The BlakPhyre Phenomenon Chapter 1 (DEMO)

The BlakPhyre Phenomenon Chapter 1 (DEMO)

A Story by DWNS

Hi, My name is Xak, I'm currently writing a fantasy tale about these characters that I created about 10 years ago. This is just a DEMO, please give feed back on your thoughts about it. Thank you.

The Black Crusade. | Xak Flannigan 
Chapter// 1 
Happy Birthday! 
This is a story about a 14 year old boy, Named Xak, who 
has yet to realize his destiny. His life as he knows it will 
change for the better, or the worse, that’s up to him to 
decide. But before we can begin this story, we must first, 
know another… 900 years ago, on the Planet Deveron, 
Lived 4 race of people, The Greandivals, The 
SnowFrindgers, The Hydians, and the Ashdrians, these 4 
nations, coexisted, in harmony, but then a mysterious 
black hole ripped in the center of the Ashdri desert, 
unleashing, Monsters, made from black energy, known 
as Voids. Titled by the Denivians, the Master race of 
Deveron, after the Black emptiness. The monsters came 
in like a bat out of hell, started war on a global scale! At 
the time, Denivians, had no chance of fighting such a 
random enemy, with powers they had never seen before, 
but out of the darkness, 3 heroes of light, shined 
through! The white Witch, Alics, The White Rook, Dezz, 
and the White Knight, Mar. three warriors, who 
possessed the powers to defeat the black beasts. after 5 
years of war, Alics, And Dezz finally developed a plan to 
stop the war, or at least Halt it, by sealing away the 
Malicious King, Mazoas. The 4 nation’s Leaders, agreed 
with Alics, and so they built a temple in the deep in the 
Ashdri desert, and lured the Dark King there. There Alics, 
and Dezz fought brutally against the King, in the 
chambers of fate, Despite Alics being weaker then the 
King, she managed to trick him, and seal him away, 
afterwards, Alics was battle worn and exhausted. She 
then, returned Victorious, but at the cost of losing her 
sister, Dezz, and her brother, Mar. sense afterwards, she 
had disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again. 
A Grown man, closes a book, titled “The legendary 3” as 
the Man Looked towards a small child, His son. “Did you 
like that story, Xak?” The Man asked. “Yeah, sure did 
pop!” The Boy replied. As he was sent to bed with a pat 
on the head and fatherly smile, as his Mother leaned 
against the bedroom doorway. After the father, tucked 
the boy away, the Boy looked to his father and said “Hey 
dad… Do you think Alics is still alive, somewhere out 
there?” to which the father replied “I’m sure she is son, 
she’s out there, looking after all of Denivian kind. Just as 
she did all those years ago.” The Father, Gave his son a 
hug good night, followed by his mother with a kiss on the 
head. “Good night, Xak. Have pleasant dreams.” The 
Mother said, as they both exited the boy’s room. But 
shortly after they left, the Boy’s eyes opened and smiled 
deviously, he dashed for his window, and opened it up, 
and a Purple hair girl climbed through, “Geez, what took 
so long?” the Girl said. “Shhh!” the boy replied. “I had to 
wait for my parents leave.” He continued. “let me guess, 
they read you that dumb story about the White again, 
huh?” The Girl Mocked. “Hey that’s my favorite story and 
you know it!” The Boy replied sharply. “Yeah, yeah, but 
aren’t you like. 8 years old? Shouldn’t you be… I don’t 
know, done with fairy tales?”She stated. 
“heck no. In fact, I hope one day I’ll get to meet the 
witch, I mean it only makes sense! She’s my hero after 
all!”Xak said with stars in his eyes, The Girl swung a fist of 
Xak’s shoulder with a soft chuckle. “you’re a gullible one, 
Xak. Uhm, Deveron to Xak! the white witch is a fairy tale, 
Fair-ree Tale! Plus even if she was real, that story is like 
900 years old, so by now, she’s either dead, or super 
old… Ech! Besides, why would you want her for a hero, 
when the Awesome and mighty, Woman of Power, is 
here, the great Ophilia! HA! HA! HA!” Ophilia bragged, 
flexing her arms, in a heroic pose. Xak looked at Ophilia 
with a unimpressed face “Really? The Great Ophilia?” Xak 
mocked, “Hey mock all you want, I’m not in Training for 
nothing! After all, I am in the royal guard elite training 
camp.””Yeah… in the Junior camp… Hee hee.” Xak 
belittled, Ophilia gave Xak an angry look, as she 
repeatedly punched Xak in the arm till it was black and 
blue. Xak rubbed his bruised shoulder, as she looked at 
Ophilia just as Angry. “What? You started it!” Ophilia 
stated. “Yeah, but you didn’t have to punch me so many 
times, and so hard too, geez. Sometimes I wonder if you 
forget your strength…” Ophilia Chuckled with a blush ”I 
know! Right! I’m so gifted!” Ophilia Bragged. “Yeah 
Gifted at being a numb skull, Tee hee!” Xak taunted. 
“Okay, buster! You’re getting it so hard this time, and 
you better not cry, or I’ll belt you another one, real 
good!” Ophilia said, Jumping at him over the bed, and 
tackling him to the floor, she sat on his torso, over 
powering him. “Wait S-stop! This isn’t fair! You’re 
stronger than me!” Xak whined. “What did I say about 
Cryin�"“ Suddenly a knock at the door. “Xak are you 
awake?” Said a manly voice, it was his father. “Quick… 
Ophilia hide!” Xak Whispered. Ophilia panicked, and 
Took cover under the bed. Xak leaped in to his bed, and 
covered himself up, pretending to sleep, as the door 
opened. His father scratched his head in confusion. 
“Now, I could’ve swore I heard noises from from in 
here… I must be that exhausted…” The King looked at his 
son sleeping, and smiled, as she gently closed the door. 
Quickly Ophilia crawled out from under the bed, and Xak 
rose, as they both Giggled, at each other, the rest of the 
night, they played, and told stupid jokes, and stories, 
made shadow puppets, as good friends do. And every 
day they’d meet after dark, and hang out with each 
6 years later. It was a beautiful day, the royal Guard 
trainee’s were graduating, Ophilia being so happy, now 
that she’s an official Royal Guard, she’d get to guard the 
castle, and be around Xak more now, then ever before. 
And not only that, but it was the Day before Xak’s 15th 
Birthday. That night after Graduation, Ophilia Once again 
snuck up into Xak’s room as usual. “Whoa, you finally did 
it, Ophs! You got in!” Xak chanted with cheer. “I know. 7 
years of training, and everything. Just so I can be around 
you… Xak I�"“ She was interrupted, “Right! Hey it’s my 
birthday tomorrow, and well I wanted to get you 
something!” Xak said as he walked over to his closet to 
look for something. “Uh, it’s your birthday, Xak. Why did 
you get me a present?” Ophilia, Blushed but was 
confused. “Because, numb skull, you and I finally 
became… well you know… Boyfriend and Girlfriend, on 
my Birthday 3 years ago… Duh! heh, Boy, Ophs, Usually 
you’re the one belting me to remember.” Xak said as he 
turned around with a present in his hands. Ophilia, 
blushed, as she scratched her head. “Heh… yeah, I guess I 
zoned out, thinking about Graduation and stuff. But 
honestly, Xak. you didn’t have to… I mean I feel bad I 
didn’t get you�"“ She was Interrupted again. “It’s alright, 
Ophs, you didn’t have to. Sneaking off from training 
every night, for 7 years… I couldn’t possibly expect 
anything more from you, you’re all I need for a present.” 
Xak said happily, as She slugged him in the arm. ”you 
dork!” she replied, as she took the present from him and 
opened it, to reveal it was a silver ring with a purple jem 
on it. “Oh, my�"Whoa? How? Well duh, you’re a prince, 
but wow! Are you sure this is for me, I mean… holy 
crap!” Ophilia stated as her eyes were so glued to the 
beauty. “Yep. It’s a promise ring…” Xak stated Shyly. “A 
p… Promise ring?” Ophilia repeated. “Yeah… a promise, 
that I’ll always be there for you, no matter what!” Xak 
stated as he grabbed Ophilia’s hands and held them tight 
against his chest. “I… I don’t know what to say, Xak. I’m 
honestly Surprised by this, I mean… I feel so honored, 
that you care about me so much… that’s a dangerous 
promise to making to a girl, especially a girl like myself… 
“She replied giving him a playful glare, with an eye brow 
raised and smirk on her face. “and I mean it…” Xak 
replied seriously, Ophilia’s playfulness was quickly 
dashed, as she blushed, suddenly feeling the warmth of 
his heart beating, with her hands toughing his chest. 
“well, I could never say no to you, Xak. you’re the cutest 
boy I’ve ever met, and only boy I’ve ever known.” Ophilia 
stated, as she placed her head on Xak’s chest, and 
listened to his heart beating, as she blushed brightly. 
“Xak wrapped his arms around her, and held her, as she 
did the same, holding each other. The night grew late 
already, and Ophilia, headed to guard’s barracks In the 
castle. Before they knew it, the Morning came already, 
and Xak’s 15th birthday, was underway! He was so 
excited, he couldn’t wait to see what his father had 
planned, and more especially what Ophilia, had planned. 
Xak, rose from his bed, and looked out his window, to 
see the kingdom… In flames, Black flames, Xak’s face 
turned to a horror, seeing the dead bodies everywhere, 
he assumed it was a nightmare, and closed his eyes, and 
rubbed them, but nothing changed, his first thought, was 
of his Love, Ophilia, and his parents, he rushed out his 
bedroom door, and ran down the stairs, as soon as he 
made it to the ground floor of the Castle, the image was 
more horrifying, He ran towards the Barracks, sense they 
were closer, to search for Ophilia, he dashed through the 
fiery hallways, and finally made it to the Barracks, but 
was stopped but a guard, “My prince! Thank goodness 
you’re safe! Place follow me, I’ll take you to the Safe 
room!” The Guard Shouted. “No, not without Ophilia!” 
Xak stated. “Ophilia? She’s not in there, as soon as the 
raid started, She dashed out to find you!” The Guard 
stated, but Xak slipped from the Guard’s grasp, and ran 
back the way he came. “Sir, Deen! Please, come back!” 
The Guard Shouted, chasing after him. “Go find my 
Parents, and make sure they’re alright! Don’t worry 
about me!” Xak stated as he was already further down 
the hall.” Xak shed a tear, worrying about his parents, 
and his Love. Hoping they’d all be alright. Ophilia was in 
Xak’s room by this point, but found out She was too late, 
and left to find him, Xak went back to his room, hoping 
she was there, but she was not. Ophilia checked back at 
the Barracks, thinking he came after her, but again, he 
wasn’t there. Xak left his room again, and decided to look 
for his parents, He knew Ophilia would find him. Xak 
walked into the throne room, just as he saw a black 
creature, standing on two legs, with black flames roaring 
on his head, Decapitating his Mother… “Xak shouted, in 
full charge! “Don’t touch my daaadd!” But as Xak tried to 
throw a punch, the Beast chuckled, and dodged it, 
vanishing and reappearing behind him. “You’re a fool if 
you think some raggedy kid, like you can touch me…” 
“Maybe he can’t! BUT I SURE AS HELL CAN!” a Voice 
called out, as a flying Knee struck the beast, knocking him 
back away from Xak, “Ophilia! You’re alright!” Xak 
shouted in joy. “Of course, It is me, after all! Now stand 
back, I’ll protect you.” Ophilia stated, as she got into her 
Boxing stance. “Alright, you walking camp fire, I’m going 
to roast your weenies, let’s go!” She stated, as she 
sprinted, than a short leap, packing a fist, ready to 
explode. The Beast dodged the impact, and vanished 
again, reappearing before the fear struck King. “I didn’t 
come here to battle… I came here to leave a message…” 
The Beast said, as she placed his hand on the King’s head, 
and lit him on fire, Black flames charred the King to 
ashes, Xak’s eyes widened in shock, as did Ophilia. “I’ll kill 
you for that!!!!” Ophilia shouted in pure Anger, as she 
dashed at the Beast. “You can take your Message and 
shove it up your a*s!” Ophilia shouted, as she punched 
the Beast over and over and over again, but this time the 
best was not budging. “Hmhm… You’re a feisty one… 
You’ll be the perfect key…” The Black fire monster said, 
as Ophilia was stunned in fear, seeing how her punched 
had no effect. “W-what the hell are you?” Ophilia asked 
quivering. “Ophilia Look out!!!” Xak shouted, But Ophilia 
couldn’t react in time, The beast struck her, unconscious, 
and grabbed her under his arm, and took Flight, busting 
through the castle ceiling. Xak chased after him, as he 
Jumped from on pillar to another, and made a leap of 
faith, reach his hand out for his beloved Ophilia’s hand. 
The Beast chuckled, and turned around moving Ophilia’s 
body away from his limit grasp, and smiled. “it appears I 
was right. You have a dark future ahead of you…” The 
Beast said, as he made his free hand in a gun gesture, 
pointing his index finger out, and his thumb up, and shot 
a small black pellet, into Xak’s chest, sending him flying, 
back into the castle walls, as he laid on the ground trying 
to regain his composure from the impact, his breath was 
getting hot, and his chest felt as though it was on fire… 
he squirmed and writhed in agony, with tears in his eyes, 
seeing his Beloved Ophilia drift away in the hands of the 
beast. “O.. Ophilia… I- I’m sorry...” Xak said barely able to 
speak. Xak passed out, moments later, and woke up the 
next day hearing a familiar voice, but yet a voice he did 
not recognize. “Happy Birthday, this is my gift to 
you…”said the voice, as Xak awoke in shock, thinking it 
was all a dream, but quickly dispersed his hopes, as he 
looked to see the castle in shambles… “I’ll get you… 
Whoever you are! Whatever you are! I’LL FIND YOU!!” 
Xak shouted in rage. He stood up from his spot, and 
suddenly saw some changes in his physical stature. His 
he didn’t feel pain or exhausted, and he felt completely 
fine, no sores or bruises. Xak was worried, but just 
assumed he was tougher then he thought. He walked 
back up to his room, and there on the bed was a gift. 
“wait. That wasn’t there yesterday… wait…” Xak suddenly 
had a flash back, Xak didn’t notice the present was there 
the whole time, when he woke up, he walked straight to 
the window, the present was there.”Maybe.. it was there 
the whole time?” Xak thought to himself, He opened the 
present a purple cloth… a note lied inside the Box. “Sorry 
I didn’t give this to you last night, I was nervous about 
your reaction, But as long as you get it. I love you, Xak, 
and This blanket I made is proof, please I hope you like it, 
and wear it, otherwise I’ll have to belt you for everyday 
you don’t. -Love Ophs.” Xak lowered his head clutching 
the note in his hand and the cloth in the other. “I’ll wear 
it every day for the rest of my life, Ophs, I’ll wear it for 
you, and when I find you, it’ll be the first thing you see…” 
Xak said as she wrapped the Cloth around his neck like a 
scarf, and pocketed the note as a memento. “I’ll find you, 
Ophs, I promise, I gave you my word. So please, believe 
in me.” Xak thought out loud, as he left his kingdom, and 
started on his Journey, but little did he know, this 
journey, was the beginning, of his destiny… 
(To be continued) 

© 2015 DWNS

Author's Note

(This is a demo, an incomplete test of the Original
Product. Grammar errors, miss spellings, and improper
punctuations, may be a factor, please give feedback
containing only to the content, not the Grammar. Thank

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Added on November 15, 2015
Last Updated on November 15, 2015
Tags: The BlakPhyre Phenomenon, Adventure, Fantasy, tale, epic
