![]() The TrinityA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry![]() Death finds us all, life attracts us all![]() (KillWorld will become an angel, but lets not rush into what has not yet begun, his hair wont be blonde anymore but black, his eyes will not be as it always is, but when the changes will take place/ prophecy would one day happen; his entire eyes will be black, this includes the Iris, the Pupil and the Rectina, black nails as it is silver now but red feathered wings where the average summoner has a grey coloured pair of wings, he will receive his sword[a black coloured sword],mentioned in the book, known as, “The Sword of Justice”……… ) When Lord KillWorld wanted to grab the old lady, she vanished into thin air, (as ashes of a dead person thrown into the ocean or a clean field)……….. (KillWorld probably took her for a witch [messenger of Satan]) KillWorld was alone, no wife, no sons and nobody was in the streets of Paris, and he saw them that is known by some as the clique/Coterie or in other words known as an order called,” The infamous () known by Vampires, and they stared at him and their leader Alexander Corvinus along with the Count,” Dracula” who was also a descendant of Vlad Dracula or so they say,(the same Vlad Dracula who was is also a sort of a relative of the Royal Family in England that exists today; there was another leader by the name of Isguel and his sister Katherine, whom also were in this society of Vampire leaders were, Magnus Corvinus BloodZoke I, who was also the cousin of Alexander Corvinus and his son Magnus Xelius BloodZoke II, who died when he bit KillWorld then later were revived through the blood only of Alexander Corvinus the father of all Vampires and it his because of Alexander Corvinus that it became possible for BloodZoke to still live and perhaps get the chance to see KillWorld die or perhaps not. They were An evil combination of the un-dead, the dead walking; then there were Alexander’s brother Philippe Matthew Corvinus but all the Vampires called him on his second name Matthew but nobody knew where he was or where their half brother ‘Klaus” were, some said Matthew was locked in a tomb that had no key to open it and some said he just couldn’t take the killing anymore and decided to run away and was never heard of since. About Klaus, they knew where he was but he probably didn’t want to join them at that present moment, maybe he wanted to meet KillWorld personally .There were also the twins Alec and his brother Romero. [Then there was a vicious Vampire who was far worst than all of them combined whose actions were so evil it didn’t bother him for he was as insane as KillWorld were he; lived treacherous life and was an old, old Vampire whom also is destined to become Alexanders successor when he’ll pass over his duties as the leader; although nobody knows how he came to a Vampire but he came from a time when Norway was not Norway today, he was the apple of Alexander Corvinus’s eye- his name was Godric, but he was not present as many others also didn’t show their faces . ] ) KillWorld looked at them but before he could say something, Magnus Xelius BloodZoke II, (In other words BloodZoke) said, “You see LORD!! KillWorld, I always get my way.” They surrounded him but not an ounce of fear was within his eyes. They introduced themselves, for those he might not have known-he stared at the Vampire leaders that were there, such cold beings, ‘VAMPIRES”…………..they surrounded him then all of a sudden their leader and maker walked up to KillWorld, looked him straight into the eyes then said, after they all introduced themselves to him, “I am a king, like you are a king ,we have something in common,”……….‘What might that be?”KillWorld asked… ‘Well! We are not like the Kings and Queens………………that rules over the continents,” he said walking away, then the twins Romero and Alec attacked KillWorld without the consent of Alexander, nonetheless they went in to attack him and as going for him he placed his hands behind his back [although they were fast, they could not keep up with him even- though his hands were held behind his back.] they could not get a hit on his face or on any other part of his body, he was just too fast then he stopped them, grabbing both of their hands and said, “I am bored! I don’t think that these two incompetent idiots are giving me the fighting pleasure I truly deserve [looking at them [the twins-Alec and Romero]then he says, “both of you are a disgrace to your kind, to the mother that spat you out of her abdomen, to your leader and to me as your opponent- I don’t think you are worthy to be Vampires but who’s to say that you wont be killed by your master soon, if you were worthy you wouldn’t be at my mercy, now show me why you are worthy to be in the midst of your leader”………..‘But let me save you the trouble, seeing that I am bored.”Alec got loose from his hands grip then freeing Romero as well- they grabbed hold KillWorlds legs then threw him around as if he were nothing, (like a tiny feather blown by the mighty wind), smiling and laughing while they were attacking him (celebrating their victory) then he laughed and laughed all louder, they were furious’ he laughed, it was as though they were tickling him. ‘Men, have you had enough fun? Because you are boring me now and I really think we should put the jokes, aside now! .........play time is over” he said, while they were attacking him- he then took them by their heads again and as he was holding Romero, he threw Alec on the ground-placing his right foot on his head, looked at Alexander, saying, “You know I could snap this pathetic Vampires head if I wanted to [while all the other Vampires stared at him not moving a muscle.] But I think you could have tis pathetic one [describing to Romero] but I’m holding on to the stronger one [describing to Alec] and as he was throwing Romero to them he bit his brother Alec [By biting Alec he disinfected him making him become human again] afterwards he bit him again making him a Crowkan then he said, “you know! I could do this all day, but why embarrass you whereas I could own you as well- so I suggest now! You move your asses and turn around there where the sun don’t shine”…………..Alec was bringing up some blood but it wasn’t red but silver as a Crowkans,[When a person becomes a Crowkan he first brings up some blood ,his/ her natural blood, meaning his body is adjusting to the changes of becoming an extraordinary being, a Crowkan.] they grabbed hold of Romero but it was too late because Alec was now a Crowkan, Alexander was furious all of them were distraught, his brother Romero was devastated and wanted to kill Don Nathaniel; Alec looked at his brother and at Alexander even at his love, Katherine but there were nothing they could do for him; KillWorld said, “I really suggest you Vampires to leave now before I get so frustrated that I kill all of you, Alexander think of their well-being would you!”Alexanders face showed that he was angry but perhaps thought to leave the fight for another day-Alec was standing aside not knowing if he should go to them or not because he worried if they would accept him or kill him themselves and he did not want to die, and if he had gone back to Alexander then Dracula would probably have killed him because he hated all Crowkans[He already killed the whole McGowan clan but did not kill Oliver McGowan .],he walked up to KillWorld and said to Alexander, “I am thankful for everything you have done for me and I do apologise for leaving your side, know truly’ I bid you not to take offence as I only chose a different path for my own safety, do understand you will always have my respect, though you were my king and no-more I have been given a new king.”………….Alexander said nothing then KillWorld said with a dark and deep voice, ‘Go now! If you refuse to go, come to me cowards, let me show you how I come to exist.”…………..Alexander said nothing still and walked away [perhaps it was out of respect for Alec]……. (They did not leave, only stood aside to watch Dracula and KillWorld go at it) the others did the same, well! Not all of them because one of them were chosen: a dangerous Vampire whom today is infamous for his killing the innocent and his name was Dracula, a pale skinned Vamp with long fingernails-with eyes flashed red because in his face you could see that he was angry; his very red lips covering his long pointed teeth, still looking as a young man between the ages of thirty [30] and forty [40], his hair was black as his soul hanging over his shoulders and well-dressed. ‘be strong outsider, but this is our world, this world, we rule, you may have made young Alec human again and made him into your pathetic kind, although I might so……… be against your actions I still respect Alexanders decision-to leave Alec out of our business’ because if I had it my way, you’d both be dead.” Dracula: Do know! If you ever want to see your lovely and beautiful w***e again or perhaps that pathetic son of yours again, do let me know... (Laughing)………………….. Oh!’’ by the way………….she named him, ‘Collison” what a stupid name!” KillWorld: I want to bite all of you and suck out all your blood, leaving but only a corpse behind.” BloodZoke I: KillWorld you know that I have a liking in you, I don’t want any harm coming your way, so I will be grateful if you just let them take you. KillWorld: I know!’ but don’t do that…know this, your son is to be killed by my hands, and I don’t like him’ he talks too much! It’s beginning to irritate me, when I get him, he might not be so lucky this time.” BloodZoke II was furious, anger was within his eyes, vengeance drove within his dark soul, so did it inside of Lord KillWorld- but there were no sign showing out of his [KillWorld] eyes. The vampires then left one by one this time, they had to pull BloodZoke II away of not controlling his anger, after they left only Dracula remained, Dracula third in command of the Vampire throne[Godric is promised the throne when Alexander ends his reign.], KillWorld looked at him, perhaps wondering what his purpose were for agreeing to fight him. It was so Ironic that the eclipse showed again and suddenly like the first time, he turned into the being he did before but only this time he stayed like that, looking at Dracula and Dracula at him-they fought………….Dracula took Romero’s sword that laid on the ground [he probably forgot when he fought against KillWorld]then Alec gave his sword to his new master, and although KillWorld wasn’t as good as a sword as he is today he had to learn fast at that time, but watching Dracula move so quickly with a sword it made him adapt quickly to the magnificent skill of Count Dracula. As they were fighting, throwing each other against walls, up in the air and jumping off roofs, moving left and right. KillWorld punched Dracula in the face making him drop to his knees but as continuing on hitting Dracula in his pale face, the Count took out a dagger from his leg- stabbed KillWorld in his stomach making him as well’ fall to his knees but the dagger made him so weak’ he fell head first to the ground, Dracula went and picked up KillWorlds sword and as he was running to attack KillWorld with his own sword, KillWorld aimed the horn in front of his head to the point of Draculas black heart, but missed, then out of no "where’’’ Dracula stabbed KillWorld in the shoulder then suddenly…….KillWorld changed back to the unknown creature- of an angelic sort of looking type, Dracula was gone, like the wind you cannot see-Only a bat was around making strange noises, it was a horrible bat’’’ then the eclipse then disappeared , the sun was not out yet, Dracula then re-appeared, KillWorld still had the sword in his stomach, taking it then out of his stomach while Dracula was running towards him………….he stroked Draculas heart again, striking him in the middle of his dark soul- black, filthy and un-pure heart and he did not miss this time. Dracula collapsed, lying on the ground, KillWorld got up and as he wanted to walk away…….Dracula grabbed hold of his leg then said, staring into his eyes “it will never be over.”“I will rise again,” he said concluding to his statement’ KillWorld walked away saying nothing, turned his head and as he was walking he saw hands from beneath the ground grabbing hold of Count Dracula, it looked like the earth sucked him into the ground making him head for Hel[Hell]. His wound healed, Alec accompanied him and as they were walking (by this time Alec was fully formed as a Crowkan, every blood cell, every muscle in his body)……..they saw many people going into this strange place, he decided to go in along with Alec; it a was show, the people called it ‘Le theatre De Vampire’ which meant’ ‘The theatre of the Vampires”………they found the scent of the actors in the show, that were pretending to be humans in this society actually being real Vampires pretending to be what they already are. The show was a fluke KillWorld said, then the clan leader walked up to KillWorld then said, “you’re probably wondering who I might be? So I’ll answer you’re unasked question! My name is Morne’ I am an old Vampire……… I can teach you much……..my age are over forty centuries, how I survived is unexplainable yet I do not wish to fight you but rather choose us to be allies than enemies as I already know what you do to Vampires- whereas I already saw your fight with the Count, please! Don’t ask me how I come to know all this………… (KillWorld and Morne did not have a fight, but rather a conversation…….) their conversation went on and on and on until Alec just fell asleep’ as they were speaking about their past lives they learnt more of each other, pointing no fingers at each others past lives but embracing the mistakes that they’ve made and in Morne’s eyes you could see that he had no more love for this world and felt better off underneath the ground with all the other lost souls. They spoke about everything; KillWorld understood everything and he understood why KillWorld came to be what he is. Alec and his master then left and headed to a destination they did not plan………….. (As KillWorld never planned where he wanted to go, he just walked, as he loved walking, he wasn’t one to be carried everywhere- he believed he got feet to walk, and that he made use of’……he did not have a weakness or a feeling, he did not need water to slake his thirst. He feared not death or the living that were threats, but would he change someday, or would he end up with Lucifer?) ‘I was granted Ever-life, but seen a price, where blest and cursed I both shall be-where all may fall……………..yet I’ll stand firm as a wretched germ-where blest and curse I both shall be……………………….and all will fall but not yet me. I wonder why the darkness lurks,’ how easier for him if all were good” Lord- Don Nathaniel KillWorld: Darkness of Darkness. Chapter 5: The Trinity They spent the night at Morne’s’’ accommodation, Alec was fast asleep but KillWorld not. The night went fast, sun would soon rise then it would be only Alec and KillWorld awake with the Vampires fast asleep. ‘Night came again and the Vampires awoke………..to his amusement he found himself to sleep and when he woke up’ Morne sat in front of him speaking with Alec-they were having a huge laugh, talking about their past as Morne and KillWorld spoke the previous day, KillWorld then joined in with the special bottle of red blooded wine (pure-blood),poured by one of Morne’s human servants- a young boy whose name is not important, anyway…..as they drank the blood Alec collapsed, KillWorld took a while to give in to what may have been a sleeping antidote ,then he too collapsed and when he woke up, his body felt strange, so weary, hearing only laughter and as awaking he saw Luke, Elyon and their mother standing in front of them, he was tied up, so was Alec and Morne but his men were killed. Christian: you see my love…..I’m not as you thought I were’ I got my dark side when you bit me, you made me like this………….(shouting) ‘You!!!!”………‘How could you’ do this to me!!!? ” ‘How could you!!!! But anyway…..the harm has been done and its time for you to pay the price severely my love! (Calmly) you’re probably wondering how I did it aren’t you? (laughing with a smile) don’t worry I’ll tell you………you see I paid the boy to pour the snake blood in your cups and it worked, although I wasn’t enough sure if it would work on you but it did(laughing softly) ‘the all mighty and powerful Lord KillWorld, leader of the Crowkans….but what are you now? Tell me!!!? You’re just a mere fraction of what you used to be!!!!.....’ what is this about Christian?”(Calmly) ‘Why are you so angry?” ‘Oh! My God you don’t remember! I must say Lord KillWorld………you are an actor indeed- as like your friend who’ll be dead soon’’ My darling let me rephrase your memory……. Do you remember my words when you threw Luke on the ground when he was just a baby, offcourse you do!!! You are the one who did it………you devil!! Do you remember? Listen carefully, “I am Christian Skullman I am my fathers daughter his property and when he grows up he wont be Luke Saralius KillWorld but Luke Saralius Skullman for when he has aged into a man he will kill you and he will take his brother as well, leaving you to rot in Hel [Hell]”) ‘I say to you KillWorld you’ll regret the day, you messed with a Skullman! “Luke kill the b*****d,” she said and as he was about to kill his father (step-father) KillWorld got loose threw Luke out the window and did the same with Elyon……….He freed Alec and Morne, he found Christian, grabbed her by the neck’ pulling her towards him then he said, “ You w***e!”……. “You want to kill me... go ahead! I won’t try to stop you and as she was trying to strike the knife through his heart he stopped her and bit the vein out of her neck, and as lying there ‘dead, he said, “That is what you get for trying to kill your leader, (‘the killing of a person is easy- but forgetting is hard ”), and just as they were trying to strike her dead body Luke said, “Father stop!!!! You’re killing her!! “I know son and you’re next, if you want to live go now! Now!!!!!(Shouting) they left both angry and upset, KillWorld knew that they’ll seek their revenge for their mother somehow. They walked and as they walked he asked, “Before you go, where is Penelope and your little brother? “We sold them to a Vampire named Dracula!’ “Go now! Before I kill you,” (On KillWorlds face you could see that he was angry) After Luke and Elyon left, KillWorld and Alec soon departed and said their farewells to Morne and left. They were walking and a man was looking at KillWorld smiling, not even blinking ’KillWorld looked away and when he looked again the man was gone. © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
StatsAuthor![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing