![]() Chapter 5: Lost HistoryA Chapter by Joel Adenyn![]() Amber learns more of the world around her.![]() Chapter 5 Lost History
The day began like any other; Amber got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Joel had prepared the bathroom with new soap and towels for her to use. She thanked him and took care of business. After the
shower Amber got dressed in the same clothes she had worn the day before and it
made her feel gross, but it could not be helped right now. They had a short
breakfast before they sat down on the couch to watch T.V. It was still early in
the day and she has yet to see Jack. Amber hoped he was okay and Joel assured
her that he was probably just really tired from everything that happened. Joel and
Amber did not say much other than the regular pleasantries. "Hi, how are
you?" and then, "Oh I'm fine. Thanks. You?" Nothing really to
get excited about, but she guessed he would let her talk when she was ready and
would not push anything. She appreciated that. Amber heard
a door behind her open and close and the two looked back to see Jack with his
eyes on us and so Amber greeted him with the best welcome smile she could
muster. "How
you feeling Jack?" Joel asked concerned. "Fine."
He replied. He nodded
and turned back to the T.V. Amber stood up and went over to him and stopped in
front of him to look Jack over. "You
were the one at my mom's grave with the flowers weren't you?" She asked
bluntly. "Yes." Her smile
was very light and subtle. "Thank
you." She said. He nodded
to her response and she did not know how to react to his silent nod and walked
past him to the kitchen. Jack went towards the door after she passed him and
Joel noticed him trying to leave and turned his head away from the T.V. "Hey,
what needs to be done?" He asked. "I
need to speak with Erdois." Jack answered. "Okay.
I'll be here." Jack turned
to Amber in the kitchen and she looked at him as he did. "Can I
trust you to stay here?" He asked. "Yes." He put his
hand on the doorknob and began to twist when she spoke up. "Jack,
wait a second." He released
his hand and turned towards her as she came over to him. Amber’s eyes went
directly to his as she stopped. "I've
decided to give you a chance and try to believe everything that's going
on." Her voice was quiet and a little unsure of exactly how she was going
to say that. "Glad
you decided what kind of person you are." He said. She felt
good about that and it was almost as if she wanted his approval. "What
happened to your cheek?" His tone stayed the same as it had every time
they spoke. In other words it did not sound like he was too concerned. "Oh,
it happened yesterday." "The
werewolf?" "No."
She said. "When?" Amber did
not reply and then tensed up a bit as she thought about it. "Tell
me." Jack said. "I was
at the university. A girl appeared out of nowhere and attacked me in one of the
bathrooms." Amber responded quickly to say it and get it over with, to try
and forget about it. "What
do you think?" Joel asked. She looked
at him then back to Jack confused. "I'll
look into it." Jack said. Amber could
see Joel look at Jack with a confused look on his face as well when he said
that. "So
who was it?" Amber asked as her interest in the topic began to rise. "There
are spirits in this world, both good and bad, that sometimes can't move onto
the other side. Most people can feel the presence of a spirit. Their sixth
sense if you will; however since you can see her she can affect you more than
most people that don't believe in such things and if she attacked you then most
likely she is either some kind of tortured soul or an innocent spirit that
wants revenge for something bad that happened to her in her past life or any
other number of spiritual being." Joel explained quite well to Amber and
she understood almost immediately. "But,
why me?" She asked. "Could
be that she is just angry and wants to hurt whoever she can in order to feel
better." Joel tried to be careful with how he said it. "Wrong place
at the wrong time." "What
are you going to do?" Amber said to Jack. "Depends." "Depends
on what?" She asked. Her
patience began to wear thin at his short answers. "It
will depend on what kind of spirit she is." Joel answered for him again. Amber
looked at the ground and started to think about it. Jack turned back towards
the door to leave. "Wait."
She said. He stopped again turned to look at her. "If
she needs help, can you help her?" The fear that originally held her
emotions on the topic turned to concern. If she was just some poor girl that
needs help Amber wanted to do what she could. Her mom told her that Amber’s
father was the type of person that would help anyone that needed it no matter
who it was. He took a
deep breath and quickly glanced at Joel before they made eye contact again. "I'll
try." "Can I
come?" She asked. He looked
at Amber differently for a moment as if he remembered something then shook his
head. "Why
not?" "Because
it would be safer to keep you away from anyone that would want to take or hurt
you." Joel said. "Who
would want me besides the Shadows? In fact, why was the werewolf guy after
me?" Amber asked just as her mind exploded with a whole bunch of new
questions she wanted to ask. "The
werewolf probably worked for a higher authority, a mage or even a vampire."
Joel answered. "Vampires
are real too?" She asked and felt the fear slowly creep up her spine. "Yes."
Jack said. "Well,
as long as I've got you two to protect me I'll be fine." Amber said as she
tried to reason with both of them. Jack's
stance slackened for a second before he returned to his soldier-at-attention
stance. There was something strange about Jack that started to get on her
nerves; like he knew a lot more than he was willing to tell. "The
answer is still no." Jack said. "Hey!"
She raised her voice. Jack seemed
un-phased by her change in attitude, but Joel was taken back in surprise. "I've
been through a lot the past week and I am trying to cooperate with you and
believe you. That is my step of faith. Now, if you expect me to be a part of
this world I need to see and learn all that I can about everything if I'm going
to be any help." Amber inhaled as she finished that all in one breath. Joel sat
there silent. Jack just looked at her and she could see his eyes were focused
at hers. "Fine."
Jack said. “Later." He turned
and left. Amber
exhaled in a sigh of relief. She had held her breath in anticipation as she
found herself afraid that he would have said no. She looked over at Joel who
did not move. "Tell
me about Jack." She said. Joel was
caught off guard by this and stuttered a little bit. He turned off the T.V. and
went to the kitchen and she joined him after he gestured to her to come. "What
do you want to know?" He asked. "I
don't know exactly. Why is he like that?" "Like
what?" "So,
closed off." Joel paused
a moment. "Well,
he used to be a talkative guy; very out-going, funny, friendly, and warm. That
was a long time ago though." "What
happened?" Amber asked. "I
can't tell you." "Why
not?" She asked irritated. "It's
not my business." She
understood what he meant by that and continued with her questions. "Okay.
How come you and Jack have normal names but that Erdois guy doesn't? And who is
he anyway?" Amber asked and started to get more and more curious about
everything. It was as if whenever he answered one question 5 more popped into
her head. "Well,
he is a Council member. His realm being that of Life, he has great healing
powers. As a Council member he is one of the most powerful mages in the world
within his respective realm. Erdois is his Real name. He, Jack and I believe,
is at the very least somewhat trustworthy. There are a lot of political
problems even in a secret underground government just as there are in the
United States and other countries." Joel laughed a little. "Oh."
She said. "It's
just harder to trust those in power." He said. "I
understand. Power corrupts." "Exactly." "Okay.
Uh, what did you mean when you said, Erdois was his "Real"
name?" She asked a little confused. "Well,
if you complete the journey through the astral planes to your realm you
discover your Real name. Not the one that was given to you by your parents
which is called your, "Fallen" name." He explained. "Oh
okay." Amber said. "It's
kind of a spiritual name. It's a rite of passage in a way. Something that helps
you become more aware of yourself and who you are. The name of your soul, if
you will." "And
Jack?" "Jack
preferred to go by his Fallen name. He believes that if you tell someone your
Real name that you are giving them power over you. Others agree and others
don’t so they go by their Real name or create a nickname for themselves
instead." Amber
thought about that and it made sense. She would want to keep her name to
herself and not let anyone know who she truly was if it gave someone power over
her. "What
about you?" She asked. He slumped
in the seat as he seemed to get really depressed by her question. "No.
I... uh. I never got one." He said. "What
do you mean?" "Well,
when you awaken something really traumatic is usually what triggers it. There
are few that have been able to awaken on their own without being forced since
the Fall. I was too attached to the reality of the Fallen World and wasn't able
to fully complete my astral journey to my realm." He sounded almost
ashamed of himself. "What
happened?" Amber was
curious and intrigued by everything that he told her. It was all like some
fantastic story that just happened to be real, but at the same time felt sorry for
him by the way his presence changed. He talked as if it was a great thing to
awaken and that he was a disgrace. "I was
here in New York a few years ago as a chaperon on my little cousin's choir
trip. I went out one night and I got attacked by a vampire..."
He said. "And?" "Well,
my spirit left my body to begin the journey, but like I said, I was too
attached to The Fallen World; I returned to my body without a name and
without a realm or powers. I can't use magic like Jack. I'm normal like most people
except that I can see what they cannot. That's all." "If a
vampire attacked you why aren't you one of them or dead or something?" She
asked. "Jack
saved me." "Really?" "Yeah.
Since I could see all these things I decided to stay with him and Keith and
leave my old life behind. I promised to stay with Jack and repay him for saving
me however I could." "Will
you ever wake up?" "No." "How
come?" "Because
I failed. Ever since the beginning anyone that failed was never able to
awaken." "Well,
that's just stupid." Amber said angrily. Joel
chuckled. "Yes
it is." He said. She
realized how sad Joel had gotten so she decided to change the topic. "What
about the realms?" She asked. "There
are five realms; each one of them representing not only the former Five Guilds
of Atlantis and the Kings, but the main Realms of Existence that govern all
threads of existence, Life, Death, Nature, Spirit, and Chaos. Every Chosen
belongs to only one realm based upon their own beliefs and thoughts and to
limit the power that anyone can have in the Fallen World." As she got
him to talk about something else he started to cheer up a bit. "Each
comes with different powers and magic that can be transmitted through the Rift
from that specific realm. Everyone has their own Aura which can be used to
identify not only which realm they belong to, but that individual. It's like a
spiritual fingerprint. However, a Keeper can create magic from any and all realms.
That is why they are so powerful and sought after. They have the ability to
teach others to channel more than one realm as well." Joel said. "So I
can use all realms?" She asked amazed. "Yes.
That's partly why so many people want you. Vampires, werewolves, demons, and
other Chosen are all after you for either to learn or to be cured.” She sat
there dumbfounded. "What?"
Joel asked. "I
just never would've thought I could be so important." "Your
dad thought so." Amber
looked at Joel and he gave her a warm smile and it felt good to hear him say
that. She was so important to her dad and her whole life thought he did not
care. "What
was he like?" She asked. "He
was a good man. Always did whatever he could to help whoever needed it. He
believed in justice; honor, respect, and to do the right thing. Every
time." "What
else? I already knew that. My mom told me that much about him." "Oh.
Well, he enjoyed watching T.V. He loved to read. Always tried to lift someone
up when they were down. Um, he had this funny habit of always eating most of
his food cold." Joel once again started to seem a little depressed by the
topic. He seemed to really care about her father. Joel took a
deep breath and laughed a little. "I'm
sorry." He said. "For
what?" "I
realize I get sad easy." He laughed again. She laughed
a little with him. "It's
okay. It just happened a little while ago. It takes time to grieve." We sat there
for a moment in silence. Amber liked what she heard about her dad, but did not
want to start to cry and bring Joel down more so she changed the subject again. "What
realm does Jack belong to?" She asked. Joel once
again picked himself up and continued to answer my questions. "When
he was first Chosen Jack went to the Realm of Life because of the certain thoughts and beliefs he had." "And
now?" "Your
father decided to take Jack as his disciple and teach him to channel the other
realms. Jack can create magic from Life, Chaos, Nature, and Spirit." "So
Jack is really strong then, but why not Death?" "Yes
he's strong, but there is always someone stronger, smarter, and better than you. That's a rule of life. Anyway, since Life and Death are
polar opposites, but require each other to exist it takes a master to be able
to control the energies that come from both of them." "Oh
okay. That makes sense to me." Not really. "So
what kind of beliefs and thoughts made him part of the Life Realm?" She
was curious about what kind of people belonged to each realm. "That
life is precious, to put others before yourself and be a good example in a
corrupt world. Things like that. Another part of it ties into religion." "In
what way?" "There
are not a lot of Chosen that belong to the Life Realm; they are very spiritual
and or religious. Because of the symbolism of that the powers of Life were
given to them." As she
thought about it kind of made sense so Amber assumed that someone with the
Nature realm was in-tune with the plants and trees; they loved to be outdoors
and cared about animals too. "However
when someone religious awakes they begin to learn the history and past of our
Fallen World they lose faith in the existence of God. People believe what they
see and our world is nothing like that in the Bible or in religious
groups." "That's
so sad." She felt sorry for those that lose faith in something that can
give hope and values and guidance to people that need it. "Yes
it is. Most of them grouped together and created a political group known as,
the Order of Light. Jack being as well-known as he is for being
your fathers disciple doesn't belong to the group and to my knowledge is the
only one that still believes in God." Amber
dropped my mouth slightly in surprise. Jack would have never seemed like the
type that would be religious. "Jack
is different compared to everyone else." Joel said with a smirk. "I
could have told you that and I’ve barely spoken with the guy." She said. Joel broke out
in laughter. "That's
one reason why your father liked Jack. He was himself and didn't let anyone tell him otherwise." Joel got control of his laughter
and leaned back in his chair and looked at Amber with a smile. "What?"
She asked. "I
know Jack may seem cold and distant. But give him a chance. He may surprise
you." "Maybe."
She did not think he could surprise her. Amber knew Jack was a mystery, but
question was if he was one she wanted to solve. "Okay
so tell me about this Council thing." She said to push the conversation
forward. "The
Council is a group of the 5 most powerful mages from the Fallen World that each belong to a different realm plus the leaders of the Werewolf
Clans and the Vampire Families that govern the rules and laws of society of
mages, werewolves, and vampires." "Why
werewolves and vampires? Aren't they evil or something?" Amber got upset
to hear that those monsters that attacked her are a part of the government
thing. "Not
all werewolves and vampires are evil. They are the ones that were able to hold
onto their humanity after they were Forsaken or turned into what
they are. But yes, a lot of them are out there hurting and killing
people." Joel tried to calm me down and it worked a little. "So,
how did werewolves and vampires become what they are?" "Good
question." Joel leaned forward and put his elbows on the table. "There
was a necromancer which is basically a mage that dwells in magic that involves darkness and death. He sought power and he learned all he
could from the Fallen World so he looked elsewhere. He discovered the power of
the Rift and got very greedy. He was consumed by its power and was transformed
into a vampire." Joel told me as his voice went a little lower. "Was
that Dracula?" She started to get pulled into Joel's little story world. "Yes
or so we believe, Dracula, The First and with him the rest of what you know
about vampires. The thirst for blood came from his cannibalistic tendencies and
whenever you lose blood you become weaker. So they have to constantly feed on
blood to get stronger. The curse of everlasting life which he strove for ever
since he was Chosen was given to him consequently turning him undead." He
said. "Okay,
so what about their weaknesses? A stake through their heart, a cross, garlic,
and those things?" Amber asked as she started to challenge
his knowledge. "A
stake or something with a sharp point really. The heart because it is the
strongest muscle in the body. The belief of that made it possible for
vampires to be maimed or badly injured and still be able to function perfectly
unless you get the heart. The cross because of the symbolism is has with Christ
and the ultimate good he did by sacrificing his life for the sins of others.
Dracula did not believe in God and was in fact quite opposed to him." Joel stood
up and headed to the kitchen as he talked. "Garlic
is a medicinal herb with many healing purposes and so things with healing
properties became lethal to his everlasting life because he was technically
dead. Now sunlight is a good one; it is the symbol for light and ultimate power
so it can kill vampires within minutes. Not an instant death like you would
think because we're naturally in the sun all the time." "Wow."
She said. "So things that mean something or symbolize something really
make up for things in this world. I understand." "Good."
Joel opened up a cupboard and got out a cup. "Want something to
drink?" He asked from back in the kitchen. "Sure.
Water's fine." She answered. Amber started to get edgy as she wanted to
know more. She always did like mythology and topics like that and fantasy was
always an interest of hers. "What
next?" Joel asked as he came back with two cups of water. "Their
powers." She said excitedly. Joel took a
big gulp of water and swallowed. "Okay.
First of all they a lot are stronger and faster than normal. Transforming into
a bat or mist is not true. However, they can meld and blend with any darkness
or shadows that are around them. The power of hypnotism is kind of there. They
don't really hypnotize people. They use fear to manipulate their victim and
some can use their looks because he was an extremely vain person that is why
they are very beautiful people. But their fear does almost the same as the
Shadows do except the Shadows paralyze you with fear not manipulate." "I
don't want to see another one of those." She said. "Neither
do I. " Joel agreed without hesitation. "And
one more thing. They can use every sense at increased levels." Joel
continued. "Okay."
She said. "Depending
on the amount of blood they drain from others; the more they have the more powerful they are. They are able to use that extra blood to
make themselves stronger but they are no longer a part of the 5 Realms, but of
the Rift." He stopped. "Is
that it?" She asked. "About
vampires, yeah. That's pretty much it." He answered. "I'm
afraid to hear about werewolves." Joel
smiled. "Don't
worry. They are scarier in person as I'm sure you found out personally." Amber gave
Joel a look that told him to never go there again. Joel got it and his smiled
faded. "Sorry." "It's
okay." She lied. "Still
want to know?" He asked. "Yes,
but only because I'm curious." This was the truth. "Okay,
there are mages known as, Druids. They are mages that dwell with the earth and
nature. There was an evil druid who, like Dracula, experimented with the
darkness that lies in the Rift and he was twisted into a menacing
creature." He said. "Why a
wolf and not some twisted monster?" She asked. "Well,
the druid admired the wolf being a survivor. It was a noble and yet ferocious beast that was strong and fast." "Oh.
Why does the full moon change them into those beasts? Wait, how did that one
werewolf turn into last night? It wasn't a full moon." She demanded an
answer. "He cheated." Joel
laughed a little "No, he didn't cheat. Both werewolves and vampires over
the centuries have adapted and evolved to suit the requirements of this world,
but also learned to control and develop their strengths. Werewolves can
willingly change and have control of themselves except on the full moon. It
releases the wild hungry beast inside them. That's more dangerous than when
they change themselves. Why the full moon we don't know exactly. It could be
that way because that's when the moon's gravity is the strongest, but that's
only a theory." "I
still don't like it." Amber said. "Well,
that's how it is." "So
why does a silver bullet kill them?" Amber wanted to keep the conversation
going and continue to learn more so she can start to go out into the world
instead of being trapped inside this apartment. "It's
more lethal to them because the first druid was greedy. He craved after gold.
He stole, murdered, and raped for it. Gold corrupts the hearts
of men. However, silver is believed to be the pure metal in comparison. It doesn't corrupt like
gold does. Any silver weapon can kill a werewolf or anything with silver; a
bullet, a sword, an axe, a bracelet even. They can also be killed from constant
injury; hit it many times with a sword or shoot it with lots of bullets and it
will die eventually if you don’t give it the chase to rest and heal, but that's
if you last long enough. And they are much faster and stronger than us and
rival the vampires in that field depending on the individual." He said. Amber was
amazed that all of these myths and legends actually had an explanation and history to them and are in fact a part of reality and she
could imagine what else there was out there that was real. "Remember
the other night when you were first telling me about everything?" She
asked Joel. "Yes." "What
was the last part? I wasn't really there when you were telling me." She
said embarrassed. "Ah. I
think I was telling you about the Dark Ages." "Yes.
That was it." "Okay.
Well, the Dark Ages had more misery then the history books say. A Shadow got
hold of the Knowledge through one of the Keepers to enter the Heavens and it
opened up a tunnel connecting the realms. At which point all hell broke loose.
The Fallen World cannot handle the other realm yet because of the power of
unreality that emits from the Rift. When people saw what they could not
understand or believe, paradoxes were created causing mayhem and destruction."
Joel spoke calmly even though Amber could feel her heart start to beat a little
faster. "How
did the Dark Ages end?" She asked in a slight whisper. "Do
you know anything about King Arthur?" He asked me. "Yes.
A little." She answered. "Well,
the Keeper at that time had a son that was unknown to the Shadow. His name was
Merlin." Joel stopped for a moment as she looked at him with disbelief. He
smiled. "Merlin
using the help of another Chosen, The Lady of the Lake, created Excalibur. The sword possessed both of their powers and they needed
someone that was normal, but able to see the higher world and could not cause
paradoxes, someone like me. The person had to have a good heart and soul to
wield Excalibur and so the powers of the Rift couldn't affect him as much.
That's when they found Arthur who possessed those qualities. Excalibur even
possessed some of the Rift's own essence causing magic to become useless in its
presence. It was through Arthur with Merlin's help that they defeated the Shadow;
closed the tunnel, and brought mankind out of the Dark Ages. Mankind wasn't
ready to return to the way things were before and because of that it pushed
back centuries of our work towards uniting the worlds." Joel said. "So if
a Shadow got my dad then why hasn't that happened again?" She asked. "As I
said, we don't know. No one really has any idea at this point. There are many
theories that the Council has thought of, but none of which we can prove. All
we can do is be thankful nothing happened." Joel said gladly. "What
about you and Jack?" Amber asked as her curiosity turned a little towards
Jack again. Joel was
silent. "Where
were you and Jack when my dad died?" She asked a little louder. "I was
with Erdois. We were talking to other Council members." "And
Jack?" "I
don't know." "What
do you mean you don't know?" She asked and started to get suspicious. "I
don't know. Jack didn't say. He hasn't told anyone where he was, but Jack was
the one to find him." Joel said it like he felt sorry for Jack. Amber sat
back in the chair and folded her arms. She did not like that. If Jack could
kill a Shadow and protect me why did he not do that for my dad? Her thoughts
began to run and she started to think of a million different reasons about why
or why not. She could feel herself start to get angry at Jack. "What
are you thinking?" Joel asked concerned. "Nothing.
I'm going to watch some T.V. to get my mind of things." Joel said
nothing as she got up and went over to the couch; picked up the remote, and
turned on the T.V. Amber just wanted to drown out her thoughts for a while and
give her some time to cool down. It could not have been Jack's fault her dad
died yet at the same time she could not help but feel like Jack had something to
do with it. Amber would just have to ask him what happened and hope he tells
her the truth. © 2012 Joel Adenyn |
StatsAuthor![]() Joel AdenynSan Francisco, CAAboutI like stories. So if there is a good story out there, book, movie, video games, TV show, doesn't matter what medium it comes in. It's all about the story, the world the characters are placed in, how .. more..Writing