A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

Paperface joins the MILITIA


 While Paperface and Julian walked through the disgusting location found undiscovered, underneath the city. They stumbled upon an alleyway that didn't seem right. There were too much noise and many of the worst soldiers were there; some trained by Jorel personally. They went in thinking it could be absolutely nothing and that the militia was a waste of time, but what they saw was just another bit of proof of the militia, a dark skinned lady with green eye...covered in what seemed to be a grey sari; came toward them and handed each of them a coin with Columbian's face on each side.

"What is this for?' Asked Julian.

He grabbed hold of her hand.

She startled.

"Let go of me!" The woman yelled Julian as he were holding her hand.

Jorel had been standing at a distance but his smirk was noticeable.

"No I don't think I will. Either you tell me or..."

Hastily Jorel interrupts him.

"Let her go! Whatever you think she'll tell you will only lead you to your death!" Said Jorel.

"No!" Julian said out of rage.
Jorel's laughter was killer as he stared into the eyes of Julian so chaotically. Just suddenly he was pulled away from Jorel by Paperface. Then Julian pulled away from Paperface's grip and just as he attempted to attack Jorel, he ducks and threw Julian against into the wall.

"Now what do you think you're doing?" Jorel asked Julian in his flat, emotionless voice as he was slowly approaching him.

Julian then used the coin that was in his hand in attempt to try and cut Jorel's face. And successfully he scarred Jorel in the neck. Then by their surprise Jorel fell to the ground.

And out of anger Jorel pushed himself up from the floor. "Well... Isn't this a surprise ?" Jorel smiled as he spoke to Julian.

"I would be more surprised if you just dropped dead." Julian answered as he wiped the little piece of blood from the coin. Then out of nowhere Jorel ran toward the wall and did a back flip and in a force, threw Julian to the other side of the alleyway. Julian got up quickly and ran towards Jorel.

Julian looked around and Paperface threw him a discarded crowbar by his feet. He picked it up and swung it hoping that he might just hit it in time to get Jorel to fall. He aimed for the side of his face.

But missed.

Julian stumbled to the side until he stumbled his way to the wall. Jorel went back up to the Julian, took the back of his shirt collar, pulled him back just to slam him into the wall again. Jorel did this repeatedly for a small while until another hit to the head with the crowbar ended the small conflict as Jorel called it.

The crowbar dropped to the ground.

"You alright?" He asked as his hand went extended towards Julian.

But Julian looked up at Jorel, showing not one bit at fear towards him. "Oh well...mind me for asking." Jorel said as he placed his hand on Julian's head.

He lifted him up to his feet and released his hand. He then started brushing dirt off him and fixes his clothing.

Jorel looked at Paperface with confusion. He could have sworn his head tilted to the side. How come you're not scared of me? Jorel asked Paperface and Julian.

Everyone else in the militia was. Then Jorel smiled as his thoughts wandered somewhere else. "What did I just say?' Asked Joel.

They both looked at him astound and confused.

"Where the hell did that come from? Jorel asked himself.

"You're even crazier than my grandfather!' Julian said insultingly.

"Don't let a little vulnerability deceive you. There's a reason they call me the demon ripper.' Jorel said.

"Excuse me?" Julian spoke.

"Yes! And here...I'll teach you the art of true war." Jorel said.

"Either way." Paperface intervened.

"We should probably join the others." Paperface said.

He turned around.


Jorel sighed mentally.

"Let Columbian walked up to them and yelled from afar. At first no one could make out what he was saying.

"What's all this wreckage!' He yelled.

Alright! We'll be there now, as promised.' Jorel answered.

"Just hurry up!' Columbian replied.

Of course! I would hate to be late." Jorel answered and proceeded down the alleyway. Julian, Paperface and himself marched on,following Jorel.
When they finally caught up with Columbian.
Joeel asked Columbian: "How'd you know we were fighting?" He slightly teased as he just walked beside him.

"Great. We're going to be late. Columbian said to himself, totally ignoring Jorel as he ordered two soldiers to open the door and handed his coat to his personal chauffeur.

"What were you saying Jorel?"

"Absolutely nothing sit." Answered Jorel from one of the slaughter rooms.

"I'm going to enjoy seeing the new blood go at it. Hope you do too."

"I don't. Don't care."

"I never do."

The sounds of an axe hitting a brick wall came from the slaughter room. As Jorel played with the axe whilst speaking to Columbian.

"Get over here. You're missing out."

"You're like an idiot!." Julian commented as he spat on the floor and immediately Jorel turned his way having this very disturbing smile on his face.

He opened the door and exited the slaughter room, closing the door behind him.
Then they went inside of hell on earth

Let's go!' Jorel said. As they joined the others.


© 2016 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on August 13, 2015
Last Updated on August 24, 2016


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
