![]() Shattered MemoriesA Chapter by Damac![]() Alpha-Bias remembers something, something that starts to break his mind apart.![]()
Millions of years ago; there was a large planet named Sol. Sol was inhabited with what can simply be described as semi-humans. They looked just like us with only a few differences. They never appeared to grow older than 40, they all had pitch black hair and dark blue eyes. They had what could be considered above average intelligence and had heightened senses of all kinds. But it couldn't last. Kirovium attacked and after failing in every other option it was decided that Sol would be "destroyed". This destruction killed every semi-human on the planet and transformed Sol and all other currently habitable worlds into stars. No one was left. The flames shot right into Sol’s underground. Only one area managed to survive. And it contained three of the entire universes greatest heroes. Alpha-Bias, Adrian, and Hex.
"A ship." Adrian said. "Correct." Alpha-Bias voice replied calmly before displaying another image using his hologram projector. "A key?" Adrian said, unsure of what he was looking at. "Correct, again. Well your final score on the quiz was 9 out of 10. You should have known what a gun was." "Sorry." "No do not say sorry, all you need to do is study." Adrian smiled "Alright AB." He then ran off. Hex, Adrian’s android guardian walked over to Alpha-Bias's control panel "AB?" "Though my programming says I'm not supposed to, I hate that name." "Maybe it's his way of getting back at you." "What do you mean?" Hex explained in his calm, almost completely human, voice "Maybe he's starting to realize how life works. You and I can live forever in here. We don't need support. Adrian can only live for a certain amount of time." "He must still learn." "But why? The master plan was that converting Sol into a star will cause life to form on the rocks near it, and even then the only planet that seems to have any hope is the third and fourth rocks." "And..." "And evolution will take millions of years on the third rock. Adrian can't live for millions of years. He won't ever see anyone real ever again." "I understand your point, but at his age it is important that we at least give him hope. Who knows, maybe someday someone will walk through those doors." Hex walked away, but muttered "I have a better chance of building a time machine." Hex brought Adrian to the far end of the control room to play a game. "Now Adrian" Hex said "You throw this ball anywhere and I'll fly up and catch it." Adrian smiled "Alright!" He threw it straight up towards the ceiling. Hex activated his jets and flew up to catch the ball. He grabbed it before it even began to fall and returned it to Adrian. They did this for a couple more minutes but Adrian accidently dropped it down one of the control rooms many ventilation shafts. The shafts had been closed after the weapon fired but were once meant to bring fresh air to the underground control room. "Sorry..." Adrian said. "Don’t worry I'll get it, stay here." Hex jumped into the pit. He fell through the shaft toward the end of the shaft. The fall would take at most five minutes. Hex began to distract himself by thinking about what he called the before time. Hex had been built a year after Adrian. Jonah, Adrian’s father, created Hex to be a caretaker for Adrian since Jonah was busy with the war on Kirovium. Hex had been built to look like a 10-year old boy and to have the highest kind of intelligence. Hex always guarded Adrian with his life. What made this difficult was that every member of Adrian’s species looked similar. Black hair, blue eyes, and several other common features. Hex was built with Brown hair, green eyes. This always caused people to treat Hex differently. But Hex wouldn't take that. Someone made fun of or threatened him or Adrian they would be beaten senseless in seconds. It only made since that Hex would guard Adrian forever after the weapon fired. Hex was pulled out of his thoughts by a blip on his sensors. The sensors detected nearby living organisms and at the moment was going crazy. He looked down and saw not the metal that he expected to find but fresh green grass. Hex landed outside. He looked around. The planet was fine; Alpha-Bias never fired the weapon. Kirovium marched around looking for survivors. Hex slowly bent down and retrieved the ball from the ground. He looked up, activated his jets, and flew back to the control room. "What were you thinking!" Hex shouted his voice as amplified as possible. "I was thinking there might be other survivors." Alpha-Bias calmly answered. "Your only job was to activate codes that would destroy the world. I know you could do that. You were designed to do it!" "I wouldn't just let trillions die!" Alpha-Bias, for the first time since activation, was starting to lose his cool. "100s of Billions already had, we now have over a trillion Kirovium monsters running up that ventilation shaft to kill us. So activate it NOW!" "I can't! The codes were only effective for one month. After that the weapon was brought offline because it was believed that not activating the weapon meant that we didn't need it and had regained control of the situation!" "Well how do we activate it!”? "Manually! You have to jump down the shaft and fire the weapon manually!" "Understood!" Hex prepared to jump into the shaft beneath the control room that must have led to the firing mechanism. "Stop! YOU can't activate it! The only one who can is Adrian!" Hex stopped moving. He came down from the railing he had climbed on to and looked at Alpha-Bias calmly. "What did you say?" "Adrian is the only one who can fire the weapon. He is the only actual living person hear. You and I, we are just machines and computers." Hex looked at Adrian who was frightened not by the advancing army of Kirovium, but by the only two people he knew in the entire world engaged in the most important fight of all three of their lives. Hex walked over "Adrian listen to me. You and me, we need to go on an awesome mission to save the world." "W-W-Why?" "Because if we don't the universe ends right here, right now. Besides, you don't want to f#%$& blow the brains out of some nasty monsters?" Adrian smiled. "Let's go." "Hold on!" Hex shouted as he dived into the shaft with Adrian on his back. "I will be with you all the way!" Alpha-Bias said over the comms. "Understood!" Hex shouted. He flipped around and activated his jets to slow their descent. "Kirovium coming out of a vent to your rear!" Alpha-Bias said. Hex spun around and fired his pistols into the vent as they fell past. "What projectile type are you using?" Alpha-Bias quickly asked. "Classic steel surrounded by super-heated plasma!" Hex shouted and fired more shots towards approaching Kirovium. Finally Hex and Adrian landed on the ground. They began running toward the weapons core, Adrian had one pistol and Hex had two. "Why in the world they decided to build the manual launch station a mile below the automatic launch station I will never understand!" Hex said in frustration, unable to approach the control panel. After a few more minutes Hex contacted Alpha-Bias. "Do something!" He shouted. "Its dangerously close but here we go!" Suddenly an explosion rang out and cleared a path to the control panel. Hex pushed a coughing Adrian through the clearing. They arrived at the panel and Adrian began to interact with the controls, following instructions from Alpha-Bias. Just as Adrian was about to fire, he and Hex were surrounded by three kirovium beings. "Stop!" They shouted "You know not what you will do!" Hex turned to Adrian "f#%$& the plan, fire danger close." Adrian smiled and pushed fire. "Grawwwhhhhh!" The kirovium shouted as it prepared to kill Adrian. Hex managed to block it and pulled Adrian out of the way before killing the surrounding enemies. He and Adrian then ran and prepared to climb back up the shaft. "Alpha how do we get back up!" "There’s a ladder right in front of you! Get up here!" "Alright Adrian just climb up here like this, yeah that's righ... Ahhhh!" As Hex had been helping Adrian onto the ladder he felt several clangs in his back. Technically he didn't feel them; his sensors just picked up on them and coded the appropriate response. "Hex come on!" Adrian shouted. Hex attempted to stand up but couldn't. He turned and looked at his back. One of the Kirovium beings had picked up Adrian discarded pistol and unloaded every last round into Hex’s back. This also broke the circuits to his legs. Hex turned back to Adrian and just shook his head. "Come on Hex! This isn't funny!" Adrian said, knowing the truth and barley holding back tears. Hex turned and killed a couple more approaching Kirovium and signaled Adrian to come down to Hex. Adrian did so and gave Hex a hug. While Adrian hugged and cried Hex, he checked how much fuel for his jets he had left, just enough for a high powered pounce. "Grab the ladder when you get to the top." Hex said. "What?" Adrian said, sniffling. Hex just smiled "I love you Adrian." Their was suddenly the sound of the Jets firing and Adrian was propelled into the air and back up to the control room. Hex, meanwhile, fell back down to his doom. Upon landing he took out his pistols and fired until he was out of ammo. Adrian grabbed the ladder just inches from the top. "Adrian hurry it's about to fire!" Alpha-Bias shouted through the comms. Adrian pulled himself up and out of the way of the shaft. Hex watched and the universe saving doomsday weapon was fired and he and all the Kirovium were engulfed in flames. Adrian turned and saw flames shoot up from the shaft but eventually they stopped. The universe had been destroyed and recreated all in a split second. "Their gone?" Adrian asked Alpha-Bias. "Their all gone." He answered. The next day... Adrian and Alpha-Bias held a memorial service for Hex. Adrian taped the only picture of Hex he had to the door to the control room. "He’s gone." Adrian whispered. "I'm sorry." "uh-hu." Hex's picture sat next to a short paragraph which read. "Hex, Protector, Friend, Bad-A*s, Robot. And if your reading this, he's the reason your alive." One year later... "How are you Adrian?" "Fine, as is the case with everyday". "Adrian I know how you feel about today, but I want you to see something." Adrian turned around and saw a video from his childhood. It was from 4 years ago when he was five. He was playing in his backyard with a ball and his mom was taking the video. She then turned the camera to Hex. "How are you Hex?" "Fine. Adrian! Stay away from the cliff!" And hex ran off to protect Adrian. Alpha-Bias watched in present day as Adrian smiled. 20 years later... "Adrian there's no point in building that thing; no one could have survived the blast, let alone lived after it for 21 years." "I did. What if someone else is out there!”? "For your sake I hope you find someone." 40 Years later... Adrian was by now bed-ridden. But was healthy as ever and still hoping to make contact with someone. "Adrian you need to rest. You want to continue living don't you!”? "You say that every day!" Adrian said, rolling over "One day you should just let me die." For the first time Alpha-Bias felt something, It was sadness, at the realization that Adrian would not live forever. 30 years later... "I just can't imagine you leaving me!" Alpha-Bias shouted. "I'm 99 AB." Adrian said weakly. "Your going to UAE to learn how to soon enough." "I always hated that name." "You'll hate it more when it's gone." 1 year later... Adrian died the night before. The night before his 100th birthday. For the entire day Alpha-Bias did nothing but scream and scream. It took 92 years but now, both of his closest friends were dead. 100 years later... Seeing no purpose in staying Active. Alpha-Bias went dormant. But the extended period brought on damage to the mind. 1958... The Patriarch of Hatred and Loyalty entered the control room. The Arc had finally been able to gain access to this relic. Their he met Alpha-Bias. © 2011 Damac |
Added on May 17, 2011 Last Updated on May 17, 2011 Operation School
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By DamacAuthor![]() DamacNew York City, NYAboutI'm just a writer looking for a place where I can write without limitations! I am currently Writing Four Stories: Operation School: What Lies Ahead - A sequel to my first ever work of writing, O.. more..Writing