Invisible    love  Chapter 9

Invisible love Chapter 9

A Story by DREAM-catcher13

Chapter 9

A truck was halted in front Jasper’s house. Aunt Allie was busied instructing the workers to take the furniture up to the truck carefully. She’s always being nice to everybody, and she was always nice to me even though I’m not one of her family member. Everyone in Forks like her very much, she was kind, helpful, thoughtful, amiable and caring. Jasper was lucky to have her. How much I wanted a mom just like Jasper did.

Looking at the truck, filled with furniture, made me felt trepidation. It told me that Jasper will be leaving soon…very soon…

“Hey, why are you standing here?” Jasper suddenly appeared in front of my sight and frowned.

“Oh, hey. Nothing.” I grinned but the smile doesn’t make me felt any comfortable.

“How’s your dad?” He requested a fatal question.

“He’s alright. No worries.” I smiled.

“Don’t make it too hard.” He looked sad in his eyes but he smiled.

“Come on in, I need your help.” He grabbed my hand and walked into the house. The house was clear enough to see every single side of the wall. The only thing that will be staying in was the shabby stuffs. Zach, Tiff, Eddy and Gilbert were busied helping Aunt Allie to pack up the kitchen stuffs. I swore every single of them did stared at us widely as Jasper held my hand.

“Wow, Jasper, you did it?” Eddy asked with his flummox expression. I guess the others were doing the same expression either.

“Wow! Great, you finally did it bro!” Tiff went beside him and shoved Jasper moderately. Jasper just smiled and nodded. I was surprised that four of them did not seem surprised at all.

“Raven, you do like Jasper huh?” Tiff added and grinned.

“Congratulations” Zach said and he hugged Jasper for his success confession.

“Raven, ‘member melt your ice when you’re with Jasper. And us. Haha” Gilbert laughed. I smiled and nodded.

“I’ll try.” I smiled. Jasper pulled me out from the kitchen and went straight into his bedroom. I couldn’t think about anything, especially the house will leave uncultivated soon. It will turn totally distinct for me.

“What are we doing here?” I asked weirdly.

“I’ll miss you.” Jasper said, as he was shocked when he saw my tears went down.

“Don’t cry…” He used his hand to wipe off the tears on my cheek and his hand stayed right on my cheek.

“Take care of yourself, promise. I want you to be happy.” I nodded lightly trying to perfunctory his demand. He walked towards his desk and took the sketchpad out.

“Take it. Look at it when you think about me.” He grinned and handed me the pad.

“You know I want you more than this but…thanks.” I blurted out the truth but I will still precious the sketchpad that he had made for me, only me.

“You’re a psycho.” He laughed “We’ll meet soon. I promise.” He patted my hand.

“We missed the first stage of a relationship.” I grinned and prepared to leave the room.

“Ray…” I knew he’s even sadder than I am. “Okay, forget it.” I said and left the room while Jasper followed at the back of mine. Aunt Allie hugged me when she came into the house. I sat on the shabby couch in the living room and scrolled over the sketch pad. “He is talented.” I whispered to myself and smiled.

I knew the moment will finally came by, and I needed to say ‘goodbye’ to him. The house was in sudden silence, there’s nobody. I wandered in the house for minutes but there’s still no sign of any of them. I went out the house to look for them. Zach, Tiff, Gilbert and Eddy were all picking up some hoe and walked across the street. I wondered what they were doing with the hoe. I followed them and they were digging beneath the tree, which located at the opposite of Jacob’s house.

“Why are you guys digging?” I asked with worries. I hope their digging props wouldn’t hurt the tree.

“Jasper wanted to find something.” Eddy said innocently.

“Jasper?” Jasper suddenly lifted his head up and looked at me.

“Raven, get in the house. It’s very hot out here.” Jasper looked serious.

“At least you should tell me what you are finding. I can help.” I said helpfully.

“Just get in the house.” The seriousness of Jasper always made me afraid. I nodded and walked off. I incessantly turned my head back to them so that I will know what they were digging but I never succeed.

“Raven, darling.” Aunt Allie waved at me as I walked to her.

“What can I help you, Aunt Allie?” Aunt Allie shook her head and asked me to sit with her.

“Raven, I know you’re sad.” She patted my back lightly and sat on the couch.

“It’s very nice of you.” I said. She brought back the sadness of mine suddenly.

“I promise he’ll find chances to meet you. And, you’re always been welcome to visit our home in Arizona.”

“Thank you. I’m sure my dad wouldn’t allow, and he doesn’t seem like he had approved Jasper.” I sighed but I’m sincerely grateful for her invitation.

“So, did you mean by you and Jasper were officially together now? Why didn’t he accept Jasper?” She doesn’t seem to know the things happened between Jasper and I. In fact, I couldn’t tell Aunt Allie that my dad said her son wasn’t the best for her daughter. I’m pretty sure it will harm the friendship between Aunt Allie and my dad.

“Yea, you didn’t know that? We were together since yesterday. It’s a long story. I don’t think it’s an interesting thing to say.”

“Oh, I know you like him too. Well, I won’t force you if you don’t want to say it.” She smiled friendly and hugged me when she heard we’re been together.

“Yea, he’s good and everything. To me.” I smiled and she laughed. The boys came into the house while we were laughing.

“Seems like we had missed out something.” Tiff said mischievously.

“Boys, are you tired? Why are you looking so filthy?” Aunt Allie shocked when she saw the mud stains on their shirts.

“Pretty tired. Jasper owes us now.” Zach looked exhausted.

“I’ll get you guys some water.” I left my seat and Aunt Allie seems to understand what I was going to do.

“Raven, here. Take this water bottle. I bought in the morning.” Aunt Allie passed me the bottle and went out the house.

“Here” I threw the bottles to each of them.

“Where’s Jasper and Gilbert?” I asked curiously.

“Jasper said he’s coming in soon. Gilbert left, he’s mother called him for an emergency task.” Zach answered and he closed his eyes to take some rest. All of them were exhausted.

I went out the house to look for Jasper. The truck had left. It made me a lot easier to look for Jasper. He was sitting under the tree, staring at something. I couldn’t see what he was holding till I stepped forward to take closer look. Before I can see what he was staring at, he already found out that I was peeping at him. He hid it before I can see it.

“What’s that?” I asked and I knew it was the wrong question.

“It’s just some stuffs that I hid in the ground when I was a kid.” He smirked.

“Oh. Can I see it?” I asked weirdly as I knew it might be he’s privacy.

“Emm, are you sure?” He frowned and grinned.

“Ya. If you allow me to.” I grinned and he gave me a small delicacy box which made by ceramics.

“Can I open?” I looked at him and he nodded. I saw there were small piece of papers in the box. The papers were rolled in, it seems like a sign of graduation commendation. Jasper kept it really tidy and neatly. I took out the first paper and rolled it out and read it.

‘I want my DAD’ this isn’t odd that Jasper wanted his father when he was a kid. I kept on rolling out the other papers, but the others were just normal wishes that a normal child should have wished for.

‘I wish to have a lot video games’, ‘I wish the fridge were all filled with chocolate’, ‘I want a bike.’ And a lot more but until I opened one of the paper, my eyes went wide.

I wish to have Raven forever

“You wished it when you were a kid? But we didn’t know each other yet.” Jasper patted my head when I said.

“I wrote it just now. Surprised!” He giggled and took the paper from my hand.

“This is a wish. A wish when I was seventeen and I wish it will come true.” Jasper rolled the paper back and looked at me. I smiled and I handed him the box. I stood up and leaned against the tree. Jasper stood up and stood in front of me.

“Can you make it true?” Jasper looked serious and his lips press into a line.

“There’s no everlasting love for me, but now, you’re the one I love.” I said sincerely. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

“My wish had come true, half of them.” He sighed but he smiled.

“Hey, is there any meaning for this ring?” I lifted my hand and showed him.

“Of course, this is a promise of you to me.” He chuckled and I frowned.

“What promise?” I was confused by the situation. He shook his head implying me not to ask. He hugged me close and tight in an instant.

“Jasper, take care” I whispered to his ear when he hugged me.

“You too” I nodded lightly and trying hard to control my tears.

Aunt Allie shouted Jasper and he released me. Jasper held me and to the house.

“It’s time.” Aunt Allie looked sad in her eyes and she went into the car to prepare for the leaving. The four guys who were lying in the house came out when they heard the sound of the engine. I knew the moment had finally arrived, but I really couldn’t release my hand from Jasper and I believed Jasper couldn’t either. We held our hand tightly. Apparently we doesn’t have the gist to separate. Aunt Allie went out the car and gave all of us a big hugged for leaving. She nodded to Jasper and Jasper nodded… Jasper held me to the side door of the car.

“I have to leave now.” The expression in his eyes really hurt my feeling, I wanted to cry but I just couldn’t allow myself. I wanted Jasper to leave with happiness.

“Take care. We’ll meet soon right?” I knew it was a lie but I still wanted to believe in it.

“I will. Goodbye, Raven.” He nodded and he started to unwind his hand.

"Goodbye, Jas."

I knew how tight I held, but still, he had to leave. I released my hand. He kissed lightly on my hand and went into the car.  I knew how reluctant he and I were but I wanted Jasper to have better life, better education for his future. I had to wish him the best I could, but I still surely knew that I miss him….

Zach walked to me, Tiff and Eddy followed.

“Don’t be sad. You still have us,” Tiff mentioned with a serious tune.

“Ya, we will temporary replace the duty of taking care of you.” Zach said and grinned.

“Thanks guy.” I said as Eddy handed me the sketchpad and box, which Jasper ordered him to give me after he left.

“Thanks Eddy.” I nodded and grinned. He nodded and smiled.

“I have to go.” I said and they insisted to accompany and I let them. They were still playing around happily as I knew they will miss Jasper as well as I did. I held the pad and the box steadily and tightly in front of my chest. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jasper. His images were kept on spinning around my mind, non-stop, till Zach patted my shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Zach asked as I only found out that Tiff and Eddy had left. I nodded and stared at the sketch pad.

“Jasper likes you a lot.” Zach was telling me something that I already knew.

“Hey, when did you know about it?” I questioned a question that I wanted to ask for a while.

“Emm, maybe the second year. He accidentally told us when he was drunk.” He laughed. I think it was a nice memory for him.

“Oh, why didn’t I hear it?” I asked curiously because we were like a one thing that always been together.

“I guess you went to somewhere that night. That’s Rachel Beth’s birthday party.”

“Geez, I shouldn’t have missed it. Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I felt bad for it.

“Jasper warned us not to tell you. He requested us to help him.” He laughed.

“But, he always tell us about you when you’re not around. He was really happy that he could stay beside you and you talked a lot when you’re with him. You know you’re pretty cool to us.” Zach sighed. I smiled when I finally sure that Jasper really did like to be with me.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t purposely…” I really felt sorry for them.

“We understand. It’s because of your mum. We definitely understand your situation.” Zach’s actually a nice guy, I thought he was as cool as I am but he wasn’t. He’s really nice to me though.

“Thanks. I’m pleased to have you guys. Seriously.” We stopped our pace in front of my house.

“Thanks for your accompanying. Do you want to have dinner in my house?” I asked pleasantly.

“Oh, that will be a trouble. But if I can make sure you’re not thinking too much when you’re alone, I’m glad to have it.” He grinned and I frowned.

“I’m okay. Seriously, I wasn’t those vulnerable girls you think, who need protection with the big guy like you. But you’re welcome, come on in.” I laughed and he grinned. He nodded and followed me into the house. My dad were still lying on the couch, watching his favorite channel. He jumped out when he heard the loud slamming sound of the door.

“Oh! Zach” My dad changed to a moderate tune when he saw Zach.

“Hi, sir” Zach was the first person that called my dad a sir.

“Call me Freddie.” Zach was really the first person that my dad had told to call his name.

“Wow, dad.” I was actually astonished.

 “What?” My dad looked at me with his frown appeared.

“Surprised to hear that.” I made a grimace.

“Zach, have a seat. I’ll prepare the dinner.” He nodded and sat on the couch, beside my dad. I went into my bedroom to leave the monument and went to the kitchen to prepare our dinner. It’s great to have a little overlooked on Jasper. I made Italy spaghetti for the dinner.

I’m glad that my dad wasn’t mad at me anymore. Zach and my dad were really hit into each other. They talked a lot during the dinner and I tried to keep myself up with them. As I can see, my dad liked Zach a whole lot more than Jasper. This was the thing that bothered me the whole night.

“So, did you enjoy the dinner? I hoped my cooking skills wasn’t that bad.” I laughed.

“Your dad was awesome. Great, Jasper would like it.” He laughed loudly and went mute when he realized my expression.

“Zach…” I sighed.

“I’m sorry. Emm, see you tomorrow, Ray.”

“Text me when you got home.” I nodded and I went back into the house once his shadow had disappeared from my sight.

Thanks for __ Reading!


© 2014 DREAM-catcher13

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Added on June 6, 2014
Last Updated on June 6, 2014




I'm obsessed, I love to spend my entire day, sitting in front of my laptop, writing stories. I've never felt bored of it. I would like to share my stories to people around the world and don't hesitate.. more..
