![]() Chapter 2: VisionsA Chapter by Joel Adenyn![]() Amber decides to track down and discover the mystery of her father, but is haunted by strange dreams.![]() Fallen Chapter 2 Visions After a few
days of preparation Amber left for the Raleigh Airport. She have never been on
an airplane before and decided to take one because it would be better than if
she drove plus she has always wanted to fly. There was excitement with the
terminal being full of all kinds of people; families, business men, religious
solicitors, and who knows what else. It was the biggest variety of people she
had seen in one place besides school and airport security was exactly like she
heard it was, long, and slow as they had to check every little thing for
anything that might be considered dangerous. Finally
after everything she got to sit and wait in front of the gate where the flight
was prepared for takeoff. The chairs were not very comfortable and the noise
was bothersome and she scolded herself because she did not bring something to
read or do while she waited. So Amber looked around to find something to do or
be entertained with until it was time to leave, but she did not want to let her
mind wander and drift off to her own thoughts about everything that went on,
what might happen when she arrives, and all the different secret things that
are hidden about her father. Amber’s mind always betrayed her when it came to
thoughts about specific things she did not want to think about and tried to
avoid which was an annoying habit of hers that makes it difficult for her to
make decisions; she thinks too much. There were
a couple places to get food in the entryway to the gates; one was a Subway
sandwich shop unfortunately, that only lasted a moment before she lost interest
and her mind went back to the graveyard during the funeral and as much as she
did not want to think about all those things while she was moving to New York
because she would just create more stress for herself than she already had;
Amber couldn't help it. It pressed on her mind like a late night infomercial
constantly repeating the same message over and over again all night, but the
channel can't be changed because there is nothing else interesting on so you
give in and start to watch it. Amber tried
to remember what the guy in the trench coat looked like, but all she could
remember was dark hair. He did have a darker face around the mouth up to the
ears; probably a goatee or beard, he had darker hair which could be brown or
black, but because the rain made it wet she couldn't be sure and couldn't see
much else that would make him stand out. But what bugged her was she had never
seen him before, at least she didn't think she has, so why he would put flowers
at my mom's grave. Her mom never mentioned any friends she met because Amber
knew all of her friends. Maybe he was a friend of my dad's and she did not see
him at his funeral because she left earlier or maybe he was just being a shy
person. She gave up
on what he looked like and started to think about the shy or secretive
personality of someone she didn’t even know, but that annoyed her more so she
forced her mind elsewhere. Amber sat there bored and frustrated while she tried
to keep her mind on other things for what seemed like an eternity before the
flight was ready to load passengers. She jumped up and rushed to the front and
felt more excited than she thought she would be. Amber couldn't help but smile
the whole time with energy that built up in her chest; her fingers twitched,
and ever her toes danced around inside her shoes The plane
was more spacious than she imagined although she specifically asked for a
window seat and since this was Amber’s first time in a plane she definitely
made sure she got it; first class of course. She looked
out the window at all the people that ran around and some drove little carts
full of luggage around as she waited in anticipation for takeoff. Her leg bounced
up and down as she sat there and by the time they finished with the passengers
on the plane she had one person sit down next to her. He was a
complete stranger, but she greeted him happily, Amber was a little bored and
tried small talk to pass the time unfortunately nothing lead to a real
conversation so once again was left to boredom and anxiousness. The pilot came
on over the P.A. and started his little speech to tell them how fast they would
go and how high they would be and how long it would take. Honestly she did not
care about anything he was saying, but just wanted to be in the sky already. When he
finished with his speech all the safety precautions started and she was amused
to see the flight attendant with her demonstration of how to use a seat belt,
obviously paid attention to the other safety shows because she did not want to
be left out of what to do should we need oxygen masks or something. The moment
Amber had waited for came as the plane started to rumble and we backed away
from the gate and the plane turned onto the runway and she could see other
planes land and take off or being refueled. She smiled the biggest smile as we
started to move faster. At first,
it felt almost as if she was in a car until the weight of the plane lifted up
and took her with it and then gravity fought against the plane, on her. It
exhilarated Amber as she saw the ground pull away from her and the clouds got
closer. As they got higher she felt the pressure in her ears which she had only
felt under water only it was a little different. The clouds seemed almost like
fog as they passed through them and soon they rose above the clouds and she
could see what can only be described as a sea of clouds that stretched the
entire world topped off by a light blue sky. Amber fell in love with the view
of the sky and clouds that looked so beautiful together. A trip in
an airplane was everything she thought it would be and absolutely loved it. The
world seemed so different from way up high and it really put things in perspective
for her how small and insignificant they were in comparison to the rest of the
world. It was kind of the same feeling she got whenever she star gazed, the
vastness of the universe that completely humbled her. Amber started to wish she
took a flight at night so she could see the stars. After she was up this high
in the sky she could not help but feel like there was some kind of other world;
a world of beauty and simplicity that was lost with technology and civilization
and it almost felt like she longed for something more and maybe that was the
reason she has had so much trouble in school because she did not know what to
do with her life and has looked for something that was not there in front of
her. It was something deeper and something she had to search for to discover on
her own, something that was not a path walked by anyone else and was completely
new yet Amber had no idea what to do or even how to look for it which made her
feel stuck and hopeless without direction. So that must be why she felt that
maybe if she went to New York to get a change of scenery that it might help,
but more importantly if she were to learn something about her dad that could
give her a clue, to solve the mystery of her father might make solving the
mystery of herself easier. It must
have been the altitude or the hum of the engines on the plane, but not very
long into the flight Amber grew very comfortable and fell asleep. Soon it was
dark all around her as she pulled the shade down on the window and closed her
eyes, but still heard a very low hum and a soft rumble that lulled her deeper
into slumber and her mind. When she
opened her eyes it was day time and she was up in the sky, like she was flying.
There was a city below her right next to the ocean and it was a huge city with
buildings that reached up into the sky like they tried to connect to the
heavens. The city looked magnificent from so high up and as she looked down
Amber could see every car on the streets below that ran around like mice in a
maze, the city was full of life and energy; everyone, everywhere was busy and
moved from place to place. Further ahead she could see the ocean which sparkled
a golden color from the rays of the sun which dominated not only the ocean, but
the sky too, that set the clouds as a pinkish hew mixed with white and blue. It
was beautiful, but strange as she realized the sun began to set in the east and
not in the west, something else started to happen as the sun set in the wrong
direction that was an unusual sight to see; this small line of darkness
stretched across the horizon rose upwards as it seemed to come from all around
not just from in front of her and it started towards the city. It came far from
her left and right and even from behind her. Everywhere she looked a dark line
grew from the horizon and turned into a black landscape, soon it engulfed the
ocean and sky around Amber and only the city was left barely lit in the wall of
darkness. Amber reached down to the city to pull it up and save it, but
couldn't reach as it seemed to get smaller or further away. She looked at the
borders of the city where it met the darkness and she could see hands, many
hands reach, grab outwards from the darkness and they tried to pull whatever
they could into itself. There were people that ran from the darkness; many
people and some were grabbed by the hands and disappeared into the darkness, completely vanished from
sight and from existence as others just vanished while in the city into alleys
and buildings, then in front of them, where ever they ran, some fell to the
ground and began to shake and convulse. They were the ones Amber wanted to help
the most as their bodies seemed to be ravaged with pain and what devastated her
was she could see a small light from inside of them flicker and she looked
closer into their eyes and it felt like she had pierced into their spirits,
their souls. The souls were a brilliant white that emitted a warm glow and then
nothing as the light vanished from their eyes and all that was left was a cold,
dead, lifeless body. Amber began to cry and could not stop the tears as she
cried out for them to run. She could feel the warmth at first and then see the
light disappear and her heart ached with pain, the same pain that those poor
people felt. The darkness consumed most of the city except a small portion in
the center and all of the people were gone except for one that stood in that
small area not yet consumed by the darkness. It was her, Amber saw herself all
alone, but she stood there in the clearing with her shoulders up rite and my
back straight. Amber stared into the darkness with the same tears that rolled
down her own face, but the other Amber had a gaze so strong and determined it
was almost like she stared death in the face and refused to go with him despite
the immense fear that had a hold over her. Then she saw a small light in the
darkness that was faint and it seemed to move towards the other Amber in the
clearing, the light slowly cut its way through the darkness and as it reached
the clearing it exploded with a great fiery white light, the same as the sun
first looks as it rises above the mountains. She had to put her hand up to not
be blinded and as her eyes got used to the light she looked at her other self;
she wasn't afraid anymore and in fact seemed happy. Amber tried to look into
the bright light and all that could be see was a hand that reached past the
darkness through the light and as it did large and beautiful white feathers
fell from all around me. The hand was held, palm open, to the other Amber as if
it asked her to take it. She saw herself move without hesitation and step
forward even though she could not see who or what it was. The hand came further
out of the light and as it did the light began to grow brighter and brighter
and opened up a pathway through the darkness from where it came that felt like
it lead to somewhere safe. Amber saw her other self slowly lift her hand up
inch by inch and moved it towards the feeling of safety that the palm in front
of her radiated. But before
she could reach the hand Amber woke up to the rough shake the plane made as it
touched down on the ground. She did not move at all when she woke up and as
soon as the plane was steady the pilot thanked us and then she looked around to
see people already started to gather their things and make it off the plane as
quickly as they could so she just sat in her seat and waited for everyone else
to get off. The dream Amber had was all she could think about and it scared
her. She tried to figure out what it meant and she did not know what was going
on with these dreams she started to have since her mother's funeral. Amber
didn't know how much more she could take, but the last thing that passed over
her like a wave was comfort as she thought about the hand from the light. She left
the airport as quickly as she could and got a ride in a taxi Michael sent for
her because he was unable to pick her up himself and then went to New York City
which was exciting for her never being out of North Carolina before, this was
her first time. It was not anything impressive at first because all that was on
her mind was the dream she had, the first place she wanted to go was her dad's
apartment and would not let herself live it down if she did not figure this
whole thing out first. As the taxi
pulled up to the building she could feel her stomach start to fill with
butterflies and became nervous because she had no idea what to expect. New York
was a large city and amber could not help but look up and bend her neck and
sometimes lean back completely just to see the tops of the buildings around her
which most of the buildings looked the same; building material, color, size,
etc. etc. The driver
helped her get her luggage out of the car and then she gave him the fare. As
Amber stood there many people walked by and it was just like she saw on T.V. so
she took a deep breath and picked up her luggage and stepped up to the
building. It was an
older looking building with weather-worn brick siding. She looked at the list
of names next to the intercom. "Keith Alister." My father, apartment
#7C. Amber realized she had no way to get into the building so she set my bags
down and looked for the Super Intendant of the building and pressed the button.
She waited a little before a woman's voice pierced through the small intercom. "Hello?"
Her voice was kind of low and a little raspy. "Uh,
yes. Hi. My name is Amber Alister. My father is Keith Alister. He..." She
paused a moment. "Uh, he lived in
apartment #7C." Amber finished and waited for her to answer, but almost
right away she replied. "Oh!
Alright. Hang on a sec." Amber sighed and started to look around. The
entrance to the building was a bit dingy; the cement was not well kept and the
brick walls were spotted with gum. She didn't understand why her dad would live
in a place like this with all the money he had. Not long and an older woman of
maybe her mid-fifties came up to the door, her hair was brownish-gray and it
was done up in curls to just above her shoulder, her face was not too wrinkly,
but you could tell by the color of her teeth and slightly on her skin that she
was a smoker. She looked me over then opened the door. "Hi."
Amber said as she tried to sound friendly. "Hello."
She said back. "Well, come inside. I'll show you to his apartment."
She turned around and started to walk away so Amber quickly picked up her
things and followed the older woman. They walked
up two sets of stairs to the 3rd floor then went down the hallway about half
way and on the left was his apartment. 7C. The little pieces of metal in those
shapes were very clean so looked across the hall at the other door and they
were darker and a little crooked. "Your
father, Keith..." Amber looked at her as she spoke. "He was a good
man. A real looker too." She said with a small chuckle. "He said that
you would come by if anything ever happened to him." She pulled out a set
of keys and started to sort through them looking for the right one. "He
said that?" "I
thought it was strange he said that, but at the same time didn't really pay
attention until I heard he passed away." "Well,
how long did he live here?" Amber asked. "Oh he
lived here a few years and it was good having him. He was a good tenant. I'm
sorry though..." She said as her voice dipped close to silence at the end. "Sorry
for what?" Amber did not understand why she would say that. "Well,
I don't know if it's my place to say; it's just we would talk sometimes. He
would mention you and just that he regretted not being able to see you. So I'm
sorry that you lost him and never really got a chance to, I don't know, be a
family. I know how it can be. I have a similar situation with my son." Her
words almost stung Amber because it was kind of sad when she thought about it
and Amber could hear the sincerity in the woman’s voice. "Thank
you." Amber said and nodded a little. The woman
found the key and opened up the door and stepped inside. Amber followed inside
after her and set her luggage down. His apartment was nice; it had a good
leather couch and a decent sized T.V. The floor was hardwood and there was a
small dining table with only 2 chairs but it could easily seat four, a small
hallway off to her right showed three other doors and attached to the living
room on her left was the kitchen. Everything was clean and neat. "So
are you here to get some of his personal things? I left them here for you when
you showed up." The woman asked. "How
did you know I was coming?" Amber asked. "Someone
from his job called me and informed me of his death and then a week later
called back to tell me you were coming." "What
was his name?" "I'm
not exactly sure. I can't remember. Didn't really pay attention." She
laughed a little at herself. "Age is starting to get to me." "Are
you sure? Not even a first name?" She paused
a moment and closed her eyes. "Ah. Started with a "J." Jackson,
Jimmy, John, Jeff, Joel, something like that." Amber tried
not to sigh in disappointment. "Oh, okay. Thanks." Amber smiled to
hide her frustration. "So
what are you doing here?" Amber
almost gave the real answer to the question; to figure out the mystery of her
dad but when she thought about it, it was kind of silly to say. "Oh.
Well, I don't know what I was going to do here." Amber answered her with a
different honest answer. "You
have a place to stay?" She asked concerned. "Well
kind of. I am supposed to have a place in the dormitory by the university, but
until it was ready I was going to stay at a hotel for a few days." The
woman nodded at her. "Well,
your father ended up buying this apartment." Amber looked at her with a
little surprise. "So you wouldn't have to pay rent, just utilities, if you
were to stay. You are welcome to. And technically he did put you as part owner
so..." She stopped mid-sentence to leave the obvious part unsaid. "It's
mine" Amber finished her sentence, but it felt almost like she spoke to
herself. After she
left Amber unpacked a few of her things in the living room. Amber didn't know
how comfortable she felt to stay there so she looked around the apartment, one
of the rooms was his bedroom which was very plain, there was a blue comforter
on the bed with two pillows and a small nightstand with an empty notebook and a
small desk lamp, the closet had some clothes in them, a few suits and some jeans
and T-shirts, she also found a small wooden cane in the back corner of the
closet however, she did not find anything she seemed to want the most; but she
did find a picture of Amber and her mom. She wanted to see some evidence that
he thought about her, but she found nothing else than the single photo. The second
room was just a bathroom and the last room was strange because there was
nothing in it. The windows were sealed off with brick so no light would get in.
The floor was just wood and there was no closet. She didn't understand what
this room was for but it gave her the creeps. Amber went
back into the living room and stopped in a stupefied shock as she had not
noticed before because her mind was so distracted. There was a bouquet of dead
roses in a vase that sat on the kitchen counter. Amber slowly walked over to
them to look at them and there was water in the vase, but the roses were dead
and they reminded her of the ones at her mother’s grave. She just stood there
and stared at them because this was all too strange as she went over in her
mind about what they could mean, or what they were for, or why they were dead
and nothing made sense so she grabbed the roses and put them in that empty
room. Amber didn't want to look at them, but to throw them away for some reason
just seemed wrong. So she
decided to make the best of everything and to stay there until her room at
university was ready. Amber got all my dad's clothes and put them in the empty
room then put hers in the closet. Although she left the cane in the bedroom
because she thought it would be a good weapon to use in case someone ever broke
in to the apartment. Amber now lived in New York City and wanted to be careful
so then she moved everything in the bathroom to the last room too and stretched
her legs in the living room before she sat down on the couch and turned on the
television after all her work moving things. She figured she would get herself
accustomed to the channel differences. She liked to watch the cooking channel
and she knew how weird she was because of this, but Amber liked to watch
infomercials especially, late at night cuddled up with a blanket and some
random midnight snack to eat. Not long
after she got settled down Amber got bored and wanted to go out and see New York
City. The sun was still up in the sky, but it slowly worked its way down, with
a glance at the clock it was 12:30pm and she figured there was a few hours to
sight see before it got too late so she quickly threw on an outfit she liked,
but covered it up with a big sweatshirt. Amber wanted to know that she looked
good, but was not in the mood to have guys look her all over. Before she
went outside Amber made sure she had the key the older woman gave her and then
stepped outside into the New York City streets. Almost immediately she got
swept up in the energy of everyone around her and just started to walk and
after a while she found herself near the Empire State Building. It was so
high up in the sky she got a little dizzy just looking at it, but was too
excited to let that bother her and quickly rushed inside and made my way to the
top. However, it took forever, hours went by as she waited in line behind lots
of other people who wanted to add the Empire State building to their,
"Must see tourists sites list" but finally after what seemed like
hours she got to walk out onto the roof. The view
was incredible and breathtaking because she could see everything in the city
around her and even the Statue of Liberty off the coast. Amber had this feeling
of patriotism come over her as she stood there; it made her smile. She ran
around the top of the building and looked in every direction at everything
however it all seemed familiar. Amber could see the city inside her head from
so high above it at the same time she saw it from the level of the highest
building, but it was still different in some way. Amber then
felt the weight of the world bare down on her as she saw the same darkness from
her dream rise up from the horizon and could see people run and scream from all
around her. As she thought about it the city she saw in her dream on the plane
looked exactly like New York. It was then the darkness rushed quickly across
the city to the Empire State building and it climbed up the sides of the
building, consumed it, and the darkness flew over the top and crashed down on
Amber like a tidal wave with shadowy hands that grabbed and squeezed the life
out of anything it touched. When Amber
woke up people stood all around her and asked if she was okay. "What
happened?" She asked to anyone that would answer. A security guard came
into view from behind her and spoke. "You
fainted just a moment ago." He offered to help her up and took his hand
and slowly got up "Oh,
I'm okay. It's just my first time up here. I must have gotten dizzy from the
height." She faked a laugh to set their minds at ease and after a few
moments someone that said they were a doctor had asked her some questions to
make sure she was okay and finally she able to escape the concern of strangers,
too many strangers, that just stared and whispered to each other and it made
her very uncomfortable. So she left
the building right after that and did not know or understand what happened, but
it seemed more real than in a dream and it frightened her. Amber shook from the
fear and it took all her might to convince herself she was fine, then hailed a
taxi down and thought it would be better to get a ride rather than walk. He
asked her where she was headed, but she didn't know where else to go right now
so she told him to take her to the university. Unfortunately
Amber had the pleasure of her first experience in a New York City traffic jam
right around rush hour. There was not a lot to look at out the window other
than angry people in their cars that waited to get through traffic. She moved
to the other side of the taxi and looked out the window at some of the stores,
but nothing of interest caught her eye until she saw what appeared to be an
older looking store hid in the depth and camouflage that is New York. It was
not big and it was called, "Lost History." Amber gave some money to
the driver and got out of the car. She did not know what it was, but she felt
drawn to that place, but it was part of another building that did not have much
else to it; both looked less then welcoming. Amber
walked up to the door which was a little larger than most average doors and
made of wood; it was a really old looking wood, but it was strong and sturdy as
she touched it. She opened the door and a small ding from a bell rang to
announce her entrance and stepped inside and it was what looked like a library,
there were several rows of books across the room and it looked like it went
back a ways, and over to the left side there was a small desk with several open
books and lots of papers scattered about it. There was
no one around or at least none that she could see so Amber walked over to the
desk and started to look at one of the books. "Can I
help you?" A man's voice from behind her pierced the silence. Startled,
she accidentally knocked over some of the books on the desk. "I am
so sorry." Amber managed to mumble out as she immediately bent down to
pick them up and heard footsteps come up next to her as she saw the man bend
down next to her to help grab the books. She looked at him and he did not look
like what she would consider a librarian with his unshaven face, in fact it was
a semi-hardy beard that covered most of his face, he had short, dark brown hair
which was all messy, and he wore glasses, his pants were tan slacks, but seemed
very worn and dirty, and he had a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves
pulled up which looked well-worn too. He looked up at Amber from the
books and he looked me over as she had done to him. His glance seemed to stop
at my eyes where it then turned into a stare and Amber looked back into his
eyes to as if to ask what he was looking at, they were a dark brown and as she
looked she thought they were very deep and intense about to the point she
started to feel uncomfortable because our eyes had met and he made a very
slight smirk she wasn’t sure if she actually saw or not. "You
have pretty eyes." He said before he looked to the books then stood up and
put them back on the desk. It was hard to tell what kind of smirk it was with
the beard or if he even smirked and what he really thought. "Oh.
Uh, thanks." Amber replied then stood up after him. "Can I
help you?" He asked again. "I was
just curious what this place was. The name of it is kind of mysterious."
Amber said with a silly tone of voice and emphasis on, "mysterious."
He nodded. "Well,
feel free to look around. This bookstore has a lot of books, but most of the
books in here you can find anywhere on the Internet now days. This just has the
hardbound copies." He said. "Okay.
It kind of looked like a library. What kind of books are they?" She asked. "Mainly
old Greek and Latin recordings of early history and even a few Mesopotamian
transcripts and maps. It’s for educational reading and we do have a vast
section of novels too." He answered. His voice
seemed oddly soft and comfortable, but stern and defensive at the same time. Amber never heard a voice like it before, so contradicting
which she kind of liked and it was strange as she listened more to the sound of
the words he said than the actual words themselves. Before
Amber started to blush because she realized she did not really hear a thing he
said and smiled and thanked him, but told him she wasn't a big history buff. He
nodded, but did not smile back then he turned and vanished into the aisles of
books. She took one more look around before she left, but noticed on one of the
books on the desk a familiar writing that reminded me of the writing that was
in the letter her dad wrote me before he died. That place could've been where
he got it from or something and she thought that maybe she would come back
later with the letter and see if this librarian or bookstore guy could help her
find out what it means. As Amber
stepped outside everything was different and she was not at the store she was
in just a second ago, the street and the buildings were changed almost
instantly and it was night time and there was no one around. She saw a
woman who wore dark clothes; some black pants and a black leather jacket with
short blond hair and her eyes seemed to glow and shine like a cats, but they
also looked normal at the same time. It was almost like there were two
different sides of her, but then she turned a corner down an alley and as
curious as Amber was she followed her and walked in after her to ask her if she
could tell Amber where she was and maybe help find her way home. She
disappeared as Amber entered the alley way which was empty except for boxes and
dumpsters; she walked in further to look for her. There was a scream from a man
that came from behind Amber so she turned around and there was a dead end. She
saw the woman stand over a man on the ground with his chest that moved quickly
up and down and blood was all around his body. The woman looked back at me and
she had a fiendish smile on her face and the man reached towards me with a
painful look on his face that cried out in fear. "Help..."
He whispered as he struggled to breathe, but Amber could not see his face, it
was blurred. The woman turned around and came towards her and she could see a
small trickle of blood drip from her lips. "You're
the one I've been looking for." She said. The woman’s face changed like
she recognized who Amber was from this devilish grin to a frightened gaze. She
put her hand up towards Amber and her eyes started to tear up. "Help
me." She cried. The next
moment Amber was back out on the streets, the man and woman were gone and she
stood on a corner. She looked around and realized Amber was at her dad's
apartment and somehow made it back there and looked at her watch and it was a
little after 11:00pm. Amber went up to the apartment and fumbled with the key
as she tried so desperately to get it in the doorknob. Amber was scared and had
no idea what had happened, she saw these weird images in my head and then
blacked out, then saw someone in trouble and two people asked for help, then
turned up somewhere else. Amber rushed up the stairs and into the apartment
then got into the bed and curled up with Stuart, her clothes still on. Amber
stared at the wall and contemplated how alone she really was now that her mom
was gone. "Dad..."
Amber said out loud in his empty room. "I don't know if you can hear me,
but I'm scared." She hoped he could hear her even though he was gone.
"I'm here trying to find out more about you and all these weird things are
happening to me. I don't know what to do." She took a deep breath, stayed
still, and closed her eyes and wiped the tears away. “Why did
you leave me and mom?” The question Amber really wanted to ask him. "What
am I doing here?" She tried to answer her own question but just felt
stupid as she tried to talk to her dead father. Amber thought through
everything in her mind over and over again and nothing made much sense.
Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and grabbed a pillow and threw it as
hard as she could across the room. Amber was frustrated with everything that
was going on and it drove her crazy and it just confused her more to think
about it. Amber was flustered, angry, confused, and tired by that time with
everything that happened and to think about it worked her up only to give her a
headache. She then heard a noise come from outside the room. It was dark
in the apartment with the only light that came in from the windows. She did not
want to turn on any lights to give whoever was in the apartment the ability to
see her better so she slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the closet
where she left her dad’s cane. Amber grabbed it and gripped it like a baseball
bat then quickly, but quietly opened the door and looked around. There was no
one there, but to her right she heard what sounded like footsteps so she turned
to swing as hard as she could, but there was still nothing. She looked at the
door to the empty room and it was slightly open even though she knew she shut
that door. Amber took a quick look in the living room and kitchen to make sure
there was not anyone that hid in there then slowly crept down the hall to the
room and at this point she was so scared and nervous, but with every step
closer then more and more the adrenaline inside her pumped through her body and
pushed Amber to take one more step then another. Her breathing started to get
heavy but kept it as quiet as she could. The footsteps were light on the wood floor
and she could feel her hands get sweaty from the hold on the cane which was so
tight, but she didn't relax my grip. Amber
reached the door and looked inside through the crack of the open door, but it
was pitch black inside except the light that came in from the door. She thought
she saw something move inside perhaps someone was inside and waited for me to
go back to the bedroom so he can escape, or worse. Amber took a deep breath and
let go of the cane with one hand and slowly moved the other hand in between the
door and the frame to turn on the light. In her mind Amber planned it perfectly
to open the door, hit the light switch, and beat whoever it was with the cane.
Her mind ticked as she counted to three several times, but with no success and
each time she chickened out. The fear had gripped her enough she could not
bring herself to do it. Amber shook her head and screamed inside her mind to
just do it; one, two, three.... Now!
And she moved with speed she had not felt before. The light
flashed on as she burst into the room full strength and swung the cane blindly
like a sword. The cane cut through the air and landed with a hard thump on the
floor and the room was empty except for the few bathroom things, a pile of
clothes, and the flowers she had in the far corner and she slumped to her knees
defeated in scaring herself over nothing. "Am I
going crazy?" Amber asked herself. She felt a
hand on her shoulder and froze with her whole body stiff from fear and she
could barely breathe as her heart skipped a beat. Amber did not dare move as
she looked at the ground in front of her and saw a large shadow was cast over
her. She could feel whoever it was shift its body next to her; crouched on the
ground. She felt a hand on her other shoulder and she swallowed nothing but
saliva as she tried to gather the courage to move and slowly regained the
vice-like grip on the cane to prepare herself to do whatever she had to, to
protect herself. Amber could sense his lips move, but no sound came out then
just a moment later she could hear a voice echo inside her head. "Don't
be afraid my Little Princess." All of a sudden her body perked up and she
could feel her eyes widen as Amber recognized that voice. "Dad?"
The words came out by themselves and Amber quickly turned to see his face next
to mine. There sat her dad crouched next to her and she turned around all the
way and sat back on my butt and rested on my hands. She stared him straight in
the face and he smiled at her, but his face looked tired and stressed which was
different than she remembered, he had a little longer hair almost to his
shoulders and it had even started to gray a little from the even brown color
that it used to be and at that point Amber could feel herself begin to cry as
he smiled a little smirk which put all her fears to rest and she felt
completely safe. Almost in
the same instant Amber sat up in bed and there was sunlight that came through
the window and the cracks of the door. She looked around and her father was
gone. She felt her face which was all wet from tears she had cried in her sleep
so she wiped away the tears with her hands and bed sheet. Amber felt him; her
dad was here or was he? Was what she had just a dream or something else? Was it
like those other images she had seen? All that Amber knew was she was not
scared anymore. After Amber
got ready for the day she looked in that empty room, but there was nothing
unusual so she stepped inside to see if she could feel him there, but did not
feel anything so she left immediately. Today was
the first day Amber would start at university because she had come in mid
semester, but they were able to work things out for her. It was a large
university just like North Carolina at least from her point of view. Luckily,
Amber was able to find her way around easy enough and the classes were full of
people of all kinds in these large auditoriums like classrooms. The day seemed
very long and the classes seemed even longer. Amber was a junior that took
generals and electives which she was just about finished with so she needed to
figure out where she wanted to go from there, but she still felt lost as she
always had before. After she finished classes Amber walked around campus for a
while to try and get familiar with everything and found this nice little grassy
spot with two or three small trees around it. The grass was a little worn so
people hung out there often or passed through and she could see why because it
seemed to be the quietest area around, there were few people, and you could not
really hear the noise of traffic or college students make noise and you could
hear nature and it felt good so she decided to lay down and let it soak in. It was
strange that the weather was so nice because she thought it was supposed to be
a little colder around this time of year in New York, but it did not bother her
much as she got lost in the sky. Amber looked at the clouds in the sky and
started to see the different shapes, sizes, and objects which at first they
were normal things like bunnies or flowers then they started to look very
strange and began to move fast and took on shapes she didn't understand at
first as the clouds looked like writing; the same language Amber saw in the
letter her dad left me and the book at the store. After that the letters changed
and took shapes of what looked like giant lizards with wings and as she thought
more about it they looked like dragons. These dragons flew around the sky and
there were many of them and they were magnificent beasts with scales and claws,
but even with that reptile look they were almost beautiful. One by one they
flew off into the sky and could not be seen anymore until there were none left
and after a while she did not see any clouds except this one small one which
was white and puffy like the kind of clouds kids would draw. It slowly started
to grow and take shape; it grew and grew until it took up half the sky and it
looked like it was a city, a city unlike anything she has ever seen, there was
a large tower that came right out of the middle of the city and reached up into
the sky. It was so detailed and everything was outlined with exact precision of
the building which looked so futuristic with a glass-like metal that was so
smooth it left her in complete awe as she looked at it with such excitement and
wonder she had never felt before. Then all of
a sudden the darkness that Amber had seen before that attacked New York City
started to grow and consume this cloud city, but the city seemed to fight the
darkness. The white clouds and the darkness seemed to fight for a long time
back and forth; each struggled to overpower the other and she could feel the
ground shake from the conflict. Soon it became so violent the city began to
crumble and the buildings broke apart and shattered and fell to the ground all
around her in huge blocks of white smoke that disappeared after it hit the
earth. The white clouds disappeared and all that was left was darkness. Amber
looked frantically for some light and then started to feel the fear crawl back
into her body through her spine. She would do anything, go anywhere; it did not
matter to her as long as she could just see something. The darkness scared her
and she did not want to be left alone, but just then a small light began to
glow in front of her. It was a white ball of light that split into five
different balls; spheres of lights, a white; green, blue, red, and purple that
started to glow brighter and she could see that each light shot out a ray
towards her. It looked like a road through the darkness to the spheres of
lights, all five different roads to guide me, but then the roads continued in
the opposite direction from her as they lead from the spheres, but eventually
merged together in the distance, all the different lights into one road that
lead further away from her. Amber did not really understand what it meant or
where it lead, but she started to feel relieved as she could see past the
darkness and the spheres of light; Amber saw what looked like another city that
was made out of something even better than the cloud city all colored gold and
white as it slowly appeared out of the darkness at the end of the road. She
wanted to go there and so she reached out towards it and tried to move forward.
Amber could not describe exactly what the material of the building was, but it
had an almost crystal look to it. Amber found
herself alone on a sidewalk somewhere in New York City with her hand stretched
outward so she pulled it back and looked around to see if anyone was saw, but
no one was there. She figured
she blacked out again and wound up at some random place so she looked around
and could not see any taxi's, but after amber scanned the area for a minute
more thoroughly she noticed a bus stop down the street and ran towards it
because she was very afraid to be alone in the city at night. She made it to
the bus stop and looked at the schedule on the pole which was very worn and
dirty, but could make out most of the times. It was almost 10:00pm as she
looked at her watch and the last bus to arrive was at 10:05pm which left her
relieved. Amber could have been stranded for hours for all she knew or who
knows what else could have happened and so she checked her purse and found a
few quarters to use for the bus. Amber stood
there at the bus stop for a few minutes and waited impatiently as she looked
behind her to see an alley that she glanced down quickly at the trash and
dumpsters to see if there was anything of interest to look at while she waited.
Sadly there was more in the alley to look at than what was around the streets. As she
looked at the alley it seemed to move closer to her so she rubbed her eyes and
nothing was wrong as the alley was where it was originally. Amber looked down
the street to see if she could see the bus, but saw across the street a car
that had rust all over it and she shook her head and sighed at that place. "This
place is awful." She said to herself. Amber heard what sounded like a
bottle skipped across asphalt only to look down the street and see nothing then
heard something behind her that sounded like a light thud on the sidewalk, but
before she could turn to look Amber felt a hand cover her mouth and an arm wrap
around her body trapping her left arm. Amber tried to scream, but it was
muffled so she started to kick and jump around which got difficult because her
body was lifted up off the ground as she was carried backwards into the alley.
She could see the sides of the buildings go by her as she moved further into
the alley. Amber tried to hit him with my right arm which did not do anything
and she could not pry his hand from her mouth to call for help either. She was
finally able to buck her body hard enough the man lost his grip on her and she
fell to my feet and stumbled forward as to run. The person behind her grabbed
her shoulder turned her around as he came into view she saw what the man wore;
a dark blue hoodie and jeans, but his face was covered by the hood and all she
could see was his lips and chin; the rest was hid in darkness. He lifted
his fist and threw it at Amber, but she did not expect that nor could she move
fast enough out of the way and he hit her in the face across the cheek. Amber
fell to the ground and put her hands to her left cheek which burned and stung.
The man knelt down and reached for her, but she threw her hands and legs at him
to keep him away. He fought her legs and was able to kick him hard enough he
fell on his back. Amber got up as quickly as she could and started to run
towards the street and screamed a few times for help. She made it about 10ft. before
something hit her feet and she tripped and fell. Amber looked up towards the
street and cried for help again. Amber
started to cry as she screamed out again for help when she got flipped around
on her back and the man with the hoodie jumped on top of her and covered her
mouth before Amber could scream again. He held her down as she tried to fight
him off and then he ripped her purse off her shoulder and dumped the contents
on the ground. Amber did not carry more than a few dollars in cash, all her money
stayed in the bank and she used a card for so he did not look satisfied at what
Amber had so he moved his hand to the bottom of her shirt and she could feel
his dirty hand touch her stomach. She did not
know what else to do as she kept trying to scream and fight him off as tears
continued to roll down her face as she looked up at him and still couldn't see
his face, but could hear him breathe and smell the alcohol. His gaze
moved from Amber up towards the street and she could not believe what happened
as the man on top of her lifted off the ground, away from her, and flew
backwards into the alley and smashed into the building wall about 30ft. away.
She leaned my head back and could see a man in a trench coat with his arm
raised forward with his palm open. He slowly lowered his arm and looked at her
as she rolled over on her stomach and slowly lifted herself up to her knees. “Are you
okay?” He asked. Amber lifted her head up to look at
him and he moved from the entrance of the alley to where she was in a split
second with no sound of footsteps. Amber wiped away some of the tears so she
could see him better, the man was from the bookstore and under the trench coat
the shirt and pants he wore were visible, but no glasses. She did not know what
to say and the more she looked at him she realized that she had seen him
somewhere before the bookstore, but had no idea where. Amber started to speak
when something weird happened; she could feel everything start to get slower
like time had slowed down like in her nightmare. She looked at the man and he
seemed to notice as well so he turned around to look out towards the street and
so she moved her gaze to the side of him to look where he was looking. It was
there that my nightmare, something that I was so afraid of and believed to be a
figment of my imagination came to life at the opening of the alley, the sides
of the buildings seem to rise higher in the sky and as time slowed down almost
to a halt as she saw a shadow of a man appear in front of them. It was the
shadow from her nightmare; she could feel her body tense up and could not move
because of the fear. Amber did not know what to do as she saw the shadow step
towards her and could see vibrations emit from its body. She was stuck in
reality and this was not a dream she could wake up from, which could not be
real; Amber was not asleep. She was awake. © 2012 Joel AdenynAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Joel AdenynSan Francisco, CAAboutI like stories. So if there is a good story out there, book, movie, video games, TV show, doesn't matter what medium it comes in. It's all about the story, the world the characters are placed in, how .. more..Writing