Setup to Tragedy

Setup to Tragedy

A Chapter by Damac

In Iraq in 2006, a small squad of Soldiers escape as the largest Military site In Iraq comes under attack.

Private Johnson sat with his back against the seat of the humvee. To his left was Private Mickey and in the two seats in front were Corporal Buck and Sergeant Parker. They were traveling in a convoy to site Charlie with plans to "Rest".
"Now then." Parker began "You know why you ladies are getting some R&R?"
"No sir."
"It's because of that damn John Boyd. If it weren't for him we could be out there giving our lives for our country."
"Sir with all due respect, why is that a good thing."
"Cause your being a patriot son. By the way our units going to be dealing with a special guest when we get there."
"Who sir?" Johnson asked.
"Some guy named Sam something."
"Sam, that's all you know? Pretty generic name don't ya think?" Buck said.
"Yeah you keep believing that. Just don't say I didn't tell ya."

"Welcome to site Charlie!" Parker said. "Located right here in nowhere, Iraq."
"Thank you for the introduction?" Johnson said. 
"Yeah whatever, just hit the barracks we've got a big day tomorrow."
"I thought you said we got some R&R?" Mickey asked.
Parker sighed "Private have you ever heard of order QBASTFU?"
"Uh no sir?"
"Well it stands for Quit b$%&# And Shut The f#%$& Up, so please follow that order."
"Yes, sir."
"Sarge don't be so rough on the guy." Johnson said.
"Shut your mouth Johnson! God, just, the both of you get to the barracks. Our special guest, straight from the SAS should be waiting for you."
"Oh so now you know something about him." Johnson said.
"Yeah he's British get moving!" Buck said.
"Alright then."
After they were gone Parker said "Buck, from now on I give orders, got it."

Johnson and Mickey arrived at the Barracks. Inside they found a man waiting for them. "Hello there! My name is Sam MacTavish." Sam stood up and shook both there hands.
"Hello" Johnson said "I’m Private Johnson and this is Private Mickey."
"Hey." Mickey said.
"So where is your CO?" MacTavish asked. 
"Uhh... He told us to come and give you company."
"Well that's not good. I need to talk to him. Your unit is joining me in Operation Firestorm!"

About two hours later, Parker and Buck finally arrived. They found MacTavish, Johnson, and Mickey sitting around Talking. "Now what in Gods name is going on here?" Parker asked.
"Sam here was just telling us about Operation Firestorm."
"Your unit and me are going to punch right into the enemy lines with this," Sam said, revealing a very large device "The Firestorm bomb."
"What’s it do?" Parker asked.
"It explodes and sends fire everywhere, it burns everything within 50 miles, we are taking down the Iraqi capital with this." 
"And what it will end the war?" Buck said sarcastically.
"A weapon like this?" MacTavish said "They will be on their knees, begging for us not to use it again."
"When do we leave?" Mickey asked
"Morning. So much for you R&R."
"Yeah well I think that helping our country win a war is more important than rest and relaxation." Johnson said.
"Johnson, for once we are in full agreement." Parker said.

Later that evening, Johnson brought his weapon, a Scar-H assault rifle, outside the base to practice with. He fired off a couple rounds at nothing, just minding his own business. He thought about Parker, what an a*****e he was. He thought about Buck and what a bigger a*****e and suck up he was. He thought about Mickey and how the Kid needed to grow some balls. Johnson began to think he was the only sane man in his unit. 
"What are you doing out here?" He heard a voice say behind him. Turning around he saw that it was MacTavish.
"Just firing off a couple rounds."
Mactavish smiled "The way your firing we're gonna get our Arses kicked tomorrow. Let me show you how to shoot."
MacTavish spent about a half-hour explaining to Johnson how to aim down the sights properly, how to hold the gun properly, and how to deal with the recoil of the gun. At the end Johnson thanked MacTavish.
"Thank you. It was very kind of you."
"No problem." MacTavish said "We have a big day tomorrow."
Johnson stood, looking out at the sunset. As he turned around he saw Mickey walk by and drop his gun, causing it to fire. 
"Sorry, Sorry." He said.
Jonson shook his head and said to himself "f#%$& New Guy."

The Next Morning...

"Come on Ladies, everyone up. Let's Go!" Johnson heard Parker shouting through the Barracks. "Everyone up and At em. If I see one of you still sleeping, I promise I will shoot you awake."
That got everyone’s attention and more soldiers began to stand up and head out. Johnson was following these Soldiers.
"Not you!" Parker said, grabbing Johnson and Mickey and pulling them back inside.
"But why sir?" Mickey asked drowsily. 
"Because, Private, we are leaving today. Or your lazy a*s can climb back into bed where I will shoot it until it gets up." Parker than smiled. Mickey immediately began to move to his stuff and prepare to leave.
"When are we gonna eat?" Johnson asked.
"Its a bit cushy." Parker said "But we are eating on the drive."

2 hours later...
The squad had been driving for an hour now and still had three to go. Parker and MacTavish were up front and Buck, Mickey, and Johnson were in back.
"So MacTavish?" Parker said while driving.
"Yes?" MacTavish answered.
"What exactly are we doing when we reach the city?"
"We are going to move into the city and head towards the center. There we will take firestorm out of the back and dig a hole. We arm the bomb, set it's countdown for one hour, then we clear the 50 mile radius."
"Then what? Mickey said, interested.
"Then we win." MacTavish said smiling.

Another hour passed by and Johnson spotted something. 
"Sir, what is that?"
"What-Oh Dear Lord..." Parker and the rest of the squad looked out the front window and saw 10's of 1000's of enemy soldiers moving towards them!
"s#%$&!" Parker said, immediately stepping on the gas and speeding away from the approaching army.

"Ohh crap crap." Parker said as he drove like a mad man back to the base.
"What are you doing?" MacTavish said.
"I’m sorry Mr. SAS but did you not see the approaching army?"
"I saw it. We could have slipped by it had you kept your cool."
"Kept my cool? You idiot we would have gotten are asses kicked."
"Ill kick your Arse later."
"Hey don't disrespect Park-" Buck began to say.
"Shut the f#%$& up you kiss a*s." Johnson told Buck.
And so the arguing continued until the group re-arrived at site Charlie. When they arrived, they warned everybody about the approaching army.

2 hours later...
"Alright" General McElroy said "Here’s how it's gonna work. We are gonna have squads stationed here and here..." As the General talked MacTavish leaned over to Johnson and whispered. "This Plan will never work."
"There’s just to many of 'em. We aren't gonna be able to hold them off. I've got a plan that will keep us alive and take out a good chunk of the enemy forces. All I need is some help, you in?"
"I’m in." Johnson said back.

3 hours later...
"Here they come!" The watchman shouted. The approaching army was vast and to almost every soldier at site Charlie, it was impossible to defeat.
"Lets go!" MacTavish told Johnson, and the two began to walk off.
"Where the hell do you think your going?" Parker asked.
"To safety. No one is going to survive this, but we might as well try." MacTavish pulled Firestorm out of his pack. "We are going to plant this in the center of the base. Were gonna get as far away from possible, and hope that when the timer reaches zero, it takes out as much of this army as possible."
"Everyone to your stations!" They heard over the loud speaker.
"Your not doing that MacTavish. Your staying her and fighting." 
"I’m sorry sir. But I cannot do that." MacTavish began to walk off.
"Johnson?" Parker asked.
Johnson just turned and walked away.
"I'll have you arrested for desertion!" Parker shouted at them. But they kept walking deeper into the base.
"You can't take on that army outside AND the Entire U.S army can you!" But still they kept walking.
"Um... I'm gonna go to." Mickey said as he ran off.

Parker and Buck just stood there.
"They're chucking grenades over the walls, watch your heads!" They heard over the loud speaker. 
Buck began to walk back toward his station. "Well Sarge, looks like it's just you and me." Something landed next to him with a metal clang. "What the-" The object, a grenade, exploded, killing Buck.
"No son, it's just you." Parker said, before following MacTavish, Johnson, and Mickey.

"What are we going to do?" Mickey said.
"We are going to get out of here come on!" MacTavish shouted as he began to run.
The four ran towards the center of the base which took around 10 minutes. But in this ten minutes they heard over the radios. "They've broken threw the wall! s#%$&, s#%$&!"
"We don't have much time MacTavish!" Parker said.
Stopping in front of the bases command center MacTavish began to remove the bomb from his pack. "I know, I know!"
MacTavish and Johnson dug a hole. MacTavish set the bomb to blow in one hour, threw it in to the hole, and buried it.
"We have about an hour to get out of the 50 mile radius."
"How do you expect to do that?" Parker asked.
"And what do you mean by that?" MacTavish asked, annoyed.
"Your saying that we have to get to the other side of the base in under ten minutes and then move through the rocky and hilly desert at a constant speed of 50 mph or above? Un-doable my friend. Un-f#%$&-doable."
"Couldn't the bomb be set with a longer fuse?" Johnson asked.
"It had a max of 60 minutes." MacTavish said.
"Well then, I don't think command wanted us to live."
"What? MacTavish said.
"Isn't obvious?" Parker answered "The U.S designed a weapon more gruesome and lethal than the Atomic Bomb. But they didn't want anyone to know, even the people that set it off. So that's what we were. We weren't going to survive the explosion and we aren't going to now." 
"We will!" MacTavish shouted.
Johnson butted in "We defiantly won't if we stay here so let's get a move on!"

15 minutes later...

As the squad reached the motor pool, the enemy was in hot pursuit. "I told you we wouldn't make it out of this!" Parker shouted.
"We are just keep concentrating on- Johnson get a move on!"
"Mickey’s down sir!"
Johnson turned his attention to Mickey, who had been hit with a stray bullet.
"Yo your going to be okay man."
"No... No I'm not." 
"Mickey don't make this like a movie just grab my hand and well get to the car."
"Johnson..." Mickey moved his hand away from the bullet wound in his chest revealing a large amount of blood, "I’m not coming."
"I understand." Johnson said sadly.
Mickey then lifted his hand, showing Johnson his M1911. "But I will go out with a bang, lean me against that wall."
Johnson did as he was asked, "Goodbye friend."
"Goodbye." Mickey said as he c#%$& his pistol.
"You know you were the quietest of the squad, who'd of thought you'd be the bravest to?"
"Not even me."
Johnson ran off to catch up with MacTavish and Parker.

Mickey c#%$& the M1911 and looked down it's sights toward the approaching enemies. He began to fire. He only took down two soldiers with his seven bullets. The enemies commander came up to the now defenseless Mickey. He placed the barrel of his gun on Mickey’s face and blew his head off.

"Come on get in the jeep!" MacTavish shouted, throwing open the drivers door.
Parker opened the drivers seat door and climbed in, "Lets go!"
Johnson climbed into the jeep and rolled down his window. As the jeep began to speed away from the base, Johnson saw two jeeps speed out of the base in hot pursuit of Johnson, Parker, and MacTavishes jeep.
"Johnson! Shake them! Use what I taught you!"
Johnson began to lean out the window, bullets flew past his face, hitting the jeep and causing sparks to fly off. He aimed down his SCAR-H's sights. He aimed for the driver of the first Jeep and fired, killing him. The enemy jeep spun out of control and hit the second, destroying both.

44 Minutes later...

"1 Minute to detonation!" MacTavish shouted.
""Were almost outside the blast zone!" Parker said.
"We are three miles away!" MacTavish said "We will never clear the zone in time."
"We have twenty seconds and I just made it to Mile 48! We will have time!" 
"You have no idea how quickly the fire will reach our position. We have 30 seconds after the bomb explodes, that's how quickly!"
The three then heard an explosion behind them, Johnson and MacTavish watched as a magnificent fountain of fire flew into the sky. At it's peak it began to spread along the sky and, very slightly, began to fall to the ground. 
"Drive!" Johnson shouted at Parker.

Parker made it to 50 miles at the exact moment the fire did. The jeep was pounded by fire and debris, causing Parker to lose control of the jeep and flipping it.

MacTavish crawled out from the wreckage and found Johnson and Parker watching the gigantic fire in front of them. The flames were about 20 feet high.
"Is everyone alright?" 
"Yeah" Johnson said not moving his eyes.
"Good." MacTavish said.

"One day, I don't know when, I'm gonna kill the man who did this to us." MacTavish said.
"Did what?" Parker asked.
"He got Buck and Mickey, created Firestorm, and attempted to kill us."
"Who is that?" Johnson asked
"John Boyd. I swear Boyd, you will die by my hands and no one else’s."
"For a senator he does have allot of influence doesn't he?" Johnson asked.
"Yeah he does." Parker answered.
"Do we have flares?" MacTavish asked.
"Yeah, but I doubt anyone will see them." Parker said.
MacTavish walked to the wrecked jeep, "Whatever." and shot one into the air.


"Now Sam, your impressive tour of duty in Iraq really does qualify you for this job." John Boyd said.
"Thank you sir." MacTavish said.
"On September 14th, I want you to head to Scarsdale, New York and begin your job in Operation School."
"Yes sir."
"We really do need you." 
"I understand." MacTavish said.

© 2011 Damac

Author's Note

This was originally written as a prequel and had a different format then what im posting now. Ignore grammar please.

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Added on May 17, 2011
Last Updated on May 17, 2011



New York City, NY

I'm just a writer looking for a place where I can write without limitations! I am currently Writing Four Stories: Operation School: What Lies Ahead - A sequel to my first ever work of writing, O.. more..

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