Ride OnA Poem by Deejaegh BeckA poem about being shy and knowing it's true love.Change of tides, I'm going to let you ride, Through this town of darkness, You don't see me, But, I see you! Oh, but were the same, But you ride past me, Blinded by the dark,
I try to call to you, But, I am mute, You don't hear the call of my voice, You're deaf through choices, Of, your manly brute,
Is this Karma? For not seeing the shadow of another? Why must my heart hurt? For the one I yearn? I see his shadow through only the light of the moon, He doesn't hear me, Nor does he see me
Love is no game, It's no theme park, I yearn for his arms around me, But, one thing I fear, Is being turned down,
My words are blinded by silence, As I try to light this candle, For the wind keeps blowing it out, And poof I'm once again in the dark, I'm so alone in this dark, As he rides on past me,
He's my knight in shinning armor, But, he doesn't see me, Though, I can see his shadow, Through the light of the moon, His smell intoxicating, So invigorating, And he's built like a titan king,
As he rides through the darkness, Blinded by the dark cobble stone of the street, Though I call to him, It's like a deafening wind, He cannot hear me, For I am lost, For my words wont come out, He cannot see me, Like a shadow in the dark,
Even though I know I love him, He rides on without knowing my feelings, For me he was a charmer, He doesn't see me anymore, I am now just a shadow,
I'm waiting for the change of tides, When he rides back into this town, And he shall see me, Not just a shadow of tides, And he'll hear me, The wind wont be drowning out my voice,
I hope he comes back soon, Cause, if I was his woman, I'd fight for him, I'd die for him, And I'd be his light, Guiding him through life,
For I see him for who he truly is, Not just a knight, But, for the king he is, The, ruler in which he is, For the strong strapping man that he is,
I'd cherish everything he is, No matter how hard, Loving him would be, I don't care, Just as long as I can love him, I know my heart is where it should be,
For I am a warrior princess, Hidden by a curse, That people who see me, Are the ones who use and abuse me, I fight just to be seen, I fight just to be free, I fight for the goodness of my heart,
For he is so pure, and he is so divine, But my shadow is still cursed, Like my past life, And I'm trying to break free, But, until then I'll let him ride on. © 2023 Deejaegh Beck |
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