWorld grabbed hold of the bars of the chariot, in a distressed and worried manner, he had no strength left, the effect of the dream weakened him; he was chained to a black male, (all the way from the West-Indies, one of the Vampires’ human allies purchased him from the Portuguese slave traders.);it was destiny that this man would one day be part of the Ravellion ;KillWorld stared at the man with crazed eyes, the black man looked at him then looked down, looking at the chains saying not a singular word in English, better yet he spoke his mother language, he was talking about something but KillWorld could not understand him, so KillWorld placed his hand on his head, as though he was praying, but he wasn’t- he was busy imitating the language by making contact with the black man’s brain, he removed his hand and he could speak the black man’s language and the black man could speak English, he was shocked, looked at KillWorld with a shocked look, a look KillWorld never encountered before, KillWorld made that the man see all that he had encountered over the centuries, and KillWorld could see everything the black man encountered over the years, losing both his wife and children in a fire on the day they made him a slave; KillWorld bit a piece of his skin away, he told the man to drink of his blood and with that said, making him live forever. The man did so and he became what KillWorld was, a Crowkan’ the man puked inside the chariot, his human blood came out ‘it meant that…..the human inside of him was slowly dying, fading away, he asked KillWorld what he had done unto him but KillWorld just smiled then said, “You will soon realise why I come to be here and through this bite which you say is a curse, every thing will soon make sense and luckily for him, he had no hair on his head, now think how he would’ve looked with blond hair.
KillWorld asked his name and he said,” Master! My name is ‘(Ussaine).”
Ussaine gave KillWorld a piece of paper, KillWorld read it and closed his eyes, and it almost looked as if he was praying, but was not- he was actually thinking.

KillWorld then saw the ones who drove the chariot, laughing so loud distracting his attention from the black man; he saw that it was his sons (step sons) they were not Crowkans but a whole new kind and a new leader and it wasn’t KillWorld, ’No!”………. he was not yet known by KillWorld, his name was ‘Michael Stone” and he was the king of the ‘Vampans” the name was given by their allies, the Vampires.

Kill world was shocked to see both his two sons new images.
Luke and Elyon did not respond to him although he was yelling, they looked different…..he looked at Luke, he was not the same and Elyon as well: they had cuttings at the side of their lips’ going down to their neck (the reason for these lines were, they were now Vampans and looked different, these cuttings meant their moths could hyper-extend to an unimaginable length ,they were not like Crowkans that only drank the blood and ate the heart, ‘No!” they ate everything), then he said,” (Luke) Father……Why father? ...... Ask yourself,’ why we chose to become like this? Do it!!” it is your entire fault!!

If you accepted us, our mother might’ve still been alive today! Why!!(Shouting)

‘I do not find interest in filthy bloods.”……….. (Luke): ‘Why do you call us filthy blood?’ You are certainly our father!’ We are of you, aren’t we?

(KillWorld): ‘Let me free ‘Now!!”(Shouting with anger)yet as he moved to reason with them, he also pulled the black male along with him and in doing so, he awoke.
Elyon never spoke much but said, “Our Father was another type of person, he was meant to belong in a prison with no escape.”

(KillWorld): ‘No’ son, you don’t mean the words you speak, ’Elyon!!!! I am your father!! (Shouting) ‘What have become of my sons?’……..

(Luke): ‘Know this,’ KillWorld”…….. ‘You will always be a father to us, but not in this world.”

They arrived at the mansion, it was night the wolves were howling and crows were crying.
The prisoners along with Lord KillWorld got out at the chariot walking straight in a line, along with the other prisoners, down to the dungeons that was called ‘La Famirga”.
All the prisoners’ were released from their chains except for Lord KillWorld, the other prisoners were placed in different sections, meaning the humans were placed in a separate section and the Werewolves, Vampires and Crowkans were placed elsewhere, they placed the black male in the same section with the humans’ not knowing he was a Crowkan now.

The Vampires had plans to make all of them, (all three-thousand) but we all know what was going to happen, don’t we?; they took him to a separate cell, but before they took him, Luke and Elyon stood in front of him, Elyon kissed him in front of his head and so did Luke, then they left. He was in a separate section but he could see all of them, he stared at them(smiling) as looking at them, the, Crowkans, Werewolves and ‘Vampires that defied their leaders; they chained his hands against two poles, ripping his shirt off his body, he looked at the other kinds, and the mark on his back facing towards the Vampires that were about to punish and torture him, they used whips that was similar to those used at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; they whipped him and did so without stopping. They ripped his eyes out with the object, known to man as a ‘Barbarian Eye Spike” when his eyes were removed- the blood of silver was dripping out of, where his eyes once were. His eyes were destroyed, the Werewolves and the Crowkans, even the Vampires that were abandoned by their own kind, all of them, grew so inquisitive of the event that just took place, they walked, slowly but with fear, step by step………one of the Werewolves went forward to go see if he was still alive, whilst the Vampires went inside; he stood in front of KillWorld, touched his face, he startled, then all of them came close, with fear in their eyes. KillWorld was quite, no sound came from him, it was as if he was already dead, then suddenly he made strange noises, almost like a cry’ as if he was crying of the pain. He lifted his head a bit up, he could not see, he made this noise,” Hee!! ……….’Hee!! ..... (” God, ‘why have you forsaken me? …….. [In -Spanish descent; all the other kinds looked at him, the Vampires came close as he was yelling, “We will not fall, I will rise again. “They came in a force smacking him, left and right, Dracula ordered them to stop and they did, he had seven pins with him’ he struck six of the seven pins around his waist, all around, in front of his stomach, you could say Dracula carried the intension to paralyse him; all six pins were within his flesh. A witch was with him, he then said, “Your eyes are removed, you are nothing!” ………’ you will enter the afterlife a blind soul.”KillWorld said, ‘You may do anything to me, but as we speak you will be outnumbered, we are Crowkan, we are the rage of holy folk.”Dracula replied,” KillWorld you should talk less, for I have no idea what you just said.”He struck the pin to the point of KillWorlds heart as the witch began to cast the spell, the pin entered his heart, Dracula called Godric forth, Alexander was also there, Godric followed Draculas orders even though he was not his superior, but all in favour of Alexander. Dracula and Godric both bit him in his neck, Dracula on the left and Godric on KillWorlds right, before biting, (They shouldn’t have done so) he used his mind to communicate with KillWorld, and he said through his mind, “Forgive me, my brother, if some way you do return……..don’t hold against me…. A hate in your heart “they bit him and his went down-it was as if he was dead now and Dracula celebrated and Alexander not celebrating was only pleased but not Godric, Dracula, Alexander went inside with all the other Vampires drinking huge glasses of blood as a token of his victory; Godric looked at them and said to one of the Crowkans who would someday be a part of the Ravellion; (his name was ‘Slave”[Now known as Matthuel William ]alongside him stood another future member of the Ravellion,’ Creak Loy.” yet not all the other future members of the still to come order known as ‘The Ravellion”)………

Godric said,’ you are his soldiers! Avenge your king! I won’t stop you for he is my friend! Get yourself ready, we are leaving Friday.” They celebrated except for their kind that they imprisoned.
His silver blood was dripping everywhere and still Dracula ordered the men to continue punishing him and so they did, hitting him with their whips.
The Werewolves made a strange noise; they cried a horrible cry, howled and howled a cry to their leaders, howling a cry to the underworld. He’s dead they screamed, the human prisoners heard this on the other side, strange noises, it made them fear; when the black male that KillWorld infected heard the message about KillWorlds death, he bit a lot of humans and so it went on and on that the ones he infected, went and infected the other humans until they all were Crowkans, all three-thousand of them, he was angry, screaming at the top of his lungs,” KillWorld!!!” My king” (you see, KillWorld knew something was going to happen to him so he made sure that he infected a human, how he predicted that they would take him as a human/ his eyes were not as a Crowkans’s eyes yet; so they did, how foolish of them but then again his plan worked and the black male entered the camp where all the humans were, and it would only be a matter of time when he would want to feed then turn all of them); the whips were still beaten even-though they made a noise, the whips ripped his skin off his body, the tattoo behind his back was not recognizable anymore, the whole of his back was ripped open by the whips, they used unsharpened knives to cut his hair off, but they so’ in no conservative manner not even for a being with his status.(As you would do when a barber would cut your hair.) hence they continued beating him and hitting him with their whips, they were hitting him on his, arms, head and over his back. Dracula came out ordered them to stop and to return to their posts and when they left, he looked at the other kinds, he laughed at them, then he ripped his head off his body, putting it behind his body on a stick , he said to KillWorlds headless body, “Oh! Before I forget….here’s your famous sword of Justice, where’s the justice now? And when asking that question he placed the sword of justice where KillWorlds head once were then he walked away. They punished and tortured him for ten years, no food, no water, no blood to taste, no choice to his life.

Then there was a light coming from the darkness, it was so bright that everyone had to keep their eyes shut’ but what was that light? Was it God?

‘Now where were the angels, said to be his other brothers? Benjamin said.

‘(Edward): ‘What about your adventure with him, if he ended up a slave, a prisoner of the vampires? I said. “

‘Do you think that this is an adventure? Human!! ‘This is the story about the suffering of my maker, what he went through! ……. ‘so don’t ever do that, otherwise I’ll kill you right here!” he said.

(Edward): ‘I meant nothing about, what I said, please forgive me.”

Benjamin said, “Oh!” if you find him, he’ll perhaps treat you to that story!

I asked him what he meant and he said, I’m just telling you, what was told to me.”
Benjamin said ‘you know, for such a skinny fella, you awfully have bad manners, disturbing me when I were busy telling you the story. Didn’t your mother teach you any manners boy?”

(Edward) ‘ Oh, Yes certainly Mr. Gold……..please excuse my bad manners, I hope you can truly forgive me but I only wanted to know who the blind man was, because I want to add it to the story, seeing that I’m part of it now, Well, or so I like to think.”

Benjamin said,’ and the answer still be No!”

(Edward): I bet Lord KillWorld himself were here right now then he’d tell me personally who exactly that blind man were.”

Benjamin said: Do not speak as if you know the man because you don’t, and even if he was here at this instant moment, you’d probably be dead. Damn! I do miss him though………”

(Edward): Benjamin Gold please just ……….say whom he is now, already?”

Benjamin said: No! So just ask me again…….then I’ll slit your throat, I really won’t care, and afterwards when you’re dead…….I’ll eat your heart for breakfast.”
Benjamin said: Go ahead! ……….Hey boy! ……..I said Go ahead! ……….ask me a rhetorical question, Come on………..I dare you (anger in his eyes).”

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: Vampires, Crowkans


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
