A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

This chapter allows Sebastian to enter into his own creation. Octavian, his imaginary friend, gets stuck in his fictional world. Will he ever see Octavian again?

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Copyright @ Damian Vincent Henry 2015.
This is a work of fiction. Chapters reflecting any
characters, places and incidents either are product of
author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
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Author: (It was early in the morning, around 6am when Sebastian an orphan sat with his books.
He always sat by himself and never bothered to speak to anyone except his imaginary friend, Octavian.

The library was empty as usual, and as always, Sebastian sat all by himself. He'd always laugh when Octavian would tell him, that he calls him 'the boy in the rain. Sebastian however, just proceeded with his book he was busy writing, about the story of his main character Genghis Park in his novel,' 400RomE."

Sebastian would always write whenever the other orphans bullied him, he'd start by putting all his frustrations and pain inside of his novel, and he started as such):


Written by Sebastian


"In life we live with the choices we make, we accept things we can't change and we adapt to almost anything just to fit in with the crowd. Even when it doesn't even match our curriculum. You can't make an omelette without breaking an egg. Sometimes we underestimate our own abilities, with that...we tend to rely on others to accompany us and see to it that nothing bad happens to us. When actually, and what I find so funny is...people will do just about anything and everything just to have more power than the one or the other. Even though they'll never admit to us. On the contrary...I think being human is good. Having more than what you actually need, well...that's just plain greedy. But nevertheless...I'm not in a position to judge. I'm here to kill.

I will never know happiness. Because this world has left me happiless...

-Genghis Park

Chapter one: Pain

I was 7 when they told me,' William...your mother just died. Do you have any other relatives?"
The minute I said no, I knew it was the end for me. And ever since then I was an orphan. Nobody wanted me. I felt drained and useless. It felt as if I could just drop down and die. When many children found homes, I remained an orphan. It just killed me inside. And one day whilst sitting in my room depressed, the head mistress bought the entire orphanage some comic books, bibles, magazines. And as all the children rushed to take their favourites, I walked up to her and she showed me the last book. I took it and walked away, it was called: ' Genghis Khan.'

I fell in love with it the minute I started reading it. And it changed me forever.

Something inside of me changed and I wanted to be Genghis Khan. I started enjoying time alone and I saw things differently. I just wanted to be accepted but it was clear to me, that something so remarkably beautiful and amazing, would never happen to me.
So I killed all the orphans, one by one, finally! I had hope now. Or did I not? I thought I had a chance, until I saw that what I did, just complicated things for me. And my life would never be the same. Because even though I killed them, my life was never mine to begin with, and I shed no tear. I just wanted a family. And what I got was time in a juvenile facility and later on,' a maximum prison for violent offenders. And there I changed my name to Genghis Park, for I will carry on the legacy of Genghis Khan. But if only that was true. If I had such a chance to live a life with that kind of violence, I'd take it, but unfortunately I was just a plain old orphan awaiting the day I can roam free and do what I want, where I want and how I choose to live my life.

I would be a hero to my people and all criminals would suffer under my wrath. And I would bring justice to the castaways, misfits, losers, failures, the abandoned. I will restore order.
It was time they knew that I will rule over them and they will recognise us.

(Sebastian walks into his room, along with all the other orphans and suddenly the head mistress calls out his name along with seven other pupils over the speaker. The children selected walked down the hallway down the stairs, and as standing in front of the door not knowing if they were to knock or just wait. The head mistress opened the door with such force, marking that she had grown impatient of waiting.)

"Good! You're all here, I was beginning to wonder where you might have wandered off to...now close the door.'

She was rather very strict for a nun. And all the orphans feared for their lives when she was in our presence.

"Well...come in children, I haven't all day you know, there are dozens of children who would do anything for such an opportunity.'

We all stood there startled at just the voice of Mrs. Simmons. She probably wanted us to make a very good first impression, but still we were too scared to even think straight at that moment.

"Hello children, I am Oliver Parfett and this is my wife, Georgia. We have come here today to adopt one of you, we have one son and his name is Timothy.'

We all stood there quiet, not saying a word. Only Mrs. Simmon's fingers banging on her desk. I stared at the window looking at the Autumn leafs be blown by the wind, then as staring the clock I noticed it was 9am; the other selected children were very excited, although I knew that only one among us would be chosen, and the two girls who were there were more anxious than us boys to leave the orphanage.

"How old is Timothy?' one of the girls asked.

"Oh' he's turning six next month, hopefully by then...one of you would already have had the privilege and opportunity to have met him and bonded.' He said.

Again, an awkwardness arose and the room again was silent. I stood there observing everyone, and I could see Mrs. Simmons had somewhere else to be, that's why she was in such a haste.

"Excuse me Ma'am but may I have a word with my wife in private?'

"You certainly may...take all the time you need. In the mean time, would you like some coffee...tea?' Mrs. Simmons asked politely...

'No thank you, we won't be staying too long."

"Alright then...we're right here whenever you've decided.'

They said nothing, and we just stood there like statues, then after three minutes and 27 seconds, they walked up to us and with smiles on their faces they chose Kira. Emily was upset but also very sad because they were as sisters and now she'd have to face getting up every morning all alone.

The man held out his hand to Kira, but she wanted to say her last goodbye to Emily. So she ran to Emily, hugging her. Then she went back to the Parfett family and left.

"Thank the heavens! Now we can move on to the next parents, and children...don't say anything you should not say and also keep in mind that this is a somewhat different couple."

"What do you mean Mrs. Simmons?' We asked.

She said nothing. While she was out, we spoke amongst each other, arguing whether one of us should go and as usual...I said not a word. I was in a far more superior world, as I stood there staring at the cover page for my book 400Rome.
As we awaited the somewhat different couple, I couldn't help but compare my life to that of Genghis Park's and visualising a world where I would hang out with Genghis.

"Come in! Come in! Welcome...you may have a seat. By the way, is there anything I should get you? Coffee, tea or just...water?' Mrs. Simmons said rushing into the room.

Two men entered the room, we all stretched our necks to see where the woman were, but Mrs. Simmons closed the door. "Stand up straight.' She said softly...as she turned around the two men had already spoken. They were rather very quiet people and it seemed they kept only to themselves, and it was clear...that was exactly how I was; they got up from their chairs already made up their minds.

"We want the boy with the book. That's if...he'll be happy to have us as his parents.'

I stood there in a shock, and with not a word to say, or not even thinking straight, I said yes. Octavian whispered in my ears strange things about what I should write in 400Rome and that Genghis needed me. But at the moment I did not think about Genghis, because I knew he'd be fine. Octavian on the other hand wanted me to say no, instead I said yes, and to that he did not approve.
The men held out their hands and walked me out of the room. I looked back and I could see the disappointment on their faces.

"What are your names? What do I call you?' I asked.

"Oh, whatever you want, uhm...as long as you're happy, we're happy too. And I'm Ignatius and my husband who's now your father...is called William.'

I thought to myself, how ironic that I'd meet a man who had the same first name as Genghis. It was unreal to me, but I knew I'd get used to it.
"Would you like to see your room Sebastian?'

I nodded my head, and they walked me to my room. It had everything, but I wasn't surprised. I knew I'd eventually see something like this, I'd picture it in my head on countless occasions. I just didn't know that I'd end up with two fathers. But there was something that fascinated my whole mind, actually two things. They had a computer and a typewriter, it both looked so amazing and I immediately wanted to type 400Rome on the typewriter, concluding to where I stopped when writing with pen.

"Do you like your room Sebastian?'

But I said not a word. I was too enthralled with having my very own typewriter. William closed the door and I continued:

'By this time Genghis had already turned 18 and were allowed to leave the orphanage. There were no one he could call, the place was surrounded by criminals, prostitutes, gangsters and drug lords ruled the streets. He wasn't scared, he just had nowhere to go.

"Are you lost boy?' The stranger asked.

"Do I look lost to you?' He said.

"Well...I don't know, you tell me...because by the look of it, I'd say you're pretty much lost if you asked me. I could be wrong though, or I could probably be right even...it all depends on what you'll say back.'

Genghis sighed as he said,' You're right, I am lost."

"Well then...why didn't you just say so in the first place? It would've been so much easier, at least then I'd have time to think on who to send you to, or maybe I should send you to Maverick.'

"Who's Maverick?' Asked Genghis curiously...

"No, that wouldn't work, you'd only end up like the others.'

Genghis looked at the old man, irritated.

"Who's Maverick?'

"Or perhaps I'll send you to the fisherman.'

"Excuse me sir, but I think I'll find my own way. Thank you for your time.' Genghis said frustrated...

He walked away and suddenly he heard a turmoil in the streets, people were fighting. And he ran to defend the guy this group of men were attacking.

"Stop it! You cowards!"

"Hey boy...do yourself a favour and stay out of this, because this doesn't concern you.' Said the leader of this gang.

"Well I'm involved now aren't I?'

"I suppose you are; you're a damn fool! That's what you are, a fool!'

He looked at his men and ordered them to beat down Genghis as well. Then they covered his head along with the other guy's head with black bags.

"You know, I've seen a lot of boys come out of that orphanage and ending up tearing this place down, well...I got some very bad news for you boy, it ain't gonna happen.'

They then threw them at the back of a truck and drove off with them, to God knows where, and when they got there, it was cold. Suddenly it was raining and a horn went off. The gang stood there startled, then the man alongside Genghis started laughing.

"Oh, you're dead now...all of you.' He said.

They just left Genghis and the unknown man there tied to one another. Then they heard footstep and voices of men.

"What took you so long?'the unknown man asked.

They just laughed, then one among them answered,' The question is...what were you doing there first place to begin with, Harlic?"

"I'm sorry boss. I just had to kill him, he killed MORA.' Harlic said.

"We leave this conversation for later. Now who on earth is this piece of s**t?'

"He saved me from that coward Maverick. I owe him my life Boss.' Harlic said.

He looked rather frustrated as he asked Harlic,' Are you going to speak on behalf of him the entire time or should I just cut out your tongue?"

"No Sir, apologies.' Harlic said.

"Well then...since we've cleared that, care to you tell me who you are?' He asked.

Genghis didn't say a word. He just stared at the moon as it shun upon his shadow bearing the shape of his reflection.
The man slapped Genghis, and with that Genghis got angry.

"You see, now I've got your attention. I like it when people look at me when I talk to them, it just sickens me when people decide to look away.' He said.

Genghis stared at him without blinking. He must've been filled with so much rage at that moment, or was he filled with fear?

"Still not speaking? Interesting...you know, if you carry on like this, well...I might then just as well mistake you for a mute. Well, are you?' He asked.

" If you have to know, my name is William but I prefer Genghis Park.'

"Would you look at this...the mute speaks!' He said. The men laughed.
"Since you've stated your name, I assume an introduction is in order, wouldn't you agree? Well...folks around here call me the fisherman.' He said.

"Why the fisherman?' Genghis asked curious...

The fisherman had a smirk on his face, looked at Genghis then asked,' the question is...why Genghis?"

"Because I was born to fulfil Genghis Khan's destiny.' Genghis said confidently...

"I like this boy! Really I do...I think a proper welcome into the Patriot clan is in order after all...we'll need all the men we can get if we hope to defeat that s**t face of a Maverick and his gang.' The fisherman said.

"What are they called?' Genghis asked. (Curious)

The fisherman laughed, and lit a cigarette.

"They're called the 'Hounds of Patina, then you get the ' Vultures, and those pathetic! 47th street Wolves."

Everyone was quiet, then they untied us. As they walked to their territory, he followed them and automatically he became one of them without him even knowing. But the real test was yet to begin..

All the men went to their rooms, and Genghis remained with the Fisherman. He opened the door, and as soon as they entered, the Fisherman locked the door, knocked Genghis out cold and tied him to a chair. Three hours had passed and Genghis woke up with a massive headache and a swollen eye.

"What's the meaning of this? Why am I tied to this chair?' Asked Genghis.

"Shhhhhh.....you know, you should really learn to calm the hell down. It actually helps you to think when everything's all peaceful and you hear no sound of a bird or a bee.' fisherman said confidently...

"Don't tell me to calm down! You will pay for this! You will pay!' Genghis said.

"Oh really...that's good to know, and since we're speaking about this matter, let me be the first to tell you that so many has tried to kill the fisherman, but instead they found themselves through the fisherman.'

The fisherman got up, placed a knife in the hand of Genghis, so that he can free himself and then walked away. He closed the steel door and left saying one phrase that made his heart raced fast,' Good luck, and welcome to 'the room of Medusa."

Genghis was all alone and trapped in a room that looked depressed, filled with filth and death, as if many murders were committed therein.

The room of Medusa, a room Genghis never wanted to be in to begin within, nor did he know of its existence.
It was cold and there weren't even any blankets to keep warm, no sign of a pillow to rest his head. Cold shivers went through his body, drops of water fell on his head due to heavy rainfall. There were probably a hole somewhere on the roof. He stared at the rusty steel walls with confusion. The leftover black paint against the steel walls showed messages written with perhaps a screw or pin in a very schizophrenic manner. And from what Genghis could make out, it stated: 'Save us from the light, lead us to the dark."
It just frightened Genghis more and more. So he cut the rope as quickly as he could, so he could escape. Everything seemed so desolated and lifeless. He continued cutting the rope, and whilst cutting...the knife slipped out of his hand. He then tried to reach for it, but just couldn't get hold of it. So he tried falling with chair but was unsuccessful. Because the chair was attached to the floor.

And for a moment it seemed he had lost all hope in himself. He asked himself so many questions. The room all on its own just made him want to die. What was the fisherman's plans with Genghis? And why place him in the room of Medusa?

After all the struggling to get loose, Genghis fell asleep. And as sleeping he dreamt of something he has never seen before, something that made him question a lot of things, but he didn't know where to begin, he didn't know where he was, nor did he know what the dream meant when he found himself in front of a swimming pool filled with back water, and a lady comes out of the black water dressed in a white garment. Her hair was pitch black with the heads of red skinned snakes coming from behind her back and underneath her hair. She had a beautiful face, and her skin was as soft as that of a baby's.

"Good...you're finally awake. Let me guess, you're the wannabe Genghis Khan.'

"Who are you?wait, don't tell me, let me guess...the wannabe Medusa.' Said Genghis.

"Don't we just make a lovely couple? The world's most horrible man and the world's most beautiful woman.' She said.

The ceiling appeared white as snow and thousands of black jellyfish appeared stuck to the ceiling. Drops and drops fell simultaneously from these black jelly fishes into the pool, diluting the water incessantly.
She remained inside of the water and suddenly something strange had occurred.

A man appeared from underneath the water and stood there in one position staring straight towards Genghis, his eyes were white as snow and his body were as pale as a deceased. Another man appeared and so on another one after that one, when finally there were eight altogether, then they said incessantly,' Rise and behold,
The deaths of the cold.
His birth be fore told,
a soldier ye must mould.
A story untold,
till paper his face shall hold."

Then they drowned themselves and the girl along with them, out of nowhere Genghis decides to jump in and save her, he goes down below grabbing hold of her. He then pulls her back up, but he struggles because the pale men won't let go. He fought long and hard but eventually it was only a matter of time before he gave in. He couldn't save her and soon found himself also dragged along with her. He watched her die underneath the water and when he finally got loose by kicking the face of one of the pale men, he broke free. Rushing to get out of the pool, he stuck out his head and when he opened his eyes, he woke up from a dream. He sighed as he found himself back in the room of Medusa, but only this time he wasn't tied to a chair.
Genghis discovers he's still in the room of Medusa. He sighs, then hears the door being unlocked.

"Sebastian...we're about to eat and if you're not to busy, I'd like to show you something.' Ignatius said.

"I'll be there now.' I said.

I could smell the food all the way from my room and the closer I got to the kitchen lounge the more hungry I became; I sat down at the table and we ate.

"So...Sebastian, how do you like your room? William asked.

At first I didn't know what to say, other than how grateful I am that they chose me. Regardless if they were two men, I was still however thankful because I was among those who were fortunate to receive a second chance in life.

" I am very happy. Thank you.' I said.

"You're welcome son, we just want the best for you Sebastian.' Ignatius said.

William went inside the living room and came back with a digital camera. And as they stood next to me with huge smiles on their faces, he said loudly,' On three! One! Two! Three! Say cheese."

"Cheese!' Ignatius and I said.

"Perfect! I'll have to develop this then frame it. What do you think honey?' William said.

Ignatius had a big smile on his face as he stared at the photo.
"I think that's a marvellous idea my love. Don't you just love it Sebastian?' Ignatius said.

I just nodded my head.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but when will I go to school?' I asked.

"Uhm...we were hoping to enrol you next year, if that's okay with you?' Ignatius said.

"No, it's fine. I look forward to it.' I said.

"That's good to know Sebastian.' William said.

"I'm sorry if this sounds wrong, I know you mean well, that you wish to bond. But if it's not too much to ask, may I be excused?' I asked.

"Yes my boy, and feel free to ask us anything you want and do know, we're here for whatever you need.' Ignatius said.

I went to my room and whilst laying in my bed I dosed off. When I opened my eyes I saw a burning church. I saw no people outside the church who ran for their lives, instead I saw them inside the church burning to death as they suffocated whilst battling to get out. And in the blink of an eye, they hung out the window frames with pieces of broken glasses scarring their burnt bodies. It was horrible. Then suddenly, the skin of the deceased turned pale. It started to rain, pouring down I had to find some place with shelter. It seemed I had no choice but to run towards the burnt church, so I ran as fast as I could, and the moment I entered into the burnt church, I found myself in the room of Medusa where Genghis were held captive. Immediately I looked around to see where Genghis was, and there he sat. He stared directly at me. I feared for my life.

"Who the hell are you?!' He asked.

"I...I'm...I am Sebastian.' I said fearful...

"How did you get in here?' There must be a way out, if you found a way in.' He said.

He began pulling me, indicating me that he didn't want to be trapped in there, and neither did I. The place just wasn't right. There were no food, no blankets and it was so cold. I wouldn't have survived long in there, but it was amazing how Genghis held out. Suddenly I felt so bad. I felt I was to blame for his suffering and that my emotions had got the better of me.

"Are you gonna help me?! Or are you just gonna stand there like God damn zombie?' Genghis asked.

"How dare you speak to me that way?!' I said.

He just laughed, as if he found what I said very amusing.
"And why the hell not?' He said.

I just stood there, not saying a word. I was too scared, he was more convincing and threatening than what I would've predicted. And while I froze in fear, he persisted on finding a way out. But I knew there was no way out, because now I was trapped in something I had created.

Suddenly Octavian appeared, and this just confused Genghis a whole lot more. He looked more distraught than earlier.
"What's the meaning of this?! Who are you people?' He said.

"Genghis calm down...I'm on your side.' I said. But he didn't seem to believe, or maybe he just didn't want to believe anything.
He grabbed me by my neck, persuaded Octavian to back off, threatening to kill me, I've never felt so scared in my life. At that moment I didn't look at Genghis the same way. I hit my elbow in his stomach, and with that being done, I gave Octavian the chance to tackle him to the ground. He tried holding him down, but Genghis was too strong. Octavian called for my help, but I froze. I didn't know what to do, or on whose side I wanted to be, I didn't want to choose between either of them.
They fought, and I feared for both of their lives. I need to do something, but I didn't know what; everything was just so messed up that even I didn't know how this at all could be possible.

"Sebastian! Help me!' Octavian exclaimed.

"What should I do? I don't know what to do!' I said with tears in my eyes.

"Sebastian! Please help me!' Octavian exclaimed as he laid there helpless while Genghis outmaneuvered him.

"Stop it!' I yelled. But he just wouldn't stop. I was scared and upon that, I couldn't fight.

"I am sorry Octavian.' I exclaimed softly...

I stood there helpless, having no more faith in myself anymore, as if my spirit was broken. And I realized just how better than me Genghis really was, and it destroyed me from inside. Knowing while I'd be a 9, he'll be a 10, when I'm a King...he'll be the Ace. He'll always be just a little bit better
than me and I just had to accept that there was nothing I could do about it and what he did to Octavian was the worst pain anyone could ever inflict on me. The fact that I just stood there, showed that I was in every word, a coward and I'd forever hate myself for that; Octavian looked at me as the tears fell out of his eyes. Genghis held Octavian in a sleeper lock, till he passed out. I startled as Genghis rosé to his feet in a rage.
In the blink of an eye he stood before me.

"Are you scared of me?' He asked confidently...

My hands shivered abnormally as he stared into my eyes. The cold look of death embraced his soul, and it was visible through his dark blue eyes. The devil had consumed him and he was certainly not what I had created. But how did I end up in his world if this were but a mere dream?
He stood before me, looked me straight in the eye and punched out cold.

I head banged against the steel wall causing me to fall flat to the ground and I passed out. After a while I woke up in my own room. And immediately rushed towards the mirror. I looked for Octavian, but couldn't find him. Usually when I thought about him, he appeared, but this time he was gone. I felt more alone than before, and it scared me. Where was Octavian?

I realized that it was all just a dream, but the disappearance of Octavian greatly overwhelmed me, bringing in unease to my heart.

"Sebastian are you okay?' Ignatius asked.

"I'm fine. I just needed to rest a bit.' I said.

I sat there crying as I knew in my heart that I had learned a valuable lesson of the word 'PAIN' and the thing that was so shocking and life threatening to me, was the fact that I had entered into 400Rome which I never thought was possible at all. That night, I didn't want to sleep. I was scared I'd end up in the room of Medusa once again, or worse...I feared I'd end up dead in my own creation.

What was I to do?

"Son, may I come in?' William asked.

"Yeah sure, you may come in.' I said.

As sitting down, he smiles.
"Are you happy here son?' He asked.

"Yes dad, I am very happy here and I accept both of you.' I said.

"But you'd tell us if something was bothering you right?' William asked.

"Yes dad, you'll be the first to know, I promise.' I said.

" Good, that's all I wanted to know, after all we just want the best for you son.' William said.

I only smiled. I said nothing further. He asked me if he should leave on the light and I nodded my head. He left it on, closed the door and went to his room.

(And he laid there, knowing firsthand of what it meant to be 'ALIVE' so after an hour he fell asleep at precisely 11pm, with a sadness in his for the loss of his imaginary friend Octavian. Sebastian realized then, that there are things out there that are simply indescribable.)

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

Author's Note

Damian Vincent Henry
I hope you enjoy reading my novel. There will be much more chapters added as time progresses.

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Added on October 14, 2014
Last Updated on July 23, 2015
Tags: childhood, gays, orphans, adoption, money


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
