Black Days

Black Days

A Chapter by Jennifer

          One day when I came home from school, and my dad was waiting at the living room. He said he wanted to talk to me. When was the last time have I ever had a conversation with him? Now that I thought about it was actually just yesterday when he told me about Kathryn. Now that I remembered, I was mad all over again.

          We went underground to his lab He guided me to different directions with twists and turns. I also noticed a disturbing smell. It was like a smell of fifty corpses with human business. He opened a door and I could tell because of the loud, annoying, creaking noise.

          I entered a library and I saw the woman. So I figured Jeremy was there as well, and it seemed like my luck today was in good shape because I was right.

          “This is something very important and I need you to hear everything I need to say. Agreed?” he said seriously.

          We both nodded our heads thinking that something was peculiar.

          “Okay we’re going to jump to the point. Me and this woman created you.”

          “Wait wha�"?”

          “Let me continue. Okay, here’s the reason. Back when I was in my teens… Maybe around your age?” he was looking at the ceiling thinking about something useless.

           “Anyways, I can’t remember. I had a hobby in history and most of all, science. I was allowed to go to a well-known high school and that’s where I met (he points at the women) her.” They smiled at each other that sent chills down my spine. “We were what you’d call prodigies. Our talents amazed the teachers and we were always paired up. So we obviously got closer. We got older, still researched about earth, paired up, and we found out something unbelievable, yet true.”

          “Pft… unbelievable? Look at me!”,  I thought.

          Jeremy started shaking, desperately trying to not laugh.

          “There is a group, Black Days, and they have one aim. They want to kill everyone that is useless. To be more specific, people with no powers.”

          These stupid Black Days is not sane in the brain, “Useless?! What the heck! Why not evil people?!”

          “Then they would just be killing themselves,” he said.

          “Then let them do so…” I grumbled.

          “My point being is that the world is coming to an end at least for the people without special abilities. The leader, which I have NO CLUE who it is injecting a medicine in corpses that bring them back to the age of 13 and they have powers. Furthermore, they don’t have memories of their past life”

          Jeremy thought exactly what I was thinking. “Why did he say that as it he did knew who it was?”

          “Who knows?” Dad knows.

           “Right now the members of Black Days are searching for you guys. The leader is quite angered and annoyed very easily and really, really wants his plan to work. He knows about you and he definitely wants to get rid of you.”

          “How’d he know his gender?” Jeremy asked.

          And once again “Who knows?” Dad knows.

© 2011 Jennifer

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Added on June 3, 2011
Last Updated on June 3, 2011



Los Angeles, CA

☆I'm just your average middle school girl☆ A bit about me... Well first off, I'm 100% Korean. I was born in America so I'm kinda bad at Korean :P... It's kinda hard to have a conversati.. more..

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