

A Chapter by Sunshyn Morgan

"Do christians even read the bible at all?" She knew the answer but of course she had to ask our brother Pop.  In all her years (30 to be exact) she kept an open mind; she knew religion wasn't for her, knowing what she knew about our family.  She loves to learn but after reading the bible from cover to cover in many translations, christianity was still odd to her and couldn't understand why anyone, especially a woman, could possibly believe and promote anything like this. "You know they don't." he said it quickly trying to stop the rant he felt coming.  She could always talk about this with us more candidly than with others because we understood her without explanation.  "Then how the hell can they really claim to be so passionate about it?" She continued questioning as if he was the one tap-dancing on her last nerve.  "If they didn't have the promise of heaven or the threat of hell, would they be the same people? Do they not read any of the verses about rape? How does a scientific mind ignore all the unrealistic inconsistencies in that book?  How do women feel included? Who could possibly..." He interrupted her interrogation, "Mya you're doing it again, you are rambling on and we both know religious people can't even answer those questions except to say their god works in mysterious ways.  Every single time you talk to Fionn and her people you do this."  He knew she could go on like this forever. 
"Ok,ok, I get your drift sir,"  She had to laugh at herself. "I'll leave it alone but she has one more time to come in here trying to convert me and my people and I'm going to flood her beach house." He took the opportunity to restate our rules.  : Mya you know that our gifts shouldn't be used to hurt others even if they are zealots." Pop could always calm her down.  Then in came the storm of the family, wreaking havoc and pettiness everywhere she goes. Zay.  "Maximus Zephros Jones! Why are you being a killjoy like you don't use your abilities for personal gain?"  She knew how to start trouble.  "Why you gotta call out my whole government name?  And you are the only one who does that."  After I was born we created a set of rules we must stick to in order to live on this plane of existence.  We aren't exactly human but most don't think we are real.  Zay knew the rules but she never really stuck to them.  "I can't help it if people are hypnotized by my impeccable vocal dexterity.  But I didn't come in here to serenade you, I came to tell you I booked a party for next week and they want 3 courses but they want an extra dessert."  Our family owns a restaurant and a bakery.  At some point we all have worked or will work in the kitchen.  This was when Zay had just finished getting her Master's degree in vocal performance.  She was still the bakery's online counterpart.  "Seriously Zay?  I'm just doing desserts . You know we have that party of 400 going out
on Wednesday. And who is it for? Because I am NOT doing another church event." Mya was annoyed already with the church and dealing with them for an event really took a tole on her so she normally sent us instead.  Pop reminded her of her favorite business fact, "Church money is still green.  They are irritating but they arent all like that prude across the street."  Of course he was talking about Fionn Hamilton.  Mya met her in high school but their reintroduction was more noteworthy.  
Mya was in the kitchen early one morning alone when she heard the chime of the front door. She came to the front and at first she doesn't recognize her but as soon as she began talking she Mya knew what was about to happen.  This woman had giant blonde curls, a Florida tan and the air of sanctity.  She had a clipboard like she was about to do an inspection.

© 2017 Sunshyn Morgan

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Added on June 19, 2017
Last Updated on June 19, 2017


Sunshyn Morgan
Sunshyn Morgan


It's a secret. I just hope to write all the stories I see in my mind. more..

Mermaid Mermaid

A Story by Sunshyn Morgan