![]() Land of no returnA Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry
But Mr. Gold……..I was about to say…….’I would find out sooner or later,’ but……nevertheless, if it be not you that will tell me……someone, somewhere will tell me.”
Then he said,” (angry) Oh yes! Where was I now? (Smiling) ‘YES! ‘KillWorld looked at him, at his armour at his grey wings and yellow eyes with a face looking so soft as that of a baby to tell you the truth he looked perfect, with his aligned teeth and hair as gold where my master had no body hair, on his head or below you’ll soon find out how he got his hair and his immortality and although my master ate the Spyph Crows it did not’ mean he gained immortality. The angel asked my master if he wanted to receive a gift never to get sick and live forever and my master didn’t reply but yet Tomorrow took a knife and cut his arm and told my master to drink but his blood were not red or even green but that of water and when he was done he collapsed and when he woke up he saw the Sword of Justice and that he felt different, he felt hair on his head and his teeth were aligned and was also silver yet still with the green lips but a softer face was he now immortal? Yet, would there be time to discover his new found abilities or if he truly were immortal? Don Nathaniel was not evil or cruel, he had a lot of fear and the angel calmed it, he tamed his heart, the angel said, “We as the archangels of the Lord have much plans with you Don Nathaniel but that I certainly cant reveal to you for that I leave to our superior; yet what I can say to you is, whatever you may be about to ask me I can answer my friend but know one thing Don, if you sleep from now on you’ll get the dreams that we archangels known as the Summoners of Souls do, but we all get different dreams Don, it is up to you to create life out of them, although……..look at them not as a curse, but a gift from God. Whatever route you decide to take, the Lord be with you and I do hope your decisions are to be of wise my dear friend, call on me only if you’re in big trouble, and I do mean big trouble; do understand, the beyond is not a place, it is a job, which keeps me very busy.” Who is your superior? KillWorld asked, Yedic Celius answered with a gentle smile,“ God, but in the realm, be it another one of our brothers that will give his life for you, also the one that you will meet soon……..his name is ‘Joshua” now do remember, you will meet two more like me, but far more superior than me. You should know the female are of only temporary use. Understand this……..one is female and one is male, the name of the female is ‘Miranda Heyn” and the name of the male is, ‘Nimada Hyren” I do hope you receive much revelation through them, Oh, Nava’el…….do understand, Nimada Hyren will work through Miranda Hyren to communicate with you; he created her for such a purpose, but not you. He whom also be your superiors, but shall he be accepted by you as your superior? Then KillWorld went back to the vampire camp hoping to save his former kind because heaven knows he was not a Veeper anymore but something else hence could still change into a crow, so he called himself a forgotten sin. When he got near to the camp he saw that the kind that was were no more, and that all of their heads were on sticks, and Veepers were no more. Chapter 2 Land of no return The following day hath come and Don Nathaniel arrived at the vampire camp and whilst walking through the cells, he heard a strange voice in his head saying to him,” I will be always be by your side Don Nathaniel.” It was for certain, Don Nathaniel was no Veeper anymore because by this time Vampires would’ve surrounded him by now but he was stronger than ever before, he looked at the heads of all his fellow Veepers and it looked as if he wanted to die with them for somewhere in his mind he still was Veeper. The next thing he saw was more than a hundred Vampires surrounding him then their Sherriff came out amongst them, Magnus Xelius BloodZoke II, as many know him as only “BloodZoke” many feared him, he feared none, defeating all and defeated never for that was his Name,” BloodZoke” a monstrous and sadistic minded vampire that’s only obsession was to kill, even the vampires feared him. BloodZoke walked up to Don Nathaniel and said,” you look different from these Veepers might you perhaps be the leader of this pathetic kind which heads are on sticks now “Don Nathaniel said nothing yet just looked away and that BloodZoke saw and took it as Don Nathaniel’s weakness and said,” if you’re not going to say anything I guess I pronounce you the leader but you certainly look different so are you a Veeper or are you something else or are you just an unknown or what because if there is anything that I hate is when I’m speaking to myself for that just gives me more reason to kill you.” Don Nathaniel said do what you may for I care of life no more and I don’t think I will be running from you for death does not shake me and you do not fear me.” BloodZoke just laughed, gave a smile and said,” finally it speaks; I guess you’re not a mute but too bad for you because I will have to kill you now.” BloodZoke asked him what he were yet still no reply then he said, “if you do not know what you are then I guess ill have to name you myself wouldn’t I, but I must say you look far more better than this pathetic kind of so called Veepers, so you look pale with blond hair with yellow eyes and you’re very quite but still what seems to be odd to me is your silver teeth, your and those green lips which bothers me, so anyway lets call you something worth pronouncing yet not too difficult so’ you’re definitely not vampire or a Veeper, not even a Were-wolf so seeing that your old kind could turn into crows I think I’ll call you a “Crowkan” are you satisfied ?.” Don Nathaniel looked at BloodZoke and said, “I am a forgotten sin in a land of no return.” BloodZoke then attacked Don and they were ready to fight but Don Nathaniel had not the heart but everything began so fast and all ended fast for BloodZoke had hold of Don Nathaniel and were determined to kill him then he bit him and he collapsed all the vampires were shocked at what they saw then they attacked the already weakened Don Nathaniel and as they one by one bit him they saw they became humans again, by this time half of them were already human then nobody wanted to bite him but their leader did not become human for he was never human in the first place, Don Nathaniel just stared at them and as he walked the vampires that surrounded him made an opening for him yet as he was about to leave BloodZoke yelled at him saying,” you may leave as a coward but when I enslave you it would be your wish that you were never born in the first place for I shall punish your soul and believe me I will get you for I always get what I want, you outcast,” BloodZoke then died; and as he was walking the humans that were vampires followed him and he told them to go back to their families and so they did and he went his way. As Don Nathaniel was walking he went into this strange looking place, sort of like a forest but was it a dream or reality? He was scared and feared for the worst for so you could see in his eyes but as he was walking through this strange but wonderful world he saw a beautiful creature but what was it?. In this land of no return he saw this beautiful creature which was said to be of myth, it was a Unicorn. It was hard to catch by a human and by beast both. Don Nathaniel was not a Veeper anymore as you may know, but he was now different thanks to the blood of the Arch angel. Although was faster than a human he still couldn’t catch the animal so he decided to use his mind instead of his stomach because he was just so hungry then he went up and climbed a tree in meaning of catching it by jumping on its back then obviously eating it, but did he have the heart to kill it or was his heart just too pure; filled with the blood of an angels blood that was of water and although he was so hungry he couldn’t kill such a lovely and beautiful creature. Gold stopped for a minute and asked another glass of water and I poured him a glass and he said,” was it dream or just reality? Anyway mate you’re probably wondering what’s happening next and I will continue but after I finish my glass; do you know water is a very important aspect of the human body but I guess I should speak in a more moral manner, so back to my ‘Lord’ you see………. he was a very estranged person or should I rather say an “estrange being” I do hope you’re satisfied , so back to my masters life story, when he drank the blood of Tomorrow you know that his body changed physically he gained the look similar to that of the angels’ it changed for the better and for the worst .an Arch angels’ blood were within him and the pureness from my side, made him weak I say’ Gold said from his perspective.” Don Nathaniel gained the yellow eyes but a gift with it’ meaning he could change it the colours green, blue or brown if he wanted just to fit in with your kind, but it was only in daylight that he could do so and although he had the strength to kill the Unicorn at that time his heart refused, yet was it part of his life to enter into a land of no return but was this part of his life to be a reality or be it his first dream? My mate only heaven knew the answer at that moment. But refusing to listen to his heart he listened to his mind and stomach and decided to kill the poor beautiful creature and way of doing so he did it brutally and sucked its blood dry leaving only a corpse a fossil to be. Don Nathaniel left the land of no return and suddenly out of nowhere, woke up and saw it being a dream, then he realised the words of the angel saying to him,” We as the angels of the Lord has much plans with you Don Nathaniel but that I certainly cant reveal to you, yet what I can say to you is, whatever you may be about to ask me I can answer my friend but know one thing Don, if you sleep from now on you’ll get the dreams that we angels do, know we all get different dreams Don. Whatever route you decide to take, the Lord be with you and I do hope your decisions are to be of wise my dear friend, call on me only if you’re in big trouble” drinking of the angel he received his abilities and curses which were ,dreaming of things unimaginable yet will this make him a hero to mankind or will it make him the most strange and vile yet a disturbed and chronically ill minded person/being ever to kill and enjoying it, killing such a remarkable and extraordinary creature that’s also extinct; but who knows maybe he was destined for greatness or are we just hoping for something? Don Nathaniel soon found out that BloodZoke was very close to becoming the second heir to the Vampire throne following his father and wasn’t only a sheriff but the blood of royalty but there was also someone else and he was the maker of them all and he is one that I have mentioned but still there were a lot of vampires that was royal of blood and a lot of vampires but only one Crowkan. He was at that time not familiar with this Vampire king but today knows him better than the vampires following him. At that time my master had no knowledge of how to handle a sword because Tomorrow did not teach him for there were of no time, my master was on his knees begging BloodZoke to spare his life but a damn BloodZoke gave not. He wanted Don Nathaniel’s body to die slowly and hath not wanted his blood anymore for a Veeper no longer was he and was of no use of BloodZoke anymore and he felt the cold hands of BloodZoke at that time on his neck, BloodZoke laughing and saying,” You shall die by the hands of mine, a true blooded Vampire and future Vampire king and thus be it your destiny to die at my hands or suffer the same fate as your pathetic old kind.” As a Veeper Don Nathaniel had the ability to crawl against walls, eating anything his heart desired but with many consequences he became what he is today; it is said when drinking the blood of a Unicorn so you must continue drinking the blood of one, or perhaps you can drink human blood to decrease the craving but if you don’t drink the blood of a human, then nonetheless you’ll die and be cursed forever but luckily for Don Nathaniel killing the Unicorn was only in a dream and not of reality; He was the first Crowkan and needed to start a family but how? The only of his kind and he so desperately wanted to create more like him yet not knowing how to; a lot of Vampires existed at that time and so did Were-Wolves also known as “Lycans” and many other unknown yet both mythical creatures out there. After many years of hiding himself he came out of the cold cave and saw the year had passed him by and the year was 883 and many wars were taking place and the first place he went to was on the ground of the Vikingers(Anglo Saxons/Norse descent) and as he was walking he was confronted by a hunter but a also Viking slave but as soon as Don Nathaniel could say something the slave ran and he ran after the boy, and when he caught the boy, it was too late, for the boy already rang the bell and all the soldiers surrounded him and they threw him into the cell with the other slaves, then he saw a lot of men looking at him with fear in their eyes. In this cell was the boy he chased seeing such strong and healthy looking boy fit to be a soldier and when he tried to speak to the boy he found the boy was a mute hence being the only way of knowing he was heard, he screamed. One of the soldiers came to open the gate and yelled,” Screamer you incompetent mute’ Lord Ivan needs water, now go get your lazy behind out of this cell and do what you are good at.” At that moment Don Nathaniel was lying there worrying about the boy when suddenly the trumpets were blown and Lord Ivan requested all the slaves rounded up for judgement. Screamer stood next to the Viking king with the bucket of water then Ivan said,” Hey mute! Go and give your brothers some water except for him’ (referring to Don Nathaniel).”He called Don Nathaniel to him saying,” What is your purpose here? …….; you don’t look like us, why did you try to catch my son? Don Nathaniel said nothing only staring at Ivan with a wandering look in his eyes, Ivan saying,” Are you deaf! Do you not see that I am speaking to you for when I speak you answer my questions slave do you understand?” “I suppose, Don Nathaniel replied.” Ivan laughed of joyfulness and so did everyone even if they had no clue why he laughed in the first place; then he said to Don Nathaniel,” I like you a lot slave and for that I shall take you on one of my voyages” Don Nathaniel said,” I’ll go, if your son can go,”; yet much hesitation was seen on Ivan’s face, trying to weasel his way out of the situation he said, “Why would you want to take him… of all men? What could possibly make you choose him from all other slaves, and besides……you don’t like him after all.” Don Nathaniel exclaimed confidently “I think my mind is made up,” Ivan said doubtfully, “ if this is the way the boy ought to become a man, then be it as it must,” even where there were much hesitation, it was still seen on his face for it would be the first time that Screamer would go on journey with his father but he agreed, as they were lying in their cells Don Nathaniel said to Screamer,” I am not a human but something else, you be not fear me for I wont harm you but I would certainly be grateful if you would join me on my quests,” Screamer looked disorientated but agreed, Don Nathaniel bit Screamer on his shoulder also biting his neck whilst drinking his blood, then he nearly bit his jugular and when seeing the mistake he almost made he acted quickly, as he reached his left side pocket, took a knife, cut his pulse open and Screamer drank of his blood; it was already dark and the soldiers were fast asleep, Screamer was in pain for he was also the first human that Don Nathaniel ever infected, the pain was agonising and also made him sleepy, for he then fell asleep and when he woke up the morning, he looked the same as Don Nathaniel with also having blond hair of natural human birth, it wasn’t a difference, but what were’ was his lips, teeth, eyes and body was stronger. Don Nathaniel said,” you are one like me now, you are now a Crowkan and with that you are now immortal.” Screamer opened his mouth for the first time, knowing that he was a mute but said,” Are you my master?” he was shocked to find that he could speak then gave Don Nathaniel a hug. It was morning and they were still slaves, and were now leaving the Swedes/ Scandinavian parameter and were heading to Iceland to collect weapons for their army. The men prepared the longships. This same longships that gave the Vikings command of the seas; it was built of oak planks and measured over 76 feet long. At the broadest point it was 17 and a half feet across, giving room for a crew of 50 and space for extra warriors or prisoners; yet fully loaded’ the ship drew only 6 feet of water and don’t forget the 32 oars that passed through holes in the ships sides. Night came, Don Nathaniel and Ivan stood on deck while the men were asleep, and they spoke, well Ivan did most of the talking, speaking about an old legend of a man and hero named Egil the Archer who defended his wife and home against armed attackers- a common incident in the violent Dark Ages. As he was enjoying his telling tale, Don Nathaniel perhaps got bored and bit him, and bit him and bit until Ivan collapsed, then he waited for Ivan to wake up before he gave him of his blood to drink and thus doing so, Ivan fell asleep .Morning had come, Ivan saw he was bitten and realising this, he brought up blood he touched his face and looked at his skin that was paler than it usually were,; one of the guards called Screamer to fetch the food for the men on board, Don Nathaniel grabbed hold of one of the guard’s swords, got hold of Screamer then jumped into the water and for that Ivan was devastated, he probably sent a search party after him, or along the sea route, he probably infected all his men, who knows. Days went by and finally they reached a church perhaps in Brittany, Don Nathaniel was not too specific of his whereabouts, they arrived there they met a priest with the name of William Boggins, now when they arrived at the church William took them into his care giving them a shelter and beds to sleep; now every morning his older brother Edgar would come by and steal the money of the church then give it to his master a Frenchmen with the name of Pablo Ulrich travelling all over the world in search of wealth but doing it in the wrong way. Pablo had a lot of servants and one of them were a young man known as, Antonio yet he was so full of marks and bruises on his back, he became a one sided person but Don Nathaniel still wanted him to be free; you could say it was somehow Don Nathaniel’s mission to free all slaves he could fine, but Pablo was to be dealt with, when they tried to free Antonio they saw that he was locked in chains so they told him about their plan to free him; he told Pablo of their plan before they came and when they arrived they found themselves in a cage heading to a place that they did not know. They separated Screamer and Don Nathaniel putting them in different cells, Screamer they took to another place yet it seemed they had other plans with Don Nathaniel taking him to place dark he could smell the evil that were amongst him, his eyes were so widely opened, a shock it was to him so you could see in his eyes, it was the vampire he first came across ‘Magnus Xelius BloodZoke II and he came but he was not alone, he had someone by his side and this man looked like a curse to life then BloodZoke said,” Tell me I didn’t tell you so’ didn’t I say our paths would cross again and do you still remember what I said? Probably not………but if you have to know…….I said,” you may leave as a coward but when I enslave you it would be your wish that you were never born in the first place for I shall punish your soul and believe me I will get you for I always get what I want, does that maybe ring a bell?” and Oh, yes, excuse me for my manners the man that’s standing next to me, whom you are laying your eyes upon is my uncle…..Klaus, and he is not some amateur vampire.” BloodZoke said,” I should be thankful for such a trustworthy, loyal, obedient and faithful servant shouldn’t I? Thank you Pablo, you certainly shall be gratefully rewarded.” Klaus walked up to Don Nathaniel and came saying, “Such an extraordinary creature you’ll be when you taste this unicorn blood, believe me when I say, it tastes wonderful even if I may not have tasted it before.” “Why are you doing this? Don’t do this!” Don Nathaniel said. “Oh, D’nt you worry……when it enters your body, don’t refuse the strength of the unicorn blood; just to think he’ll be so powerful but he’ll be unaware of it after this.”(Speaking to BloodZoke) Klaus said. Don’t do this, they will hunt you and they will kill you! Don’t do this!” Don Nathaniel said. “Whomever you are speaking of, go and tell them Klaus is the soul that will destroy them, I’m not an elder for nothing, know this when you’ll one day come after me, but anyway, ‘You know, its an amazing feeling when you are invoked into transformation, it is such a joy, such ecstasy in the flash of an ineffectual mortal body that will be loving blood, impartially…….needlessly to say, this shall be your curse’ as it be to us.” “Behold the day when you met Klaus.”(Whispering) They grabbed hold of Don Nathaniel laid him with his back on the table opened his mouth and made him swallow this silver water, but would it drive him more insane than ever or would it make him a good and fair person? BloodZoke said, “It tastes nice doesn’t it? Do you know what it is? Perhaps not so I’ll tell you it’s what they call Unicorn blood and do you know what it does,” it is said when drinking the blood of a Unicorn so you must continue otherwise you’ll die and be cursed forever and so for you my friend, welcome to a killing spree that will last forever, but unfortunately for you, that was the last of the so called unicorn blood.”BloodZoke said wholeheartedly and he laughed and laughed walking away from Don Nathaniel alone with his uncle, and saying as he left(it came from the far background), ‘my work is done here.” Don Nathaniel was lying on the ground in a pain he has never been in before; Klaus placed a mirror in front of him so that he could look at himself and feel disgusted at himself when he’ll look into the mirror to see what he looks like when the pain is lost, he looked inside the mirror, his eyes were different, teeth were silver, so was his nails and he had a blackness around his eyes feeling sort of disgusted at himself then he felt a strange crawling behind his back, yet when he took a look at it he was somewhat surprised to find that it was not an insect but a marking in the shape of a circle on his back somewhat similar to a tattoo; he got up and looked at the humans and every single one he saw he wanted to kill but still something inside refused but the craving inside was too strong so he killed the slaves in the camp and when it came night BloodZoke was so happy clapping his hands of joy saying,” Don Nathaniel I do think you should have a surname, what do you have in mind? I guess we’ll have to sleep on it but don’t keep me waiting. The vampires were trying to break Don Nathaniel but he was hollow inside. BloodZoke came out of his chamber in the greatest mood saying,” I have it let’s call you Lord KillWorld leader of the Crowkans do you agree? Oh! I know you do.” It was day again but this time there were no human slaves in the camp instead the gate was open, and it probably meant he was free and whilst at that moment going to sleep in his coffin said,” Let the beast have a luxurious feast.” KillWorld ran faster and could smell the blood of humans from miles away but tried his best to ignore the scent and as he was running he fell into a hole with his head first but did not die, he was just unconscious and when he woke up he saw himself what seemed to be in a cacoon but it was already too late for it had reached his neck, making it impossible for him to move himself. As it was closing his head, he screamed then it was that his whole body was trapped inside the cacoon, yet whilst trapped in it the years went by going from 883 to the year rapidly opened which were 21 August 1264, knowing that he was immortal he was a bit shocked that he still lived, finally making it out of the cacoon having not aged a bit made him confuse in some way to why he became a prisoner in the cacoon, finding himself on the border of the Anglo Saxons/ Scandinavians, the land he first encountered when he was a Veeper; with not knowing if he were at north or east. He had a mission; to look for Screamer, the boy that he bit but he had no clue where to start. As he was walking in these woods he saw a lovely and most beautiful Saxon female ever yet something was telling him to bite her whilst something told him otherwise, it was a beautiful day and all the people walking in the woods were happy so he went up to her hoping that they wont startle when they see him. She had eyes as blue as the ocean, a body as soft as silk and hair as free flowing as the wind; she had a soft voice but when he wanted to ask her name; her father called her for they feared a beast that was lurking in the woods, but what it was he’d soon find yet that would not be of a friendly visit; it was dark, people were in already, leaving the beast its meat every night, so they did on this night leaving raw meat for that was the agreement that they had with the beast and if they were unable to fulfil the request , the beast would choose its offering; unluckily for them KillWorld came unexpected and ate the meat that was meant for the beast, so when KillWorld was done, his mouth full of blood’ so his clothes as well, the beast finally came and KillWorld saw that it was a Were-Wolf, but before he could do something, it attacked him, throwing him against the trees like it was nothing, but KillWorld got so angry that the people could hear how frustrated he was; the probably thought it were another victim’ but that it was certainly not, they fought then KillWorld bit him and he collapsed not becoming human, losing only a little strength and as KillWorld held his face to the ground KillWorld ordered him to change back and so he did. It was still night when KillWorld asked him what his name was then he said,” I tell if you will let go of me,” yes certainly KillWorld said,” after let going of the beast, he asked,” What are you? For you are not Vampire’ so it must be that you are of another species, so what are you? KillWorld said,” I am of many bloods but a Crowkan I am,” so are you satisfied?” yes I am, so what might your name be?” I am Don Nathaniel KillWorld but you can call me KillWorld.” I am Benedict Morelius and I come from Rome but enough with the questions, where you go, I’ll go for of today you are considered my brother and I to you.” They left and went to the Were-wolf camp and when they arrived at the camp, the other Were-wolves feared Lord KillWorld but Morelius’s trust was strong in KillWorld so they learned to trust him as well, Benedict said to KillWorld when they went inside his dormitory; for he was the Were-wolf king ,he said to KillWorld,” one day there’ll be a war for I can feel it and you need to make more of your kind for the sake of our survival to be rid of Vampires, yet still to prove your loyalty, friendship and trust to us, showing that we forever will be allies you have to promise to take a female Were-wolf at your time to make a being more stronger and faster than us both , I suggest when my beautiful Gwyneth becomes a young woman, she will be the perfect mate for you,” then I will make it more secure for you to travel through different Were-Wolf territories so that they can know it be of a wise decision not to attack you so that they cannot get hurt; so KillWorld you shall be infamous amongst my kind.” KillWorld said,” I will, I promise,” then KillWorld left. © 2015 Damian Vincent Henry |
StatsAuthor![]() Damian Vincent HenryCape Town, Westen Province, South AfricaAboutI was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..Writing