![]() Goblet of Pomegranate JuiceA Story by Vicca![]() A young girl, goes for a walk, and come face to face with her deepest fantasy. [[:![]()
It all started when I was ten years old. The whole pomegranate in a goblet fettish I mean. Your average ten year old doesn't sit at home drinking pomegranate juice out of a goblet, while the lights are off, and Queen of the Damned is playing. Then again, I wasn't you average ten year old. While every other child was out playing from dawn 'till dusk, I was inside quizzing myself on every Ann Rice novel ever written. I loved vampires, werewolves, extraterrestrials, zombies and everything else 'out of this world'. When all the other children would be going inside for the night, I would sneak out of my own house and wander around, pretending I was a vampire searching for my next victim. I, of course, never found anyone. But it was on one of these nights that my pomegranate juice fettish started. I had just left the house and sauntered down the farmilliar streets of my dreary neighborhood. I had just finished watching Interview with a Vampire and I was to busy day-dreaming, that instead of Claudia being transformed, it had been me, that I had wandered off my usual path around the block and ended up on a rather busy street. Now, I wasn't at all sure of the dangers that this wide world had. I was always sheltered. My father always worked, He worked days, and I was always in bed before he got home. hence how he never knows I leave the house. You see, I have a lock on my door. My father put it there. Don't ask me why, 'cause i'm not to sure of that myself. As for my mother, I never knew her. My dad had told me that she split at birth. whatever that ment. Back to reality, Normally I would have turned around and tried to at least find farmilliar scenery or something to get me back home, but this bright light up sign cought my attention. Now, litteraly it would have said 'STOP & SHOP' But a few letters were missing lights so it more or less said 'S O & HOP' Half of the '&' sign was blown out also. My curiousity like that of a cats increased as I slowly crossed the busy street, and entered 'S O & HOP'
A cold chill had run down my back as I entered the store. Deffinatly diffrent from the outside warmth. It was huge, just as it was on the outside. Only, the inside was very white, and neat. Aisles of diffrent products lined the store. Food, kitchen supply, drinks, and cookables were displayed. Even an aisle for movies, CD's, books, and childrens colouring books. Of course, that was the first aisle I had to explore. I browsed through The childrens books, until I had reached the 'Adults Read' as the sign above stated. They were all sappy gross adult love novels. Ew. I was hopeing for more intresting novels. But there was no Ann Rice or Edgar Allen Poe, or even Shakespear. No! It was all terrible litterature. I sighed, and browsed some of the other aisles. Other shoppers were giving me weird stares. Maybe because I was so young. Eh, what did that matter to me. Ths was a once in a lifetime sight for me, so why not make the most of it. My eyes bugged at the diffrent types of foods, and candies. I wished I could taste them, but I left my piggy bank full of pennies and dimes at home. It was then that I reached the deli part of the store that something cought my intrest. A tall boy, about 16 or so, i'd imagin, was gazing at smething on a shelf. I couldn't really see what it was, I was hiding behind the foot shelf full of cerials, and whatever it was this fascinating boy was looking at, was out of my view. All I could see about him was that he had long dark hair, with some red and blue. He had a black and white hoodie on, his hands in his pockets. Black tattered jeans were held together, it seemed, by safty pins. I was in awe. I had moved a bit closer to try and see what it was he was staring at, but I accidently knocked over the cerial stack. I let out a shreik and jumpped back. My heart pounded, as I looked around to make sure no one had seen that, and to my dismay everyone around was looking at me, giving me dissaproving stares. I frowned and groaned, moving to pick up the falled boxes of Froasted Flakes, and Lucky Charms. As I went to pick up a box, a pale hand, with black sharp nails, rest on my hand, startled I pulled away and looked up to see the creepy guy who had caused me to drop the boxes in the first place. Up close I could see more detail. His face was thin, pale, and beautiful. His bangs (Which cover one of his eyes) were white. The left side of his lip had a ring in it. Dark circles hung around his eyes, or the one eye that I could see. Oh, and by the way, his eyes were amazing. They were this wicked deep gold colour, with a dark green on the outer part. I must have been staring 'cause he flashed a quick smile and stood straight up, holding the Lucky Charm box in his perfect hands. "You should be more careful there little miss." He smiled at me. his voice was perfect. Deep, and soothing. Unlike my dads who's voice made a weird rhaspy noise, that usually scared me. It didn't even bother me he had called me little. I was constantly being called little, and usually I flip out on whoever it was who called me that. but with him, it was diffrent. I smiled myself and, snapping out of the trance he had put me under, grabbed a box and helped pick up the mess I had created. "You know, I was just thinking that, but like, these cerial boxes," I said moationing to a box of Froasted Flakes in my hand, "Can be very mean. they were just urging me to punch 'em" I smiled and placed the box on the shelf. I heard him laugh lightly. Once the mess was picked up, he stood up straight and looked at the tower we had created. I stood next to him, the two of us admiring our work. He looked down at me, I guess I didn't notice because I was still staring at the boxes when he said, "Why are you out so late? Where are your parents?" I was cought off gaurd. I looked up at the man, and shrugged looking down. I figured I should tell this man the truth, that was the least I could give him for gracing me with his pressance, let alone helping me while everyone else gave me dissaproving glares. So I decided i'd answer him. "I was out walking around as I always do at night." then I leaned into him, and he crouched to listen as I added in a whisper "My daddy doesn't know my secret. So he is at home sleeping." I nodded and giggled. Hey, I could be a vampire to a complete stranger, who i'd never see again, right? He nodded and gave me a look i'd never seen before before whispering back, "What secret?" I laughed and shook my head. "Silly, i'm a vampire." He laughed and nodded, standing up once more. Glancing around, he moved his hair from his face, and for a second I thought I saw something like a scar on his cheek, I frowned, but perked up again so he wouldn't noticed when he looked back at me. he looked down at me for a momment as if he was studying me. I blinked and looked around, throwing my long dark brown hair over my shoulder, giving a confused look. He laughed and patted my head. "Come with me." I nodded and followed by his side as he took off. It hadn't occured to me that he could be kidnapping me. I didn't care even if he was. This guy was beautiful i'd go anywhere with him. Although, one thing would bother me, what was this fantastic guys name? I could ask him, but then he'd probally ask me for mine. and I wasn't about to tell him my lame name. He might think less of me. I shook my head and urged myself o at least get his name, I could make up my own. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, we were stopped in the aisle with the halloween decorations. I blinked and looked up at the man. It was months until halloween, why did he want me to come here? Again, I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it. "So which one of these do you like?" he said reaching up on a high shelf, pulling down two boxes of something. It was only when he crouched and put them infront of me that I saw them. Two gray goblets. One with a dragon design on it, and one with dark faries. Although the dragon one did appeal to me, with a scaley midevil serpent wrapped around the handel, then perched on a rock with a crystle in its talons, I had to admit, the two dark faries were much better looking. It had one fairie holding a flower of some sort, while the other one was reaching out to grab the flower. Both of them had big beautiful wings. and very petit bodies. So I had made my answer. I pointed to the two faries, and looked up at the man. He smiled and stood up, placing the dragon back on the shelf. "Alright. Now, come this way." Without a thought I was at his side, walking back in the direction of the fallen cerial boxes. At this point I had forgotten the question I was going to ask him. I looked up at the man, Hs perfect face, his amazing hair, then i glanced at his perfectly pale hands. I wanted to (but didn't) reach up and hold one. Something told me not to though. Maybe it was the claws. Then I began to wonder if they were real, or just the fake stick-ons. I shrugged it off. He stopped at where he was standing before, when I first saw him. Only now, now I could see what was on the shelves. A varity of soy drinks, tea's and mineral waters. Well, thoses were in my view. I saw him reach up and grab something off one of the top shelves. I watched closly, but before I could see what he grabbed he trailed off to the front of the store. I blinked then hurried after him. He walked up to the check-out lane with the number '13' over head. he placed the two items on the convayor-belt, and the chasier rang them up, and placed them in a bag. Then, with a practiced voice and an over used smile she said, "Your total comes to 15.60$" When she finally looked at the man who had bought the products, she had the same stare I had when I first saw him. As if she were placed under a spell. I blinked and grew rather angry. He offered a smile and reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. Then he handed the casheir the money, took the bag and walked away. I was still glaring at the lady, then followed along, skipping in a way. When we got outside, he pulled off to the side of the building, under an extended roof. There was a tipped carriage there. The man sat down on it, placing the bag next to him. He leaned against the wall and looked up at the celing, and gave a soft sigh. Then, his eyes wandered around until they found me. He gave his soft smile and sat upright. Had he forgotten I was there. I sighed and looked down at my feet. I heard him laugh, and looked up at him, he motioned me to come to him. So I did, I skipped over to him, and he pulled me up on the carriage. I smiled and looked up at the man. Now was the perfect chance to ask. Again, as I was about to open my mouth to speak, he reached down and grabbed the bag, pulling out the box with the goblet. Then he pulled out a sort of bottle, fillied with red liquid. It kind of resembled blood. I blinked. Oh god! They bottle blood?! I was pulled back. I didn't know they did that. Did he really belive I was a vampire?! Uh, I hope I didn't have to drink it. I frown. "Hold this please?" He put the red liquid in my hands, and I turned it around to read the lable. I was expecting something like "Draqula's Blood, 100% real. No sugar added" But what I actually saw was "100% POM" I sighed. What was POM though? was it a type of blood? I fiddled around with it. It seemed kind of watery though. "Lemme' see that?" He said reaching for the bottle. He had opened the box with the goblet in it. I gazed at the 'POM' bottle, then gave it up to the man. Wondering what he was doing. He shook it a little, so bubbles fizzed at the surface. I watched intently, as he opened the cap and poured teh liquid into the goblet. Deffinatly too liquidy. I frowned, I was hopeing it was blood. I'd get my first taste. I laughed at my own joke. The man looked at me weirdly. I must have grown red from embarresment, because he laughed also. I sighed and looked away. "Hey come on now, you've got to try this." I looked back at him, as he drank some of the red liquid. The, licked his perfect lips. He smiled lightly passing me the goblet. I took it carefully in my hands. Looking in at the red liquid I could see a bit of my reflection. My childlike face, my dark straight bangs, and worse, my rosey pink cheeks. I had always wanted a paler complection, one like my heros did in all those novels I read. Or maybe a green complexion, like the aliens I read about. Or, a blue-ish gray complexion, like the zombies in the weekend horror flicks. I laughed imagining me with severed limbs and rotting flesh. "Go on, drink it! Come on, it's not poisoned!" He urged me along, after I was to imersed in my own thoughts. I took the goblet to my lips and took a small sip, letting the red fluid rush down my throught. at first it was sweet. But once it was gone it was bitter, and made my jaw tingle. All in all, it was really great. I did like it. I took another gulp this time. Making a sour face. Urg! Bad idea, Now I understand why the guy only took a little sip. It tasted better that way. He laughed when he saw my face. I blushed again, and handed him the goblet. "You know, there's something about drinking pomegranate juice in a goblet. I've tried drinking it out of a regular glass cup before, but it wasn't the same." Pomegranate? Was that what the 'POM' stood for? I nodded my head. then looked up at the man. Finally, now I could ask him his name. I looked down and began "Um, Can I ask you something?" "Hm?" He said looking at me. It made me melt. "Wh-what's your name? I mean, i've been travling along with you all night, and I have no idea what your name is." I looked up at him, and he laughed. Was that funny? I frowned and looked back down. I knew it, he wouldn't tell me. Actually, he completly changed the subject. "Come on, lets get you home." I nodded and stood up, following along side him. When we got to the busy street, he reached down and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him. My heart raced. his hands were so cold. I suddenly felt a pang of sadness. Why was he so cold. There were so many things about this guy I wanted to know, but knew I would never figure out. Once we reached the farmilliar hill that lead to my street, I suddenly stated walking slower. I guess it was because I wanted to spend much more time with him. Since of course, I didn't know if i'd ever see him again. He looked down at me, witha a softened expression, but followed my lead and walked slower. I guessed there wasn't much that could be helped. I could see my house coming into view. I looked up at the man, and at this point I was beggining to wonder if all this was just a dream. I wondered if this night was actually happening. It had to be, it felt so real. Everything, from leaving my house, to meeting this perfect stranger, to drinking pomegranate juice out of a goblet. It was, and i'd never forget this night. Ever. When we reached my house I said, "I have to climb up the side roof." I pointed to the side of the house where vines grew up the side to a small roof with a window that was lit up. "No problem." He said picking me up in his arms. This of course took me off guard. I blinked as he walked to the side of the house. He jumpped, yes, jumpped up to the dividing fence, then up to the roof. Wow! It would be alot easier for me if I could do that. I was in shock I couldn't manage a word. He put me down, and I scrambled over to the window, opened it, and crawled in. "Come on." I motioned to the mysteriouse guy. He followed me inside to my room. I had to admit, this was the first time I was embarresed it was a mess. I quickly picked up scattered cloths and kicked them under my bed. He looked around at everything, but he seemed very intrested in my book shelf. "You like Ann Rice?" He asked pulling out The Vampire Lestat. "Of course I do. She is the best author ever!" I nodded my head fixing the Residant Evil action figures on my dresser. I heard the man laugh and nod, placing the book back on the shelf. "Where is your coffin then, little miss?" I blinked. I didn't know what he was talking about for a minute. The I relized, Oh crap! I had told him I was a vampire. I hurried for an explination. "It's in a compartment under the floor" I fibbed. and relized how terrible a lie it was. "I see." He said, For a second, I though he had belived me. Maybe he did. But it seemed odd, he seemed so smart, I wonder if he even belives in vampires. He walked over to me, picked me up in his cold strong arms, then placed me in bed. He crouched by the side of the bed and gave me his smile. "Better get to sleep then. The sun will be up in a few hours." I smiled back, and frowned rolling to my side as he pulled the covers over me, and tucked me in. My daddy used to do that for me, but he had stopped when he began working earlier. "I can't sleep though." I said with a yawn. "Just close your eyes" His voice was so soothing, and quite. It was making me sleepy. "But what if I never see you again?" My eyes fluttered slightly. I was afraid of never seeing this man again, I took in as much of him as I could. "You will. Don't worry about that. We will meet again." I nodded and rubbed my eyes. He had taken my hand, brushed my hair out of my face and gave me a light kiss on the forehead. I smiled, and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. I woke up the next morning to my dead banging on the door for me to wake up. I yawned, and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "I'm up!" I yelled to my dad. "Lunch will be ready soon, I have to go to work in twenty minutes, I'll leave it on the kitchen table, Okay?" "Yes sir!" "I love you sweetheart. Have fun today." Oh, I will. I blinked looking around my room. The man was gone. I can't belive I had fallen asleep. I sighed. He did promise We'd meet again, right? We better. I already missed him, I scrambled out of my bed, and streached. I undressed and pulled on my jeans, then put on a black T-shirt with vampire fangs on the front. Next I slipped on my converse, and brushed my hair. In my mirror, I saw on the table adjacent to me, A Goblet, with POM juice next to it. I smiled and hurried over to it, sitting on the chair that was there. I opened the cap, and poured some of the red liquid into the goblet with two faries on it. The I looked down at the table. there was a note written in red ink. the not read: Dear Quinn, I have to go out of town for a few years. Last night was my last night here. I enjoyed spending it with you. I promise we will meet again in the future. Don't be to dissapointed. Also, I left you the goblet and pomegranate juice. Don't drink it all in a hurry. Hope to see you soon. Sincerly, and with many Vampire kisses, Rory Edicius So that was his name. Rory Edicius. But what did he mean by 'many vampire kisses' He didn't really belive I was a vampire did he? Unless... I shook my head. No! That was impossible, or was it? I read the note over and over again. Smiling. I tacked it to my wall, just above my bed. I would never forget him. and I would await the day that I could meet my vampire mate. Until then, I sat back on my chair, and took a sip of the bitter sweet pomegranate juice, in the goblet with two faries. © 2008 ViccaAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 21, 2008 Author![]() ViccaRevere, MAAboutWoot !! So my name is Victoria. Most people call me Vicca, though [[: Hmm, I'm pretty much insane. Yep. No it's not prescribed. But I know I have something wrong inside my head. It drives me mad somet.. more..Writing