The last one

The last one

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

This is the first chapter into the rise of Lord Don Nathaniel KillWorld.

Vein the Black Rising...

Chapter 1
‘Who’s the last one?’

They were nine, and running from them, they ran as fast as they could, running pass the trees and the valleys, it was like……you can perhaps make a comparison as being chased by lions, running to save your own life but every step makes you want to give up, and at life’s limit you just offer life to be ended, but refuse to stop at that instant because the love that you carry for life is so invaluable.” These are the words that he starts with, that made me want to know the rest of the story. But would this story be, fertile to me? But before we get to that, I feel the need that you know me a little better. I was born the year 1688, the year of the Bloodless Revolution; I was born in a small place in England (United Kingdom of Great Britain and New Ireland) along with my four older brothers(Saul, Elijah, Abraham and Jack) and our two sisters(Ezra and Eve(Eve was the youngest of all of us) and my two cousins(Gabrielle and her sister Scheherazade), seeing that both their parents had died my single mother had to be their guardian and all of us lived in a place in England called Cardiff; mother says I’m actually from Irish descent and that my Irish heritage dates back to what many English men still know and some knew as the ‘pale’ a place that’s within Dublin in other words; we later on moved and I lived my childhood years in Monaco, which was ruled by the Grimaldi family. While I lived my childhood years in Monaco, I saw the natives as well whom were called ‘Monѐgasques. (Monaco was probably first settled in historic times by the Phoenicians. The Genoese built a castle there in 1215, and in 1297 control passed into the hands of the Grimaldi family, also from Genoa.)I lived there for about, say…twenty years, with my mother and the rest of my brothers and sisters but when reaching adulthood I moved back to Cardiff but decided to stay only for five months then I went to Carmarthen.
August the 2nd 1719, exactly one year before I met the man named, Benedict Morgan. The sun shined brightly on that day, the wind was blowing so soft and tenderly, when I arrived I booked myself into a room, I paid of course. It was in the place Carmarthen where my little sister Eve and our brother Elijah assisted me into finding jobs or so I thought…….seeing that our father was not around anymore, we had no clue where he was because one day he just got so angry because there were little jobs found at that time where people needed blacksmiths so he decided to try some foreign land where they would need a blacksmith, perhaps…. but still he didn’t leave a note to say where he was going or even say a goodbye to us where we hadn’t seen him since, and that’s why I think, for a father to do such a thing unto his children is very unfair. While I planned to look for a job, Elijah and Eve decided to look for the only brother of our father, Uncle Henry. So as they looked for him (Uncle Henry) to find out where our father, Michael was, I soon found myself far away from them as I found myself later on in a place where there were only drunk men. I drank as well and found myself to be so drunk that I had passed out. When I woke up, my money was gone and I felt lost. A man came walking up to me and said,” you have no need to worry………. I will provide for you, but the only thing is, you go where I go or go nowhere at all.” I agreed to his terms and we went to a ship, he told me to climb aboard and so I did. There were not only him and I that was on the ship, there were more men, but their names were not important, only his….Benedict Morgan. The ship looked beautiful from the outside but inside it seemed a fight took place or rather they never had a thought to clean the place at all, probably…I don’t know. Meanwhile, he told me about his journey and his age, what he was……… he came to be what he was and who his king was. But all this what he spoke of would be told to me he said, not by him but by a fellow one like him. Seeing that I was not yet familiar with by what they exactly were, something told me I’d soon be amazed to find out what lived beneath the eyes of us human beings the whole time. Benedict got out of his chair took off his shirt and I saw a mark on his back and he said,” I’m a pirate bad and bold, look into my eyes its cold.” I looked at him, somewhat distraught then he added,” This mark on my back, is the mark of the Crowkan, if a Crowkan is without this mark……he definitely is not a Crowkan.”I wondered to myself what a Crowkan was and he explained to me. Night came I was sleeping but not alone on one bunk, there were two men next to me and as I slept a hand pulled me out of the bed as opening my eyes I saw it to be Benedict Morgan. He told me to follow him and I did, my God…. Could this man not see I was asleep! But then again he was not a man. As I followed him we entered this room, this horrifying looking room, where around me sat these men which he introduced to me one at a time starting with the black one whose name was Ussaine then Christoph Bardunk, Dexter SandOver, Saint, Alec, Slave and the one with one black eye, Creak Loy and finally the one older than all of them except their leader, his name was Screamer. But there was only three that was absent; one of that three was Benjamin Gold, which Benedict said would be telling me the tale of their king. They looked at me with crazed eyes and as they stared at me with these crazed eyes my heart pounded with fear. I was afraid; mainly of the one they call Creak Loy. I nearly peed in my pants. Where just I was so afraid of him he walked up to me and said,” it doesn’t matter if you think about how I’m going to kill you because I wont, not yet, Don wont allow it.”
We were sailing to a place I had no knowledge of, and as we sailed for that six months or so……the ship had stopped and ended up in Algeria-(The country’s turbulent past goes back to pre-Roman times, when it was inhabited by light skinned nomadic tribesmen called Berbers. Though it later became part of the Carthaginian and Roman empires- the Romans conquered it in the 2nd century BC-the Berbers still clung fiercely to their independence. The Roman and then, Byzantine rule lasted until the end of the 7th century AD. In the mid-7th century AD, Arab followers of Muhammad began to penetrate North-West Africa from the east, but it was not until the 11th century that full Arab rule began. The country’s new Muslim rulers united Algeria with their other conquests, Morocco and southern Spain, to form a great Moorish empire.)
Benedict Morgan explained to me why they stopped in Algeria and I soon realised that I still lived in an era of pirates. (From the 1500’s to the 1800’s Algeria became the home of pirates. The Moors African Empire fell into decline in the 16th century when its rulers- fearing Christian Spain- called in Turkish mercenaries to protect them. Algiers and Oran became the haunt of the notorious Barbary pirates, who terrorised traders in the Western Mediterranean Sea.)
We got off the ship and went, all of us to the one person they as Crowkans call Benjamin Gold. We were walking through the town and the town’s people looked at us, mostly at Benedict and the others like him, the people had fear in their eyes, some had anger in their eyes but what could they do, there came pirates to their country everyday. We arrived at this house, this old rusted with a door that looked recently made with a broken door knob. Slave opened the door and said I’d be staying there until the first part of the story had ended, he opened the door so I could go inside and when I turned around to ask them if they would come inside with me, they were gone……..all eight of them. I looked around to see where they went and after a while of being unsuccessful in finding them I gave up looking for them. I was astounded at how the place looked from inside, it was very unpredictable to think it didn’t look that marvellous from the outside but looked magnificent, clean and very suitable for my taste from the inside. As I looked around I saw against the wall, there hanged a banner, sort of…….saying, and I quote, “Be it not how you may find yourself to look on the outside……..but be it how you may find yourself to look on the inside.” Underneath it stood that those words were written by Lord KillWorld himself. Although……it might have been mentioned by many men, who would imagine, those words to be used by such a man.

I looked outside and there sat a man, with a hat over his face, him relaxing in a chair, next to him was a sign written in pure English,’ I am blind, do not disturb me, but I went anyway because I saw he was an Englishman like me, I had to know him and said,” Sir! Sir! Can you hear me Sir?” he did not reply….. So I said again,” Sir! Sir! Can you hear me Sir?” still there was no answer and just where I was about to walk away, in a way that I have given up hope the man said,” Could you not leave a man be? Couldn’t you see I specifically placed a sign here not to be disturbed, then what is it you do, you do what shouldn’t have been done?” I do apologise Sir, if I have offended you in any way, be it not of an offence to you.” Are you blind?” he asked and I answered,’ No Sir.” He took the hat off his face got up from the chair and said,” Are you blind?”Don’t answer boy; hey mate what’s your name?”

‘Edward Sir.” I answered.

‘So why have you bothered me specifically?”

‘I thought perhaps you might be of assistance to me.”

‘And what makes you seem to think so boy? Do me a very honourable favour and just leave me be!”

I turned around walking away from the man slowly and just as I was looking his way again he was gone, I was shocked but nevertheless went inside and I made me some tea as I felt I was stressing over nothing then that same blind man who were so mean to me stood at the door and in his hand he held a jug of what looked to me as whisky or rum. He asked me if he could come inside and I welcomed him inside with gratitude and just as I looked at him being careful with words because I felt no need for him to feel offended and rather wanted to make him feel at home. While he was drinking his whisky or rum, he said, “Edward my boy can you tell me ……….before I go……Who’s the last one?”
‘I’m afraid I don’t quite understand……The last one of what exactly Sir?”

‘Who’s the last one? Who might be the last member of the Ravellion my boy?”

‘I don’t know Sir, Who are you?”

‘My name is really not important……..there’s a knock at the door, go find out who it be.”
I looked at him somewhat confused, that perhaps he might be crazy or something. I looked at him and asked him, “Are you Lord KillWorld?” then he said laughing,” Boy don’t be foolish, now get the door…he’s at the door at any moment.”When suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked at the blind man asking myself,” How could he know that? How could he…….a blind man knew that there would be someone at the door hence ironically there was a knock at the door just as he predicted. I looked at the blind man, he smiled at me as I went to see who it was, I turned my head to look at him again yet when doing so, he was gone and again I asked myself,“ Was he a man or was he a ghost?”I felt scared, where did this man go?” What was his purpose coming to me or was he just a fraction of my imagination?” and what was his name?”

I opened the door and by my amusement there he was, not the blind man, but Benjamin Gold. He had a Cuban cigar in his hand well…….I think so; and he said, “I was going to smoke the pipe first but decided on the cigar.” Well, aren’t you going to let me in or should I rather tell the story from outside?”
‘Who was here?” he asked. ‘A blind man” I answered.’ A blind man he certainly was not, mate…..not even a man.”

‘What did he say before he left?” he asked.

‘He just asked me, “Who’s the last one?”

Benjamin said nothing, smoking his cigar and had this look on his face as though he was thinking very far then he began.

‘The child boy, born last…”

Edward Van Hoven you may call me, I have travelled many miles to hear about the true story by real life Crowkans about their leader, nonetheless be it he, as their only begotten king, Don Nathaniel KillWorld.

Today on 25th April the year is 1720.As I listened to what this person named Benjamin Gold had to say, and more I look at him, the more my blood boils with excitement and me wanting to become just like them, then this man says to me with the words, staring at me as though he were tempted to bite me, staring at me as though he was sick of life and of the sins of many. He held an old pipe in his hand, blowing the smoke to my face. He seemed to look so distinctive from us gentlemen in this era. He had a lot of rings on his fingers and ear rings, and he had a lot of tattoos, he didn’t look young at all, he looked more like a forty-five to nearly fifty year old man, but not precisely fifty; his hair was also not that long, with nearly reaching his shoulders; you could tell that he wasn’t the type of person to wear stuffed up clothes. He looked like the kind of man that would kill you at the same moment he finds you to speak blasphemy against him or of a person very close to him, or rather kill you if he had not a liking in you. Living his life his way, making his own rules and not living by someone else’s or perhaps I’m wrong’ I think I’ll let you decide.

“He was Insane, an immortal being called Lord KillWorld was his name and still is……today. I too were Insane but not as he, I too are an undeadly being but yet I stay a forgotten Crowkan abandoned by him, my leader, my king. Benjamin Gold is mah (my) name, he said mighty with anger in his eyes yet proudness on his face saying,” As they would say in the olden …………. days, he who is faithful, be it he whom shall live. Ye may had called him on any name I say to ye mate but he preferred Insane, I guess Insanity was his way of life, his way of living, his true culture as well as mine I say, said Gold.”

All that I can say is, Gold said at first the following words and what I’ll say to you; The year that I lived in was not important, but what were, was him and to be honest with ye I say hence the day I be (was) bitten by my dear Lord, he said to me,” I am Insane, KillWorld said,” Gold went on by saying to me, ”the world is so corrupted with all the violence that are occurring, they are weak, the humans I say, my apology if you’re offended, Gold said to me and I replied only ,” none taken Lord Gold.” Gold went on, and in matter of speaking I am not human or beast nor any of the kind I say mah (my) mate, Gold said.”
May I ask who that blind man was?” I asked Benjamin Gold. He said nothing and continued with telling the story, then suddenly he stopped for a few minutes and hath asked me to pour him a glass of water and so did I, he looked at the stars saying to me,” I wonder what heaven be like for I’ve seen enough of earth, perhaps it is like a retirement home or maybe not, wouldn’t you agree he said to me giving me a smile, laughing on the inside then suddenly he handed the glass of water back to me touching my hands with his silver finger nails and said to me ,”A pity I cant bite you, otherwise you’ll be dead already mate, oh well’ but I guess our habit makes that heaven has no place for us or hell, he said.” It was night already, goodness’ the day went so fast by just listening to this man’s part of the story of their king Lord KillWorld.

The second day now and I’m wondering if it was all just a dream, but I guess not because when I looked at my book I saw what I have written, I then got up and got myself ready for when Gold comes here again there would not be time to be wasted, for they chose me of all writers and now I wonder why? I sat at my table in the kitchen preparing to eat my food, giving a prayer of thankfulness for another meal that he has made possible for me hence whilst eating, and almost done; he came giving me a shock of my life, standing against the wall looking at the time wearing the same clothes he had on the previous day but I guess he was not bothered what people would think of him. I asked if we were going to start and it was to me as though he was ignoring me, but he asked me another glass of water before continuing where he left off and I poured it for him, he sat down in the chair and said,” They were nine [9] and were running from them, they ran as fast as they could, in between the trees it was like……you can perhaps make a comparison as being chased by lions, running to save your own life but every step makes you want to give up, and just offer life to be ended. He lived in his own world, in this world peace, joy, laughter and happiness were gone, this was his world, and it was a killing world in his sadistic mind I say. He lived in a world of grey, all around him he saw slaves of poverty he used to say to me that in this world, all to him were slaves of poverty. With him he carried what for long was lost to him, a pitch black sword called “The Sword of Justice,” back in our days, he used it only on behalf of himself and his kind.

He cried not for a soul, mourned not, for his chest had a hole instead of a heart, in his sadistic mind he believed humans were laughing at him where they were not then those he would’st see would then kill over nothing. Insane he was if ye would be to have known him, ye would’st understand me way of life and that of his, ours as Crowkans way of life. He came from no distant continent, none of whatsoever, none of the kind but strange he was because he lived-in two worlds at the same time. He lived in, not literally, but in his own world, hence he has overcome a plague but not death or the Devil in all words. I say with much disrespect that I find this world of yours so unaccustomed with all your different beliefs; you change from one God to another as ships to lands. Well I say your people are the hypocrites, scums all of them I say, he said to me with anger in his eyes as if we human beings had done something terrible unto them as Crowkans, it might just be so. Curse me if ye be (will) but curses fade away as seasons change to months ends. Cursed be the damned ye sons of witches. I hate life; I hate your way of life and have been through enough trouble to talk of (about) it. Ye as humans are as trees when I cut you all of ye are defenceless. Worshipping two Gods at the same time has made ye weak I say,” Remember these words of black fowler heart.” Kill-World said those awful words unto me after he bit me, this was a statement made through his hatred which were of my kind, which was now your kind that was spoken of, Gold said to me.” He made me feel as though it was wrong to be human yet he forgets he too was human at first.

He didn’t know how he be (was) born, he was unknown to mankind and to himself; they were about five hundred (500) that walked across the land belonging to them of darkness. They had no name to be known but so they dwelled the earth at the year 764 alone in a desert at that time they were ugly and smelt bad, maybe they came to be before this time, who knows ?They were hungry and had no food to eat they ate all the animals they could find and had even ate of the humans already yet still they were hungry but unknowing of the darkness that was still amongst them, sooner or later they would meet face to face and so they did and an army of vampires were surrounding them wanting to kill them yet their leader came forth and he was known by the name of Magnus Xelius BloodZoke II but every Vampire knew him by his last name BloodZoke, he was royal vampire blood because his father was Magnus Corvinus BloodZoke I and was related to the father of all vampires Alexander Corvinus I, now when BloodZoke came forth he demanded the leader of my masters unknown kind and so one stepped forth but BloodZoke killed him and hath imprisoned all of them including my master, BloodZoke started questioning a few of them but they knew nothing, none of them which he questioned so BloodZoke took a few men and went to go see his father and that is when everything got out of hand, because that was the time when some of them escaped from that dreaded and sadistic minded place but only a hundred of them got a chance to escape and they went far away from the vampire camp seven days went by and no one came to look for them so they decided it was time to eat and so they did but was it wise of them to do so? Whilst lying and doing nothing on that seventh day there settled birds on the ground so my master and the others went hunting, each of them caught a bird and started eating until there were no more birds left a few hours later there were more crows but they were a bit different, these birds were known as “Spyph Crows” and it was said that it hath carried along plagues with them but my master and his kind did not know of this so they caught it and ate it but simply felt wrong inside their bodies it started changing but almost all of them felt dead and only nine remained of them along with my master, their faces started to change and had started forming into the same shape as those of humans they were faster but not stronger for they could tell that they were not ready yet. The moment they ate the Spyph Crows their scents were found to be very tasteful and much irresistible and on that day, the vamps just couldn’t refuse a good lunch whether they have smelt it a mile away or ten, they wanted them now and would kill any other kind standing in their way and sob it was they met the kind that also craved my master’s kind, and they were the Were-Wolves but of course they have been allies at first and became enemies for fighting over the same thing and ever since that day there have been conflict between Vampires and Were-Wolves.

KillWorld soon realised that they could change into the crows and so they did and flew across to another country that was also deserted and heaven alone knew what would be waiting for them, because it seems everyone was after their blood, as they were running my master fell into a pit that carried a bit of water and it was there he realised he was about to die because his body was about to weaken then the vampires came, took him out and put chains around the nine of them and headed back with them to the camp with them. By that time BloodZoke had returned with his father Magnus Corvinus BloodZoke I , and he was furious and wanted to dispose of them but his father was fascinated with them and asked them who their leader was but none of them came forth for fear of getting killed so none of them came forth and Magnus just smiled, and called them “Veepers” , now he had a vision of making the nine that escaped infect the others and turning them into an army to protect the vampires but his son had other plans, but he agreed to his fathers terms and made the nine infect the other four hundred and all of them were successfully infected without dying so Magnus Xelius pretended to go ahead with his fathers plans, well’ that was after he left and went back home, taking two of the Veepers with him to where he was going; that they started to kill the Veepers one by one, my master and his eight brothers escaped again and started running as fast as they could and other Veepers tried to follow them but they were too slow and had been killed. Later on I asked again, May I ask who that blind man was?” and again Benjamin Gold said nothing and continued with telling the story.

Now, where was I again, Oh, Yes…? ‘ My master and his eight brothers ran so fast but he fell into that same pit again where the water was still half with him falling against the rocks, scraping a whole part of his chest and by his arms off, hours and hours went by and he started to pray and said, “Dear lord I don’t know how to do this but I’m afraid and I know as long as I shall live, thou would’st never let me fall for even in my darkest days thou has always and forever will be there, and yet I know that thou would not grant my needs or my wants on my time, but on thine own and maybe I’m serving thee in disbelief, but thou love for me is so strong for I still breathe another day. Thou have granted me with knowledge and wisdom, with love and with peace, but from this darkness please give me a release, please who ever you may be, I will learn to serve thee,” and just as he was going to give-up hope, a massacre occurred, with a bright light gazing his way and the ground of earth erupted for a moment, and just as KillWorld closed his eyes, a hand reached out to him and he saw this man looked not as a Vampire or a Veeper, so KillWorld gave his hand to the man and he pulled KillWorld out of the pit. But what was he? The man said,” Behold! Nephillim……..I am an archangel of the Lord; I’m a high ranked archangel in the Celestial army. I have come to pave the way for the prophecy, for it cant be fulfilled if you haven’t yet adapted to what lies ahead, your task will be simple…… cleanse as many as you can because that was the order given by my Lord and yours. I am not a fallen angel (fallen star). KillWorld asked him what his name was and he said,“ My name is Yedic Celius but you may call me “Tomorrow” why I chose you to call me tomorrow, is because I wish not many to know my real name and my master agreed and he asked what my masters name was and he realised he had no name so Tomorrow called him Nava’el, which he said was a good angel name which suited him perfectly. He gave my master another name that was, Don Nathaniel and said he should use this mentioned name on earth. Tomorrow gave KillWorld a sword which he called “the Sword of Justice” and said it would protect him against evil. KillWorld looked at Tomorrow and Tomorrow said,” You be not fear me, for be it my image that shocks you, then feel no more this insecurity, do not be frightened, rather….be enlightened. KillWorld looked at him, at his armour at his grey wings and yellow eyes with a face looking as soft as that of a baby to tell you the truth he looked perfect, with his aligned teeth and hair as gold, ‘Aaah!’ Gold’ how a pirate be longing them olden days right now mate, I tell you now……..I be doing anything to have a last bottle of rum with me dad.” The third time I asked him,” But I would really want to know who that blind man was? If you can just tell me who that blind man was I shall gratefully be thankful.” Benjamin Gold still said nothing and by that moment I got so frustrated and said,” Benjamin Gold, you will tell me who that man was, because if you don’t……
Gold said quickly,” If I don’t, then what? What will you do boy? Look……….just when I started to have a liking in you, you start with this foolishness, now look……..I’m not going to tell you, end of discussion.”

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: death, pain, slavery, king, 8th century


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
