![]() The Regulator - V2A Screenplay by Damac![]() A new version of my original regulator script. Mostly an extension, but with some changes to the dialogue.![]() The Scene opens as ANDREW sits on the steps of THE SHACK, a building at the camp used for a variety of activities. He sits twiddling a gun in his hand, shaking it around as he thinks. As he sits, a friend, NICK, walks up behind him.
Nick (Coldly) What's it going to be? Andrew (Distant) I don't know. I really just... don't know. Nick Why not? Andrew It’s not exactly a situation where I have a lot of options... but its not like either of the two option are easy to take up. Nick We have to kill him, there is no other option. Andrew (Angrily) How do we do that though? How do we take the life of.. of a kid who, just a couple of days ago would have been fine? He's thirteen for f***s sake! But your just willing too kill him, not give it a second thought! Nick (Annoyed) He's been bit Andrew. You, me, we all know what happens when you get bit. Andrew (Standing and walking up to Nick, looking him right in his face) So I just shoot him right? Without even a second thought? He's not dead yet, he's not one of them! He's just a sick person, maybe we can help him. Nick (Looking down, away from Andrew gaze) We didn't help the others when they... Andrew (Interrupting Nick) That's because the others died! From the beatings, or blood loss, or maybe just losing the will to live. They died, we couldn't help them. Other than that bite, Zach is fine, and alive, he needs help. Nick (More Sympathetically) Andrew, you've seen him. He’s not “fine” by any definition of the word. No matter what we do, he just gets worse. The fevers burning him up, he screams if we touch him, and can barely speak. ANDREW turns away, walking a couple steps to look out over the camps field Nick (Continued) I'm not saying kill him because he's a threat. If we could help him, I'd be on board with it, you know that about me. I would be backing you up, just like old times. But we can't help him. This isn't about a potential threat, this is about sympathy. ANDREW turns his head too look back at NICK Nick (Almost pleading) Andrew... It’s a mercy killing, not a murder. ANDREW pauses to think. He and NICK stand in silence. Andrew I'm gonna go ask him, it's his choice. Not ours. Nick Are you serious? ANDREW wordlessly exits the Shack, walking off down a trail towards the back of the Campgrounds. Nick follows him. Scene transitions to ANDREW walking along the trail as more and more of the survivors at the camp begin to follow him. As the ever-growing march expands, a little girl, GABI, walks up next to ANDREW Gabi What are you doing? Andrew Regulating. GABI stops, ANDREW stops too and looks at her Gabi (Curiously) Your going to kill him aren't you? Andrew (Looking away from her, coldly) It hasn't been decided yet. ANDREW starts walking again, GABI follows him Gabi Then what are you doing? Andrew Asking him. Gabi But... he's going to want to die! You can’t let him choose! Andrew So then he will, it's not my call or yours. It’s his choice. It’s his life. Gabi But... ANDREW grabs GABI and pulls her off to the side of the trail. The crowd following him stops, and keep their distance. Andrew I know what your going to say, trust me I do. But I can't debate this with you. We have no say here, only he does. GABI continues to look at ANDREW with disappointment. Gabi (Sternly) He's a person. Andrew (Annoyed) Do you think I don't know that or something? Because I know. I don't want to do this. I know he's going to want me to kill him, and I know I'm going to have to do it. One thing that's going to make it a lot easier for me though, is if you stop acting disappointed in me. You know I can't live with you thinking that. Gabi (Apologetically) I'm sorry... GABI hugs ANDREW ANDREW returns the hug, stands up and continues walking. NICK is seen in the background, looking as if he is disappointed in ANDREW. Scene transitions to The Medical Tent, illuminated only by the dying fire outside it. The camp nurse sits outside the tent by the fire. As ANDREW and the crowd approach. ANDREW turns to face the crowd. Andrew (Loudly, but Calmly) Leave now, this isn’t a stage show for you to enjoy. All of the crowd leaves except for GABI and NICK. Andrew (To Gabi and Nick) Wait here. (To Nurse) He's inside? Nurse Yup, he's weak, very. He won't be around much longer. ANDREW looks back at NICK and GABI one last time. NICK has a serious "get it over with" face while GABI gives ANDREW a look of "Have some sympathy for him" ANDREW walks inside the tent. ZACH lies on a cot in the far left corner of the tent. The 13 year old boy lies with a bag of ice over his head, breathing frantically. Andrew (With Pseudo-Optimism) Hey, Zach. How ya feeling? Zach (Weakly) Pain. Lot's of pain. Andrew Zach, I should have come here sooner. We both know what has happened to you, what is going to happen to you. I know your in pain, and I want to offer you a choice. ANDREW steps closer to ZACH, ZACH opens his eyes and looks at ANDREW. ANDREW spins the barrel of his revolver and then locks it into place. Andrew (Continued) Do you want to live as long as you can, or do you want me to kill you and stop you from coming back. Zach (Certain) Kill me. Andrew (Surprised, with fear and sadness in his voice) Now listen to me. Are you sure you want me to do that. There is no second chance. Zach Andrew, don't bullshit me, I’ve got enough people doing that. I don’t need it from you.... I'm just in too much pain... I'm not coming back from this, and everyone knows it. Just do it. ANDREW sighs and puts his handgun to Zach’s head. He hesitates to fire. Zach Thank You... Andrew (Coldly and Sadly, a tear rolling down his cheek) Your Welcome. ANDREW fires, cut to black. SCENE fade back into a view outside the Medical Tent. GABI and NICK stand outside in the glow of the fires embers, heads down. ANDREW emerges from the tent, and the two raise their heads. ANDREW looks at them, and then turns and walks away. The Scene changes to ANDREW’s cabin where the kids that he has taken care of since before the Apocalypse, JAMES, IVAN, DANNY, and SETH sit on the porch waiting for him. ANDREW wordlessly approaches the cabin, GABI following behind him. James I think Andrew’s coming. Ivan You guy’s heard the gunshot right, he’s not going to be happy. Seth I don’t think anyone would have expected him too be. Danny We should probably just leave him alone when he get’s here. ANDREW walks up to the Cabin, climbs the stairs, and goes right inside. IVAN runs in front of the door Ivan (Shouting) Well hi! Seth (Slaps Ivan) Jerk, leave him alone. He’s not happy. Ivan (Turning away from the door and too a chair on the corner of the deck) Clearly. GABI approaches the boys and climbs the stairs to the cabin. Gabi You guys saw Andrew, right? Ivan Yeah, he didn’t seem to happy. Gabi You know what he had too do right? Danny Off that kid? Gabi That’s not exactly a polite way too put it, but yes. Andrew killed Zach out of mercy. Seth (Shocked) Doesn’t sound like mercy too me. Gabi (Sarcastically) Guess it doesn’t make since to an 8 year old. Ivan (Annoyed) Oh so just because he’s eight you have too pick on him. Gabi That’s not what’s happening, and you should no better too, your 11. While the other four continue too bicker, JAMES slips off into the cabin to see ANDREW. He find ANDREW sitting on his bed, contemplating the empty bullet casing in the moonlight. James (Caring) You alright? Andrew Can you believe it’s already October? James (Confused) What? Andrew October. It’s already October. Camp’s normally done by September, than i’ve got a whole 7 months before I see this place again. But no... not this year. This year i’m still here. Battening down the hatches, fixing up all the cabins, getting as much supplies for the winter before it comes. Can you imagine that? A summer day camp having to prepare for a long, unheated winter... And that’s not too mention having too still take care of the kids. James Well, it’s because of the monsters right? Andrew Yup. Those damn monsters. The ones that come in, destroy everything by rarely touching anything. All they have too do is get close enough to a friend... or a loved one... or just a person in general. Then it’s all over, then theres no hope. James This is because of what you had to do today, isn’t? Andrew (Ashamed) Yeah, yeah it is. I looked into his eyes as I held the gun to his head. There was no hope, no light. It was gone, anything that had been there before was gone. And in it’s place was just this thing, hanging between life or death just desperately trying to find a way out. And that’s what the world is now. Just something hanging their in the balance. It’s never gonna shift completely one way, something else has to destroy it first. We can’t save it, and the monsters can’t destroy it. Not totally, not without help. James (Hopeful) Well, what if that help comes? What if it’s a simple as everyone learning too work together. ANDREW laughs and looks down at the floor, then back at JAMES Andrew Look, I’ll make you a deal. If this “help”, no matter what it is, ever comes. Whether it be a permanent safe haven, everyone working together, or just a miracle from god. I promise to take you wherever you want in the world. James Wherever? Andrew Wherever. ANDREW stands up and walks towards the door of the cabin, hearing the bickering outside, with intent to stop it. JAMES then speaks up, one more time. James Cape Cod, if help comes, I wanna go to Cape Cod. Andrew (Turns to James, smiling) Okay. ANDREW turns and pushes open the Cabin door, scene cuts too black. © 2012 DamacFeatured Review
1 Review Added on August 4, 2012 Last Updated on August 4, 2012 Tags: Zombies, Screenplay, End of the World Author![]() DamacNew York City, NYAboutI'm just a writer looking for a place where I can write without limitations! I am currently Writing Four Stories: Operation School: What Lies Ahead - A sequel to my first ever work of writing, O.. more..Writing